/* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ #include "dbupgrade.h" #include "zbxnum.h" #include "zbxparam.h" #include "zbxdb.h" #include "zbxdbschema.h" #include "zbxstr.h" #include "zbx_host_constants.h" #include "zbx_trigger_constants.h" #include "zbx_item_constants.h" /* * 2.2 development database patches */ #ifndef HAVE_SQLITE3 static int DBmodify_proxy_table_id_field(const char *table_name) { #ifdef HAVE_POSTGRESQL const zbx_db_field_t field = {"id", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBmodify_field_type(table_name, &field, NULL); #else ZBX_UNUSED(table_name); return SUCCEED; #endif } /********************************************************************************* * * * Purpose: parse database monitor item params string "user=<user> password= * * <password> DSN=<dsn> sql=<sql>" into parameter values. * * * * Parameters: params - [IN] the params string * * dsn - [OUT] the ODBC DSN output buffer * * user - [OUT] the user name output buffer * * password - [OUT] the password output buffer * * sql - [OUT] the sql query output buffer * * * * Comments: This function allocated memory to store parsed parameters, which * * must be freed later by the caller. * * Failed (or absent) parameters will contain empty string "". * * * *********************************************************************************/ static void parse_db_monitor_item_params(const char *params, char **dsn, char **user, char **password, char **sql) { const char *pvalue, *pnext, *pend; char **var; for (; '\0' != *params; params = pnext) { while (0 != isspace(*params)) params++; pvalue = strchr(params, '='); pnext = strchr(params, '\n'); if (NULL == pvalue) break; if (NULL == pnext) pnext = params + strlen(params); if (pvalue > pnext || pvalue == params) continue; for (pend = pvalue - 1; 0 != isspace(*pend); pend--) ; pend++; if (0 == strncmp(params, "user", pend - params)) var = user; else if (0 == strncmp(params, "password", pend - params)) var = password; else if (0 == strncmp(params, "DSN", pend - params)) var = dsn; else if (0 == strncmp(params, "sql", pend - params)) var = sql; else continue; pvalue++; while (0 != isspace(*pvalue)) pvalue++; if (pvalue > pnext) continue; if ('\0' == *pvalue) continue; for (pend = pnext - 1; 0 != isspace(*pend); pend--) ; pend++; if (NULL == *var) { *var = (char *)zbx_malloc(*var, pend - pvalue + 1); memmove(*var, pvalue, pend - pvalue); (*var)[pend - pvalue] = '\0'; } } if (NULL == *user) *user = zbx_strdup(NULL, ""); if (NULL == *password) *password = zbx_strdup(NULL, ""); if (NULL == *dsn) *dsn = zbx_strdup(NULL, ""); if (NULL == *sql) *sql = zbx_strdup(NULL, ""); } /* * Database patches */ static int DBpatch_2010001(void) { return DBmodify_proxy_table_id_field("proxy_autoreg_host"); } static int DBpatch_2010002(void) { return DBmodify_proxy_table_id_field("proxy_dhistory"); } static int DBpatch_2010003(void) { return DBmodify_proxy_table_id_field("proxy_history"); } static int DBpatch_2010007(void) { const char *strings[] = {"period", "stime", "timelinefixed", NULL}; int i; for (i = 0; NULL != strings[i]; i++) { if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute("update profiles set idx='web.screens.%s' where idx='web.charts.%s'", strings[i], strings[i])) { return FAIL; } } return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010008(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"expression", "", NULL, NULL, 2048, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBmodify_field_type("triggers", &field, NULL); } static int DBpatch_2010009(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"applicationid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}; return DBdrop_not_null("httptest", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010010(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hostid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}; return DBadd_field("httptest", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010011(void) { const char *sql = "update httptest set hostid=(" "select a.hostid" " from applications a" " where a.applicationid = httptest.applicationid" ")"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010012(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hostid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_not_null("httptest", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010013(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"templateid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}; return DBadd_field("httptest", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010014(void) { return DBdrop_index("httptest", "httptest_2"); } static int DBpatch_2010015(void) { return DBcreate_index("httptest", "httptest_2", "hostid,name", 1); } static int DBpatch_2010016(void) { return DBcreate_index("httptest", "httptest_4", "templateid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010017(void) { return DBdrop_foreign_key("httptest", 1); } static int DBpatch_2010018(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"applicationid", NULL, "applications", "applicationid", 0, 0, 0, 0}; return DBadd_foreign_key("httptest", 1, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010019(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hostid", NULL, "hosts", "hostid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("httptest", 2, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010020(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"templateid", NULL, "httptest", "httptestid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("httptest", 3, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010021(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"http_proxy", "", NULL, NULL, 255, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("httptest", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010022(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"snmpv3_authprotocol", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("items", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010023(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"snmpv3_privprotocol", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("items", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010024(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"snmpv3_authprotocol", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("dchecks", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010025(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"snmpv3_privprotocol", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("dchecks", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010026(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"retries", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("httptest", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010027(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"application", "", NULL, NULL, 255, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("screens_items", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010028(void) { const char *sql = "update profiles" " set value_int=case when value_str='0' then 0 else 1 end," "value_str=''," "type=2" /* PROFILE_TYPE_INT */ " where idx='web.httpconf.showdisabled'"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010029(void) { const char *sql = "delete from profiles where idx in ('web.httpconf.applications','web.httpmon.applications')"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010030(void) { const char *sql = "delete from profiles where idx='web.items.filter_groupid'"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010031(void) { const char *sql = "update profiles" " set value_id=value_int," "value_int=0" " where idx like 'web.avail_report.