<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ class CControllerAuthenticationUpdate extends CController { /** * @var CControllerResponseRedirect */ private $response; private const PROVISION_ENABLED_FIELDS = ['group_basedn', 'group_member', 'group_membership', 'group_name', 'user_username', 'user_lastname', 'uer_ref_attr', 'provision_groups', 'provision_media' ]; protected function init() { $this->response = new CControllerResponseRedirect((new CUrl('zabbix.php')) ->setArgument('action', 'authentication.edit') ->getUrl() ); } protected function checkInput() { global $ALLOW_HTTP_AUTH; $fields = [ 'form_refresh' => 'int32', 'authentication_type' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL.','.ZBX_AUTH_LDAP, 'disabled_usrgrpid' => 'id', 'ldap_auth_enabled' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_LDAP_DISABLED.','.ZBX_AUTH_LDAP_ENABLED, 'ldap_servers' => 'array', 'ldap_default_row_index' => 'int32', 'ldap_case_sensitive' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_CASE_INSENSITIVE.','.ZBX_AUTH_CASE_SENSITIVE, 'ldap_removed_userdirectoryids' => 'array_id', 'ldap_jit_status' => 'in '.JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED.','.JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED, 'jit_provision_interval' => 'db config.jit_provision_interval|time_unit_year '.implode(':', [SEC_PER_HOUR, 25 * SEC_PER_YEAR]), 'saml_auth_enabled' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_SAML_DISABLED.','.ZBX_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED, 'saml_jit_status' => 'in '.JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED.','.JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED, 'idp_entityid' => 'db userdirectory_saml.idp_entityid', 'sso_url' => 'db userdirectory_saml.sso_url', 'slo_url' => 'db userdirectory_saml.slo_url', 'username_attribute' => 'db userdirectory_saml.username_attribute', 'sp_entityid' => 'db userdirectory_saml.sp_entityid', 'nameid_format' => 'db userdirectory_saml.nameid_format', 'sign_messages' => 'in 0,1', 'sign_assertions' => 'in 0,1', 'sign_authn_requests' => 'in 0,1', 'sign_logout_requests' => 'in 0,1', 'sign_logout_responses' => 'in 0,1', 'encrypt_nameid' => 'in 0,1', 'encrypt_assertions' => 'in 0,1', 'saml_case_sensitive' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_CASE_INSENSITIVE.','.ZBX_AUTH_CASE_SENSITIVE, 'saml_provision_status' => 'in '.JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED.','.JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED, 'saml_group_name' => 'db userdirectory_saml.group_name', 'saml_user_username' => 'db userdirectory_saml.user_username', 'saml_user_lastname' => 'db userdirectory_saml.user_lastname', 'saml_provision_groups' => 'array', 'saml_provision_media' => 'array', 'scim_status' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_SCIM_PROVISIONING_DISABLED.','.ZBX_AUTH_SCIM_PROVISIONING_ENABLED, 'passwd_min_length' => 'int32', 'passwd_check_rules' => 'array', 'mfa_status' => 'in '.MFA_DISABLED.','.MFA_ENABLED, 'mfa_methods' => 'array', 'mfa_default_row_index' => 'int32', 'mfa_removed_mfaids' => 'array_id' ]; if ($ALLOW_HTTP_AUTH) { $fields += [ 'http_auth_enabled' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_HTTP_DISABLED.','.ZBX_AUTH_HTTP_ENABLED, 'http_login_form' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_FORM_ZABBIX.','.ZBX_AUTH_FORM_HTTP, 'http_strip_domains' => 'db config.http_strip_domains', 'http_case_sensitive' => 'in '.ZBX_AUTH_CASE_INSENSITIVE.','.ZBX_AUTH_CASE_SENSITIVE ]; } $ret = $this->validateInput($fields); if ($ret) { $ret = $this->validateLdap() && $this->validateSamlAuth() && $this->validateMfa(); } if (!