<?php declare(strict_types = 0); /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/forms.inc.php'; /** * Configuration host edit controller for full-page form. */ class CControllerHostEdit extends CController { /** * Edited host. * * @var ?array */ protected $host; protected function init() { $this->disableSIDValidation(); } protected function checkInput(): bool { $fields = [ 'hostid' => 'db hosts.hostid', 'groupids' => 'array_db hosts_groups.groupid', 'clone' => 'in 1', 'full_clone' => 'in 1', 'host' => 'db hosts.host', 'visiblename' => 'db hosts.name', 'description' => 'db hosts.description', 'status' => 'db hosts.status|in '.implode(',', [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED ]), 'proxy_hostid' => 'db hosts.proxy_hostid', 'interfaces' => 'array', 'mainInterfaces' => 'array', 'groups' => 'array', 'tags' => 'array', 'templates' => 'array_db hosts.hostid', 'add_templates' => 'array_db hosts.hostid', 'ipmi_authtype' => 'in '.implode(',', [IPMI_AUTHTYPE_DEFAULT, IPMI_AUTHTYPE_NONE, IPMI_AUTHTYPE_MD2, IPMI_AUTHTYPE_MD5, IPMI_AUTHTYPE_STRAIGHT, IPMI_AUTHTYPE_OEM, IPMI_AUTHTYPE_RMCP_PLUS ]), 'ipmi_privilege' => 'in '.implode(',', [IPMI_PRIVILEGE_CALLBACK, IPMI_PRIVILEGE_USER, IPMI_PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR, IPMI_PRIVILEGE_ADMIN, IPMI_PRIVILEGE_OEM ]), 'ipmi_username' => 'db hosts.ipmi_username', 'ipmi_password' => 'db hosts.ipmi_password', 'show_inherited_macros' => 'in 0,1', 'tls_connect' => 'db hosts.tls_connect|in '.implode(',', [HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE, HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK, HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE ]), 'tls_accept' => 'db hosts.tls_accept|ge 0|le '. (0 | HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE | HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK | HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE), 'tls_subject' => 'db hosts.tls_subject', 'tls_issuer' => 'db hosts.tls_issuer', 'tls_psk_identity' => 'db hosts.tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk' => 'db hosts.tls_psk', 'inventory_mode' => 'db host_inventory.inventory_mode|in '.implode(',', [HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED, HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL, HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC ]), 'host_inventory' => 'array', 'macros' => 'array', 'valuemaps' => 'array' ]; $ret = ($this->validateInput($fields) && $this->checkCloneSourceHostId()); if (!$ret) { $this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseFatal()); } return $ret; } /** * Check if source hostid is given to clone host. * * @return bool */ protected function checkCloneSourceHostId(): bool { if ($this->hasInput('clone') || $this->hasInput('full_clone')) { return $this->hasInput('hostid'); } return true; } protected function checkPermissions(): bool { if (!$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::UI_CONFIGURATION_HOSTS)) { return false; } if ($this->hasInput('hostid')) { $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => [], 'hostids' => $this->getInput('hostid'), 'editable' => true, 'limit' => 1 ]); if (!$hosts) { return false; } } return true; } protected function doAction(): void { $clone_hostid = null; if ($this->hasInput('hostid')) { if ($this->hasInput('full_clone') || $this->hasInput('clone')) { $clone_hostid = $this->getInput('hostid'); $this->host = ['hostid' => null]; } else { $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host', 'name', 'status', 'description', 'proxy_hostid', 'ipmi_authtype', 'ipmi_privilege', 'ipmi_username', 'ipmi_password', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_subject', 'flags', 'inventory_mode' ], 'selectDiscoveryRule' => ['itemid', 'name', 'parent_hostid'], 'selectGroups' => ['groupid'], 'selectHostDiscovery' => ['parent_hostid'], 'selectInterfaces' => ['interfaceid', 'type', 'main', 'available', 'error', 'details', 'ip', 'dns', 'port', 'useip' ], 