%.groupid'" " or idx like 'web.avail_report.%.hostid'"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010032(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"type", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("users", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010033(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute( "delete from events" " where source=%d" " and object=%d" " and (value=%d or value_changed=%d)", EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER, TRIGGER_VALUE_UNKNOWN, 0)) /*TRIGGER_VALUE_CHANGED_NO*/ { return SUCCEED; } return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010034(void) { return DBdrop_field("events", "value_changed"); } static int DBpatch_2010035(void) { const char *sql = "delete from profiles where idx='web.events.filter.showUnknown'"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010036(void) { const char *sql = "update profiles" " set value_int=case when value_str='1' then 1 else 0 end," "value_str=''," "type=2" /* PROFILE_TYPE_INT */ " where idx like '%isnow'"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010037(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("update config set server_check_interval=10")) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010038(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"server_check_interval", "10", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010039(void) { return DBdrop_field("alerts", "nextcheck"); } static int DBpatch_2010040(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"state", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBrename_field("triggers", "value_flags", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010043(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"state", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("items", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010044(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute( "update items" " set state=%d," "status=%d" " where status=%d", ITEM_STATE_NOTSUPPORTED, ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE, 3 /*ITEM_STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED*/)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010045(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"state", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBrename_field("proxy_history", "status", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010046(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute( "update proxy_history" " set state=%d" " where state=%d", ITEM_STATE_NOTSUPPORTED, 3 /*ITEM_STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED*/)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010047(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"itemid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}; return DBadd_field("escalations", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010048(void) { return DBdrop_index("escalations", "escalations_1"); } static int DBpatch_2010049(void) { return DBcreate_index("escalations", "escalations_1", "actionid,triggerid,itemid,escalationid", 1); } static int DBpatch_2010050(void) { const char *fields[] = {"ts_from", "ts_to", NULL}; zbx_db_result_t result; zbx_db_row_t row; int i; time_t ts; struct tm *tm; for (i = 0; NULL != fields[i]; i++) { result = zbx_db_select( "select timeid,%s" " from services_times" " where type in (%d,%d)" " and %s>%d", fields[i], 0 /* SERVICE_TIME_TYPE_UPTIME */, 1 /* SERVICE_TIME_TYPE_DOWNTIME */, fields[i], SEC_PER_WEEK); while (NULL != (row = zbx_db_fetch(result))) { if (SEC_PER_WEEK < (ts = (time_t)atoi(row[1]))) { tm = localtime(&ts); ts = tm->tm_wday * SEC_PER_DAY + tm->tm_hour * SEC_PER_HOUR + tm->tm_min * SEC_PER_MIN; zbx_db_execute("update services_times set %s=%d where timeid=%s", fields[i], (int)ts, row[0]); } } zbx_db_free_result(result); } return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010051(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_events_mode", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010052(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_events_trigger", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010053(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_events_internal", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010054(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_events_discovery", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010055(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_events_autoreg", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010056(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_services_mode", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010057(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_services", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010058(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_audit_mode", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010059(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_audit", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010060(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_sessions_mode", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010061(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_sessions", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010062(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_history_mode", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010063(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_history_global", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010064(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_history", "90", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010065(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_trends_mode", "1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010066(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_trends_global", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010067(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hk_trends", "365", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("config", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010068(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute( "update