<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /** * Class shares common properties, constants and methods for different controllers used for item tests. */ abstract class CControllerPopupItemTest extends CController { /** * Types of preprocessing tests, depending on type of item. */ const ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM = 0; const ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM_PROTOTYPE = 1; const ZBX_TEST_TYPE_LLD = 2; /** * Max-length of input fields that can contain resolved macro values. Used in views for input fields. * * @var int */ public const INPUT_MAX_LENGTH = 2048; /** * Define a set of item types allowed to test and item properties needed to collect for each item type. * * @var array */ private static $testable_item_types = [ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED, ITEM_TYPE_SNMP, ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER ]; /** * Item value type used if user has not specified one. */ const ZBX_DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT; public const TEST_WITH_SERVER = 0; public const TEST_WITH_PROXY = 1; /** * Item types requiring interface. * * @var array */ protected $items_require_interface = [ ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX => [ 'address' => true, 'port' => true ], ITEM_TYPE_IPMI => [ 'address' => true, 'port' => true ], ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE => [ 'address' => true, 'port' => false ], ITEM_TYPE_SNMP => [ 'address' => true, 'port' => true ], ITEM_TYPE_SSH => [ 'address' => true, 'port' => false ], ITEM_TYPE_TELNET => [ 'address' => true, 'port' => false ] ]; /** * Item types with proxy support. * * @var array */ protected $items_support_proxy = [ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, ITEM_TYPE_IPMI, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_SNMP, ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER ]; /** * Item types with mandatory item key. * * @var array */ protected $item_types_has_key_mandatory = [ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, ITEM_TYPE_IPMI, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED ]; /** * Item properties where macros are supported. * * @var array */ protected $macros_by_item_props = [ 'key' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'params_es' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'params_ap' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'jmx_endpoint' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'url' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'posts' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'http_proxy' => [ 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'ssl_cert_file' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'ssl_key_file' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'query_fields' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'headers' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.PORT}'], 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'parameters' => [ 'host' => ['{HOSTNAME}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'], 'interface' => ['{HOST.IP}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}'], 'item' => ['{ITEM.ID}', '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}', '{ITEM.KEY}'], 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'params_f' => [], 'script' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'browser_script' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'timeout' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'ipmi_sensor' => [ 'support_user_macros' => false, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'snmp_oid' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'username' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'password' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'http_username' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ], 'http_password' => [ 'support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true ] ]; /** * Tested item type. * * @var int */ protected $item_type; /** * Tested item's host. * * @var array */ protected $host; /** * Is item testable. * * @var bool */ protected $is_item_testable; /** * @var string */ protected $test_type; /** * @var array */ protected static $preproc_steps_using_prev_value = [ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_SPEED, ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE ]; /** * @var int */ protected $eol; /** * Get testable item types based on host type. * * @param string $hostid * * @return array */ public static function getTestableItemTypes(string $hostid = '0'): array { if ($hostid != 0 && self::isItemTypeTestable($hostid)) { self::$testable_item_types[] = ITEM_TYPE_IPMI; } return self::$testable_item_types; } /** * Function checks if item type can be tested depending on what type of host it belongs to. * * @param string $hostid * * @return bool */ protected static function isItemTypeTestable(string $hostid): bool { $ret = (bool) API::Template()->get([ 'countOutput' => true, 'templateids' => [$hostid] ]); return !