.........T [ZBXNEXT-9606] added Palo Alto PA-440 by HTTP template (drasikhov)
........S. [ZBXNEXT-9771] updated max supported TimescaleDB version to 2.18 (mprihodko)
A.F....... [ZBXNEXT-9624] added support for php 8.4 (talbergs)
...G...... [ZBXNEXT-7121] added user parameter to Zabbix agent 2 redis items (esneiders)
........S. [ZBXNEXT-9771] updated maximum supported TimescaleDB version to 2.18 (mprihodko)
A.F....... [ZBXNEXT-9624] added support for PHP 8.4 (talbergs)
...G...... [ZBXNEXT-7121] added User parameter to Zabbix agent 2 Redis items (esneiders)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-9584] added improvements and fixes to Dell HTTP and SNMP templates (abrosimovs, knaglis)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-9654] added Azure SQL managed instance template (abrosimovs)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-9654] added Azure SQL Managed Instance by HTTP template (abrosimovs)
A......... [ZBX-26023] restored ability for users to get all alerts within same user group; fixed type of `provisioned` property for user media object (jfreibergs)
A......... [ZBX-18432] fixed inability to view a part of problems and events by users with specific permissions on tags when permissions on all tags is given to specific host group (dpankins)
A.F.....S. [ZBX-23760] added prevention of deleting host groups, templates, hosts, triggers, services, discovery rules and discovery checks if they are used in action conditions or operations (agriscenko, dgoloscapov)
A......... [ZBX-26023] restored ability for users to get all alerts within same user group; fixed "provisioned" property type for user Media object (jfreibergs)
A......... [ZBX-18432] fixed inability to view certain problems and events by users with specific permissions on tags when permissions on all tags are given to specific host group (dpankins)
A.F.....S. [ZBX-23760] added prevention of deleting host groups, templates, hosts, triggers, services, discovery rules, and discovery checks if they are used in action conditions or operations (agriscenko, dgoloscapov)
...G...... [ZBX-25932] fixed Zabbix sender returning incorrect exit code when having partial success (dgoloscapov)
...G...... [ZBX-25962] fixed incorrect serialization of complex objects leading to crashes in wmi.getall (dgoloscapov)
...G...... [ZBX-21205] added information about JSON in oracle.custom.query response (sjurgensons)
..F....... [ZBX-24740] fixed main menu chevrons (apoga)
...G...... [ZBX-23750] added README to smart plugin (sjurgensons)
...G...... [ZBX-23750] added README to Zabbix agent 2 Smart plugin (sjurgensons)
.......PS. [ZBX-25899] added support of DNS with multiple addresses (vso)
.........T [ZBX-26024] removed event name from configuration change trigger in Redis by Zabbix agent 2 template (drasikhov)
.......PS. [ZBX-25994] fixed value cache filling up if trigger is disabled (vso)
.......PS. [ZBX-25137] improved logs for SNMP poller (vso)
..F....... [ZBX-25768] fixed not displaying green dot indicator in Graph and Pie chart widgets when some fields are modified (isharha)
..F....... [ZBX-25768] fixed green dot indicator not displaying in Graph and Pie chart widgets when some fields are modified (isharha)
...G...... [ZBX-25236] corrected MQTT message handler not to block (sjurgensons)
..F....... [ZBX-25233] removed not used interfaces and interfaces with disabled items from host interface overall status calculation (dfofanovs)
..F....... [ZBX-25233] removed unused interfaces and interfaces with disabled items from host interface overall status calculation (dfofanovs)
..F....... [ZBX-25939] fixed incorrect tooltip text placement when using Space or Enter key (isharha)
........S. [ZBX-25777] reduced load on history syncers after startup by delaying trigger timer functions calculation by one minute (vso)