config" " set hk_events_mode=0," "hk_services_mode=0," "hk_audit_mode=0," "hk_sessions_mode=0," "hk_history_mode=0," "hk_trends_mode=0," "hk_events_trigger=" "case when event_history>alert_history" " then event_history else alert_history end," "hk_events_discovery=" "case when event_history>alert_history" " then event_history else alert_history end," "hk_events_autoreg=" "case when event_history>alert_history" " then event_history else alert_history end," "hk_events_internal=" "case when event_history>alert_history" " then event_history else alert_history end")) { return SUCCEED; } return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010069(void) { return DBdrop_field("config", "event_history"); } static int DBpatch_2010070(void) { return DBdrop_field("config", "alert_history"); } static int DBpatch_2010071(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"snmpv3_contextname", "", NULL, NULL, 255, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("items", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010072(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"snmpv3_contextname", "", NULL, NULL, 255, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("dchecks", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010073(void) { const char *sql = "delete from ids where table_name='events'"; if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("%s", sql)) return SUCCEED; return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010074(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"variables", "", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_TEXT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBrename_field("httptest", "macros", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010075(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"variables", "", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_TEXT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("httpstep", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010076(void) { const zbx_db_table_t table = {"application_template", "application_templateid", 0, { {"application_templateid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"applicationid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"templateid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {0} }, NULL }; return DBcreate_table(&table); } static int DBpatch_2010077(void) { return DBcreate_index("application_template", "application_template_1", "applicationid,templateid", 1); } static int DBpatch_2010078(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"applicationid", NULL, "applications", "applicationid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("application_template", 1, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010079(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"templateid", NULL, "applications", "applicationid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("application_template", 2, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010080(void) { zbx_db_result_t result; zbx_db_row_t row; zbx_uint64_t applicationid, templateid, application_templateid = 1; int ret = FAIL; result = zbx_db_select("select applicationid,templateid from applications where templateid is not null"); while (NULL != (row = zbx_db_fetch(result))) { ZBX_STR2UINT64(applicationid, row[0]); ZBX_STR2UINT64(templateid, row[1]); if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute( "insert into application_template" " (application_templateid,applicationid,templateid)" " values (" ZBX_FS_UI64 "," ZBX_FS_UI64 "," ZBX_FS_UI64 ")", application_templateid++, applicationid, templateid)) { goto out; } } ret = SUCCEED; out: zbx_db_free_result(result); return ret; } static int DBpatch_2010081(void) { return DBdrop_foreign_key("applications", 2); } static int DBpatch_2010082(void) { return DBdrop_index("applications", "applications_1"); } static int DBpatch_2010083(void) { return DBdrop_field("applications", "templateid"); } static int DBpatch_2010084(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"severity_min", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("sysmaps", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010085(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"host_metadata", "", NULL, NULL, 255, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("autoreg_host", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010086(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"host_metadata", "", NULL, NULL, 255, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("proxy_autoreg_host", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010087(void) { return DBdrop_field("items", "lastclock"); } static int DBpatch_2010088(void) { return DBdrop_field("items", "lastns"); } static int DBpatch_2010089(void) { return DBdrop_field("items", "lastvalue"); } static int DBpatch_2010090(void) { return DBdrop_field("items", "prevvalue"); } static int DBpatch_2010091(void) { return DBdrop_field("items", "prevorgvalue"); } static int DBpatch_2010092(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"width", "900", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("graphs", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010093(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"height", "200", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("graphs", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010094(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute("update items set history=1 where history=0")) { return SUCCEED; } return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010098(void) { #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL return DBdrop_index("proxy_history", "id"); #else return SUCCEED; #endif } static int DBpatch_2010099(void) { #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL return DBdrop_index("proxy_dhistory", "id"); #else return SUCCEED; #endif } static int DBpatch_2010100(void) { #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL return DBdrop_index("proxy_autoreg_host", "id"); #else return SUCCEED; #endif } static int DBpatch_2010101(void) { zbx_db_result_t result; zbx_db_row_t row; int ret = SUCCEED; char *key = NULL; size_t key_alloc = 0, key_offset; result = zbx_db_select( "select i.itemid,i.key_,i.params,h.name" " from