$ret; } protected function checkPermissions() { $ret = ($this->getUserType() >= USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN); /* * Preprocessing test can be done from mass-update section so host is non mandatory but if it is used, it must * be editable. */ $hostid = $this->getInput('hostid', 0); if ($ret && $hostid != 0) { $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host', 'name', 'monitored_by', 'proxyid', 'assigned_proxyid', 'status', 'maintenance_status', 'maintenance_type', 'ipmi_authtype', 'ipmi_privilege', 'ipmi_username', 'ipmi_password', 'tls_subject', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_connect' ], 'hostids' => [$hostid], 'editable' => true ]); if ($hosts) { if ($hosts[0]['monitored_by'] == ZBX_MONITORED_BY_PROXY_GROUP) { $hosts[0]['proxyid'] = $hosts[0]['assigned_proxyid']; } unset($hosts[0]['monitored_by'], $hosts[0]['assigned_proxyid']); } else { $hosts = API::Template()->get([ 'output' => ['templateid', 'host', 'name', 'status'], 'templateids' => [$hostid], 'editable' => true ]); $hosts[0] = CArrayHelper::renameKeys($hosts[0], ['templateid' => 'hostid']); } $this->host = reset($hosts); return (bool) $this->host; } return $ret; } /** * Function returns array of item specific properties used for item testing. * * @param array $input Stored user input used to overwrite values retrieved from database. * @param bool $for_server Whether need to add to result additional properties used only for connection with * Zabbix server. * * @return array */ protected function getItemTestProperties(array $input, bool $for_server = false): array { $data_host = []; $data_item = [ 'value_type' => (int) $input['value_type'] ]; if (!$this->is_item_testable) { return ['item' => $data_item, 'host' => []]; } $data_item['type'] = $this->item_type; if (array_key_exists('itemid', $input)) { $data_item['itemid'] = $input['itemid']; } switch ($this->item_type) { case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'timeout']); $data_host += $this->getInterface($input, ['useip', 'interfaceid', 'ip', 'dns']); if ($this->host['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $data_host += CArrayHelper::getByKeysStrict($this->host, ['tls_issuer', 'tls_connect', 'tls_subject'] ); if ($for_server && $this->host['tls_connect'] == HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK) { $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk'], 'hostids' => $this->host['hostid'], 'editable' => true ]); if ($hosts) { $data_host['tls_psk_identity'] = $hosts[0]['tls_psk_identity']; $data_host['tls_psk'] = $hosts[0]['tls_psk']; } } } break; case ITEM_TYPE_SNMP: if (array_key_exists('flags', $input)) { $item_flag = $input['flags']; } else { $items = array_key_exists('itemid', $input) ? API::Item()->get([ 'output' => ['flags'], 'itemids' => $input['itemid'] ]) : []; if ($items) { $item_flag = $items[0]['flags']; } else { $item_flags = [ self::ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, self::ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM_PROTOTYPE => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE, self::ZBX_TEST_TYPE_LLD => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE ]; $item_flag = $item_flags[$this->getInput('test_type')]; } } $data_item += ['flags' => $item_flag] + CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['snmp_oid', 'timeout']); $data_host += $this->getInterface($input, ['ip', 'dns']); $data_host['host'] = $this->host['host']; break; case ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL: $data_item += ['key' => $input['key']]; $data_host['hostid'] = $this->host['hostid']; if ($this->host['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $data_host += CArrayHelper::getByKeysStrict($this->host, ['maintenance_status', 'maintenance_type'] ); } break; case ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'timeout']); break; case ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'params_ap', 'username', 'password', 'timeout']); break; case ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'http_authtype', 'follow_redirects', 'headers', 'http_proxy', 'output_format', 'posts', 'post_type', 'query_fields', 'request_method', 'retrieve_mode', 'ssl_cert_file', 'ssl_key_file', 'ssl_key_password', 'status_codes', 'timeout', 'url', 'verify_host', 'verify_peer' ]) + [ 'http_authtype' => ZBX_HTTP_AUTH_NONE, 'follow_redirects' => HTTPTEST_STEP_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS_OFF, 'output_format' => HTTPCHECK_STORE_RAW, 