** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class CControllerPopupAcknowledgeEdit extends CController {

	protected function init() {

	protected function checkInput() {
		$fields = [
			'eventids' =>				'required|array_db acknowledges.eventid',
			'message' =>				'db acknowledges.message|flags '.P_CRLF,
			'change_severity' =>		'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SEVERITY,
			'acknowledge_problem' =>	'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_ACKNOWLEDGE,
			'unacknowledge_problem' =>	'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_UNACKNOWLEDGE,
			'close_problem' =>			'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_CLOSE,
			'suppress_problem' =>		'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SUPPRESS,
			'unsuppress_problem' =>		'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_UNSUPPRESS,

		$ret = $this->validateInput($fields);

		if (!$ret) {
				(new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => json_encode([
					'error' => [
						'messages' => array_column(get_and_clear_messages(), 'message')

		return $ret;

	protected function checkPermissions() {
		if (!$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ACKNOWLEDGE_PROBLEMS)
				&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CLOSE_PROBLEMS)
				&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_SEVERITY)
				&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ADD_PROBLEM_COMMENTS)
				&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS)
				&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_PROBLEM_RANKING)) {
			return false;

		$events = API::Event()->get([
			'countOutput' => true,
			'eventids' => $this->getInput('eventids'),

		return $events == count($this->getInput('eventids'));

	protected function doAction() {
		$data = [
			'eventids' => $this->getInput('eventids'),
			'message' => $this->getInput('message', ''),
			'scope' => (int) $this->getInput('scope', ZBX_ACKNOWLEDGE_SELECTED),
			'change_severity' => $this->getInput('change_severity', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE),
			'severity' => $this->hasInput('severity') ? (int) $this->getInput('severity') : null,
			'acknowledge_problem' => $this->getInput('acknowledge_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE),
			'unacknowledge_problem' => $this->getInput('unacknowledge_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE),
			'close_problem' => $this->getInput('close_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE),
			'suppress_problem' => $this->getInput('suppress_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE),
			'unsuppress_problem' => $this->getInput('unsuppress_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE),
			'related_problems_count' => 0,
			'problem_can_be_closed' => false,
			'problem_can_be_suppressed' => false,
			'problem_can_be_unsuppressed' => false,
			'problem_severity_can_be_changed' => false,
			'problem_can_change_rank' => false,
			'allowed_acknowledge' => $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ACKNOWLEDGE_PROBLEMS),
			'allowed_close' => $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CLOSE_PROBLEMS),
			'allowed_change_severity' => $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_SEVERITY),
			'allowed_add_comments' => $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ADD_PROBLEM_COMMENTS),
			'allowed_suppress' => $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS),
			'allowed_change_problem_ranking' => $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_PROBLEM_RANKING),
			'suppress_until_problem' => CProfile::get('web.problem_suppress_action_time_until', 'now+1d')

		// Select events.
		$events = API::Event()->get([
			'output' => ['eventid', 'name', 'objectid', 'acknowledged', 'value', 'r_eventid', 'cause_eventid'],
			'selectAcknowledges' => ['userid', 'clock', 'message', 'action', 'old_severity', 'new_severity',
			'selectSuppressionData' => $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS)
				? ['maintenanceid', 'suppress_until']
				: null,
			'eventids' => $this->getInput('eventids'),
			'object' => EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER,
			'preservekeys' => true

		// Show action list if only one event is requested.
		if (count($events) == 1) {
			$history = getEventUpdates(reset($events));
			$data['history'] = $history['data'];
			$data['users'] = API::User()->get([
				'output' => ['username', 'name', 'surname'],
				'userids' => array_keys($history['userids']),
				'preservekeys' => true
			$data['problem_name'] = reset($events)['name'];
		else {
			$data['problem_name'] = _s('%1$d problems selected.', count($events));

		$triggerids = array_column($events, 'objectid', 'objectid');

		$editable_triggers = API::Trigger()->get([
			'output' => ['manual_close'],
			'triggerids' => $triggerids,
			'editable' => true,
			'preservekeys' => true

		$ack_count = 0;

		// Loop through events to figure out what operations should be allowed.
		foreach ($events as $event) {
			$can_be_closed = true;
			$can_be_suppressed = true;
			$can_be_unsuppressed = false;

			// If only cause events are selected, rank change is not allowed.
			if ($event['cause_eventid'] != 0) {
				$data['problem_can_change_rank'] = true;

			// Only manually suppressed problems can be unsuppressed.
			if ($this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS)) {
				foreach ($event['suppression_data'] as $suppression) {
					if ($suppression['maintenanceid'] == 0) {
						$can_be_unsuppressed = true;

			// Problems already resolved are not allowed to be closed, suppressed or unsuppressed.
			if ($event['r_eventid'] != 0 || $event['value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE) {
				$can_be_closed = false;
				$can_be_suppressed = false;
				$can_be_unsuppressed = false;
				$data['related_problems_count']++; // Count selected but closed events.
			// Not allowed to close events generated by non-writable and non-closable triggers.
			elseif (!array_key_exists($event['objectid'], $editable_triggers)
					|| $editable_triggers[$event['objectid']]['manual_close'] == ZBX_TRIGGER_MANUAL_CLOSE_NOT_ALLOWED) {
				$can_be_closed = false;
			// Look if problem is not currently in closing state due acknowledge actions.
			elseif (hasEventCloseAction($event['acknowledges'])) {
				$can_be_closed = false;

			// If at least one event can be closed, enable 'Close problem' checkbox.
			if ($can_be_closed) {
				$data['problem_can_be_closed'] = true;

			// If at least one event can be suppressed, enable 'Suppress' checkbox.
			if ($can_be_suppressed) {
				$data['problem_can_be_suppressed'] = true;

			// If at least one event can be unsuppressed, enable 'Unsuppress' checkbox.
			if ($can_be_unsuppressed) {
				$data['problem_can_be_unsuppressed'] = true;

			$ack_count += ($event['acknowledged'] == EVENT_ACKNOWLEDGED) ? 1 : 0;

		$data['has_ack_events'] = ($ack_count > 0);
		$data['has_unack_events'] = ($ack_count != count($events));

		// Severity can be changed only for editable triggers.
		$data['problem_severity_can_be_changed'] = (bool) $editable_triggers;

		// Add number of selected and related problem events to count of selected resolved events.
		$data['related_problems_count'] += API::Problem()->get([
			'countOutput' => true,
			'objectids' => $triggerids

		$output = [
			'title' => _('Update problem'),
			'errors' => hasErrorMessages() ? getMessages() : null,
			'user' => [
				'debug_mode' => $this->getDebugMode()
		] + $data;

		$this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData($output));