<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ /** * Controller class to maintain server-side notification generation tasks. */ class CControllerNotificationsGet extends CController { /** * @var array */ private $notifications = []; /** * @var array */ private $settings = []; /** * @var int */ private $timeout_time = 0; /** * @var int */ private $time_from = 0; /** * @var array */ private $known_eventids = []; protected function checkInput() { $fields = [ 'known_eventids' => 'array_db events.eventid' ]; $ret = $this->validateInput($fields); if (!$ret) { $this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => json_encode(['error' => true])])); } return $ret; } protected function checkPermissions() { return (!CWebUser::isGuest() && $this->getUserType() >= USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER); } protected function doAction() { $this->notifications = []; $this->settings = getMessageSettings(); $ok_timeout = (int) timeUnitToSeconds(CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::OK_PERIOD)); $timeout = (int) timeUnitToSeconds($this->settings['timeout']); $this->settings['timeout'] = $timeout; $this->settings['ok_timeout'] = min([$timeout, $ok_timeout]); $this->settings['show_recovered'] = (bool) $this->settings['triggers.recovery']; $this->settings['show_suppressed'] = (bool) $this->settings['show_suppressed']; if (!$this->settings['triggers.severities']) { $this->settings['enabled'] = true; } $this->timeout_time = time() - $this->settings['timeout']; $this->time_from = max([$this->settings['last.clock'], $this->timeout_time]); if (!$this->settings['enabled']) { $this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => $this->makeResponseData()])); return; } // Server returns only basic details for events already known by client-side. $this->known_eventids = array_flip($this->getInput('known_eventids', [])); $this->loadNotifications(); $this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => $this->makeResponseData()])); } protected function loadNotifications() { // Select problem events. $options = [ 'output' => ['eventid', 'r_eventid', 'objectid', 'severity', 'clock', 'r_clock', 'name'], 'source' => EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, 'object' => EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER, 'severities' => array_keys($this->settings['triggers.severities']), 'suppressed' => $this->settings['show_suppressed'] ? null : false, 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN, 'sortfield' => 'eventid', 'limit' => 15, 'preservekeys' => true ]; $options += $this->settings['show_recovered'] ? ['recent' => true] : ['time_from' => $this->time_from]; $events = API::Problem()->get($options); // Select latest status for already known events that are no longer available in problems table. $other_still_shown_eventids = $this->settings['show_recovered'] ? array_diff(array_keys($this->known_eventids), array_keys($events)) : []; if ($other_still_shown_eventids) { $resolved_events = API::Event()->get([ 'output' => ['eventid', 'r_eventid', 'clock', 'severity'], 'eventids' => $other_still_shown_eventids, 'sortfield' => 'clock', 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN, 'preservekeys' => true ]); $r_eventids = []; foreach ($resolved_events as $eventid => $resolved_event) { if ($resolved_event['r_eventid'] != 0) { $r_eventids[$eventid] = $resolved_event['r_eventid']; } } if ($r_eventids) { $r_clocks = API::Event()->get([ 'output' => ['clock'], 'eventids' => array_values($r_eventids), 'sortfield' => 'clock', 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN, 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($r_eventids as $eventid => &$r_eventid) { $resolved_events[$eventid]['r_clock'] = $r_clocks[$r_eventid]['clock']; } unset($r_eventid); } $events += $resolved_events; } // Append selected events to notifications array. $problems_by_triggerid = []; foreach ($events as $eventid => $event) { if ($this->settings['show_recovered']) { if (array_key_exists('r_clock', $event) && $event['r_clock'] >= $this->time_from) { /* * This happens if trigger is recovered and is already removed from the list of known eventids. * Do nothing here. This statement is needed just to catch specific case before next IF statement. */ } elseif (array_key_exists($event['eventid'], $this->known_eventids) && $event['clock'] < $this->timeout_time) { /* * This exception is needed to add notifications that are delayed in front-end, for example, in case * if user has logged in between 30th and 60th second after event was generated. Since notification * is still in response, front-end