'post_type' => ZBX_POSTTYPE_RAW, 'request_method' => HTTPCHECK_REQUEST_GET, 'retrieve_mode' => HTTPTEST_STEP_RETRIEVE_MODE_CONTENT, 'verify_host' => ZBX_HTTP_VERIFY_HOST_OFF, 'verify_peer' => ZBX_HTTP_VERIFY_PEER_OFF ]; if ($data_item['http_authtype'] != ZBX_HTTP_AUTH_NONE) { $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['http_username', 'http_password']); } break; case ITEM_TYPE_IPMI: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'ipmi_sensor']); $data_host += $this->getInterface($input, ['useip', 'interfaceid', 'ip', 'dns']); $data_host['hostid'] = $this->host['hostid']; if ($this->host['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $data_host += CArrayHelper::getByKeysStrict($this->host, ['ipmi_authtype', 'ipmi_privilege', 'ipmi_username', 'ipmi_password' ]); } break; case ITEM_TYPE_SSH: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'authtype', 'params_es', 'username', 'password', 'timeout' ]) + [ 'authtype' => ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PASSWORD, 'params_es' => ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PASSWORD ]; $data_host += $this->getInterface($input); if ($data_item['authtype'] == ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PUBLICKEY) { $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['publickey', 'privatekey']); } break; case ITEM_TYPE_TELNET: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'params_es', 'username', 'password', 'timeout']); $data_host += $this->getInterface($input); break; case ITEM_TYPE_JMX: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'jmx_endpoint', 'username', 'password']); break; case ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'params_f']); $data_host['host'] = $this->host['host']; break; case ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'username', 'password', 'timeout']); $data_host += $this->getInterface($input, ['useip', 'interfaceid', 'ip', 'dns', 'port']); break; case ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'parameters', 'script', 'timeout']); break; case ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER: $data_item += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['key', 'parameters', 'browser_script', 'timeout']); break; } if (in_array($this->item_type, $this->items_support_proxy)) { if (array_key_exists('data', $input) && array_key_exists('test_with', $input['data'])) { $test_with = $input['data']['test_with']; } elseif (array_key_exists('test_with', $input)) { $test_with = $input['test_with']; } else { $test_with = self::TEST_WITH_SERVER; } $data_host['proxyid'] = 0; if ($test_with == self::TEST_WITH_PROXY) { if (array_key_exists('data', $input) && array_key_exists('proxyid', $input['data'])) { $data_host['proxyid'] = $input['data']['proxyid']; } elseif (array_key_exists('proxyid', $input)) { $data_host['proxyid'] = $input['proxyid']; } elseif ($this->host['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $data_host['proxyid'] = $this->host['proxyid']; } } } return ['item' => $data_item, 'host' => $data_host]; } private function getInterface(array $input, array $exclude_keys = []): array { $interface_input = []; if (array_key_exists('data', $input)) { $input['data'] = CArrayHelper::renameKeys($input['data'], ['interface_details' => 'details']); $interface_input += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input['data'], ['port', 'address', 'details']); } if (array_key_exists('interface', $input)) { $interface_input += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input['interface'], ['interfaceid', 'useip', 'port', 'address', 'details'] ); } $interface_input += CArrayHelper::getByKeys($input, ['interfaceid', 'address']) + ['interfaceid' => 0]; return ['interface' => array_diff_key($this->getHostInterface($interface_input), array_flip($exclude_keys))]; } /** * Check if item belongs to host and select and resolve interface properties. Leave fields empty otherwise. * * @param array $inputs Stored user input used to overwrite values retrieved from database. * * @return array $interface_data */ protected function getHostInterface(array $inputs) { $interface_data = [ 'address' => '', 'port' => '', 'interfaceid' => 0, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_DNS, 'details' => [ 'community' => '', 'version' => SNMP_V2C, 'securityname' => '', 'securitylevel' => ITEM_SNMPV3_SECURITYLEVEL_NOAUTHNOPRIV, 'authpassphrase' => '', 'privpassphrase' => '', 'authprotocol' => ITEM_SNMPV3_AUTHPROTOCOL_MD5, 'privprotocol' => ITEM_SNMPV3_PRIVPROTOCOL_DES, 'contextname' => '', 'max_repetitions' => '10' ] ]; if ($this->item_type != ITEM_TYPE_SNMP) { unset($interface_data['details'], $inputs['details']); } // Get values from database; resolve macros. if (($this->host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_MONITORED || $this->host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED) && array_key_exists('interfaceid', $inputs)) { $output = ['hostid', 'type', 'dns', 'ip', 'port', 'main', 'useip']; $interfaces = []; if ($this->item_type == ITEM_TYPE_SNMP) { $output[] = 'details'; } $item_type_interface = itemTypeInterface($this->item_type); if ($item_type_interface == INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT && $inputs['interfaceid'] == 0) { $item_type_interface = false; } if ($item_type_interface === false) { $host_interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get([ 'output' => $output, 'hostids' => $this->host['hostid'], 'filter' => ['main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY] ]); $host_interfaces = zbx_toHash($host_interfaces, 'type'); foreach (CItem::INTERFACE_TYPES_BY_PRIORITY as $interface_type) { if (array_key_exists($interface_type, $host_interfaces)) { $interfaces[] = $host_interfaces[$interface_type]; break; } } } else { $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get([ 'output' => $output, 'interfaceids' => $inputs['interfaceid'], 'hostids' => $this->host['hostid'] ]); } if (count($interfaces) != 0) { $interfaces = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveHostInterfaces($interfaces); $interface_data = ($this->item_type == ITEM_TYPE_SNMP) ? ['details' => $interfaces[0]['details'] + $interface_data['details']] : []; $interface_data += [ 'address' => ($interfaces[0]['useip'] == INTERFACE_USE_IP) ? $interfaces[0]['ip'] : $interfaces[0]['dns'], 'port' => $interfaces[0]['port'], 'useip' => $interfaces[0]['useip'], 'type' => $interfaces[0]['type'], 'ip' => $interfaces[0]['ip'], 'dns' => $interfaces[0]['dns'], 'interfaceid' => $interfaces[0]['interfaceid'] ]; } } if (in_array($this->item_type, [ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER])) { return $interface_data; } // Apply client side cache. foreach ($inputs as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $interface_data[$key] = $value + $interface_data[$key]; } else { $interface_data[$key] = $value; } } return $interface_data; } /** * Function returns human readable time used for previous time field in item test. * * @return string */ protected function getPrevTime() { $time_change = max($this->getInput('time_change', 1), 1); if ($time_change >= SEC_PER_DAY) { $n = floor($time_change / SEC_PER_DAY); return 'now-'.$n.'d'; } elseif ($time_change >= SEC_PER_HOUR * 5) { $n = floor($time_change / SEC_PER_HOUR); return 'now-'.$n.'h'; } elseif ($time_change >= SEC_PER_MIN * 5) { $n = floor($time_change / SEC_PER_MIN); return 'now-'.$n.'m'; } else { return 'now-'.$time_change.'s'; } } /** * Function to unset unspecified values before sending 'get value' request to server. * * @param array $data Data array containing all parameters prepared to be sent to server. * * @return array */ protected function unsetEmptyValues(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, ['host', 'item', 'options']) && is_array($value)) { $data[$key] = $this->unsetEmptyValues($value); if (!$data[$key]) { unset($data[$key]); } } elseif ($key === 'interface' && $this->item_type == ITEM_TYPE_SNMP) { if ($data['interface']['details']['version'] == SNMP_V3) { $unrelated_details = []; if ($data['interface']['details']['securitylevel'] == ITEM_SNMPV3_SECURITYLEVEL_NOAUTHNOPRIV) { $unrelated_details = ['authprotocol', 'authpassphrase', 'privprotocol', 'privpassphrase']; } elseif ($data['interface']['details']['securitylevel'] == ITEM_SNMPV3_SECURITYLEVEL_AUTHNOPRIV) { $unrelated_details = ['privprotocol', 'privpassphrase']; } array_unshift($unrelated_details, 'community'); } else { $unrelated_details = ['contextname', 'securityname', 'securitylevel', 'authprotocol', 'authpassphrase', 'privprotocol', 'privpassphrase' ]; } unset($data['interface']['type']); $data['interface']['details'] = array_diff_key($data['interface']['details'], array_flip($unrelated_details) ); } elseif (in_array($key, ['query_fields', 'headers', 'parameters'])) { if (!$value) { unset($data[$key]); } } elseif ($value === '' || $value === null) { unset($data[$key]); } } return $data; } /** * Function returns array containing values for each of supported macros. * * @return array */ protected function getSupportedMacros(array $inputs) { $interface = $this->getHostInterface(['interfaceid' => $inputs['interfaceid']]); $macros = [ 'host' => [ '{HOSTNAME}' => $this->host['host'], '{HOST.HOST}' => $this->host['host'], '{HOST.NAME}' => $this->host['name'] ], 'interface' => [ '{HOST.IP}' => $interface['ip'], '{IPADDRESS}' => $interface['ip'], '{HOST.DNS}' => $interface['dns'], '{HOST.CONN}' => $interface['address'], '{HOST.PORT}' => $interface['port'] ], 'item' => [ '{ITEM.ID}' => (array_key_exists('itemid', $inputs) && $inputs['itemid']) ? $inputs['itemid'] : UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING, '{ITEM.KEY}' => array_key_exists('key', $inputs) ? $inputs['key'] : UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING, '{ITEM.KEY.ORIG}' => array_key_exists('key', $inputs) ? $inputs['key'] : UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING ] ]; if (array_key_exists('key', $inputs) && strstr($inputs['key'], '{') !