<?php declare(strict_types = 0); /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2022 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ class CControllerHostList extends CController { protected function init() { $this->disableSIDValidation(); } protected function checkInput(): bool { $fields = [ 'page' => 'ge 1', 'filter_set' => 'in 1', 'filter_rst' => 'in 1', 'filter_host' => 'string', 'filter_templates' => 'array_db hosts.hostid', 'filter_groups' => 'array_db hosts_groups.groupid', 'filter_ip' => 'string', 'filter_dns' => 'string', 'filter_port' => 'string', 'filter_monitored_by' => 'in '.ZBX_MONITORED_BY_ANY.','.ZBX_MONITORED_BY_SERVER.','.ZBX_MONITORED_BY_PROXY, 'filter_proxyids' => 'array_db hosts.proxy_hostid', 'filter_evaltype' => 'in '.TAG_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR.','.TAG_EVAL_TYPE_OR, 'filter_tags' => 'array', 'sort' => 'in name,status', 'sortorder' => 'in '.ZBX_SORT_DOWN.','.ZBX_SORT_UP, 'uncheck' => 'in 1' ]; $ret = $this->validateInput($fields); if (!$ret) { $this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseFatal()); } return $ret; } protected function checkPermissions(): bool { return $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::UI_CONFIGURATION_HOSTS); } protected function doAction(): void { if ($this->hasInput('filter_set')) { CProfile::update('web.hosts.filter_ip', $this->getInput('filter_ip', ''), PROFILE_TYPE_STR); CProfile::update('web.hosts.filter_dns', $this->getInput('filter_dns', ''), PROFILE_TYPE_STR); CProfile::update('web.hosts.filter_host', $this->getInput('filter_host', ''), PROFILE_TYPE_STR); CProfile::update('web.hosts.filter_port', $this->getInput('filter_port', ''), PROFILE_TYPE_STR); CProfile::update('web.hosts.filter_monitored_by', $this->getInput('filter_monitored_by', ZBX_MONITORED_BY_ANY), PROFILE_TYPE_INT ); CProfile::updateArray('web.hosts.filter_templates', $this->getInput('filter_templates', []), PROFILE_TYPE_ID ); CProfile::updateArray('web.hosts.filter_groups', $this->getInput('filter_groups', []), PROFILE_TYPE_ID); CProfile::updateArray('web.hosts.filter_proxyids', $this->getInput('filter_proxyids', []), PROFILE_TYPE_ID ); CProfile::update('web.hosts.filter.evaltype', $this->getInput('filter_evaltype', TAG_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR), PROFILE_TYPE_INT ); $filter_tags = ['tags' => [], 'values' => [], 'operators' => []]; foreach ($this->getInput('filter_tags', []) as $filter_tag) { if ($filter_tag['tag'] === '' && $filter_tag['value'] === '') { continue; } $filter_tags['tags'][] = $filter_tag['tag']; $filter_tags['values'][] = $filter_tag['value']; $filter_tags['operators'][] = $filter_tag['operator']; } CProfile::updateArray('web.hosts.filter.tags.tag', $filter_tags['tags'], PROFILE_TYPE_STR); CProfile::updateArray('web.hosts.filter.tags.value', $filter_tags['values'], PROFILE_TYPE_STR); CProfile::updateArray('web.hosts.filter.tags.operator', $filter_tags['operators'], PROFILE_TYPE_INT); } elseif ($this->hasInput('filter_rst')) { CProfile::delete('web.hosts.filter_ip'); CProfile::delete('web.hosts.filter_dns'); CProfile::delete('web.hosts.filter_host'); CProfile::delete('web.hosts.filter_port'); CProfile::delete('web.hosts.filter_monitored_by'); CProfile::deleteIdx('web.hosts.filter_templates'); CProfile::deleteIdx('web.hosts.filter_groups'); CProfile::deleteIdx('web.hosts.filter_proxyids'); CProfile::delete('web.hosts.filter.evaltype'); CProfile::deleteIdx('web.hosts.filter.tags.tag'); CProfile::deleteIdx('web.hosts.filter.tags.value'); CProfile::deleteIdx('web.hosts.filter.tags.operator'); } $filter = [ 'ip' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter_ip', ''), 'dns' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter_dns', ''), 'host' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter_host', ''), 'templates' => CProfile::getArray('web.hosts.filter_templates', []), 'groups' => CProfile::getArray('web.hosts.filter_groups', []), 'port' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter_port', ''), 