[0, ['decimals' => 4, 'decimals_exact' => true, 'small_scientific' => false, 'zero_as_zero' => false], '0.0000'],
<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <>.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class function_formatFloatTest extends TestCase {
public static function dataProvider() {
return [
[0, [], '0'],
[1, [], '1'],
[9.4, [], '9'],
[9.5, [], '10'],
[9.99999999999999E+14, [], '999999999999999'],
[9.99999999999999E+15, [], '1E+16'],
[0, ['decimals' => 4], '0'],
[1.1, ['decimals' => 4], '1.1'],
[1.0001, ['decimals' => 4], '1.0001'],
[1.00004, ['decimals' => 4], '1'],
[1.00005, ['decimals' => 4], '1.0001'],
[0.000012344, ['decimals' => 4], '0.00001234'],
[0.000012345, ['decimals' => 4], '0.00001235'],
[100.00004, ['decimals' => 4], '100'],
[100.00005, ['decimals' => 4], '100.0001'],
[1E-14, ['decimals' => 4], '0.00000000000001'],
[1E-15, ['decimals' => 4], '1E-15'],
[1.0004E-14, ['decimals' => 4], '1.0004E-14'],
[1.0005E-14, ['decimals' => 4], '1.0005E-14'],
[1E+6, ['precision' => 4], '1000000'],
[1E+7, ['precision' => 4], '1E+7'],
[1.4E+100, ['precision' => 4], '1E+100'],
[1.5E+10, ['precision' => 4], '2E+10'],
[1.004E+100, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2], '1E+100'],
[1.005E+100, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2], '1.01E+100'],
[0.129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2], '0.13'],
[0.0129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2], '1.29E-2'],
[0.00129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2], '1.29E-3'],
[0.000129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2], '1.29E-4'],
[0.129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2, 'decimals_exact' => true], '0.13'],
[0.0129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2, 'decimals_exact' => true], '1.29E-2'],
[0.00129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2, 'decimals_exact' => true], '1.29E-3'],
[0.000129, ['precision' => 4, 'decimals' => 2, 'decimals_exact' => true], '1.29E-4'],
[0, ['decimals' => 4, 'decimals_exact' => true], '0'],
[0.0004, ['decimals' => 4, 'decimals_exact' => true], '0.0004'],
[0.0005, ['decimals' => 4, 'decimals_exact' => true], '0.0005'],