$ret) { if (CMessageHelper::getTitle() === null) { CMessageHelper::setErrorTitle(_('Cannot update authentication')); } $this->response->setFormData($this->getInputAll()); $this->setResponse($this->response); } return $ret; } /** * Validate LDAP settings. * * @return bool */ private function validateLdap(): bool { if ($this->getInput('ldap_auth_enabled', DB::getDefault('config', 'ldap_auth_enabled')) == ZBX_AUTH_LDAP_ENABLED) { $ldap_status = (new CFrontendSetup())->checkPhpLdapModule(); if ($ldap_status['result'] != CFrontendSetup::CHECK_OK) { error($ldap_status['error']); return false; } $ldap_servers = $this->getInput('ldap_servers', []); if (!$ldap_servers) { error(_('At least one LDAP server must exist.')); return false; } if (!$this->hasInput('ldap_default_row_index') || !array_key_exists($this->getInput('ldap_default_row_index'), $ldap_servers)) { error(_('Default LDAP server must be specified.')); return false; } foreach ($ldap_servers as $ldap_server) { if (!array_key_exists('provision_status', $ldap_server) || $ldap_server['provision_status'] != JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists('provision_groups', $ldap_server) || !$this->validateProvisionGroups($ldap_server['provision_groups'])) { error(_('Invalid LDAP JIT provisioning user group mapping configuration.')); return false; } if (array_key_exists('provision_media', $ldap_server) && !$this->validateProvisionMedia($ldap_server['provision_media'])) { error(_('Invalid LDAP JIT provisioning media type mapping configuration.')); return false; } } } elseif ($this->getInput('authentication_type', DB::getDefault('config', 'authentication_type')) == ZBX_AUTH_LDAP) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'authentication_type', _('LDAP is not configured'))); return false; } return true; } /** * Validate SAML authentication settings. * * @return bool */ private function validateSamlAuth() { if ($this->getInput('saml_auth_enabled', ZBX_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED) == ZBX_AUTH_SAML_DISABLED) { return true; } $openssl_status = (new CFrontendSetup())->checkPhpOpenSsl(); if ($openssl_status['result'] != CFrontendSetup::CHECK_OK) { error($openssl_status['error']); return false; } $this->getInputs($saml_fields, [ 'idp_entityid', 'sso_url', 'username_attribute', 'sp_entityid' ]); if ($this->getInput('saml_provision_status', JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED) == JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED) { $saml_fields['saml_group_name'] = $this->getInput('saml_group_name', ''); if (!$this->validateProvisionGroups($this->getInput('saml_provision_groups', []))) { error(_('Invalid SAML JIT provisioning user group mapping configuration.')); return false; } if (!$this->validateProvisionMedia($this->getInput('saml_provision_media', []))) { error(_('Invalid SAML JIT provisioning media type mapping configuration.')); return false; } } foreach ($saml_fields as $field_name => $field_value) { if ($field_value === '') { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', $field_name, _('cannot be empty'))); return false; } } return true; } /** * Validate MFA settings. * * @return bool */ private function validateMfa(): bool { $default_mfa = $this->hasInput('mfa_default_row_index') ? $this->getInput('mfa_default_row_index') : null; $error = $this->getInput('mfa_status', MFA_DISABLED) == MFA_ENABLED && !array_key_exists($default_mfa, $this->getInput('mfa_methods', [])); if ($error) { error(_('Default MFA method must be specified.')); } return !