/* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ #include "zbxmocktest.h" #include "zbxmockdata.h" #include "zbxmockassert.h" #include "zbxmockutil.h" #include "zbxexpression.h" #include "macrofunc.h" #include "zbxlog.h" #include "zbxexpr.h" #include "zbxcachevalue.h" #include "mocks/valuecache/valuecache_mock.h" int __wrap_substitute_simple_macros(zbx_uint64_t *actionid, const zbx_db_event *event, const zbx_db_event *r_event, zbx_uint64_t *userid, const zbx_uint64_t *hostid, const zbx_dc_host_t *dc_host, const zbx_dc_item_t *dc_item, zbx_db_alert *alert, const zbx_db_acknowledge *ack, const zbx_service_alarm_t *service_alarm, const zbx_db_service *service, const char *tz, char **data, int macro_type, char *error, int maxerrlen); int __wrap_zbx_dc_get_data_expected_from(zbx_uint64_t itemid, int *seconds); int __wrap_substitute_simple_macros(zbx_uint64_t *actionid, const zbx_db_event *event, const zbx_db_event *r_event, zbx_uint64_t *userid, const zbx_uint64_t *hostid, const zbx_dc_host_t *dc_host, const zbx_dc_item_t *dc_item, zbx_db_alert *alert, const zbx_db_acknowledge *ack, const zbx_service_alarm_t *service_alarm, const zbx_db_service *service, const char *tz, char **data, int macro_type, char *error, int maxerrlen) { ZBX_UNUSED(actionid); ZBX_UNUSED(event); ZBX_UNUSED(r_event); ZBX_UNUSED(userid); ZBX_UNUSED(hostid); ZBX_UNUSED(dc_host); ZBX_UNUSED(dc_item); ZBX_UNUSED(alert); ZBX_UNUSED(ack); ZBX_UNUSED(tz); ZBX_UNUSED(data); ZBX_UNUSED(macro_type); ZBX_UNUSED(error); ZBX_UNUSED(maxerrlen); ZBX_UNUSED(service_alarm); ZBX_UNUSED(service); return SUCCEED; } int __wrap_zbx_dc_get_data_expected_from(zbx_uint64_t itemid, int *seconds) { ZBX_UNUSED(itemid); *seconds = zbx_vcmock_get_ts().sec - 600; return SUCCEED; } void zbx_mock_test_entry(void **state) { const size_t macro_pos = 1, macro_pos_end = 6, func_pos = 8, func_param_pos = 15; int expected_ret, returned_ret, err; char *returned_value = NULL, macro_expr[MAX_STRING_LEN]; const char *expected_value; zbx_token_func_macro_t token; zbx_mock_handle_t handle; struct tm ltm; time_t time_new; ZBX_UNUSED(state); if (0 != setenv("TZ", zbx_mock_get_parameter_string("in.timezone"), 1)) fail_msg("Cannot set 'TZ' environment variable: %s", zbx_strerror(errno)); handle = zbx_mock_get_parameter_handle("in"); zbx_vcmock_set_time(handle, "time"); zbx_snprintf(macro_expr, MAX_STRING_LEN, "{{TIME}.fmttime(%s, %s)}", zbx_mock_get_parameter_string("in.fmt"), zbx_mock_get_parameter_string("in.period")); token = (zbx_token_func_macro_t) { .macro = { macro_pos, macro_pos_end }, .func = { func_pos, strlen(macro_expr) - 2 }, .func_param = { func_param_pos, strlen(macro_expr) - 2 } }; #define FMTTIME_INPUT_SIZE 20 time_new = time(&time_new); localtime_r(&time_new, <m); returned_value = zbx_malloc(returned_value, FMTTIME_INPUT_SIZE); zbx_snprintf(returned_value, FMTTIME_INPUT_SIZE, "%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", ltm.tm_year + 1900, ltm.tm_mon + 1, ltm.tm_mday, ltm.tm_hour, ltm.tm_min, ltm.tm_sec); returned_ret = zbx_calculate_macro_function(macro_expr, &token, &returned_value); expected_ret = zbx_mock_str_to_return_code(zbx_mock_get_parameter_string("out.return")); zbx_mock_assert_result_eq("return value", expected_ret, returned_ret); if (SUCCEED == expected_ret) { handle = zbx_mock_get_parameter_handle("out.value"); if (ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != (err = zbx_mock_string_ex(handle, &expected_value))) fail_msg("Cannot read output value: %s", zbx_mock_error_string(err)); zbx_mock_assert_str_eq("fmttime result", expected_value, returned_value); } zbx_free(returned_value); #undef FMTTIME_INPUT_SIZE }