'selectInventory' => array_column(getHostInventories(), 'db_field'), 'selectMacros' => ['hostmacroid', 'macro', 'value', 'description', 'type'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid', 'name'], 'selectTags' => ['tag', 'value'], 'selectValueMaps' => ['valuemapid', 'name', 'mappings'], 'hostids' => $this->getInput('hostid') ]); $this->host = $hosts[0]; } } if (array_key_exists('interfaces', (array) $this->host) && $this->host['interfaces']) { $interface_items = API::HostInterface()->get([ 'output' => [], 'selectItems' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'hostids' => [$this->host['hostid']], 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($this->host['interfaces'] as &$interface) { if (!array_key_exists($interface['interfaceid'], $interface_items)) { continue; } $interface['items'] = $interface_items[$interface['interfaceid']]['items']; } unset($interface); } $this->host = (array) $this->host + $this->getInputValues() + $this->getHostDefaultValues(); $data = [ 'form_action' => $this->host['hostid'] ? 'host.update' : 'host.create', 'hostid' => $this->host['hostid'], 'full_clone' => $this->hasInput('full_clone') ? 1 : null, 'clone_hostid' => $clone_hostid, 'host' => $this->host, 'is_psk_edit' => $this->hasInput('tls_psk_identity') && $this->hasInput('tls_psk'), 'show_inherited_macros' => $this->getInput('show_inherited_macros', 0), 'allowed_ui_conf_templates' => CWebUser::checkAccess(CRoleHelper::UI_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATES), 'warnings' => [], 'user' => [ 'debug_mode' => $this->getDebugMode() ] ]; // Rename fields according names of host edit form. $data['host'] = CArrayHelper::renameKeys($data['host'], [ 'name' => 'visiblename' ]); // Display empty visible name if equal to host name. if ($data['host']['host'] === $data['host']['visiblename']) { $data['host']['visiblename'] = ''; } // Prepare tags for edit form. if (!$data['host']['tags']) { $data['host']['tags'][] = ['tag' => '', 'value' => '']; } else { foreach ($data['host']['tags'] as &$tag) { if (!array_key_exists('value', $tag)) { $tag['value'] = ''; } } unset($tag); CArrayHelper::sort($data['host']['tags'], ['tag', 'value']); } $data['host']['macros'] = array_values(order_macros($data['host']['macros'], 'macro')); if (!$data['host']['macros'] && $data['host']['flags'] != ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED) { $data['host']['macros'][] = [ 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'macro' => '', 'value' => '', 'description' => '' ]; } // Reset Secret text macros and set warning for cloned host. if ($this->hasInput('clone') || $this->hasInput('full_clone')) { foreach ($data['host']['macros'] as &$macro) { if (array_key_exists('allow_revert', $macro) && array_key_exists('value', $macro)) { $macro['deny_revert'] = true; unset($macro['allow_revert']); } } unset($macro); } if ($data['host']['hostid'] === null) { $secret_macro_reset = false; foreach ($data['host']['macros'] as &$macro) { if ($macro['type'] == ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET && !array_key_exists('value', $macro)) { $macro = [ 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'value' => '' ] + $macro; unset($macro['allow_revert']); $secret_macro_reset = true; } } unset($macro); if ($secret_macro_reset) { $data['warnings'][] = _('The cloned host contains user defined macros with type "Secret text". The value and type of these macros were reset.'); } } foreach ($data['host']['macros'] as &$macro) { if ($macro['type'] == ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET && !array_key_exists('deny_revert', $macro) && !array_key_exists('value', $macro)) { $macro['allow_revert'] = true; } } unset($macro); order_result($data['host']['valuemaps'], 'name'); $data['host']['valuemaps'] = array_values($data['host']['valuemaps']); if ($this->hasInput('groupids')) { $data['groupids'] = $this->getInput('groupids', []); } // Extend data for view. $data['groups_ms'] = $this->hostGroupsForMultiselect($data['host']['groups'], $clone_hostid !