zabbix_export: version: '5.2' date: '2020-10-16T09:33:52Z' media_types: - name: Telegram type: WEBHOOK parameters: - name: Message value: '{ALERT.MESSAGE}' - name: ParseMode value: '' - name: Subject value: '{ALERT.SUBJECT}' - name: To value: '{ALERT.SENDTO}' - name: Token value: '<PLACE YOUR TOKEN>' script: | var Telegram = { token: null, to: null, message: null, proxy: null, parse_mode: null, sendMessage: function() { var params = { chat_id:, text: Telegram.message, disable_web_page_preview: true, disable_notification: false }, data, response, request = new CurlHttpRequest(), url = '' + Telegram.token + '/sendMessage'; if (Telegram.parse_mode !== null) { params['parse_mode'] = Telegram.parse_mode; } if (Telegram.proxy) { request.SetProxy(Telegram.proxy); } request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); data = JSON.stringify(params); // Remove replace() function if you want to see the exposed token in the log file. Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] URL: ' + url.replace(Telegram.token, '<TOKEN>')); Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] params: ' + data); response = request.Post(url, data); Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] HTTP code: ' + request.Status()); try { response = JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { response = null; } if (request.Status() !== 200 || typeof response.ok !== 'boolean' || response.ok !== true) { if (typeof response.description === 'string') { throw response.description; } else { throw 'Unknown error. Check debug log for more information.' } } } } try { var params = JSON.parse(value); if (typeof params.Token === 'undefined') { throw 'Incorrect value is given for parameter "Token": parameter is missing'; } Telegram.token = params.Token; if (params.HTTPProxy) { Telegram.proxy = params.HTTPProxy; } if (['Markdown', 'HTML', 'MarkdownV2'].indexOf(params.ParseMode) !== -1) { Telegram.parse_mode = params.ParseMode; } = params.To; Telegram.message = params.Subject + '\n' + params.Message; Telegram.sendMessage(); return 'OK'; } catch (error) { Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] notification failed: ' + error); throw 'Sending failed: ' + error + '.'; } timeout: 10s description: | 1. Register bot: send "/newbot" to @BotFather and follow instructions 2. Copy and paste the obtained token into the "Token" field above 3. If you want to send personal notifications, you need to get chat id of the user you want to send messages to: 3.1. Send "/getid" to "@myidbot" in Telegram messenger 3.2. Copy returned chat id and save it in the "Telegram Webhook" media for the user 3.3. Ask the user to send "/start" to your bot (Telegram bot won't send anything to the user without it) 4. If you want to send group notifications, you need to get group id of the group you want to send messages to: 4.1. Add "@myidbot" to your group 4.2. Send "/getgroupid@myidbot" in your group 4.3. Copy returned group id save it in the "Telegram Webhook" media for the user you created for group notifications 4.4. Send "/start@your_bot_name_here" in your group (Telegram bot won't send anything to the group without it) message_templates: - event_source: TRIGGERS operation_mode: PROBLEM subject: 'Problem: {EVENT.NAME}' message: | Problem started at {EVENT.TIME} on {EVENT.DATE} Problem name: {EVENT.NAME} Host: {HOST.NAME} Severity: {EVENT.SEVERITY} Operational data: {EVENT.OPDATA} Original problem ID: {EVENT.ID} {TRIGGER.URL} - event_source: TRIGGERS operation_mode: RECOVERY subject: 'Resolved in {EVENT.DURATION}: {EVENT.NAME}' message: | Problem has been resolved in {EVENT.DURATION} at {EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} on {EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} Problem name: {EVENT.NAME} Host: {HOST.NAME} Severity: {EVENT.SEVERITY} Original problem ID: {EVENT.ID} {TRIGGER.URL} - event_source: TRIGGERS operation_mode: UPDATE subject: 'Updated problem: {EVENT.NAME}' message: | {USER.FULLNAME} {EVENT.UPDATE.ACTION} problem at {EVENT.UPDATE.DATE} {EVENT.UPDATE.TIME}. {EVENT.UPDATE.MESSAGE} Current problem status is {EVENT.STATUS}, acknowledged: {EVENT.ACK.STATUS}. - event_source: DISCOVERY operation_mode: PROBLEM subject: 'Discovery: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS}' message: | Discovery rule: {DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} Device IP: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} Device DNS: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} Device status: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} Device uptime: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} Device service name: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} Device service port: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} Device service status: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} Device service uptime: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} - event_source: AUTOREGISTRATION operation_mode: PROBLEM subject: 'Autoregistration: {HOST.HOST}' message: | Host name: {HOST.HOST} Host IP: {HOST.IP} Agent port: {HOST.PORT}