.........T [ZBX-21143] changed API URL in Express.ms media type to a new version (drasihov)
.........T [ZBX-20875] fixed filter condition for job discovery rule in MSSQL by ODBC template (drasihov)
.......PS. [ZBX-21137] fixed vmware collector crash related to datastore state disconnected from all HVs (MVekslers)
.........T [ZBX-20985] fixed notifications summary for MS Teams media type (drasihov)
.........T [ZBX-20628] removed system metrics from PFSense template (vkhaliev)
.........T [ZBX-20903] removed duplicate in Windows services discovery filter regexp (drasihov)
..F....... [ZBX-18652] fixed data overview discrepancy between host location top and left (agriscenko)
5.0.24rc1 was released as 5.0.24 without any changes
..F....... [ZBX-20946] enabled German, Greek, Romanian, Spanish and Vietnamese languages in frontend (miks)
...G...... [ZBX-20911] added process state check in PROC_NUM() for Oracle Solaris (Andris)
..F....... [ZBX-19381] fixed resolving of macros in item key parameters when testing items in web interface (Sasha)
..F....... [ZBX-18520] fixed showing of fields that do not belong to selected item type in item edit form (miks)
.........T [ZBX-20950] updated regular expressions for services discovery in windows templates (vkhaliev)
.......PS. [ZBX-20600] fixed vmware hv.datastore.latency item when multiple datastores with duplicate name (MVekslers)
...G...... [ZBX-20356] fixed perfomance counters not working when removed and added again on Zabbix agent2 (vso)
...G...... [ZBX-20886] fixed handle leak on Zabbix agent 2 in vfs.fs.get (vso)
........S. [ZBX-20823] fixed inability to update hosts that were created by LLD on aarch64 (vso)
..F....... [ZBX-20380] fixed maintenance highlighting having priority over problem severity highlighting for map elements of map, host group and trigger types (agriscenko)
5.0.23rc1 was released as 5.0.23 without any changes
.........T [ZBXNEXT-5580] added macros and fixed filesystem utilization triggers for Windows, Linux and some other templates (vkhaliev)
...G.....T [ZBXNEXT-7559] updated smart.disk.discovery and smart.disk.get metrics for Zabbix agent 2 and updated S.M.A.R.T passive and active templates (abiba, esneiders)
........S. [ZBX-20951] fixed dependent item discovery validation in LLD (wiper)
...G...... [ZBX-20783] fixed Zabbix agent2 not to fail when global regular expression is received with empty delimiter (vso)
..F....... [ZBX-20746] fixed auto-suggest in graph widget configuration not showing discovered item names (agriscenko)
.......PS. [ZBX-20844] fixed external check becoming unsupported when Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy is stopped (vso)
..F....... [ZBX-20299] fixed not detecting user macros by "Test item" dialog if they are used in the calculated item formula (rdetlavs)
..F....... [ZBX-20458] fixed incorrect view of disabled range slider in Firefox (rdetlavs)
...G...... [ZBX-20538] changed PostgreSQL plugin to handle connection per user and not per database for Zabbix agent 2 (esneiders)
.......PS. [ZBX-20567] improved preprocessor queue performance with items taking long time to preprocess (wiper)
...G...PS. [ZBX-20398] added mitigation for PID file not being created in time (MVekslers, yurii)
........S. [ZBX-20595] fixed server discovering dependent item with prototype as master item if prototype discovery was disabled with LLD overrides (wiper)
..F....... [ZBX-19638] fixed incorrect host name in graph prototype widget when graph have items from separate hosts (rlataria)
.........T [ZBX-18522] updated Readme for RabbitMQ templates (vkhaliev)
5.0.22rc1 was released as 5.0.22 without any changes
...G.....T [ZBXNEXT-7065] added queries metrics to the PostgreSQL by agent 2 template (esneiders, vkhaliev)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-7023] updated regular expressions for services discovery in Windows templates (vkhaliev)
A.F....... [ZBXNEXT-7485] fixed debug_backtrace function usage for PHP8 (acikuns)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-7493] added garbage collector and memory pool discovery to generic Java template (vkhaliev)
..F....... [ZBX-20681] fixed undefined index error when accessing module page with guest user (rlataria)
.......PS. [ZBX-20518] fixed lastaccess update during proxy throttling (dgoloscapov)
...G...... [ZBX-20634] fixed handling of multiline FTP response (ssimonenko)
...G...... [ZBX-20528] fixed issue with pgsql.custom.query JSON response failing for Zabbix agent 2 (esneiders)
.D........ [ZBX-20762] fixed StartAlerters and StartEscalators range in configuration file comments (akozlovs)
...G...... [ZBX-19311] fixed raid device discovery in the Smart plugin for Zabbix agent 2 (esneiders)
...G...... [ZBX-19407] removed the redundant encoding check in get_codepage() for Windows (arimdjonoks)
...G...... [ZBX-20539] fixed TLS parameters for MySQL and PostgreSQL in Zabbix agent 2 (esneiders)
.........T [ZBX-20728] removed duplicate entries in tmpl files (abakaldin)
...G...... [ZBX-20390] fixed Oracle Solaris vm.memory.size[available] item kstats memory read (arimdjonoks)
..F....... [ZBX-19223] fixed disabled hosts not listed in latest data view (averza)
.........T [ZBX-20521] corrected typos in templates, README and media types (drasihov)
..F....... [ZBX-20640] fixed X-axis field placement in different rows in Axis tab in Graph widget (acikuns)
..F....... [ZBX-20049] implemented keyboard control for info icons (acikuns, ashubin)
........S. [ZBX-19965] fixed database upgrade for SNMP interfaces (akozlovs)