== null); unset($data['groups']); if ($clone_hostid !== null && count($data['host']['groups']) != count($data['groups_ms'])) { $data['warnings'][] = _("The host being cloned belongs to a host group you don't have write permissions to. Non-writable group has been removed from the new host."); } $this->extendLinkedTemplates($data['editable_templates']); $this->extendProxies($data['proxies']); $this->extendInventory($data['inventory_items'], $data['inventory_fields']); $data['is_discovery_rule_editable'] = $this->host['discoveryRule'] && API::DiscoveryRule()->get([ 'output' => [], 'itemids' => $this->host['discoveryRule']['itemid'], 'editable' => true ]); $response = new CControllerResponseData($data); $response->setTitle(_('Configuration of host')); $this->setResponse($response); } /** * Function to prepare data for host group multiselect. * * @param array $groups * @param bool $skip_non_editable Whether to include non-editable host groups into response. * * @return array */ protected function hostGroupsForMultiselect(array $groups, $skip_non_editable = false): array { $groupids = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { if (array_key_exists('new', $group)) { continue; } $groupids[] = $group['groupid']; } // Select all accessible host groups. $groups_all = $groupids ? API::HostGroup()->get([ 'output' => ['name'], 'groupids' => $groupids, 'preservekeys' => true ]) : []; // Editable host groups. $groups_rw = ($groups_all && CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) ? API::HostGroup()->get([ 'output' => [], 'groupids' => array_keys($groups_all), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]) : []; $groups_ms = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { if (array_key_exists('new', $group)) { $groups_ms[] = [ 'id' => $group['new'], 'name' => $group['new'].' ('._x('new', 'new element in multiselect').')', 'isNew' => true ]; } elseif (array_key_exists($group['groupid'], $groups_all)) { $is_editable = array_key_exists($group['groupid'], $groups_rw); if (CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && $skip_non_editable && !$is_editable) { continue; } $groups_ms[] = [ 'id' => $group['groupid'], 'name' => $groups_all[$group['groupid']]['name'], 'disabled' => CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$is_editable ]; } } CArrayHelper::sort($groups_ms, ['name']); return $groups_ms; } /** * Function to prepare data for Linked templates list. * * @param array $editable_templates * * @return void */ protected function extendLinkedTemplates(?array &$editable_templates): void { $editable_templates = $this->host['parentTemplates'] ? API::Template()->get([ 'output' => ['templateid'], 'templateids' => array_column($this->host['parentTemplates'], 'templateid'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]) : []; } /** * Function to select data for 'Monitored by proxy' field. * * @param array $proxies * * @return void */ protected function extendProxies(?array &$proxies): void { if ($this->host['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED) { $proxies = ($this->host['proxy_hostid'] !== '0') ? API::Proxy()->get([ 'output' => ['host', 'proxyid'], 'proxyids' => [$this->host['proxy_hostid']], 'preservekeys' => true ]) : []; } else { $proxies = API::Proxy()->get([ 'output' => ['host', 'proxyid'], 'preservekeys' => true ]); CArrayHelper::sort($proxies, ['host']); } $proxies = array_column($proxies, 'host', 'proxyid'); } /** * Function to prepare data of inventory fields and find items selected to populate each of inventory fields. * * @param array $inventory_items * @param array $inventory_fields * * @return void */ protected function extendInventory(?array &$inventory_items, ?array &$inventory_fields): void { // Select inventory fields and extend each field with details of database schema. $db_fields = DB::getSchema('host_inventory'); $inventory_fields = array_map(function ($field) use ($db_fields) { return $field += array_intersect_key($db_fields['fields'][$field['db_field']], [ 