$error; } /** * Validate is user allowed to change configuration. * * @return bool */ protected function checkPermissions() { return $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::UI_ADMINISTRATION_AUTHENTICATION); } /** * In case of error, convert array back to integer (string) so edit form does not fail. * * @return array */ public function getInputAll() { $input = parent::getInputAll(); $rules = $input['passwd_check_rules']; $input['passwd_check_rules'] = 0x00; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $input['passwd_check_rules'] |= $rule; } // CNewValidator thinks int32 must be a string type integer. $input['passwd_check_rules'] = (string) $input['passwd_check_rules']; return $input; } protected function doAction() { $result = false; try { DBstart(); $result = $this->processSamlConfiguration(); $ldap_userdirectoryid = 0; if ($result) { $ldap_servers = $this->getInput('ldap_servers', []); if ($ldap_servers) { $ldap_userdirectoryids = $this->processLdapServers($ldap_servers); $ldap_default_row_index = $this->getInput('ldap_default_row_index'); if (!$ldap_userdirectoryids) { $result = false; } else { $ldap_userdirectoryid = $ldap_userdirectoryids[$ldap_default_row_index]; } } } $mfaid = 0; if ($result) { $mfa_methods = $this->getInput('mfa_methods', []); if ($mfa_methods) { $mfaids = $this->processMfaMethods($mfa_methods); if (!$mfaids) { $result = false; } else { $mfaid = $mfaids[$this->getInput('mfa_default_row_index', 0)]; } } } if ($result) { $result = $this->processGeneralAuthenticationSettings($ldap_userdirectoryid, $mfaid); } if ($result && $this->hasInput('ldap_removed_userdirectoryids')) { $result = (bool) API::UserDirectory()->delete($this->getInput('ldap_removed_userdirectoryids')); } if ($result && $this->hasInput('mfa_removed_mfaids')) { $result = (bool) API::Mfa()->delete($this->getInput('mfa_removed_mfaids')); } if (!$result) { throw new Exception(); } $result = DBend(true); } catch (Exception $e) { DBend(false); } if ($result) { CMessageHelper::setSuccessTitle(_('Authentication settings updated')); } else { if (CMessageHelper::getTitle() === null) { CMessageHelper::setErrorTitle(_('Cannot update authentication')); } $this->response->setFormData($this->getInputAll()); } $this->setResponse($this->response); } private function processGeneralAuthenticationSettings(int $ldap_userdirectoryid, int $mfaid): bool { global $ALLOW_HTTP_AUTH; $auth_params = [ CAuthenticationHelper::AUTHENTICATION_TYPE, CAuthenticationHelper::DISABLED_USER_GROUPID, CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_AUTH_ENABLED, CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_USERDIRECTORYID, CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_CASE_SENSITIVE, CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_JIT_STATUS, CAuthenticationHelper::JIT_PROVISION_INTERVAL, CAuthenticationHelper::SAML_AUTH_ENABLED, CAuthenticationHelper::SAML_JIT_STATUS, CAuthenticationHelper::SAML_CASE_SENSITIVE, CAuthenticationHelper::PASSWD_MIN_LENGTH, CAuthenticationHelper::PASSWD_CHECK_RULES, CAuthenticationHelper::MFA_STATUS, CAuthenticationHelper::MFAID ]; $fields = [ 'authentication_type' => ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL, 'disabled_usrgrpid' => 0, 'ldap_auth_enabled' => ZBX_AUTH_LDAP_DISABLED, 'ldap_userdirectoryid' => $ldap_userdirectoryid, 'saml_auth_enabled' => ZBX_AUTH_SAML_DISABLED, 'passwd_min_length' => DB::getDefault('config', 'passwd_min_length'), 'passwd_check_rules' => DB::getDefault('config', 'passwd_check_rules'), 'mfa_status' => MFA_DISABLED, 'mfaid' => $mfaid ]; if ($ALLOW_HTTP_AUTH) { $auth_params = array_merge($auth_params, [ CAuthenticationHelper::HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED, CAuthenticationHelper::HTTP_LOGIN_FORM, CAuthenticationHelper::HTTP_STRIP_DOMAINS, CAuthenticationHelper::HTTP_CASE_SENSITIVE ]); $fields['http_auth_enabled'] = ZBX_AUTH_HTTP_DISABLED; if ($this->getInput('http_auth_enabled', ZBX_AUTH_HTTP_DISABLED) == ZBX_AUTH_HTTP_ENABLED) { $fields += [ 'http_case_sensitive' => 