'monitored_by' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter_monitored_by', ZBX_MONITORED_BY_ANY), 'proxyids' => CProfile::getArray('web.hosts.filter_proxyids', []), 'evaltype' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter.evaltype', TAG_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR), 'tags' => [] ]; foreach (CProfile::getArray('web.hosts.filter.tags.tag', []) as $i => $tag) { $filter['tags'][] = [ 'tag' => $tag, 'value' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter.tags.value', null, $i), 'operator' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter.tags.operator', null, $i) ]; } CArrayHelper::sort($filter['tags'], ['tag', 'value', 'operator']); $sort_field = $this->getInput('sort', CProfile::get('web.hosts.sort', 'name')); $sort_order = $this->getInput('sortorder', CProfile::get('web.hosts.sortorder', ZBX_SORT_UP)); CProfile::update('web.hosts.sort', $sort_field, PROFILE_TYPE_STR); CProfile::update('web.hosts.sortorder', $sort_order, PROFILE_TYPE_STR); // Get host groups. $filter['groups'] = $filter['groups'] ? CArrayHelper::renameObjectsKeys(API::HostGroup()->get([ 'output' => ['groupid', 'name'], 'groupids' => $filter['groups'], 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]), ['groupid' => 'id']) : []; $filter_groupids = $filter['groups'] ? array_keys($filter['groups']) : null; if ($filter_groupids) { $filter_groupids = getSubGroups($filter_groupids); } // Get templates. $filter['templates'] = $filter['templates'] ? CArrayHelper::renameObjectsKeys(API::Template()->get([ 'output' => ['templateid', 'name'], 'templateids' => $filter['templates'], 'preservekeys' => true ]), ['templateid' => 'id']) : []; switch ($filter['monitored_by']) { case ZBX_MONITORED_BY_ANY: $proxyids = null; break; case ZBX_MONITORED_BY_PROXY: $proxyids = $filter['proxyids'] ? $filter['proxyids'] : array_keys(API::Proxy()->get([ 'output' => [], 'preservekeys' => true ])); break; case ZBX_MONITORED_BY_SERVER: $proxyids = 0; break; } // Select hosts. $limit = CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::SEARCH_LIMIT) + 1; $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['hostid', $sort_field], 'evaltype' => $filter['evaltype'], 'tags' => $filter['tags'], 'groupids' => $filter_groupids, 'templateids' => $filter['templates'] ? array_keys($filter['templates']) : null, 'editable' => true, 'sortfield' => $sort_field, 'limit' => $limit, 'search' => [ 'name' => ($filter['host'] === '') ? null : $filter['host'], 'ip' => ($filter['ip'] === '') ? null : $filter['ip'], 'dns' => ($filter['dns'] === '') ? null : $filter['dns'] ], 'filter' => [ 'port' => ($filter['port'] === '') ? null : $filter['port'] ], 'proxyids' => $proxyids ]); order_result($hosts, $sort_field, $sort_order); if ($this->hasInput('page')) { $page_num = $this->getInput('page'); } elseif (isRequestMethod('get')) { $page_num = 1; } else { $page_num = CPagerHelper::loadPage($this->getAction()); } CPagerHelper::savePage($this->getAction(), $page_num); $paging = CPagerHelper::paginate($page_num, $hosts, $sort_order, (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', $this->getAction()) ); $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['name', 'proxy_hostid', 'maintenance_status', 'maintenance_type', 'maintenanceid', 'flags', 'status', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept', 'active_available' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid', 'name'], 'selectInterfaces' => ['interfaceid', 'main', 'type', 'useip', 'ip', 'dns', 'port', 'available', 'error', 'details' ], 'selectItems' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectDiscoveries' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectTriggers' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectHttpTests' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => ['itemid', 'name'], 'selectHostDiscovery' => ['ts_delete'], 'selectTags' => ['tag', 'value'], 'hostids' => array_column($hosts, 'hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true ]); order_result($hosts, $sort_field, $sort_order); // Get count for every host