'type' => null, 'length' => null ]); }, getHostInventories()); // Select inventory items. $inventory_items = $this->host['hostid'] ? API::Item()->get([ 'output' => ['inventory_link', 'itemid', 'name'], 'hostids' => $this->host['hostid'], 'filter' => [ 'inventory_link' => array_keys($inventory_fields) ] ]) : []; $inventory_items = zbx_toHash($inventory_items, 'inventory_link'); } /** * Returns array with post input values. * * @return array */ protected function getInputValues(): array { $inputs = []; if ($this->hasInput('clone') || $this->hasInput('full_clone')) { $inputs['groups'] = []; foreach ($this->getInput('groups', []) as $group) { if (is_array($group) && array_key_exists('new', $group)) { $inputs['groups'][$group['new']] = $group; } else { $inputs['groups'][$group] = ['groupid' => $group]; } } $inputs['name'] = $this->getInput('visiblename', ''); $inputs['inventory'] = $this->getInput('host_inventory', []); $this->getInputs($inputs, [ 'host', 'description', 'status', 'proxy_hostid', 'ipmi_authtype', 'ipmi_privilege', 'ipmi_username', 'ipmi_password', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept', 'tls_subject', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk', 'tags', 'inventory_mode', 'host_inventory' ]); $field_add_templates = $this->getInput('add_templates', []); $field_templates = $this->getInput('templates', []); $linked_templates = API::Template()->get([ 'output' => ['templateid', 'name'], 'templateids' => array_merge($field_add_templates, $field_templates), 'preservekeys' => true ]); // Remove inherited macros data. $macros = cleanInheritedMacros($this->getInput('macros', [])); // Remove empty new macro lines. $macros = array_filter($macros, function ($macro) { $keys = array_flip(['hostmacroid', 'macro', 'value', 'description']); return (bool) array_filter(array_intersect_key($macro, $keys)); }); $inputs['macros'] = array_map(function ($macro) { unset($macro['hostmacroid']); return $macro + ['description' => '']; }, $macros); $inputs['valuemaps'] = array_map(function ($valuemap) { unset($valuemap['valuemapid']); return $valuemap; }, $this->getInput('valuemaps', [])); $main_interfaces = $this->getInput('mainInterfaces', []); $inputs['interfaces'] = $this->getInput('interfaces', []); foreach($inputs['interfaces'] as &$interface) { $interface['main'] = (in_array($interface['interfaceid'], $main_interfaces)) ? INTERFACE_PRIMARY : INTERFACE_SECONDARY; unset($interface['interfaceid'], $interface['items']); } unset($interface); $inputs['parentTemplates'] = array_intersect_key($linked_templates, array_flip($field_templates)); $inputs['add_templates'] = array_map(function ($tmpl) { return CArrayHelper::renameKeys($tmpl, ['templateid' => 'id']); }, array_intersect_key($linked_templates, array_flip($field_add_templates))); } elseif (!$this->host) { // Prefill host groups when creating a new host. $inputs['groups'] = $this->hasInput('groupids') ? zbx_toObject($this->getInput('groupids'), 'groupid') : []; } return $inputs; } /** * Returns array containing default values of all host edit form fields. * * @return array */ protected function getHostDefaultValues(): array { return [ 'hostid' => null, 'name' => '', 'host' => '', 'proxy_hostid' => '0', 'status' => HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, 'ipmi_authtype' => IPMI_AUTHTYPE_DEFAULT, 'ipmi_privilege' => IPMI_PRIVILEGE_USER, 'ipmi_username' => '', 'ipmi_password' => '', 'flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, 'description' => '', 'tls_connect' => HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE, 'tls_accept' => HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE, 'tls_issuer' => '', 'tls_subject' => '', 'tls_psk_identity' => '', 'tls_psk' => '', 'tags' => [], 'groups' => [], 'parentTemplates' => [], 'discoveryRule' => [], 'interfaces' => [], 'macros' => [], 'inventory' => [], 'valuemaps' => [], 'inventory_mode' => CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::DEFAULT_INVENTORY_MODE) ]; } }