/* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #ifndef ZABBIX_COMMON_H #define ZABBIX_COMMON_H #include "zbxsysinc.h" #include "module.h" #include "version.h" #if defined(__MINGW32__) # define __try # define __except(x) if (0) #endif #ifndef va_copy # if defined(__va_copy) # define va_copy(d, s) __va_copy(d, s) # else # define va_copy(d, s) memcpy(&d, &s, sizeof(va_list)) # endif #endif #ifdef snprintf # undef snprintf #endif #define snprintf ERROR_DO_NOT_USE_SNPRINTF_FUNCTION_TRY_TO_USE_ZBX_SNPRINTF #ifdef sprintf # undef sprintf #endif #define sprintf ERROR_DO_NOT_USE_SPRINTF_FUNCTION_TRY_TO_USE_ZBX_SNPRINTF #ifdef strncpy # undef strncpy #endif #define strncpy ERROR_DO_NOT_USE_STRNCPY_FUNCTION_TRY_TO_USE_ZBX_STRLCPY #ifdef strcpy # undef strcpy #endif #define strcpy ERROR_DO_NOT_USE_STRCPY_FUNCTION_TRY_TO_USE_ZBX_STRLCPY #ifdef vsprintf # undef vsprintf #endif #define vsprintf ERROR_DO_NOT_USE_VSPRINTF_FUNCTION_TRY_TO_USE_ZBX_VSNPRINTF #ifdef strncat # undef strncat #endif #define strncat ERROR_DO_NOT_USE_STRNCAT_FUNCTION_TRY_TO_USE_ZBX_STRLCAT #ifdef strncasecmp # undef strncasecmp #endif #define strncasecmp ERROR_DO_NOT_USE_STRNCASECMP_FUNCTION_TRY_TO_USE_ZBX_STRNCASECMP #define ON 1 #define OFF 0 #if defined(_WINDOWS) # define ZBX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN 64 extern char ZABBIX_SERVICE_NAME[ZBX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN]; extern char ZABBIX_EVENT_SOURCE[ZBX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN]; # pragma warning (disable: 4996) /* warning C4996: <function> was declared deprecated */ #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 7 # define ZBX_FALLTHROUGH __attribute__ ((fallthrough)) #else # define ZBX_FALLTHROUGH #endif #define SUCCEED_OR_FAIL(result) (FAIL != (result) ? SUCCEED : FAIL) const char *zbx_sysinfo_ret_string(int ret); const char *zbx_result_string(int result); #define MAX_ID_LEN 21 #define MAX_STRING_LEN 2048 #define MAX_BUFFER_LEN 65536 #define ZBX_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN 128 #define ZBX_HOSTNAME_BUF_LEN (ZBX_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN + 1) #define ZBX_MAX_DNSNAME_LEN 255 /* maximum host DNS name length from RFC 1035 */ /*(without terminating '\0') */ #define MAX_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_LEN (16 * ZBX_MEBIBYTE) #define ZBX_MAX_UINT64 (~__UINT64_C(0)) #define ZBX_MAX_UINT64_LEN 21 #define ZBX_MAX_DOUBLE_LEN 24 #define ZBX_SIZE_T_MAX (~(size_t)0) /****************************************************************************** * * * Macro: ZBX_UNUSED * * * * Purpose: silences compiler warning about unused function parameter * * * * Parameters: * * var - [IN] the unused parameter * * * * Comments: Use only on unused, non-volatile function parameters! * * * ******************************************************************************/ #define ZBX_UNUSED(var) (void)(var) /* item types */ typedef enum { ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX = 0, /* ITEM_TYPE_SNMPv1,*/ ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER = 2, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, /* ITEM_TYPE_SNMPv2c,*/ ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL = 5, /* ITEM_TYPE_SNMPv3,*/ ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE = 7, /* ITEM_TYPE_AGGREGATE, */ ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST = 9, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_IPMI, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_SNMPTRAP, ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, ITEM_TYPE_SNMP, ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT /* 21 */ } zbx_item_type_t; typedef enum { INTERFACE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI, INTERFACE_TYPE_JMX, INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT = 254, INTERFACE_TYPE_ANY = 255 } zbx_interface_type_t; const char *zbx_interface_type_string(zbx_interface_type_t type); #define INTERFACE_TYPE_COUNT 4 /* number of interface types */ extern const int INTERFACE_TYPE_PRIORITY[INTERFACE_TYPE_COUNT]; #define SNMP_BULK_DISABLED 0 #define SNMP_BULK_ENABLED 1 #define ZBX_IF_SNMP_VERSION_1 1 #define ZBX_IF_SNMP_VERSION_2 2 #define ZBX_IF_SNMP_VERSION_3 3 #define ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL 0x00 #define ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE 0x01 #define ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE 0x02 #define ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED 0x04 #define ZBX_HOST_PROT_INTERFACES_INHERIT 0 #define ZBX_HOST_PROT_INTERFACES_CUSTOM 1 typedef enum { ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PASSWORD = 0, ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PUBLICKEY } zbx_item_authtype_t; /* event status */ #define EVENT_STATUS_RESOLVED 0 #define EVENT_STATUS_PROBLEM 1 /* event sources */ #define EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS 0 #define EVENT_SOURCE_DISCOVERY 1 #define EVENT_SOURCE_AUTOREGISTRATION 2 #define EVENT_SOURCE_INTERNAL 3 #define EVENT_SOURCE_SERVICE 4 #define EVENT_SOURCE_COUNT 5 /* event objects */ #define EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER 0 #define EVENT_OBJECT_DHOST 1 #define EVENT_OBJECT_DSERVICE 2 #define EVENT_OBJECT_ZABBIX_ACTIVE 3 #define EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM 4 #define EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE 5 #define EVENT_OBJECT_SERVICE 6 /* acknowledged flags */ #define EVENT_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED 0 #define EVENT_ACKNOWLEDGED 1 typedef enum { DOBJECT_STATUS_UP = 0, DOBJECT_STATUS_DOWN, DOBJECT_STATUS_DISCOVER, DOBJECT_STATUS_LOST } zbx_dstatus_t; /* item value types */ typedef enum { ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT = 0, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_BIN, /* Last real value. In some places it is also used in size of array or */ /* upper bound for iteration. Do not forget to update when adding new types. */ ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_NONE /* Artificial value, not written into DB, used internally in server. */ } zbx_item_value_type_t; const char *zbx_item_value_type_string(zbx_item_value_type_t value_type); typedef struct { int timestamp; int logeventid; int severity; char *source; char *value; } zbx_log_value_t; /* value for not supported items */ #define ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED "ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED" /* the error message for not supported items when reason is unknown */ #define ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED_MSG "Unknown error." /* Zabbix Agent non-critical error (agents older than 2.0) */ #define ZBX_ERROR "ZBX_ERROR" /* program type */ #define ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_SERVER 0x01 #define ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_PROXY_ACTIVE 0x02 #define ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_PROXY_PASSIVE 0x04 #define ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_PROXY 0x06 /* ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_PROXY_ACTIVE | ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_PROXY_PASSIVE */ #define ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_AGENTD 0x08 #define ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_SENDER 0x10 #define ZBX_PROGRAM_TYPE_GET 0x20 const char *get_program_type_string(unsigned char program_type); /* process type */ #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_POLLER 0 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_UNREACHABLE 1 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_IPMIPOLLER 2 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_PINGER 3 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_JAVAPOLLER 4 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_HTTPPOLLER 5 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_TRAPPER 6 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_SNMPTRAPPER 7 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_PROXYPOLLER 8 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_ESCALATOR 9 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_HISTSYNCER 10 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_DISCOVERER 11 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_ALERTER 12 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_TIMER 13 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_HOUSEKEEPER 14 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_DATASENDER 15 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_CONFSYNCER 16 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_SELFMON 17 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_VMWARE 18 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_COLLECTOR 19 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_LISTENER 20 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_ACTIVE_CHECKS 21 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_TASKMANAGER 22 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_IPMIMANAGER 23 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_ALERTMANAGER 24 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_PREPROCMAN 25 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_PREPROCESSOR 26 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_LLDMANAGER 27 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_LLDWORKER 28 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_ALERTSYNCER 29 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_HISTORYPOLLER 30 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_AVAILMAN 31 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_REPORTMANAGER 32 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_REPORTWRITER 33 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_SERVICEMAN 34 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_TRIGGERHOUSEKEEPER 35 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_ODBCPOLLER 36 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_CONNECTORMANAGER 37 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_CONNECTORWORKER 38 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_DISCOVERYMANAGER 39 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_HTTPAGENT_POLLER 40 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_AGENT_POLLER 41 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_SNMP_POLLER 42 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_COUNT 43 /* number of process types */ /* special processes that are not present worker list */ #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_EXT_FIRST 126 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_HA_MANAGER 126 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN 127 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_EXT_LAST 127 #define ZBX_PROCESS_TYPE_UNKNOWN 255 const char *get_process_type_string(unsigned char proc_type); int get_process_type_by_name(const char *proc_type_str); /* user permissions */ typedef enum { USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER = 1, USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN, USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN } zbx_user_type_t; typedef struct { zbx_uint64_t userid; zbx_user_type_t type; zbx_uint64_t roleid; char *username; } zbx_user_t; typedef enum { PERM_DENY = 0, PERM_READ = 2, PERM_READ_WRITE } zbx_user_permission_t; #define POLLER_DELAY 5 #define DISCOVERER_DELAY 5 #define HOUSEKEEPER_STARTUP_DELAY 30 /* in minutes */ #define ZBX_DEFAULT_INTERVAL SEC_PER_MIN #define GET_SENDER_TIMEOUT 60 #ifndef MAX # define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MIN # define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #define zbx_calloc(old, nmemb, size) zbx_calloc2(__FILE__, __LINE__, old, nmemb, size) #define zbx_malloc(old, size) zbx_malloc2(__FILE__, __LINE__, old, size) #define zbx_realloc(src, size) zbx_realloc2(__FILE__, __LINE__, src, size) #define zbx_strdup(old, str) zbx_strdup2(__FILE__, __LINE__, old, str) #define ZBX_STRDUP(var, str) (var = zbx_strdup(var, str)) void *zbx_calloc2(const char *filename, int line, void *old, size_t nmemb, size_t size); void *zbx_malloc2(const char *filename, int line, void *old, size_t size); void *zbx_realloc2(const char *filename, int line, void *old, size_t size); char *zbx_strdup2(const char *filename, int line, char *old, const char *str); void *zbx_guaranteed_memset(void *v, int c, size_t n); #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__MINGW32__) # define zbx_get_thread_id() (long int)GetCurrentThreadId() #else # define zbx_get_thread_id() (long int)getpid() #endif #define zbx_free(ptr) \ \ do \ { \ if (ptr) \ { \ free(ptr); \ ptr = NULL; \ } \ } \ while (0) #define zbx_fclose(file) \ \ do \ { \ if (file) \ { \ fclose(file); \ file = NULL; \ } \ } \ while (0) #define THIS_SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN \ \ do \ { \ zbx_error("ERROR [file and function: <%s,%s>, revision:%s, line:%d] Something impossible has just" \ " happened.", __FILE__, __func__, ZABBIX_REVISION, __LINE__); \ zbx_backtrace(); \ } \ while (0) /* to avoid dependency on libzbxnix.a */ #define THIS_SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN_NO_BACKTRACE \ zbx_error("ERROR [file and function: <%s,%s>, revision:%s, line:%d] Something impossible has just" \ " happened.", __FILE__, __func__, ZABBIX_REVISION, __LINE__) extern const char *progname; extern const char title_message[]; extern const char syslog_app_name[]; extern const char *usage_message[]; extern const char *help_message[]; #define ARRSIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*a)) void zbx_help(const char *param); void zbx_usage(void); void zbx_version(void); const char *get_program_name(const char *path); typedef unsigned char (*zbx_get_program_type_f)(void); typedef const char *(*zbx_get_progname_f)(void); typedef int (*zbx_get_config_forks_f)(unsigned char process_type); typedef const char *(*zbx_get_config_str_f)(void); typedef int (*zbx_get_config_int_f)(void); typedef enum { ZBX_TASK_START = 0, ZBX_TASK_PRINT_SUPPORTED, ZBX_TASK_TEST_METRIC, ZBX_TASK_SHOW_USAGE, ZBX_TASK_SHOW_VERSION, ZBX_TASK_SHOW_HELP, #ifdef _WINDOWS ZBX_TASK_INSTALL_SERVICE, ZBX_TASK_UNINSTALL_SERVICE, ZBX_TASK_START_SERVICE, ZBX_TASK_STOP_SERVICE #else ZBX_TASK_RUNTIME_CONTROL #endif } zbx_task_t; typedef enum { HTTPTEST_AUTH_NONE = 0, HTTPTEST_AUTH_BASIC, HTTPTEST_AUTH_NTLM, HTTPTEST_AUTH_NEGOTIATE, HTTPTEST_AUTH_DIGEST, HTTPTEST_AUTH_BEARER } zbx_httptest_auth_t; #define ZBX_TASK_FLAG_MULTIPLE_AGENTS 0x01 #define ZBX_TASK_FLAG_FOREGROUND 0x02 typedef struct { zbx_task_t task; unsigned int flags; int data; char *opts; } ZBX_TASK_EX; #define NET_DELAY_MAX (SEC_PER_MIN / 4) typedef struct { int values_num; int period_end; #define ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_DISABLE 0x00 #define ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_ACTIVE 0x01 #define ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_MORE 0x02 #define ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_EMPTY 0x04 #define ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_ENABLE ( \ ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_ACTIVE | \ ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_MORE | \ ZBX_PROXY_SUPPRESS_EMPTY) int flags; } zbx_proxy_suppress_t; #define ZBX_RTC_MSG_SHIFT 0 #define ZBX_RTC_SCOPE_SHIFT 8 #define ZBX_RTC_DATA_SHIFT 16 #define ZBX_RTC_MSG_MASK 0x000000ff #define ZBX_RTC_SCOPE_MASK 0x0000ff00 #define ZBX_RTC_DATA_MASK 0xffff0000 #define ZBX_RTC_GET_MSG(task) (int)(((unsigned int)task & ZBX_RTC_MSG_MASK) >> ZBX_RTC_MSG_SHIFT) #define ZBX_RTC_GET_SCOPE(task) (int)(((unsigned int)task & ZBX_RTC_SCOPE_MASK) >> ZBX_RTC_SCOPE_SHIFT) #define ZBX_RTC_GET_DATA(task) (int)(((unsigned int)task & ZBX_RTC_DATA_MASK) >> ZBX_RTC_DATA_SHIFT) #define ZBX_RTC_MAKE_MESSAGE(msg, scope, data) (((zbx_uint32_t)msg << ZBX_RTC_MSG_SHIFT) | \ ((zbx_uint32_t)scope << ZBX_RTC_SCOPE_SHIFT) | \ ((zbx_uint32_t)data << ZBX_RTC_DATA_SHIFT)) #define ZBX_KIBIBYTE 1024 #define ZBX_MEBIBYTE 1048576 #define ZBX_GIBIBYTE 1073741824 #define ZBX_TEBIBYTE __UINT64_C(1099511627776) #define SEC_PER_MIN 60 #define SEC_PER_HOUR 3600 #define SEC_PER_DAY 86400 #define SEC_PER_WEEK (7 * SEC_PER_DAY) #define SEC_PER_MONTH (30 * SEC_PER_DAY) #define SEC_PER_YEAR (365 * SEC_PER_DAY) #define ZBX_JAN_2038 2145916800 #define ZBX_JAN_1970_IN_SEC 2208988800.0 /* 1970 - 1900 in seconds */ #define ZBX_MAX_RECV_DATA_SIZE (1 * ZBX_GIBIBYTE) #if defined(_WINDOWS) #define ZBX_MAX_RECV_LARGE_DATA_SIZE (1 * ZBX_GIBIBYTE) #else #define ZBX_MAX_RECV_LARGE_DATA_SIZE (__UINT64_C(16) * ZBX_GIBIBYTE) #endif /* max length of base64 data */ #define ZBX_MAX_B64_LEN (16 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE) /* string functions that could not be moved into libzbxstr.a because they */ /* are used by libzbxcommon.a */ /* used by log which will be part of common*/ #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) # define __zbx_attr_format_printf(idx1, idx2) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, (idx1), (idx2)))) #else # define __zbx_attr_format_printf(idx1, idx2) #endif /* used by cuid and also by log */ size_t zbx_snprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, ...) __zbx_attr_format_printf(3, 4); /* could be moved into libzbxstr.a but it seems to be logically grouped with surrounding functions */ void zbx_snprintf_alloc(char **str, size_t *alloc_len, size_t *offset, const char *fmt, ...) __zbx_attr_format_printf(4, 5); #if defined(__hpux) int zbx_hpux_vsnprintf_is_c99(void); #endif /* used by log */ size_t zbx_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list args); int zbx_vsnprintf_check_len(const char *fmt, va_list args); /* used by log */ char *zbx_dsprintf(char *dest, const char *f, ...) __zbx_attr_format_printf(2, 3); /* used by zbxcommon, setproctitle */ size_t zbx_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz); /* used by dsprintf, which is used by log */ char *zbx_dvsprintf(char *dest, const char *f, va_list args); #define VALUE_ERRMSG_MAX 128 #define ZBX_LENGTH_UNLIMITED 0x7fffffff #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__MINGW32__) wchar_t *zbx_acp_to_unicode(const char *acp_string); wchar_t *zbx_utf8_to_unicode(const char *utf8_string); wchar_t *zbx_oemcp_to_unicode(const char *oemcp_string); #endif /* string functions that could not be moved into libzbxstr.a because they */ /* are used by libzbxcommon.a END */ char **zbx_setproctitle_init(int argc, char **argv); void zbx_setproctitle(const char *fmt, ...) __zbx_attr_format_printf(1, 2); void zbx_setproctitle_deinit(void); void zbx_error(const char *fmt, ...) __zbx_attr_format_printf(1, 2); /* misc functions */ int zbx_validate_hostname(const char *hostname); void zbx_backtrace(void); int get_nearestindex(const void *p, size_t sz, int num, zbx_uint64_t id); int uint64_array_add(zbx_uint64_t **values, int *alloc, int *num, zbx_uint64_t value, int alloc_step); void uint64_array_remove(zbx_uint64_t *values, int *num, const zbx_uint64_t *rm_values, int rm_num); #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__MINGW32__) const OSVERSIONINFOEX *zbx_win_getversion(void); void zbx_wmi_get(const char *wmi_namespace, const char *wmi_query, double timeout, char **utf8_value); #endif #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__MINGW32__) typedef struct __stat64 zbx_stat_t; int __zbx_stat(const char *path, zbx_stat_t *buf); #else typedef struct stat zbx_stat_t; #endif /* _WINDOWS */ int MAIN_ZABBIX_ENTRY(int flags); unsigned char get_interface_type_by_item_type(unsigned char type); #define ZBX_SESSION_ACTIVE 0 #define ZBX_SESSION_PASSIVE 1 #define ZBX_AUTH_TOKEN_ENABLED 0 #define ZBX_AUTH_TOKEN_DISABLED 1 #define ZBX_AUTH_TOKEN_NEVER_EXPIRES 0 #define ZBX_DO_NOT_SEND_RESPONSE 0 #define ZBX_SEND_RESPONSE 1 /* Do not forget to synchronize HOST_TLS_* definitions with DB schema ! */ #define HOST_TLS_ISSUER_LEN 4096 /* for up to 1024 UTF-8 characters */ #define HOST_TLS_ISSUER_LEN_MAX (HOST_TLS_ISSUER_LEN + 1) #define HOST_TLS_SUBJECT_LEN 4096 /* for up to 1024 UTF-8 characters */ #define HOST_TLS_SUBJECT_LEN_MAX (HOST_TLS_SUBJECT_LEN + 1) #define HOST_TLS_PSK_IDENTITY_LEN 512 /* for up to 128 UTF-8 characters */ #define HOST_TLS_PSK_IDENTITY_LEN_MAX (HOST_TLS_PSK_IDENTITY_LEN + 1) #define HOST_TLS_PSK_LEN 512 /* for up to 256 hex-encoded bytes (ASCII) */ #define HOST_TLS_PSK_LEN_MAX (HOST_TLS_PSK_LEN + 1) #define HOST_TLS_PSK_LEN_MIN 32 /* for 16 hex-encoded bytes (128-bit PSK) */ #define ZBX_PSK_FOR_HOST 0x01 /* PSK can be used for a known host */ #define ZBX_PSK_FOR_AUTOREG 0x02 /* PSK can be used for host autoregistration */ #define ZBX_PSK_FOR_PROXY 0x04 /* PSK is configured on proxy */ void zbx_alarm_flag_set(void); void zbx_alarm_flag_clear(void); #ifndef _WINDOWS unsigned int zbx_alarm_on(unsigned int seconds); unsigned int zbx_alarm_off(void); #endif int zbx_alarm_timed_out(void); #define zbx_bsearch(key, base, nmemb, size, compar) (0 == (nmemb) ? NULL : bsearch(key, base, nmemb, size, compar)) #define ZBX_PREPROC_NONE 0 #define ZBX_PREPROC_MULTIPLIER 1 #define ZBX_PREPROC_RTRIM 2 #define ZBX_PREPROC_LTRIM 3 #define ZBX_PREPROC_TRIM 4 #define ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB 5 #define ZBX_PREPROC_BOOL2DEC 6 #define ZBX_PREPROC_OCT2DEC 7 #define ZBX_PREPROC_HEX2DEC 8 #define ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_VALUE 