== false) { $usermacros = CMacrosResolverHelper::extractItemTestMacros([ 'steps' => [], 'delay' => '', 'supported_macros' => array_diff_key($this->macros_by_item_props['key'], ['support_user_macros' => true, 'support_lld_macros' => true] ), 'support_lldmacros' => ($this->test_type == self::ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM_PROTOTYPE), 'texts_support_macros' => [$inputs['key']], 'texts_support_lld_macros' => [$inputs['key']], 'texts_support_user_macros' => [$inputs['key']], 'hostid' => $this->host ? $this->host['hostid'] : 0, 'macros_values' => array_intersect_key($macros, $this->macros_by_item_props['key']) ]); foreach ($usermacros['macros'] as $macro => $value) { $macros['item']['{ITEM.KEY}'] = str_replace($macro, $value, $macros['item']['{ITEM.KEY}']); } } return $macros; } /** * Resolve macros used in preprocessing step parameter fields. * * @param array $steps Steps from item test input form. * * @return array */ protected function resolvePreprocessingStepMacros(array $steps) { // Resolve macros used in parameter fields. $macros_posted = $this->getInput('macros', []); $macros_types = ($this->test_type == self::ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM_PROTOTYPE) ? ['usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => true] : ['usermacros' => true]; foreach ($steps as &$step) { /* * Values received from user input form may be transformed so we must remove redundant "\r" before * sending data to Zabbix server. */ $step['params'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $step['params']); // Resolve macros in parameter fields before send data to Zabbix server. foreach (['params', 'error_handler_params'] as $field) { $matched_macros = CMacrosResolverGeneral::getMacroPositions($step[$field], $macros_types); foreach (array_reverse($matched_macros, true) as $pos => $macro) { $macro_value = array_key_exists($macro, $macros_posted) ? $macros_posted[$macro] : ''; $step[$field] = substr_replace($step[$field], $macro_value, $pos, strlen($macro)); } } } unset($step); return $steps; } /** * Resolve macros used in the calculates item formula. * * @param string $formula Calculated item formula. * @param array $macros_posted Macros. * * @return string */ private function resolveCalcFormulaMacros(string $formula, array $macros_posted): string { if (!$macros_posted) { return $formula; } $expression_parser = new CExpressionParser([ 'usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => ($this->test_type == self::ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM_PROTOTYPE), 'calculated' => true, 'host_macro' => true, 'empty_host' => true ]); if ($expression_parser->parse($formula) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { // Cannot parse a calculated item formula. Return as is. return $formula; } $expression = []; $pos_left = 0; $tokens = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes([ CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_USER_MACRO, CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_LLD_MACRO, CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_STRING, CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION ]); foreach ($tokens as $token) { if ($pos_left != $token['pos']) { $expression[] = substr($formula, $pos_left, $token['pos'] - $pos_left); } $pos_left = $token['pos'] + $token['length']; switch ($token['type']) { case CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_USER_MACRO: case CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_LLD_MACRO: $expression[] = array_key_exists($token['match'], $macros_posted) ? CExpressionParser::quoteString($macros_posted[$token['match']], false) : $token['match']; break; case CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_STRING: $string = strtr(CExpressionParser::unquoteString($token['match']), $macros_posted); $expression[] = CExpressionParser::quoteString($string, false, true); break; case CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION: $pos_left = $token['pos']; foreach ($token['data']['parameters'] as $parameter) { if ($pos_left != $parameter['pos']) { $expression[] = substr($formula, $pos_left, $parameter['pos'] - $pos_left); } $pos_left = $parameter['pos'] + $parameter['length']; switch ($parameter['type']) { case CHistFunctionParser::PARAM_TYPE_QUERY: $pos_left = $parameter['pos']; foreach ($parameter['data']['filter']['tokens'] as $filter_token) { if ($pos_left != $filter_token['pos']) { $expression[] = substr($formula, $pos_left, $filter_token['pos'] - $pos_left); } $pos_left = $filter_token['pos'] + $filter_token['length']; switch ($filter_token['type']) { case CFilterParser::TOKEN_TYPE_USER_MACRO: case CFilterParser::TOKEN_TYPE_LLD_MACRO: $string = strtr($filter_token['match'], $macros_posted); $expression[] = CFilterParser::quoteString($string); break; case CFilterParser::TOKEN_TYPE_STRING: $string = strtr(CFilterParser::unquoteString($filter_token['match']), $macros_posted ); $expression[] = CFilterParser::quoteString($string); break; case CFilterParser::TOKEN_TYPE_KEYWORD: case CFilterParser::TOKEN_TYPE_OPERATOR: $expression[] = $filter_token['match']; break; } } break; case CHistFunctionParser::PARAM_TYPE_PERIOD: $string = strtr($parameter['match'], $macros_posted); $expression[] = $string; break; case CHistFunctionParser::PARAM_TYPE_QUOTED: $string = strtr(CFilterParser::unquoteString($parameter['match']), $macros_posted); $expression[] = CFilterParser::quoteString($string); break; case CHistFunctionParser::PARAM_TYPE_UNQUOTED: $string = strtr($parameter['match'], $macros_posted); $expression[] = CFilterParser::quoteString($string); break; } } break; } } if ($pos_left != strlen($formula)) { $expression[] = substr($formula, $pos_left); } return implode('', $expression); } /** * Resolve macros used in item property fields. * * @param array $inputs Item fields potentially having supported macros. * * @return array */ protected function resolveItemPropertyMacros(array $inputs) { // Resolve macros used in parameter fields. $macros_posted = $this->getInput('macros', []); foreach (array_keys($this->macros_by_item_props) as $field) { if (!array_key_exists($field, $inputs)) { continue; } // Special processing for calculated item formula. if ($field === 'params_f') { $inputs[$field] = $this->resolveCalcFormulaMacros($inputs[$field], $macros_posted); continue; } // Construct array of supported macros. $types = [ 'usermacros' => true, 'macros_n' => [] ]; if ($this->test_type == self::ZBX_TEST_TYPE_ITEM_PROTOTYPE) { $types += ['lldmacros' => true]; } foreach (['host', 'interface', 'item'] as $type) { if (array_key_exists($type, $this->macros_by_item_props[$field])) { $types['macros_n'] = array_merge($types['macros_n'], $this->macros_by_item_props[$field][$type]); } } // Get strings to resolve and types of supported macros. if ($field === 'query_fields' || $field === 'headers' || $field === 'parameters') { if (!array_key_exists($field, $inputs) || !$inputs[$field]) { continue; } foreach ($inputs[$field] as &$entry) { if (strpos($entry['name'], '{') !== false) { $matched_macros = CMacrosResolverGeneral::getMacroPositions($entry['name'], $types); foreach (array_reverse($matched_macros, true) as $pos => $macro) { $macro_value = array_key_exists($macro, $macros_posted) ? $macros_posted[$macro] : ''; $entry['name'] = substr_replace($entry['name'], $macro_value, $pos, strlen($macro)); } } if (strpos($entry['value'], '{') !== false) { $matched_macros = CMacrosResolverGeneral::getMacroPositions($entry['value'], $types); foreach (array_reverse($matched_macros, true) as $pos => $macro) { $macro_value = array_key_exists($macro, $macros_posted) ? $macros_posted[$macro] : ''; $entry['value'] = substr_replace($entry['value'], $macro_value, $pos, strlen($macro)); } } } unset($entry); } elseif (strstr($inputs[$field], '{') !== false) { if ($field === 'key') { $inputs[$field] = CMacrosResolverGeneral::resolveItemKeyMacros($inputs[$field], $macros_posted, $types); } else { $matched_macros = CMacrosResolverGeneral::getMacroPositions($inputs[$field], $types); foreach (array_reverse($matched_macros, true) as $pos => $macro) { $macro_value = array_key_exists($macro, $macros_posted) ? $macros_posted[$macro] : ''; if ($inputs['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT && $field === 'posts') { if ($inputs['post_type'] == ZBX_POSTTYPE_JSON && !is_numeric($macro_value)) { $macro_value = json_encode($macro_value, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // Remove " wrapping. $macro_value = substr($macro_value, 1, -1); } elseif ($inputs['post_type'] == ZBX_POSTTYPE_XML) { $macro_value = htmlentities($macro_value); } } $inputs[$field] = substr_replace($inputs[$field], $macro_value, $pos, strlen($macro)); } } } } // Resolve interface details (SNMP) macros separately. if (array_key_exists('interface', $inputs) && array_key_exists('details', $inputs['interface'])) { foreach ($inputs['interface']['details'] as &$field) { if (strstr($field, '{') !