..F....... [ZBX-25778] fixed incorrect style of dropdowns in frontend notification section (isharha)
..F....... [ZBX-25778] fixed incorrect style of dropdowns in Frontend notifications section (isharha)
..F....... [ZBX-25844] fixed console errors in Graph widgets when rendering data as points (isharha)
...G...... [ZBX-25442] fixed Zabbix agent interpretation of Modbus result data for mixed endianness modes (asestakovs)
...G...... [ZBX-25543] fixed crash when global regular expression is updated on Zabbix agent2 (vso)
...G...... [ZBX-25543] fixed crash when global regular expression is updated on Zabbix agent 2 (vso)
..F....... [ZBX-25862] fixed inability to update discovered trigger status (esekace)
..F....... [ZBX-25220] fixed Top hosts widget not loading in case of inaccessible maintenance (dfofanovs)
.......PS. [ZBX-22580] reduced nodata trigger false-positives after Zabbix proxy connection disruption (arimdjonoks)
.......PS. [ZBX-22580] reduced nodata trigger false positives after Zabbix proxy connection disruption (arimdjonoks)
..F....... [ZBX-25539] fixed console error when configuring Top hosts or Item history widget to display the same thumbnail in more than one column (rgontarski)
.........T [ZBX-25458] fixed LLD rule for organization discovery, changed host prototype "host" field to avoid special characters (abiba)
.........T [ZBX-25458] fixed LLD rule for organization discovery; changed host prototype Host field to avoid special characters (abiba)
........S. [ZBX-25748] fixed DNS refresh on configuration change (sboidenko)
.........T [ZBX-25504] updated quorum and quorum member discoveries for family of MSSQL templates (akotsegubov)
...G...... [ZBX-25530] fixed Zabbix agent 2 startup failures caused by insufficient buffer size for performance counters (asestakovs)
..F....... [ZBX-25120] fixed Map widget flickering on refresh (apoga, averza)
........S. [ZBX-25244] fixed {PROXY.NAME} and {PROXY.DESCRIPTION} macros to be resolved when proxy group is used (asestakovs)
..F....... [ZBX-25513] fixed value not being cleared in Gauge widget after item data history is cleared (dfofanovs)
..F....... [ZBX-25471] fixed emptying of Web scenario variables and headers data (wczerneha)
..F....... [ZBX-25471] fixed emptying of web scenario Variables and Headers data (wczerneha)
...G...... [ZBX-22522] fixed web.page.get curl header (sboidenko)
...G...... [ZBX-25382] applied pkgsrc patch to restore builds on NetBSD >= 8.2 (jxl)
..F....... [ZBX-25758] fixed the saving of filter state in trigger list (esekace)
..F....... [ZBX-25681] fixed newly added tag field state in maintenance form after changing type (esekace)
..F....... [ZBX-25511] fixed overriding Y-axes in Graph widget; fixed long names in datasets of Graph and Pie Chart widgets (averza)
..F....... [ZBX-25758] fixed saving of filter state in trigger list (esekace)
..F....... [ZBX-25681] fixed newly added tag field state in maintenance form after changing maintenance type (esekace)
..F....... [ZBX-25511] fixed overriding Y-axes in Graph widget; fixed long names in Graph and Pie Chart widget datasets (averza)
..F....... [ZBX-25666] fixed maintenance status display for submap elements when trigger elements are used (esekace)
.........T [ZBX-25601] fixed HTTP proxy parameter name in MS 365 reports by HTTP template (drasikhov)
..F....... [ZBX-25730] fixed target for URLs in menu popup (esekace)
.........T [ZBX-25601] fixed HTTP proxy parameter name in Microsoft 365 reports by HTTP template (drasikhov)
..F....... [ZBX-25730] fixed target for URLs in menu pop-up (esekace)
7.0.9rc2 was released as 7.0.9 without any changes
.......PS. [ZBXNEXT-7498] moved internal item processing from history to regular pollers (akozlovs)
..F....... [ZBXNEXT-7420] added documentation links to Zabbix frontend sections (rdetlavs)