with item type ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE (7). $db_items_active_count = API::Item()->get([ 'groupCount' => true, 'countOutput' => true, 'filter' => ['type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE], 'hostids' => array_column($hosts, 'hostid') ]); $item_active_by_hostid = []; foreach ($db_items_active_count as $value) { $item_active_by_hostid[$value['hostid']] = $value['rowscount']; } // Selecting linked templates to templates linked to hosts. $templateids = []; foreach ($hosts as $host) { $templateids = array_merge($templateids, array_column($host['parentTemplates'], 'templateid')); } $templateids = array_keys(array_flip($templateids)); $templates = API::Template()->get([ 'output' => ['templateid', 'name'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid', 'name'], 'templateids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => true ]); $writable_templates = []; if ($templateids) { foreach ($templates as $template) { $templateids = array_merge($templateids, array_column($template['parentTemplates'], 'templateid')); } $writable_templates = API::Template()->get([ 'output' => ['templateid'], 'templateids' => array_keys(array_flip($templateids)), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); } // Get proxy host IDs that are not 0 and maintenance IDs. $proxy_hostids = []; $maintenanceids = []; foreach ($hosts as &$host) { // Sort interfaces to be listed starting with one selected as 'main'. CArrayHelper::sort($host['interfaces'], [ ['field' => 'main', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN] ]); // Add active checks interface if host have items with type ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE (7). if (array_key_exists($host['hostid'], $item_active_by_hostid) && $item_active_by_hostid[$host['hostid']] > 0) { $host['interfaces'][] = [ 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT_ACTIVE, 'available' => $host['active_available'], 'error' => '' ]; } unset($host['active_available']); if ($host['proxy_hostid']) { $proxy_hostids[$host['proxy_hostid']] = $host['proxy_hostid']; } if ($host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_MONITORED && $host['maintenance_status'] == HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON) { $maintenanceids[$host['maintenanceid']] = true; } } unset($host); $proxies = []; if ($proxy_hostids) { $proxies = API::Proxy()->get([ 'proxyids' => $proxy_hostids, 'output' => ['host'], 'preservekeys' => true ]); } // Prepare data for multiselect and remove non-existing proxies. $proxies_ms = []; if ($filter['proxyids']) { $filter_proxies = API::Proxy()->get([ 'output' => ['proxyid', 'host'], 'proxyids' => $filter['proxyids'] ]); $proxies_ms = CArrayHelper::renameObjectsKeys($filter_proxies, ['proxyid' => 'id', 'host' => 'name']); } $db_maintenances = []; if ($maintenanceids) { $db_maintenances = API::Maintenance()->get([ 'output' => ['name', 'description'], 'maintenanceids' => array_keys($maintenanceids), 'preservekeys' => true ]); } if (!$filter['tags']) { $filter['tags'] = [['tag' => '', 'value' => '', 'operator' => TAG_OPERATOR_LIKE]]; } $data = [ 'action' => $this->getAction(), 'hosts' => $hosts, 'paging' => $paging, 'page' => $page_num, 'filter' => $filter, 'sortField' => $sort_field, 'sortOrder' => $sort_order, 'templates' => $templates, 'maintenances' => $db_maintenances, 'writable_templates' => $writable_templates, 'proxies' => $proxies, 'proxies_ms' => $proxies_ms, 'profileIdx' => 'web.hosts.filter', 'active_tab' => CProfile::get('web.hosts.filter.active', 1), 'tags' => makeTags($hosts, true, 'hostid', ZBX_TAG_COUNT_DEFAULT, $filter['tags']), 'config' => [ 'max_in_table' => CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::MAX_IN_TABLE) ], 'allowed_ui_conf_templates' => CWebUser::checkAccess(CRoleHelper::UI_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATES), 'uncheck' => ($this->getInput('uncheck', 0) == 1) ]; $response = new CControllerResponseData($data); $response->setTitle(_('Configuration of hosts')); $this->setResponse($response); } }