<?php declare(strict_types = 0); /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2022 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ abstract class CControllerServiceListGeneral extends CController { protected const WITHOUT_PARENTS_SERVICEID = 0; protected const FILTER_DEFAULT_NAME = ''; protected const FILTER_DEFAULT_STATUS = SERVICE_STATUS_ANY; protected const FILTER_DEFAULT_WITHOUT_CHILDREN = false; protected const FILTER_DEFAULT_WITHOUT_PROBLEM_TAGS = false; protected const FILTER_DEFAULT_TAG_SOURCE = ZBX_SERVICE_FILTER_TAGS_SERVICE; protected const FILTER_DEFAULT_EVALTYPE = TAG_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR; /** * @var array */ protected $service; /** * @throws APIException * * @return bool */ protected function checkPermissions(): bool { if ($this->hasInput('serviceid')) { $db_service = API::Service()->get([ 'output' => ['serviceid', 'name', 'status', 'readonly'], 'serviceids' => $this->getInput('serviceid'), 'selectParents' => ['serviceid'], 'selectTags' => ['tag', 'value'] ]); if (!$db_service) { return false; } $this->service = $db_service[0]; } return true; } /** * @throws APIException * * @return bool */ protected function canEdit(): bool { $db_roles = API::Role()->get([ 'output' => [], 'selectRules' => ['services.write.mode', 'services.write.list', 'services.write.tag'], 'roleids' => CWebUser::$data['roleid'] ]); if ($db_roles) { return ($db_roles[0]['rules']['services.write.mode'] == ZBX_ROLE_RULE_SERVICES_ACCESS_ALL || $db_roles[0]['rules']['services.write.list'] || $db_roles[0]['rules']['services.write.tag']['tag'] !== ''); } return false; } /** * @throws APIException */ protected function doAction(): void { if ($this->service !== null) { $this->service['tags'] = makeTags([$this->service], true, 'serviceid'); $this->service['parents'] = API::Service()->get([ 'output' => ['serviceid', 'name'], 'serviceids' => array_column($this->service['parents'], 'serviceid'), 'selectChildren' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT ]); } } /** * @throws APIException * * @return array */ protected function getPath(): array { if ($this->service === null) { return []; } $path_serviceids = $this->getInput('path', []); $path = []; $db_service = $this->service; while ($db_service['parents']) { $db_services = API::Service()->get([ 'output' => ['serviceid'], 'serviceids' => array_column($db_service['parents'], 'serviceid'), 'selectParents' => ['serviceid'], 'preservekeys' => true ]); if (!$db_services) { break; } $path_serviceid = array_pop($path_serviceids); if ($path_serviceid !== null && array_key_exists($path_serviceid, $db_services)) { $path[] = $path_serviceid; $db_service = $db_services[$path_serviceid]; } else { $db_service = reset($db_services); $path_serviceids = []; $path[] = $db_service['serviceid']; } } return array_reverse($path); } /** * @param array $path * @param bool $is_filtered * * @throws APIException * * @return array */ protected function getBreadcrumbs(array $path, bool $is_filtered): array { $breadcrumbs = [[ 'name' => _('All services'), 'curl' => (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', $this->getAction()) ]]; $db_services = API::Service()->get([ 'output' => ['name'], 'serviceids' => $path, 'preservekeys' => true ]); $parent_serviceids = []; foreach ($path as $serviceid) { $breadcrumbs[] = [ 'name' => $db_services[$serviceid]['name'], 'curl' => (new CUrl('zabbix.php')) ->setArgument('action', $this->getAction()) ->setArgument('path', $parent_serviceids) ->setArgument('serviceid', $serviceid) ]; $parent_serviceids[] = $serviceid; } if ($this->service !