/* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ #ifndef ZABBIX_ZBXTASKS_H #define ZABBIX_ZBXTASKS_H #include "zbxalgo.h" #include "zbxjson.h" #include "zbxversion.h" #define ZBX_TASK_UPDATE_FREQUENCY 1 #define ZBX_REMOTE_COMMAND_TTL (SEC_PER_MIN * 10) #define ZBX_DATA_TTL 30 #define ZBX_DATA_ACTIVE_PROXY_CONFIG_RELOAD_TTL (SEC_PER_MIN * 10) /* task manager task types */ #define ZBX_TM_TASK_UNDEFINED 0 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_CLOSE_PROBLEM 1 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_REMOTE_COMMAND 2 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_REMOTE_COMMAND_RESULT 3 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_ACKNOWLEDGE 4 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_UPDATE_EVENTNAMES 5 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_CHECK_NOW 6 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_DATA 7 #define ZBX_TM_TASK_DATA_RESULT 8 #define ZBX_TM_PROXYDATA 9 /* task manager task states */ #define ZBX_TM_STATUS_NEW 1 #define ZBX_TM_STATUS_INPROGRESS 2 #define ZBX_TM_STATUS_DONE 3 #define ZBX_TM_STATUS_EXPIRED 4 /* task data type */ #define ZBX_TM_DATA_TYPE_TEST_ITEM 0 #define ZBX_TM_DATA_TYPE_DIAGINFO 1 #define ZBX_TM_DATA_TYPE_PROXYIDS 2 #define ZBX_TM_DATA_TYPE_PROXYNAME 3 #define ZBX_TM_DATA_TYPE_ACTIVE_PROXY_CONFIG_RELOAD 4 #define ZBX_TM_DATA_TYPE_TEMP_SUPPRESSION 5 #define ZBX_TM_DATA_TYPE_RANK_EVENT 6 /* the time period after which finished (done/expired) tasks are removed */ #define ZBX_TM_CLEANUP_TASK_AGE SEC_PER_DAY typedef struct { int command_type; char *command; int execute_on; int port; int authtype; char *username; char *password; char *publickey; char *privatekey; zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid; zbx_uint64_t hostid; zbx_uint64_t alertid; } zbx_tm_remote_command_t; typedef struct { int status; char *info; zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid; } zbx_tm_remote_command_result_t; typedef struct { zbx_uint64_t itemid; } zbx_tm_check_now_t; typedef struct { zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid; char *data; int type; } zbx_tm_data_t; typedef struct { int status; char *info; zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid; } zbx_tm_data_result_t; typedef struct { /* the task identifier */ zbx_uint64_t taskid; /* the target proxy hostid or 0 if the task must be on server, ignored by proxy */ zbx_uint64_t proxyid; /* the task type (ZBX_TM_TASK_* defines) */ unsigned char type; /* the task status (ZBX_TM_STATUS_* defines) */ unsigned char status; /* the task creation time */ int clock; /* the task expiration period in seconds */ int ttl; /* the task data, depending on task type */ void *data; } zbx_tm_task_t; ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_DECL(tm_task, zbx_tm_task_t *) void zbx_tm_task_free(zbx_tm_task_t *task); zbx_tm_remote_command_t *zbx_tm_remote_command_create(int command_type, const char *command, int execute_on, int port, int authtype, const char *username, const char *password, const char *publickey, const char *privatekey, zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid, zbx_uint64_t hostid, zbx_uint64_t alertid); zbx_tm_remote_command_result_t *zbx_tm_remote_command_result_create(zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid, int status, const char *info); zbx_tm_check_now_t *zbx_tm_check_now_create(zbx_uint64_t itemid); zbx_tm_data_t *zbx_tm_data_create(zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid, const char *str, size_t len, int type); zbx_tm_data_result_t *zbx_tm_data_result_create(zbx_uint64_t parent_taskid, int status, const char *info); zbx_tm_task_t *zbx_tm_task_create(zbx_uint64_t taskid, unsigned char type, unsigned char status, int clock, int ttl, zbx_uint64_t proxyid); void zbx_tm_save_tasks(zbx_vector_tm_task_t *tasks); int zbx_tm_save_task(zbx_tm_task_t *task); void zbx_tm_update_task_status(zbx_vector_tm_task_t *tasks, int status); void zbx_tm_json_serialize_tasks(struct zbx_json *json, const zbx_vector_tm_task_t *tasks); void zbx_tm_json_deserialize_tasks(const struct zbx_json_parse *jp, zbx_vector_tm_task_t *tasks); int zbx_tm_execute_task_data(const char *data, size_t len, zbx_uint64_t proxyid, char **info); #endif