test case: 'Test 1: simple xml'
test case: 'Test 2: xml with repeating and not repeating tags'
xml: '<xml><foo>BAR</foo><foo attr="eee">ATR</foo><foo><baz>BAZ</baz></foo><zoo>XUQ</zoo><a>A</a><foo>QUX</foo><a>B</a><a>A</a></xml>'
json: '{"xml":{"foo":["BAR",{"@attr":"eee","#text":"ATR"},{"baz":"BAZ"},"QUX"],"zoo":"XUQ","a":["A","B","A"]}}'
test case: 'Test 3: cdata'
xml: '<xml><![CDATA[<tag> value </tag>]]></xml>'
json: '{"xml":"<tag> value </tag>"}'
test case: 'Test 4: wrong xml (empty)'
test case: 'Test 5: wrong xml (several roots)'
xml: '<xml1>xml1</xml1><xml2>xml2</xml2>'
test case: 'Test 6: special symbols'
xml: '<xml attr="atr">10 > 9 & 8 < 9</xml>'
json: '{"xml":{"@attr":"atr","#text":"10 > 9 & 8 < 9"}}'
test case: 'Test 7: wrong xml (empty attribute)'
xml: '<xml attr>xml</xml>'
test case: 'Test 8: hierarchy of objects'
test case: 'Test 9: multiline xml'