== null) { $breadcrumbs[] = [ 'name' => $this->service['name'], 'curl' => (new CUrl('zabbix.php')) ->setArgument('action', $this->getAction()) ->setArgument('path', $parent_serviceids) ->setArgument('serviceid', $this->service['serviceid']) ]; } if ($is_filtered) { $breadcrumbs[] = [ 'name' => _('Filter results') ]; } return $breadcrumbs; } /** * @throws APIException * * @return array */ protected function getSlas(): array { $limit = CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::MAX_IN_TABLE); $slas = API::Sla()->get([ 'output' => ['slaid', 'name', 'period', 'slo', 'timezone'], 'serviceids' => $this->service['serviceid'], 'filter' => [ 'status' => ZBX_SLA_STATUS_ENABLED ], 'sortfield' => 'name', 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_UP, 'limit' => $limit + 1 ]); $slas_count = count($slas); $slas = array_slice($slas, 0, $limit); foreach ($slas as &$sla) { $sla['sli'] = API::Sla()->getSli([ 'slaid' => $sla['slaid'], 'periods' => 1, 'serviceids' => $this->service['serviceid'] ]); } unset($sla); return [ 'slas' => $slas, 'slas_count' => $slas_count ]; } /** * @param array $filter * @param bool $is_filtered * * @throws APIException * * @return array */ protected static function getServiceIds(array $filter, bool $is_filtered): array { if ($filter['status'] == SERVICE_STATUS_OK) { $filter_status = ZBX_SEVERITY_OK; } elseif ($filter['status'] == SERVICE_STATUS_PROBLEM) { $filter_status = array_column(CSeverityHelper::getSeverities(), 'value'); } else { $filter_status = null; } $options = [ 'output' => ['name'], 'parentids' => $filter['serviceid'], 'deep_parentids' => $is_filtered, 'childids' => $filter['without_children'] ? 0 : null, 'without_problem_tags' => $filter['without_problem_tags'], 'search' => ($filter['name'] === '') ? null : ['name' => $filter['name']], 'filter' => [ 'status' => $filter_status ], 'evaltype' => $filter['evaltype'], 'sortfield' => ['sortorder', 'name'], 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_UP, 'preservekeys' => true ]; $db_services = []; if ($filter['tags']) { if (in_array($filter['tag_source'], [ZBX_SERVICE_FILTER_TAGS_ANY, ZBX_SERVICE_FILTER_TAGS_SERVICE])) { $db_services += API::Service()->get($options + ['tags' => $filter['tags']]); } if (!$filter['without_problem_tags'] && ($filter['tag_source'] == ZBX_SERVICE_FILTER_TAGS_ANY || $filter['tag_source'] == ZBX_SERVICE_FILTER_TAGS_PROBLEM)) { $db_services += API::Service()->get($options + ['problem_tags' => $filter['tags']]); } } else { $db_services += API::Service()->get($options); } return array_keys($db_services); } /** * @param array $services */ protected static function extendProblemEvents(array &$services): void { $eventids = []; foreach (array_column($services, 'problem_events') as $problem_events) { $eventids += array_column($problem_events, 'eventid', 'eventid'); } $events = API::Event()->get([ 'output' => ['objectid'], 'eventids' => $eventids, 'source' => EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, 'object' => EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER, 'value' => TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE, 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($services as &$service) { $problem_events = []; foreach ($service['problem_events'] as $problem_event) { $triggerid = array_key_exists($problem_event['eventid'], $events) ? $events[$problem_event['eventid']]['objectid'] : 0; if (!array_key_exists($triggerid, $problem_events)) { $problem_events[$triggerid] = []; } if (!array_key_exists($problem_event['name'], $problem_events[$triggerid])) { $problem_events[$triggerid][$problem_event['name']] = $problem_event['severity']; } else { $problem_events[$triggerid][$problem_event['name']] = max($problem_event['severity'], $problem_events[$triggerid][$problem_event['name']] ); } } $service['problem_events'] = []; foreach ($problem_events as $triggerid => $problem_events) { foreach ($problem_events as $name => $severity) { $service['problem_events'][] = [ 'triggerid' => $triggerid != 0 ? $triggerid : null, 'name' => $name, 'severity' => $severity ]; } } CArrayHelper::sort($service['problem_events'], [ ['field' => 'severity', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN], ['field' => 'name', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_UP] ]); } unset($service); } }