items i,hosts h" " where i.hostid=h.hostid" " and i.type=%d", ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR); while (NULL != (row = zbx_db_fetch(result)) && SUCCEED == ret) { char *user = NULL, *password = NULL, *dsn = NULL, *sql = NULL, *error_message = NULL; zbx_uint64_t itemid; size_t key_len; key_len = strlen(row[1]); parse_db_monitor_item_params(row[2], &dsn, &user, &password, &sql); if (0 != strncmp(row[1], "db.odbc.select[", 15) || ']' != row[1][key_len - 1]) error_message = zbx_dsprintf(error_message, "key \"%s\" is invalid", row[1]); else if (64 /* ZBX_ITEM_USERNAME_LEN */ < strlen(user)) error_message = zbx_dsprintf(error_message, "ODBC username \"%s\" is too long", user); else if (64 /* ZBX_ITEM_PASSWORD_LEN */ < strlen(password)) error_message = zbx_dsprintf(error_message, "ODBC password \"%s\" is too long", password); else { char *param = NULL; size_t param_alloc = 0, param_offset = 0; zbx_strncpy_alloc(¶m, ¶m_alloc, ¶m_offset, row[1] + 15, key_len - 16); if (1 != zbx_num_param(param)) { if (FAIL == (ret = zbx_quote_key_param(¶m, 0))) { error_message = zbx_dsprintf(error_message, "unique description" " \"%s\" contains invalid symbols and cannot be quoted", param); } } if (SUCCEED == ret && FAIL == (ret = zbx_quote_key_param(&dsn, 0))) { error_message = zbx_dsprintf(error_message, "data source name" " \"%s\" contains invalid symbols and cannot be quoted", dsn); } if (SUCCEED == ret) { key_offset = 0; zbx_snprintf_alloc(&key, &key_alloc, &key_offset, "db.odbc.select[%s,%s]", param, dsn); zbx_free(param); if (255 /* ZBX_ITEM_KEY_LEN */ < zbx_strlen_utf8(key)) error_message = zbx_dsprintf(error_message, "key \"%s\" is too long", row[1]); } zbx_free(param); } if (NULL == error_message) { char *username_esc, *password_esc, *params_esc, *key_esc; ZBX_STR2UINT64(itemid, row[0]); username_esc = zbx_db_dyn_escape_string(user); password_esc = zbx_db_dyn_escape_string(password); params_esc = zbx_db_dyn_escape_string(sql); key_esc = zbx_db_dyn_escape_string(key); if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute( "update items set username='%s',password='%s',key_='%s',params='%s' " "where itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64, username_esc, password_esc, key_esc, params_esc, itemid)) { ret = FAIL; } zbx_free(username_esc); zbx_free(password_esc); zbx_free(params_esc); zbx_free(key_esc); } else { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Failed to convert host \"%s\" db monitoring item because" " %s. See upgrade notes for manual database monitor item conversion.", row[3], error_message); } zbx_free(error_message); zbx_free(user); zbx_free(password); zbx_free(dsn); zbx_free(sql); } zbx_db_free_result(result); zbx_free(key); return ret; } static int DBpatch_2010102(void) { return DBcreate_index("hosts", "hosts_5", "maintenanceid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010103(void) { return DBcreate_index("screens", "screens_1", "templateid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010104(void) { return DBcreate_index("screens_items", "screens_items_1", "screenid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010105(void) { return DBcreate_index("slides", "slides_2", "screenid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010106(void) { return DBcreate_index("drules", "drules_1", "proxy_hostid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010107(void) { return DBcreate_index("items", "items_6", "interfaceid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010108(void) { return DBcreate_index("httpstepitem", "httpstepitem_2", "itemid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010109(void) { return DBcreate_index("httptestitem", "httptestitem_2", "itemid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010110(void) { return DBcreate_index("users_groups", "users_groups_2", "userid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010111(void) { return DBcreate_index("scripts", "scripts_1", "usrgrpid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010112(void) { return DBcreate_index("scripts", "scripts_2", "groupid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010113(void) { return DBcreate_index("opmessage", "opmessage_1", "mediatypeid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010114(void) { return DBcreate_index("opmessage_grp", "opmessage_grp_2", "usrgrpid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010115(void) { return DBcreate_index("opmessage_usr", "opmessage_usr_2", "userid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010116(void) { return DBcreate_index("opcommand", "opcommand_1", "scriptid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010117(void) { return DBcreate_index("opcommand_hst", "opcommand_hst_2", "hostid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010118(void) { return DBcreate_index("opcommand_grp", "opcommand_grp_2", "groupid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010119(void) { return DBcreate_index("opgroup", "opgroup_2", "groupid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010120(void) { return DBcreate_index("optemplate", "optemplate_2", "templateid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010121(void) { return DBcreate_index("config", "config_1", "alert_usrgrpid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010122(void) { return DBcreate_index("config", "config_2", "discovery_groupid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010123(void) { return DBcreate_index("triggers", "triggers_3", "templateid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010124(void) { return DBcreate_index("graphs", "graphs_2", "templateid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010125(void) { return DBcreate_index("graphs", "graphs_3", "ymin_itemid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010126(void) { return DBcreate_index("graphs", "graphs_4", "ymax_itemid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010127(void) { return DBcreate_index("icon_map", "icon_map_2", "default_iconid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010128(void) { return