In order to upgrade the Android JSON library, follow the procedure below:
### get the repository
$ git clone android-libcore
$ cd android-libcore
### choose the tag you wish to upgrade to (android-4.3_r3.1 in the example below)
$ git tag | less
$ git checkout android-4.3_r3.1
### compile the library using JDK 1.6 so that it runs on older versions of Java and package it
$ cd json/src/main/java
$ javac org/json/*.java
$ jar cf android-json-4.3_r3.1.jar org/json/*.class
$ mv android-json-4.3_r3.1.jar ${zabbix}/src/zabbix_java/lib
### clean up
$ rm org/json/*.class
$ cd ../../../..
$ git checkout master