will remove that message using client side timeout. */ } // Filter by problem start time, because that is not done by API if show_recovered is enabled. elseif ($event['clock'] < $this->time_from && !in_array($eventid, $other_still_shown_eventids)) { continue; } } // Trigger API is used to select hostname only for notifications that client cannot recover from cache. if (!array_key_exists($event['eventid'], $this->known_eventids)) { $problems_by_triggerid[$event['objectid']][] = $eventid; } $this->notifications[$eventid] = [ 'eventid' => $event['eventid'], 'resolved' => (int) ($event['r_eventid'] != 0), 'severity' => (int) $event['severity'], 'clock' => ((int) $event['r_eventid'] == 0) ? $event['clock'] : $event['r_clock'], 'name' => array_key_exists('name', $event) ? $event['name'] : '' ]; } // Add additional details newly discovered events. if ($problems_by_triggerid) { $triggers = API::Trigger()->get([ 'output' => [], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid', 'name'], 'triggerids' => array_keys($problems_by_triggerid), 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($problems_by_triggerid as $triggerid => $notification_eventids) { $trigger = $triggers[$triggerid]; $url_problems = (new CUrl('zabbix.php')) ->setArgument('action', 'problem.view') ->setArgument('filter_set', '1') ->setArgument('hostids[]', $trigger['hosts'][0]['hostid']) ->getUrl(); $url_events = (new CUrl('zabbix.php')) ->setArgument('action', 'problem.view') ->setArgument('filter_set', '1') ->setArgument('triggerids[]', $triggerid) ->getUrl(); $url_trigger_events_pt = (new CUrl('tr_events.php'))->setArgument('triggerid', $triggerid); foreach ($notification_eventids as $eventid) { $notification = &$this->notifications[$eventid]; $url_trigger_events = $url_trigger_events_pt ->setArgument('eventid', $notification['eventid']) ->getUrl(); $notification += [ 'title' => (new CLink($trigger['hosts'][0]['name'], $url_problems))->toString(), 'body' => [ (new CLink($notification['name'], $url_events))->toString(), (new CLink(zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $notification['clock']), $url_trigger_events))->toString() ] ]; } } } $this->notifications = array_values($this->notifications); } protected function makeResponseData() { CArrayHelper::sort($this->notifications, [ ['field' => 'clock', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN], ['field' => 'severity', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN], ['field' => 'eventid', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN] ]); $this->notifications = array_values($this->notifications); foreach ($this->notifications as &$notification) { unset($notification['clock']); unset($notification['name']); if (!array_key_exists('title', $notification)) { unset($notification['severity']); } } unset($notification); return json_encode([ 'notifications' => $this->notifications, 'settings' => [ 'enabled' => (bool) $this->settings['enabled'], 'alarm_timeout' => (int) $this->settings['sounds.repeat'], 'msg_recovery_timeout' => $this->settings['ok_timeout'], 'msg_timeout' => $this->settings['timeout'], 'muted' => (bool) $this->settings['sounds.mute'], 'severity_styles' => [ -1 => ZBX_STYLE_NORMAL_BG, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE => ZBX_STYLE_AVERAGE_BG, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER => ZBX_STYLE_DISASTER_BG, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH => ZBX_STYLE_HIGH_BG, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION => ZBX_STYLE_INFO_BG, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED => ZBX_STYLE_NA_BG, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING => ZBX_STYLE_WARNING_BG ], 'files' => [ -1 => $this->settings['sounds.recovery'], TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE => $this->settings['sounds.'.TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE], TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER => $this->settings['sounds.'.TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER], TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH => $this->settings['sounds.'.TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH], TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION => $this->settings['sounds.'.TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION], TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED => $this->settings['sounds.'.TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED], TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING => $this->settings['sounds.'.TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING] ] ] ]); } }