PostgreSQL loadable plugin
[ZBX-22373] updated go.mod/sum to allow mixing session and key parameter for Zabbix agent 2 items (esneiders)
Changes for 7.0.0rc1
New features:
Bug fixes:
[ZBX-24186] added support of arm64 to Makefile (mprihodko)
Changes for 7.0.0beta3
7.0.0beta2 was released as 7.0.0beta3 without any changes
Changes for 7.0.0beta2
7.0.0beta1 was released as 7.0.0beta2 without any changes
Changes for 7.0.0beta1
New features:
[ZBX-17208] use new flags handling function package location (rzvejs)
Changes for 7.0.0alpha9
New features:
[ZBX-23217] added cache mode parameter (esneiders)
7.0.0alpha9 released without any changes
Changes for 7.0.0alpha8
7.0.0alpha8 released without any changes
Changes for 7.0.0alpha7
New features:
[ZBX-22735] update plugin support version (rzvejs)
[ZBXNEXT-7097] add pgsql.version metric (rzvejs)
Bug fixes:
[ZBX-22532] update flag handling to use common function from plugin-support (rzvejs)
[ZBX-23599] fix windows properies build (rzvejs)
Changes for 7.0.0alpha6
7.0.0alpha6 released without any changes
Changes for 7.0.0alpha5
Bug fixes:
[ZBX-23217] fixed TLS connections parameters and requirements (esneiders)
Changes for 7.0.0alpha4
7.0.0alpha4 released without any changes