$this->zbxTestAssertAttribute('//textarea[@id="macros_'.$i.'_description"]', "placeholder", $this->descriptionPlaceholder);
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../include/CLegacyWebTest.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/traits/MacrosTrait.php';
use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy;
class testFormAdministrationGeneralMacro extends CLegacyWebTest {
private $macroMaxLength = 255;
private $macroPlaceholder = '{$MACRO}';
private $macroClass = 'textarea-flexible macro';
private $valueMaxLength = 255;
private $valuePlaceholder = 'value';
private $descriptionMaxLength = 65535;
private $descriptionPlaceholder = 'description';
private $newMacro = '{$NEW_MACRO}';
private $newValue = 'Value of the new macro';
private $newDescription = 'New test description';
private $newEmptyMacro = '{$NEW_EMPTY_MACRO}';
private $oldGlobalMacroId = 7;
private $updMacro = '{$UPD_MACRO}';
private $updValue = 'Value of the updated macro';
private $updDescription = 'Description of the updated macro';
private $sqlHashGlobalMacros = '';
private $oldHashGlobalMacros = '';
private function openGlobalMacros() {
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of macros');