0, 'http_login_form' => 0, 'http_strip_domains' => '' ]; } } if ($this->getInput('ldap_auth_enabled', ZBX_AUTH_LDAP_DISABLED) == ZBX_AUTH_LDAP_ENABLED) { $fields += [ 'ldap_jit_status' => JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED, 'ldap_case_sensitive' => ZBX_AUTH_CASE_INSENSITIVE ]; if ($this->getInput('ldap_jit_status', JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED) == JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED) { $fields['jit_provision_interval'] = DB::getDefault('config', 'jit_provision_interval'); } } if ($this->getInput('saml_auth_enabled', ZBX_AUTH_SAML_DISABLED) == ZBX_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED) { $fields += [ 'saml_case_sensitive' => ZBX_AUTH_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 'saml_jit_status' => JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED ]; } $auth = []; foreach ($auth_params as $param) { $auth[$param] = CAuthenticationHelper::get($param); } $data = $fields + $auth; $this->getInputs($data, array_keys($fields)); $rules = $data['passwd_check_rules']; $data['passwd_check_rules'] = 0x00; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $data['passwd_check_rules'] |= $rule; } $data = array_diff_assoc($data, $auth); $result = true; if ($data) { $result = (bool) API::Authentication()->update($data); if ($result && array_key_exists('authentication_type', $data)) { $this->invalidateSessions(); } CAuthenticationHelper::reset(); } return $result; } /** * Updates existing LDAP servers, creates new ones, removes deleted ones. * * @param array $ldap_servers * * @return array */ private function processLdapServers(array $ldap_servers): array { $ins_ldap_servers = []; $upd_ldap_servers = []; $userdirectoryid_map = []; foreach ($ldap_servers as $row_index => $ldap_server) { if (!array_key_exists('provision_status', $ldap_server) || $ldap_server['provision_status'] != JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED) { $ldap_server = array_diff_key($ldap_server, array_flip(self::PROVISION_ENABLED_FIELDS)); } if (array_key_exists('userdirectoryid', $ldap_server)) { $userdirectoryid_map[$row_index] = $ldap_server['userdirectoryid']; $upd_ldap_servers[] = $ldap_server + ['provision_media' => []]; } else { $userdirectoryid_map[$row_index] = null; $ins_ldap_servers[] = ['idp_type' => IDP_TYPE_LDAP] + $ldap_server; } } $result = $upd_ldap_servers ? API::UserDirectory()->update($upd_ldap_servers) : []; $result = $result !== false && $ins_ldap_servers ? API::UserDirectory()->create($ins_ldap_servers) : $result; if ($result) { foreach ($userdirectoryid_map as $row_index => $userdirectoryid) { if ($userdirectoryid === null) { $userdirectoryid_map[$row_index] = array_shift($result['userdirectoryids']); } } return $userdirectoryid_map; } else { return []; } } /** * Updates existing MFA methods, creates new ones, removes deleted ones. * * @param array $mfa_methods * * @return array */ private function processMfaMethods(array $mfa_methods): array { $ins_mfa_methods = []; $upd_mfa_methods = []; $mfaid_map = []; foreach ($mfa_methods as $row_index => $mfa_method) { if (array_key_exists('mfaid', $mfa_method)) { $mfaid_map[$row_index] = $mfa_method['mfaid']; $upd_mfa_methods[] = $mfa_method; } else { $mfaid_map[$row_index] = null; $ins_mfa_methods[] = $mfa_method; } } $result = $upd_mfa_methods ? API::Mfa()->update($upd_mfa_methods) : []; $result = ($result !== false && $ins_mfa_methods) ? API::Mfa()->create($ins_mfa_methods) : $result; if (!