** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
keyDatabasesDiscovery = "mysql.db.discovery"
keyDatabaseSize = "mysql.db.size"
keyReplicationDiscovery = "mysql.replication.discovery"
keyReplicationSlaveStatus = "mysql.replication.get_slave_status"
keyStatusVars = "mysql.get_status_variables"
keyVersion = "mysql.version"
// handlerFunc defines an interface must be implemented by handlers.
type handlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, conn MyClient,
params map[string]string, extraParams ...string) (res interface{}, err error)
// getHandlerFunc returns a handlerFunc related to a given key.
func getHandlerFunc(key string) handlerFunc {
case keyDatabasesDiscovery:
return databasesDiscoveryHandler
return databaseSizeHandler
case keyReplicationDiscovery:
return replicationDiscoveryHandler
case keyReplicationSlaveStatus:
return replicationSlaveStatusHandler
var uriDefaults = &uri.Defaults{Scheme: "tcp", Port: "3306"}
// Common params: [URI|Session][,User][,Password]
paramURI = metric.NewConnParam("URI", "URI to connect or session name.").
WithDefault(uriDefaults.Scheme + "://localhost:" + uriDefaults.Port).WithSession().
WithValidator(uri.URIValidator{Defaults: uriDefaults, AllowedSchemes: []string{"tcp", "unix"}})
paramUsername = metric.NewConnParam("User", "MySQL user.").WithDefault("root")
paramPassword = metric.NewConnParam("Password", "User's password.").WithDefault("")
paramTLSConnect = metric.NewSessionOnlyParam("TLSConnect", "DB connection encryption type.").WithDefault("")
paramTLSCaFile = metric.NewSessionOnlyParam("TLSCAFile", "TLS ca file path.").WithDefault("")
paramTLSCertFile = metric.NewSessionOnlyParam("TLSCertFile", "TLS cert file path.").WithDefault("")
paramTLSKeyFile = metric.NewSessionOnlyParam("TLSKeyFile", "TLS key file path.").WithDefault("")
var metrics = metric.MetricSet{
keyDatabasesDiscovery: metric.New("Returns list of databases in LLD format.",
[]*metric.Param{paramURI, paramUsername, paramPassword, paramTLSConnect, paramTLSCaFile, paramTLSCertFile,
paramTLSKeyFile}, false),
keyDatabaseSize: metric.New("Returns size of given database in bytes.",
[]*metric.Param{paramURI, paramUsername, paramPassword, metric.NewParam("Database", "Database name.").SetRequired(),
paramTLSConnect, paramTLSCaFile, paramTLSCertFile, paramTLSKeyFile}, false),
keyPing: metric.New("Tests if connection is alive or not.",