## hashicorp and cyberark used to be a separate libraries, remove them at some point in the future
## Process this file with automake to produce
zbxalgo \
zbxalerter \
zbxasyncpoller \
zbxasynchttppoller \
zbxaudit \
zbxautoreg \
zbxavailability \
zbxbincommon \
zbxconnector \
zbxcommon \
zbxcomms \
zbxcommshigh \
zbxcompress \
zbxcfg \
zbxcrypto \
zbxcurl \
zbxdb \
zbxcacheconfig \
zbxcachehistory \
zbxcachevalue \
zbxdbhigh \
zbxdiscoverer \
zbxdbwrap \
zbxdbsyncer \
zbxdbschema \
zbxdbupgrade \
zbxdiag \
zbxdiscovery \
zbxembed \
zbxescalations \
zbxeval \
zbxevent \
zbxexec \
zbxexport \
zbxexpr \
zbxfile \
zbxgetopt \
zbxhash \
zbxhistory \
zbxhttp \
zbxhttppoller \
zbxicmpping \
zbxinterface \
zbxip \
zbxipcservice \
zbxipmi \
zbxjson \
zbxkvs \
zbxlog \
zbxmedia \
zbxmodules \
zbxmutexs \
zbxnix \
zbxnum \
zbxodbc \
zbxparam \
zbxpgservice \
zbxpinger \
zbxpoller \
zbxagentget \