expression: 'last(/Hikvision camera by HTTP/hikvision_cam.firmware_version,#1)<>last(/Hikvision camera by HTTP/hikvision_cam.firmware_version,#2) and length(last(/Hikvision camera by HTTP/hikvision_cam.firmware_version))>0'
- uuid: d37f71c7e3f7469bab645852a69a2018
name: 'Templates/Video surveillance'
- uuid: 3fb4020df2984b0ab64dfd8355ff5c65
template: 'Hikvision camera by HTTP'
name: 'Hikvision camera by HTTP'
This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Hikvision cameras monitoring by Zabbix via HTTP and doesn't require any external scripts.
Sample device overview page:
1. Set the hostname or IP address of the Hikvision ISAPI host in the '{$HIKVISION_ISAPI_HOST}' macro.
2. Set the user name and password in the '{$PASSWORD}' and '{$USER}' macros.
3. Change other macros according to your camera configuration if necessary.
Generated by official Zabbix template tool "Templator"
- name: 'Templates/Video surveillance'
- uuid: e889b3a7e6044f0284081f9d6427b416
name: 'Boot loader released date'
key: hikvision_cam.boot_released_date
- $.DeviceInfo.bootReleasedDate
error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE
key: hikvision_cam.get_info
- uuid: 61c6f0073e604a449d8f724d762cfb7f
name: 'Boot loader version'
key: hikvision_cam.boot_version
inventory_link: SOFTWARE_APP_E
- $.DeviceInfo.bootVersion
error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE