/* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ #ifndef ZABBIX_ZBXIPCSERVICE_H #define ZABBIX_ZBXIPCSERVICE_H #include "zbxalgo.h" #include "zbxtime.h" #define ZBX_IPC_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 #define ZBX_IPC_RECV_IMMEDIATE 0 #define ZBX_IPC_RECV_WAIT 1 #define ZBX_IPC_RECV_TIMEOUT 2 #define ZBX_IPC_WAIT_FOREVER -1 typedef struct { /* the message code */ zbx_uint32_t code; /* the data size */ zbx_uint32_t size; /* the data */ unsigned char *data; } zbx_ipc_message_t; /* Messaging socket, providing blocking connections to IPC service. */ /* The IPC socket api is used for simple write/read operations. */ typedef struct { /* socket descriptor */ int fd; /* incoming data buffer */ unsigned char rx_buffer[ZBX_IPC_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE]; zbx_uint32_t rx_buffer_bytes; zbx_uint32_t rx_buffer_offset; } zbx_ipc_socket_t; typedef struct zbx_ipc_client zbx_ipc_client_t; ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_DECL(ipc_client_ptr, zbx_ipc_client_t *) /* IPC service */ typedef struct { /* the listening socket descriptor */ int fd; struct event_base *ev; struct event *ev_listener; struct event *ev_timer; struct event *ev_alert; /* the unix socket path */ char *path; /* the connected clients */ zbx_vector_ipc_client_ptr_t clients; /* the clients with messages */ zbx_queue_ptr_t clients_recv; } zbx_ipc_service_t; typedef struct { zbx_ipc_client_t *client; struct event_base *ev; struct event *ev_timer; unsigned char state; } zbx_ipc_async_socket_t; int zbx_ipc_service_init_env(const char *path, char **error); void zbx_ipc_service_free_env(void); int zbx_ipc_service_start(zbx_ipc_service_t *service, const char *service_name, char **error); int zbx_ipc_service_recv(zbx_ipc_service_t *service, const zbx_timespec_t *timeout, zbx_ipc_client_t **client, zbx_ipc_message_t **message); void zbx_ipc_service_alert(zbx_ipc_service_t *service); void zbx_ipc_service_close(zbx_ipc_service_t *service); int zbx_ipc_client_send(zbx_ipc_client_t *client, zbx_uint32_t code, const unsigned char *data, zbx_uint32_t size); void zbx_ipc_client_close(zbx_ipc_client_t *client); int zbx_ipc_client_get_fd(zbx_ipc_client_t *client); void zbx_ipc_client_addref(zbx_ipc_client_t *client); void zbx_ipc_client_release(zbx_ipc_client_t *client); int zbx_ipc_client_connected(zbx_ipc_client_t *client); zbx_uint64_t zbx_ipc_client_id(const zbx_ipc_client_t *client); zbx_ipc_client_t *zbx_ipc_client_by_id(const zbx_ipc_service_t *service, zbx_uint64_t id); void zbx_ipc_client_set_userdata(zbx_ipc_client_t *client, void *userdata); void *zbx_ipc_client_get_userdata(zbx_ipc_client_t *client); int zbx_ipc_socket_open(zbx_ipc_socket_t *csocket, const char *service_name, int timeout, char **error); void zbx_ipc_socket_close(zbx_ipc_socket_t *csocket); int zbx_ipc_socket_write(zbx_ipc_socket_t *csocket, zbx_uint32_t code, const unsigned char *data, zbx_uint32_t size); int zbx_ipc_socket_read(zbx_ipc_socket_t *csocket, zbx_ipc_message_t *message); int zbx_ipc_socket_connected(const zbx_ipc_socket_t *csocket); int zbx_ipc_async_socket_open(zbx_ipc_async_socket_t *asocket, const char *service_name, int timeout, char **error); void zbx_ipc_async_socket_close(zbx_ipc_async_socket_t *asocket); int zbx_ipc_async_socket_send(zbx_ipc_async_socket_t *asocket, zbx_uint32_t code, const unsigned char *data, zbx_uint32_t size); int zbx_ipc_async_socket_recv(zbx_ipc_async_socket_t *asocket, int timeout, zbx_ipc_message_t **message); int zbx_ipc_async_socket_flush(zbx_ipc_async_socket_t *asocket, int timeout); int zbx_ipc_async_socket_check_unsent(zbx_ipc_async_socket_t *asocket); int zbx_ipc_async_socket_connected(zbx_ipc_async_socket_t *asocket); int zbx_ipc_async_exchange(const char *service_name, zbx_uint32_t code, int timeout, const unsigned char *data, zbx_uint32_t size, unsigned char **out, char **error); void zbx_ipc_message_free(zbx_ipc_message_t *message); void zbx_ipc_message_clean(zbx_ipc_message_t *message); void zbx_ipc_message_init(zbx_ipc_message_t *message); void zbx_ipc_message_format(const zbx_ipc_message_t *message, char **data); #ifdef HAVE_OPENIPMI void zbx_ipc_message_copy(zbx_ipc_message_t *dst, const zbx_ipc_message_t *src); #endif void zbx_init_library_ipcservice(unsigned char program_type); #endif