$result) { return []; } if ($ins_mfa_methods) { foreach ($mfaid_map as $row_index => $mfaid) { if ($mfaid === null) { $mfaid_map[$row_index] = array_shift($result['mfaids']); } } } return $mfaid_map; } /** * Retrieves SAML configuration fields and creates or updates SAML configuration. * * @return bool */ private function processSamlConfiguration(): bool { if ($this->getInput('saml_auth_enabled', ZBX_AUTH_SAML_DISABLED) != ZBX_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED) { return true; } $saml_data = [ 'idp_entityid' => '', 'sso_url' => '', 'slo_url' => '', 'username_attribute' => '', 'sp_entityid' => '', 'nameid_format' => '', 'sign_messages' => 0, 'sign_assertions' => 0, 'sign_authn_requests' => 0, 'sign_logout_requests' => 0, 'sign_logout_responses' => 0, 'encrypt_nameid' => 0, 'encrypt_assertions' => 0, 'provision_status' => JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED, 'scim_status' => ZBX_AUTH_SCIM_PROVISIONING_DISABLED ]; $this->getInputs($saml_data, array_keys($saml_data)); if ($this->getInput('saml_provision_status', JIT_PROVISIONING_DISABLED) == JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED) { $provisioning_fields = [ 'saml_provision_status' => JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED, 'saml_group_name' => '', 'saml_user_username' => '', 'saml_user_lastname' => '', 'saml_provision_groups' => [], 'saml_provision_media' => [] ]; $this->getInputs($provisioning_fields, array_keys($provisioning_fields)); $provisioning_fields = CArrayHelper::renameKeys($provisioning_fields, [ 'saml_group_name' => 'group_name', 'saml_user_username' => 'user_username', 'saml_user_lastname' => 'user_lastname', 'saml_provision_status' => 'provision_status', 'saml_provision_groups' => 'provision_groups', 'saml_provision_media' => 'provision_media' ]); $saml_data = array_merge($saml_data, $provisioning_fields); } $db_saml = API::UserDirectory()->get([ 'output' => ['userdirectoryid'], 'filter' => ['idp_type' => IDP_TYPE_SAML] ]); if ($db_saml) { $result = API::UserDirectory()->update(['userdirectoryid' => $db_saml[0]['userdirectoryid']] + $saml_data); } else { $result = API::UserDirectory()->create($saml_data + ['idp_type' => IDP_TYPE_SAML]); } return $result !== false; } /** * Mark all active GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL sessions, except current user sessions, as ZBX_SESSION_PASSIVE. * * @return bool */ private function invalidateSessions() { $result = true; $internal_auth_user_groups = API::UserGroup()->get([ 'output' => [], 'filter' => [ 'gui_access' => GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL ], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $internal_auth_users = API::User()->get([ 'output' => [], 'usrgrpids' => array_keys($internal_auth_user_groups), 'preservekeys' => true ]); unset($internal_auth_users[CWebUser::$data['userid']]); if ($internal_auth_users) { $result = DB::update('sessions', [ 'values' => ['status' => ZBX_SESSION_PASSIVE], 'where' => ['userid' => array_keys($internal_auth_users)] ]); } return $result; } private function validateProvisionGroups(array $provision_group): bool { foreach ($provision_group as $group) { if (!is_array($group)) { return false; } if (!array_key_exists('user_groups', $group) || !is_array($group['user_groups']) || !array_key_exists('roleid', $group) || !ctype_digit($group['roleid']) || !array_key_exists('name', $group) || !is_string($group['name']) || $group['name'] === '') { return false; } } return true; } private function validateProvisionMedia(array $provision_media): bool { if (!$provision_media) { return true; } foreach ($provision_media as $media) { if (!is_array($media) || !array_key_exists('name', $media) || !is_string($media['name']) || $media['name'] === '' || !array_key_exists('attribute', $media) || !is_string($media['attribute']) || $media['attribute'] === '' || !array_key_exists('mediatypeid', $media) || !ctype_digit($media['mediatypeid'])) { return false; } } return true; } }