\fBzabbix_get \-s \-p 10050 \-k "system.cpu.load[all,avg1]" \-\-tls\-connect cert \-\-tls\-ca\-file /home/zabbix/zabbix_ca_file \-\-tls\-agent\-cert\-issuer "CN=Signing CA,OU=IT operations,O=Example Corp,DC=example,DC=com" \-\-tls\-agent\-cert\-subject "CN=server1,OU=IT operations,O=Example Corp,DC=example,DC=com" \-\-tls\-cert\-file /home/zabbix/zabbix_get.crt \-\-tls\-key\-file /home/zabbix/zabbix_get.key
.\" Start URL macro. Copied from an-ext.tmac for portability
.de UR
. ds m1 \\$1\"
. nh
. if \\n(mH \{\
. \" Start diversion in a new environment.
. do ev URL-div
. do di URL-div
. \}
.\" End URL macro. Copied from an-ext.tmac for portability
.de UE
. ie \\n(mH \{\
. br
. di
. ev
. \" Has there been one or more input lines for the link text?
. ie \\n(dn \{\
. do HTML-NS "<a href=""\\*(m1"">"
. \" Yes, strip off final newline of diversion and emit it.
. do chop URL-div
. do URL-div
. do HTML-NS </a>
. \}
. el \
. do HTML-NS "<a href=""\\*(m1"">\\*(m1</a>"
. \}
. el \
. hy \\n(HY
.TH ZABBIX_GET 1 "2022\-01\-06" Zabbix
zabbix_get \- Zabbix get utility
.B zabbix_get \-s
.I host\-name\-or\-IP
.RB [ \-p
.IR port\-number ]
.RB [ \-I
.IR IP\-address ]
.RB [ \-t
.IR timeout ]
.BI \-k " item\-key"
.B zabbix_get \-s
.I host\-name\-or\-IP
.RB [ \-p
.IR port\-number ]
.RB [ \-I
.IR IP\-address ]
.RB [ \-t
.IR timeout ]
.B \-\-tls\-connect
.B cert
.B \-\-tls\-ca\-file
.IR CA\-file
.RB [ \-\-tls\-crl\-file
.IR CRL\-file ]
.RB [ \-\-tls\-agent\-cert\-issuer
.IR cert\-issuer ]
.RB [ \-\-tls\-agent\-cert\-subject
.IR cert\-subject ]
.B \-\-tls\-cert\-file
.IR cert\-file
.B \-\-tls\-key\-file
.IR key\-file
.RB [ \-\-tls\-cipher13
.IR cipher\-string ]
.RB [ \-\-tls\-cipher
.IR cipher\-string ]
.BI \-k " item\-key"
.B zabbix_get \-s
.I host\-name\-or\-IP
.RB [ \-p
.IR port\-number ]
.RB [ \-I
.IR IP\-address ]
.RB [ \-t
.IR timeout ]
.B \-\-tls\-connect
.B psk
.B \-\-tls\-psk\-identity
.IR PSK\-identity
.B \-\-tls\-psk\-file
.IR PSK\-file