9 #define ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_SPEED 10 #define ZBX_PREPROC_XPATH 11 #define ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH 12 #define ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_RANGE 13 #define ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_REGEX 14 #define ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX 15 #define ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON 16 #define ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_XML 17 #define ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_REGEX 18 #define ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_VALUE 19 #define ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE 20 #define ZBX_PREPROC_SCRIPT 21 #define ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_PATTERN 22 #define ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON 23 #define ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON 24 #define ZBX_PREPROC_STR_REPLACE 25 #define ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED 26 #define ZBX_PREPROC_XML_TO_JSON 27 #define ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_WALK_VALUE 28 #define ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_WALK_TO_JSON 29 #define ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_GET_VALUE 30 /* custom on fail actions */ #define ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT 0 #define ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE 1 #define ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE 2 #define ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR 3 /* includes terminating '\0' */ #define CUID_LEN 26 void zbx_new_cuid(char *cuid); typedef struct { char *tag; char *value; } zbx_tag_t; #define ZBX_STR2UCHAR(var, string) var = (unsigned char)atoi(string) #define ZBX_CONST_STRING(str) "" str #define ZBX_CONST_STRLEN(str) (sizeof(ZBX_CONST_STRING(str)) - 1) /* time and memory size suffixes */ zbx_uint64_t suffix2factor(char c); /****************************************************************************** * * * CODE BELOW IS LIBC WRAPPERS WHICH COULD BE LATER MOVED TO SEPARATE LIBRARY * * * ******************************************************************************/ #define ZBX_MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE 1024 char *zbx_strerror(int errnum); #if !defined(_WINDOWS) # if defined(HAVE_LIBPTHREAD) # define zbx_sigmask pthread_sigmask # else # define zbx_sigmask sigprocmask # endif #endif #define ZBX_GET_CONFIG_VAR(type, varname, defvalue) \ static type varname = defvalue; \ static type get_##varname(void) \ { \ return varname; \ } #define ZBX_GET_CONFIG_VAR2(type1, type2, varname, defvalue) \ static type1 varname = defvalue; \ static type2 get_##varname(void) \ { \ return varname; \ } #define LOG_LEVEL_EMPTY 0 /* printing nothing (if not LOG_LEVEL_INFORMATION set) */ #define LOG_LEVEL_CRIT 1 #define LOG_LEVEL_ERR 2 #define LOG_LEVEL_WARNING 3 #define LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG 4 #define LOG_LEVEL_TRACE 5 #define LOG_LEVEL_INFORMATION 127 /* printing in any case no matter what level set */ #define ZBX_CHECK_LOG_LEVEL(level) \ ((LOG_LEVEL_INFORMATION != (level) && \ ((level) > zbx_get_log_level() || LOG_LEVEL_EMPTY == (level))) ? FAIL : SUCCEED) #ifdef HAVE___VA_ARGS__ # define ZBX_ZABBIX_LOG_CHECK # define zabbix_log(level, ...) \ \ do \ { \ if (SUCCEED == ZBX_CHECK_LOG_LEVEL(level)) \ zbx_log_handle(level, __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ while (0) #else # define zabbix_log zbx_log_handle #endif typedef void (*zbx_log_func_t)(int level, const char *fmt, va_list args); void zbx_init_library_common(zbx_log_func_t log_func); void zbx_log_handle(int level, const char *fmt, ...); int zbx_get_log_level(void); void zbx_set_log_level(int level); const char *zbx_get_log_component_name(void); #ifndef _WINDOWS void zabbix_increase_log_level(void); void zabbix_decrease_log_level(void); void zabbix_report_log_level_change(void); const char *zabbix_get_log_level_string(void); typedef struct { int level; const char *name; } zbx_log_component_t; void zbx_set_log_component(const char *name, zbx_log_component_t *component); void zbx_change_component_log_level(zbx_log_component_t *component, int direction); #endif #endif