..F.I..... [ZBXNEXT-7397] removed support for MD5 user passwords (asestakovs, mkrisjanis)
........S. [ZBXNEXT-7488] removed zabbix[history*] and zabbix[trends*] internal items (akozlovs)
..F....... [ZBXNEXT-7138] added modal form for API tokens in User settings->API tokens and Administration->General->API tokens (epulke)
........S. [ZBXNEXT-9771] updated max supported TimescaleDB version to 2.18 (mprihodko)
........S. [ZBXNEXT-9771] updated maximum supported TimescaleDB version to 2.18 (mprihodko)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-9584] added improvements and fixes to Dell HTTP and SNMP templates (abrosimovs, knaglis)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-9654] added Azure SQL managed instance template (abrosimovs)
.........T [ZBXNEXT-9654] added Azure SQL Managed Instance by HTTP template (abrosimovs)
A.F.....S. [ZBX-23760] fixed ability to enable disabled action with invalid custom formula due to missing action conditions (agriscenko, dgoloscapov)
A......... [ZBX-18432] fixed inability to view a part of problems and events by users with specific permissions on tags when permissions on all tags is given to specific host group (dpankins)
A......... [ZBX-18432] fixed inability to view certain problems and events by users with specific permissions on tags when permissions on all tags are given to specific host group (dpankins)
A......... [ZBX-26023] restored ability for users to get all alerts within same user group (jfreibergs)
...G...... [ZBX-25962] fixed incorrect serialization of complex objects leading to crashes in wmi.getall (dgoloscapov)
...G...... [ZBX-21205] added information about JSON in oracle.custom.query response (sjurgensons)
...G...... [ZBX-23750] added README to smart plugin (sjurgensons)
...G...... [ZBX-23750] added README to Zabbix agent 2 Smart plugin (sjurgensons)
.........T [ZBX-26024] removed event name from configuration change trigger in Redis by Zabbix agent 2 template (drasikhov)
.......PS. [ZBX-25994] fixed value cache filling up if trigger is disabled (vso)
...G...... [ZBX-25236] corrected MQTT message handler not to block (sjurgensons)
.......PS. [ZBX-25867] fixed crash in preprocessing manager when unlinking dependent items from frequently collected master item (vso)
...G...... [ZBX-25543] fixed crash when global regular expression is updated on Zabbix agent2 (vso)
.......PS. [ZBX-22580] reduced nodata trigger false-positives after Zabbix proxy connection disruption (arimdjonoks)
.........T [ZBX-25458] fixed LLD rule for organization discovery, changed host prototype "host" field to avoid special characters (abiba)
...G...... [ZBX-25543] fixed crash when global regular expression is updated on Zabbix agent 2 (vso)
.......PS. [ZBX-22580] reduced nodata trigger false positives after Zabbix proxy connection disruption (arimdjonoks)
.........T [ZBX-25458] fixed LLD rule for organization discovery; changed host prototype Host field to avoid special characters (abiba)
.........T [ZBX-25504] updated quorum and quorum member discoveries for family of MSSQL templates (akotsegubov)
...G...... [ZBX-25442] fixed Zabbix agent interpretation of Modbus result data for mixed endianness modes (asestakovs)
...G...... [ZBX-25530] fixed Zabbix agent 2 startup failures caused by insufficient buffer size for performance counters (asestakovs)
...G...... [ZBX-25382] applied pkgsrc patch to restore builds on NetBSD >= 8.2 (jxl)
...G...... [ZBX-22522] fixed web.page.get curl header (sboidenko)
.........T [ZBX-25601] fixed HTTP proxy parameter name in MS 365 reports by HTTP template (drasikhov)
.........T [ZBX-25601] fixed HTTP proxy parameter name in Microsoft 365 reports by HTTP template (drasikhov)
..F....... [ZBX-25666] fixed maintenance status display for submap elements when trigger elements are used (esekace)
6.0.38rc1 was released as 6.0.38 without any changes