DBcreate_index("icon_mapping", "icon_mapping_2", "iconid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010129(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps", "sysmaps_2", "backgroundid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010130(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps", "sysmaps_3", "iconmapid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010131(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_elements", "sysmaps_elements_1", "sysmapid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010132(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_elements", "sysmaps_elements_2", "iconid_off", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010133(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_elements", "sysmaps_elements_3", "iconid_on", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010134(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_elements", "sysmaps_elements_4", "iconid_disabled", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010135(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_elements", "sysmaps_elements_5", "iconid_maintenance", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010136(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_links", "sysmaps_links_1", "sysmapid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010137(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_links", "sysmaps_links_2", "selementid1", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010138(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_links", "sysmaps_links_3", "selementid2", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010139(void) { return DBcreate_index("sysmaps_link_triggers", "sysmaps_link_triggers_2", "triggerid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010140(void) { return DBcreate_index("maintenances_hosts", "maintenances_hosts_2", "hostid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010141(void) { return DBcreate_index("maintenances_groups", "maintenances_groups_2", "groupid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010142(void) { return DBcreate_index("maintenances_windows", "maintenances_windows_2", "timeperiodid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010143(void) { return DBcreate_index("nodes", "nodes_1", "masterid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010144(void) { return DBcreate_index("graph_discovery", "graph_discovery_2", "parent_graphid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010145(void) { return DBcreate_index("item_discovery", "item_discovery_2", "parent_itemid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010146(void) { return DBcreate_index("trigger_discovery", "trigger_discovery_2", "parent_triggerid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010147(void) { return DBcreate_index("application_template", "application_template_2", "templateid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010148(void) { return DBrename_index("slides", "slides_slides_1", "slides_1", "slideshowid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010149(void) { return DBrename_index("httptest", "httptest_httptest_1", "httptest_1", "applicationid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010150(void) { return DBrename_index("httpstep", "httpstep_httpstep_1", "httpstep_1", "httptestid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010151(void) { return DBrename_index("httpstepitem", "httpstepitem_httpstepitem_1", "httpstepitem_1", "httpstepid,itemid", 1); } static int DBpatch_2010152(void) { return DBrename_index("httptestitem", "httptestitem_httptestitem_1", "httptestitem_1", "httptestid,itemid", 1); } static int DBpatch_2010153(void) { return DBrename_index("graphs", "graphs_graphs_1", "graphs_1", "name", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010154(void) { return DBrename_index("services_links", "services_links_links_1", "services_links_1", "servicedownid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010155(void) { return DBrename_index("services_links", "services_links_links_2", "services_links_2", "serviceupid,servicedownid", 1); } static int DBpatch_2010156(void) { return DBrename_index("services_times", "services_times_times_1", "services_times_1", "serviceid,type,ts_from,ts_to", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010157(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"flags", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("hosts", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010158(void) { const zbx_db_table_t table = {"host_discovery", "hostid", 0, { {"hostid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"parent_hostid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}, {"parent_itemid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}, {"host", "", NULL, NULL, 64, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"lastcheck", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"ts_delete", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {0} }, NULL }; return DBcreate_table(&table); } static int DBpatch_2010159(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hostid", NULL, "hosts", "hostid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("host_discovery", 1, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010160(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"parent_hostid", NULL, "hosts", "hostid", 0, 0, 0, 0}; return DBadd_foreign_key("host_discovery", 2, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010161(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"parent_itemid", NULL, "items", "itemid", 0, 0, 0, 0}; return DBadd_foreign_key("host_discovery", 3, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010162(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"templateid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}; return DBadd_field("hosts", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010163(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"templateid", NULL, "hosts", "hostid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("hosts", 3, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010164(void) { const zbx_db_table_t table = {"interface_discovery", "interfaceid", 0, { {"interfaceid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"parent_interfaceid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {0} }, NULL }; return DBcreate_table(&table); } static int DBpatch_2010165(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"interfaceid", NULL, "interface", "interfaceid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("interface_discovery", 1, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010166(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"parent_interfaceid", NULL, "interface", "interfaceid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("interface_discovery", 2, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010167(void) { const zbx_db_table_t table = {"group_prototype", "group_prototypeid", 0, { {"group_prototypeid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"hostid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"name", "", NULL, NULL, 64, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"groupid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}, {"templateid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, 0, 0}, {0} }, NULL }; return DBcreate_table(&table); } static