/* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ #ifndef ZABBIX_PP_PREPROCBASE_H #define ZABBIX_PP_PREPROCBASE_H #include "zbxalgo.h" #include "zbxvariant.h" #include "zbxtime.h" /* one preprocessing step history */ typedef struct { int index; zbx_variant_t value; zbx_timespec_t ts; } zbx_pp_step_history_t; ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(pp_step_history, zbx_pp_step_history_t) /* item preprocessing history for preprocessing steps using previous values */ typedef struct { zbx_vector_pp_step_history_t step_history; unsigned int refcount; } zbx_pp_history_t; typedef struct zbx_pp_history_cache zbx_pp_history_cache_t; zbx_pp_history_t *zbx_pp_history_create(int history_num); void zbx_pp_history_init(zbx_pp_history_t *history); void zbx_pp_history_clear(zbx_pp_history_t *history); zbx_pp_history_t *zbx_pp_history_release(zbx_pp_history_t *history); void zbx_pp_history_reserve(zbx_pp_history_t *history, int history_num); void zbx_pp_history_add(zbx_pp_history_t *history, int index, zbx_variant_t *value, zbx_timespec_t ts); void zbx_pp_history_get(const zbx_pp_history_t *history, int index, const zbx_variant_t **value, zbx_timespec_t *ts); zbx_pp_history_cache_t *zbx_pp_history_cache_create(void); zbx_pp_history_cache_t *zbx_pp_history_cache_acquire(zbx_pp_history_cache_t *history_cache); void zbx_pp_history_cache_release(zbx_pp_history_cache_t *history_cache); zbx_pp_history_t *zbx_pp_history_cache_history_acquire(zbx_pp_history_cache_t *history_cache); void zbx_pp_history_cache_history_set_and_release(zbx_pp_history_cache_t *history_cache, zbx_pp_history_t *history_in, zbx_pp_history_t *history_out); typedef enum { ZBX_PP_PROCESS_PARALLEL, ZBX_PP_PROCESS_SERIAL } zbx_pp_process_mode_t; typedef struct { int type; int error_handler; char *params; char *error_handler_params; } zbx_pp_step_t; void zbx_pp_step_free(zbx_pp_step_t *step); ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_DECL(pp_step_ptr, zbx_pp_step_t *) typedef struct { zbx_uint32_t refcount; zbx_uint32_t refcount_peak; zbx_uint64_t hostid; int steps_num; zbx_pp_step_t *steps; zbx_uint64_t pp_revision; int dep_itemids_num; zbx_uint64_t *dep_itemids; unsigned char type; unsigned char value_type; unsigned char flags; zbx_pp_process_mode_t mode; int history_num; /* the number of preprocessing steps requiring history */ zbx_pp_history_cache_t *history_cache; /* the preprocessing history */ } zbx_pp_item_preproc_t; zbx_pp_item_preproc_t *zbx_pp_item_preproc_copy(zbx_pp_item_preproc_t *preproc); zbx_pp_item_preproc_t *zbx_pp_item_preproc_create(zbx_uint64_t hostid, unsigned char type, unsigned char value_type, unsigned char flags); void zbx_pp_item_preproc_release(zbx_pp_item_preproc_t *preproc); int zbx_pp_preproc_has_history(int type); int zbx_pp_preproc_has_serial_history(int type); typedef struct { zbx_uint64_t itemid; zbx_uint64_t revision; zbx_pp_item_preproc_t *preproc; } zbx_pp_item_t; void zbx_pp_item_clear(zbx_pp_item_t *item); #endif