<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class CControllerProxyUpdate extends CController {

	protected function init(): void {

	protected function checkInput(): bool {
		$fields = [
			'proxyid' =>				'required|db proxy.proxyid',
			'name' =>					'required|not_empty|db proxy.name',
			'proxy_groupid' =>			'db proxy.proxy_groupid',
			'local_address' =>			'db proxy.local_address',
			'local_port' =>				'db proxy.local_port',
			'operating_mode' =>			'required|db proxy.operating_mode|in '.implode(',', [PROXY_OPERATING_MODE_ACTIVE, PROXY_OPERATING_MODE_PASSIVE]),
			'address' =>				'db proxy.address',
			'port' =>					'db proxy.port',
			'allowed_addresses' =>		'db proxy.allowed_addresses',
			'description' =>			'db proxy.description',
			'tls_connect' =>			'db proxy.tls_connect|in '.implode(',', [HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE, HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK, HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE]),
			'tls_accept_none' =>		'in 1',
			'tls_accept_psk' =>			'in 1',
			'tls_accept_certificate' =>	'in 1',
			'tls_psk_identity' =>		'db proxy.tls_psk_identity',
			'tls_psk' =>				'db proxy.tls_psk',
			'tls_issuer' =>				'db proxy.tls_issuer',
			'tls_subject' =>			'db proxy.tls_subject',
			'update_psk' =>				'required|bool',
			'custom_timeouts' =>		'db proxy.custom_timeouts|in '.implode(',', [ZBX_PROXY_CUSTOM_TIMEOUTS_DISABLED, ZBX_PROXY_CUSTOM_TIMEOUTS_ENABLED]),
			'timeout_zabbix_agent' =>	'db proxy.timeout_zabbix_agent',
			'timeout_simple_check' =>	'db proxy.timeout_simple_check',
			'timeout_snmp_agent' =>		'db proxy.timeout_snmp_agent',
			'timeout_external_check' =>	'db proxy.timeout_external_check',
			'timeout_db_monitor' =>		'db proxy.timeout_db_monitor',
			'timeout_http_agent' =>		'db proxy.timeout_http_agent',
			'timeout_ssh_agent' =>		'db proxy.timeout_ssh_agent',
			'timeout_telnet_agent' =>	'db proxy.timeout_telnet_agent',
			'timeout_script' =>			'db proxy.timeout_script',
			'timeout_browser' =>		'db proxy.timeout_browser'

		$ret = $this->validateInput($fields);

		if ($ret) {
			if ($this->getInput('proxy_groupid', 0) != 0) {
				if ($this->getInput('local_address', '') === '') {
					info(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.',
						_s('%1$s: %2$s', _('Address for active agents'), _('Address')), _('cannot be empty')

					$ret = false;

				if ($this->getInput('local_port', '') === '') {
					info(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.',
						_s('%1$s: %2$s', _('Address for active agents'), _('Port')), _('cannot be empty')

					$ret = false;

			switch ($this->getInput('operating_mode')) {
					if (!$this->hasInput('tls_accept_none') && !$this->hasInput('tls_accept_psk')
							&& !$this->hasInput('tls_accept_certificate')) {
						info(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Connections from proxy'),
							_('cannot be empty')

						$ret = false;


					if ($this->getInput('address', '') === '') {
						info(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.',
							_s('%1$s: %2$s', _('Interface'), _('Address')), _('cannot be empty')

						$ret = false;

					if ($this->getInput('port', '') === '') {
						info(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.',
							_s('%1$s: %2$s', _('Interface'), _('Port')), _('cannot be empty')

						$ret = false;


			if ($this->getInput('update_psk')) {
				if (($this->getInput('operating_mode') == PROXY_OPERATING_MODE_ACTIVE && $this->hasInput('tls_accept_psk'))
						|| ($this->getInput('operating_mode') == PROXY_OPERATING_MODE_PASSIVE
							&& $this->getInput('tls_connect', 0) == HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK)) {
					if ($this->getInput('tls_psk_identity', '') === '') {
						info(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('PSK identity'), _('cannot be empty')));

						$ret = false;

					if ($this->getInput('tls_psk', '') === '') {
						info(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('PSK'), _('cannot be empty')));

						$ret = false;

			$custom_timeouts = $this->getInput('custom_timeouts', ZBX_PROXY_CUSTOM_TIMEOUTS_DISABLED);

			if ($custom_timeouts == ZBX_PROXY_CUSTOM_TIMEOUTS_ENABLED) {
				$fields = [
					'timeout_zabbix_agent' =>	'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_simple_check' =>	'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_snmp_agent' =>		'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_external_check' =>	'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_db_monitor' =>		'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_http_agent' =>		'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_ssh_agent' =>		'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_telnet_agent' =>	'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_script' =>			'required|not_empty',
					'timeout_browser' =>		'required|not_empty'

				$validator = new CNewValidator(array_intersect_key($this->getInputAll(), $fields), $fields);

				foreach ($validator->getAllErrors() as $error) {

				$ret = !$validator->isErrorFatal() && !$validator->isError();

		if (!$ret) {
				new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => json_encode([
					'error' => [
						'title' => _('Cannot update proxy'),
						'messages' => array_column(get_and_clear_messages(), 'message')

		return $ret;

	protected function checkPermissions(): bool {
		if (!$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::UI_ADMINISTRATION_PROXIES)) {
			return false;

		return (bool) API::Proxy()->get([
			'output' => [],
			'proxyids' => $this->getInput('proxyid'),
			'editable' => true

	protected function doAction(): void {
		$proxy = [];

		$this->getInputs($proxy, ['proxyid', 'name', 'operating_mode', 'description', 'tls_connect',
			'tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_subject'

		$proxy['proxy_groupid'] = $this->getInput('proxy_groupid', 0);

		if ($proxy['proxy_groupid'] != 0) {
			$proxy['local_address'] = $this->getInput('local_address');
			$proxy['local_port'] = $this->getInput('local_port');

		switch ($this->getInput('operating_mode')) {
				$proxy['allowed_addresses'] = $this->getInput('allowed_addresses', '');

				$proxy['tls_accept'] = ($this->hasInput('tls_accept_none') ? HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE : 0)
					| ($this->hasInput('tls_accept_psk') ? HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK : 0)
					| ($this->hasInput('tls_accept_certificate') ? HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE : 0);


				$proxy['address'] = $this->getInput('address', '');
				$proxy['port'] = $this->getInput('port', '');


		$proxy['custom_timeouts'] = $this->getInput('custom_timeouts', ZBX_PROXY_CUSTOM_TIMEOUTS_DISABLED);

		if ($proxy['custom_timeouts'] == ZBX_PROXY_CUSTOM_TIMEOUTS_ENABLED) {
			$this->getInputs($proxy, ['timeout_zabbix_agent', 'timeout_simple_check', 'timeout_snmp_agent',
				'timeout_external_check', 'timeout_db_monitor', 'timeout_http_agent', 'timeout_ssh_agent',
				'timeout_telnet_agent', 'timeout_script', 'timeout_browser'

		$result = API::Proxy()->update($proxy);

		$output = [];

		if ($result) {
			$output['success']['title'] = _('Proxy updated');

			if ($messages = get_and_clear_messages()) {
				$output['success']['messages'] = array_column($messages, 'message');
		else {
			$output['error'] = [
				'title' => _('Cannot update proxy'),
				'messages' => array_column(get_and_clear_messages(), 'message')

		$this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => json_encode($output)]));