int DBpatch_2010168(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"hostid", NULL, "hosts", "hostid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("group_prototype", 1, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010169(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"groupid", NULL, "groups", "groupid", 0, 0, 0, 0}; return DBadd_foreign_key("group_prototype", 2, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010170(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"templateid", NULL, "group_prototype", "group_prototypeid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("group_prototype", 3, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010171(void) { return DBcreate_index("group_prototype", "group_prototype_1", "hostid", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010172(void) { const zbx_db_table_t table = {"group_discovery", "groupid", 0, { {"groupid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"parent_group_prototypeid", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_ID, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"name", "", NULL, NULL, 64, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"lastcheck", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {"ts_delete", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}, {0} }, NULL }; return DBcreate_table(&table); } static int DBpatch_2010173(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"groupid", NULL, "groups", "groupid", 0, 0, 0, ZBX_FK_CASCADE_DELETE}; return DBadd_foreign_key("group_discovery", 1, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010174(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"parent_group_prototypeid", NULL, "group_prototype", "group_prototypeid", 0, 0, 0, 0}; return DBadd_foreign_key("group_discovery", 2, &field); } static int DBpatch_2010175(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"flags", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBadd_field("groups", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010176(void) { zbx_db_result_t result; zbx_db_row_t row; char *name, *name_esc; int ret = SUCCEED; result = zbx_db_select("select scriptid,name from scripts"); while (SUCCEED == ret && NULL != (row = zbx_db_fetch(result))) { name = zbx_dyn_escape_string(row[1], "/\\"); if (0 != strcmp(name, row[1])) { name_esc = zbx_db_dyn_escape_string_len(name, 255); if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute("update scripts set name='%s' where scriptid=%s", name_esc, row[0])) ret = FAIL; zbx_free(name_esc); } zbx_free(name); } zbx_db_free_result(result); return ret; } static int DBpatch_2010177(void) { const char *rf_rate_strings[] = {"syssum", "hoststat", "stszbx", "lastiss", "webovr", "dscvry", NULL}; int i; for (i = 0; NULL != rf_rate_strings[i]; i++) { if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute( "update profiles" " set idx='web.dashboard.widget.%s.rf_rate'" " where idx='web.dashboard.rf_rate.hat_%s'", rf_rate_strings[i], rf_rate_strings[i])) { return FAIL; } } return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010178(void) { const char *state_strings[] = {"favgrph", "favscr", "favmap", "syssum", "hoststat", "stszbx", "lastiss", "webovr", "dscvry", NULL}; int i; for (i = 0; NULL != state_strings[i]; i++) { if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute( "update profiles" " set idx='web.dashboard.widget.%s.state'" " where idx='web.dashboard.hats.hat_%s.state'", state_strings[i], state_strings[i])) { return FAIL; } } return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010179(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"yaxismax", "100", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_FLOAT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("graphs", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010180(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"yaxisside", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("graphs_items", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010181(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"ip", "", NULL, NULL, 64, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBmodify_field_type("interface", &field, NULL); } static int DBpatch_2010182(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"label", "", NULL, NULL, 2048, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBmodify_field_type("sysmaps_elements", &field, NULL); } static int DBpatch_2010183(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"label", "", NULL, NULL, 2048, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBmodify_field_type("sysmaps_links", &field, NULL); } static int DBpatch_2010184(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"label_location", "0", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("sysmaps", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010185(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute("update sysmaps_elements set label_location=-1 where label_location is null")) return FAIL; return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010186(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"label_location", "-1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_default("sysmaps_elements", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010187(void) { const zbx_db_field_t field = {"label_location", "-1", NULL, NULL, 0, ZBX_TYPE_INT, ZBX_NOTNULL, 0}; return DBset_not_null("sysmaps_elements", &field); } static int DBpatch_2010188(void) { return DBdrop_index("events", "events_1"); } static int DBpatch_2010189(void) { return DBdrop_index("events", "events_2"); } static int DBpatch_2010190(void) { return DBcreate_index("events", "events_1", "source,object,objectid,clock", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010191(void) { return DBcreate_index("events", "events_2", "source,object,clock", 0); } static int DBpatch_2010192(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute( "update triggers" " set state=%d,value=%d,lastchange=0,error=''" " where exists (" "select null" " from functions f,items i,hosts h" " where triggers.triggerid=f.triggerid" " and f.itemid=i.itemid" " and i.hostid=h.hostid" " and h.status=%d" ")", TRIGGER_STATE_NORMAL, TRIGGER_VALUE_OK, HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE)) { return SUCCEED; } return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010193(void) { if (ZBX_DB_OK <= zbx_db_execute( "update items" " set state=%d,error=''" " where exists (" "select null" " from hosts h" " where items.hostid=h.hostid" " and h.status=%d" ")", ITEM_STATE_NORMAL, HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE)) { return SUCCEED; } return FAIL; } static int DBpatch_2010194(void) { return