== false) { $matched_macros = CMacrosResolverGeneral::getMacroPositions($field, ['usermacros' => true]); foreach (array_reverse($matched_macros, true) as $pos => $macro) { // If matching macro is not found, return unresolved macro string. $macro_value = array_key_exists($macro, $macros_posted) ? $macros_posted[$macro] : $macro; $field = substr_replace($field, $macro_value, $pos, strlen($macro)); } } } unset($field); } return $inputs; } /** * Get single input parameter. Converts value fields to specified newline. * * @return var */ public function getInput($var, $default = null) { $value = parent::getInput($var, $default); if ($var === 'value' || $var === 'prev_value') { $value = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value); if ($this->eol == ZBX_EOL_CRLF) { $value = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $value); } } return $value; } /** * Validates interface object in context of current item type. * * @param array $interface * @param string $interface['address'] (optional) * @param string $interface['port'] (optional) * @param array $interface['details'] (optional) * @param int $interface['details']['version'] * @param string $interface['details']['community'] (optional) * * @return bool */ final protected function validateInterface(array $interface): bool { if ($this->item_type == ITEM_TYPE_SNMP) { if (($interface['details']['version'] == SNMP_V1 || $interface['details']['version'] == SNMP_V2C) && (!array_key_exists('community', $interface['details']) || $interface['details']['community'] === '')) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('SNMP community'), _('cannot be empty'))); return false; } if ($interface['details']['version'] == SNMP_V2C || $interface['details']['version'] == SNMP_V3) { if (!array_key_exists('max_repetitions', $interface['details']) || $interface['details']['max_repetitions'] === '') { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Max repetition count'), _('cannot be empty'))); return false; } if (!is_numeric($interface['details']['max_repetitions'])) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Max repetition count'), _('a numeric value is expected'))); return false; } if ($interface['details']['max_repetitions'] < 1) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Max repetition count'), _s('value must be no less than "%1$s"', 1))); return false; } if ($interface['details']['max_repetitions'] > ZBX_MAX_INT32) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Max repetition count'), _s('value must be no greater than "%1$s"', ZBX_MAX_INT32))); return false; } } } if ($this->items_require_interface[$this->item_type]['address'] && (!array_key_exists('address', $interface) || $interface['address'] === '')) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Host address'), _('cannot be empty'))); return false; } if ($this->items_require_interface[$this->item_type]['port'] && (!array_key_exists('port', $interface) || $interface['port'] === '')) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Port'), _('cannot be empty'))); return false; } return true; } /** * Gathers (non-empty) properties needed for server to collect item value. * * @return array $data * @return array $data['item] * @return array $data['host] */ protected function prepareTestData(): array { $data = $this->getItemTestProperties($this->getInputAll(), true); $data['item'] = $this->resolveItemPropertyMacros($data['item']); if ($data['item']['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED) { $data['host']['hostid'] = $this->getInput('hostid'); } // Rename form fields according to API conventions. $data['item'] = CArrayHelper::renameKeys($data['item'], [ 'params_ap' => 'params', 'params_es' => 'params', 'params_f' => 'params', 'script' => 'params', 'browser_script' => 'params', 'http_username' => 'username', 'http_password' => 'password', 'http_authtype' => 'authtype', 'item_type' => 'type' ]); // Only non-empty fields are sent to server, except item status_codes. $data = $this->unsetEmptyValues($data); // Server defaults to checking status code is 200 if field not present. Turn off code check if unspecified. if ($this->item_type == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT) { $data['item'] += ['status_codes' => '']; self::transformHttpFields($data['item']); } if (array_key_exists('parameters', $data['item'])) { $data['item']['parameters'] = array_column($data['item']['parameters'], 'value', 'name'); } return $data; } /** * @param array $item */ protected static function transformHttpFields(array &$item): void { if (array_key_exists('query_fields', $item)) { foreach ($item['query_fields'] as &$query_field) { $query_field = [$query_field['name'] => $query_field['value']]; } unset($query_field); $item['query_fields'] = json_encode(array_values($item['query_fields']), JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } if (array_key_exists('headers', $item)) { foreach ($item['headers'] as &$header) { $header = $header['name'].': '.$header['value']; } unset($header); $item['headers'] = implode("\r\n", $item['headers']); } } }