if ($user['userdirectoryid'] && $data['idp_names'][$user['userdirectoryid']]['idp_type'] == IDP_TYPE_LDAP) {
** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <>.
* @var CView $this
* @var array $data
if ($data['uncheck']) {
$html_page = (new CHtmlPage())
->setControls((new CList([
(new CForm('get'))
->setAttribute('aria-label', _('Main filter'))
->addItem((new CVar('action', 'user.list'))->removeId()),
(new CTag('nav', true,
(new CList())
->addItem(new CRedirectButton(_('Create user'), 'zabbix.php?action=user.edit'))
))->setAttribute('aria-label', _('Content controls'))
->addItem((new CFilter())
->setResetUrl((new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'user.list'))
->addFilterTab(_('Filter'), [
(new CFormGrid())
new CLabel(_('Username'), 'filter_username'),
new CFormField(
(new CTextBox('filter_username', $data['filter']['username']))
->setAttribute('autofocus', 'autofocus')
new CLabel(_('Name'), 'filter_name'),
new CFormField(
(new CTextBox('filter_name', $data['filter']['name']))
new CLabel(_('Last name'), 'filter_surname'),
new CFormField(
(new CTextBox('filter_surname', $data['filter']['surname']))
(new CFormGrid())
new CLabel(_('User roles'), 'filter_roles__ms')),
new CFormField(
(new CMultiSelect([
'name' => 'filter_roles[]',
'object_name' => 'roles',
'data' => $data['filter']['roles'],
'popup' => [
'parameters' => [
'srctbl' => 'roles',
'srcfld1' => 'roleid',
'dstfrm' => 'zbx_filter',
'dstfld1' => 'filter_roles_'
new CLabel(_('User groups'), 'filter_usrgrpids__ms'),
new CFormField(