DBdrop_table("help_items"); } /****************************************************************************** * * * Comments: auxiliary function for DBpatch_2010195() * * * ******************************************************************************/ static int DBpatch_2010195_replace_key_param_cb(const char *data, int key_type, int level, int num, int quoted, void *cb_data, char **new_param) { char *param; int ret; ZBX_UNUSED(key_type); ZBX_UNUSED(cb_data); if (1 != level || 4 != num) /* the fourth parameter on first level should be updated */ return SUCCEED; param = zbx_strdup(NULL, data); zbx_unquote_key_param(param); if ('\0' == *param) { zbx_free(param); return SUCCEED; } *new_param = zbx_dsprintf(NULL, "^%s$", param); zbx_free(param); if (FAIL == (ret = zbx_quote_key_param(new_param, quoted))) zbx_free(new_param); return ret; } static int DBpatch_2010195(void) { zbx_db_result_t result; zbx_db_row_t row; char *key = NULL, *key_esc, error[64]; int ret = SUCCEED; result = zbx_db_select("select itemid,key_ from items where key_ like 'eventlog[%%'"); while (SUCCEED == ret && NULL != (row = zbx_db_fetch(result))) { key = zbx_strdup(key, row[1]); if (SUCCEED != zbx_replace_key_params_dyn(&key, ZBX_KEY_TYPE_ITEM, DBpatch_2010195_replace_key_param_cb, NULL, error, sizeof(error))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "cannot convert item key \"%s\": %s", row[1], error); continue; } if (255 /* ZBX_ITEM_KEY_LEN */ < zbx_strlen_utf8(key)) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "cannot convert item key \"%s\": key is too long", row[1]); continue; } if (0 != strcmp(key, row[1])) { key_esc = zbx_db_dyn_escape_string(key); if (ZBX_DB_OK > zbx_db_execute("update items set key_='%s' where itemid=%s", key_esc, row[0])) ret = FAIL; zbx_free(key_esc); } } zbx_db_free_result(result); zbx_free(key); return ret; } static int DBpatch_2010196(void) { return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010197(void) { return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010198(void) { return SUCCEED; } static int DBpatch_2010199(void) { return SUCCEED; } #endif DBPATCH_START(2010) /* version, duplicates flag, mandatory flag */ DBPATCH_ADD(2010001, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010002, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010003, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010007, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010008, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010009, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010010, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010011, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010012, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010013, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010014, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010015, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010016, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010017, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010018, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010019, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010020, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010021, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010022, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010023, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010024, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010025, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010026, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010027, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010028, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010029, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010030, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010031, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010032, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010033, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010034, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010035, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010036, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010037, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010038, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010039, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010040, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010043, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010044, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010045, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010046, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010047, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010048, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010049, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010050, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010051, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010052, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010053, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010054, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010055, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010056, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010057, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010058, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010059, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010060, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010061, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010062, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010063, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010064, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010065, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010066, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010067, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010068, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010069, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010070, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010071, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010072, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010073, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010074, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010075, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010076, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010077, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010078, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010079, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010080, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010081, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010082, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010083, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010084, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010085, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010086, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010087, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010088, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010089, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010090, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010091, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010092, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010093, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010094, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010098, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010099, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010100, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010101, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010102, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010103, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010104, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010105, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010106, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010107, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010108, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010109, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010110, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010111, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010112, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010113, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010114, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010115, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010116, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010117, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010118, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010119, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010120, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010121, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010122, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010123, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010124, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010125, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010126, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010127, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010128, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010129, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010130, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010131, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010132, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010133, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010134, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010135, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010136, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010137, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010138, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010139, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010140, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010141, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010142, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010143, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010144, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010145, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010146, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010147, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010148, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010149, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010150, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010151, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010152, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010153, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010154, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010155, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010156, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010157, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010158, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010159, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010160, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010161, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010162, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010163, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010164, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010165, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010166, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010167, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010168, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010169, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010170, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010171, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010172, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010173, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010174, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010175, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010176, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010177, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010178, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010179, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010180, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010181, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010182, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010183, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010184, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010185, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010186, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010187, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010188, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010189, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010190, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010191, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010192, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010193, 0, 0) DBPATCH_ADD(2010194, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010195, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010196, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010197, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010198, 0, 1) DBPATCH_ADD(2010199, 0, 1) DBPATCH_END()