<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

require_once __DIR__ .'/../../include/forms.inc.php';

class CControllerTemplateEdit extends CController {

	protected function init(): void {

	protected function checkInput(): bool {
		$fields = [
			'templateid' =>				'db hosts.hostid',
			'template_name' =>			'db hosts.host',
			'visiblename' =>			'db hosts.name',
			'templates' =>				'array_db hosts.hostid',
			'add_templates' =>			'array_db hosts.hostid',
			'groupids' =>				'array_db hosts_groups.groupid',
			'groups' =>					'array',
			'description' =>			'db hosts.description',
			'tags' =>					'array',
			'macros' =>					'array',
			'show_inherited_macros' =>	'in 0,1',
			'valuemaps' =>				'array',
			'clone' =>					'in 1'

		$ret = $this->validateInput($fields);

		if (!$ret) {
				(new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => json_encode([
					'error' => [
						'messages' => array_column(get_and_clear_messages(), 'message')

		return $ret;

	protected function checkPermissions(): bool {
		if (!$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::UI_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATES)) {
			return false;

		if ($this->hasInput('templateid')) {
			$templates = API::Template()->get([
				'output' => [],
				'templateids' => $this->getInput('templateid'),
				'editable' => true

			if (!$templates) {
				return false;

		return true;

	protected function doAction(): void {
		$templateid = $this->hasInput('templateid') ? $this->getInput('templateid') : null;
		$clone = $this->hasInput('clone');
		$templates = [];
		$warnings = [];
		$groupids = [];

		if ($clone) {
			$data = [
				'templateid' => null,
				'clone_templateid' => $templateid,
				'template_name' =>$this->getInput('template_name', ''),
				'visible_name' => $this->getInput('visiblename', ''),
				'linked_templates' => [],
				'templates' => $this->getInput('templates', []),
				'add_templates' => [],
				'original_templates' => [],
				'groups_ms' => [],
				'description' => $this->getInput('description', ''),
				'tags' => $this->getInput('tags', []),
				'show_inherited_macros' => $this->getInput('show_inherited_macros', 0),
				'valuemaps' => array_values($this->getInput('valuemaps', [])),
				'readonly' => false,
				'vendor' => [],
				'clone' => true

			// Add already linked and new templates when cloning element.
			$request_add_templates = $this->getInput('add_templates', []);

			if ($data['templates'] || $request_add_templates) {
				$templates = API::Template()->get([
					'output' => ['templateid', 'name'],
					'templateids' => array_merge($data['templates'], $request_add_templates),
					'preservekeys' => true

				$data['linked_templates'] = array_intersect_key($templates, array_flip($data['templates']));
				CArrayHelper::sort($data['linked_templates'], ['name']);

				$data['add_templates'] = array_intersect_key($templates, array_flip($request_add_templates));

				foreach ($data['add_templates'] as &$template) {
					$template = CArrayHelper::renameKeys($template, ['templateid' => 'id']);

			// Prepare macros data.
			$macros = cleanInheritedMacros(getRequest('macros', []));

			// Remove empty macro lines.
			$macros = array_filter($macros, function($macro) {
				$keys = array_flip(['hostmacroid', 'macro', 'value', 'description']);

				return (bool) array_filter(array_intersect_key($macro, $keys));

			// Reset macro type and value.
			foreach ($macros as &$macro) {
				if (array_key_exists('allow_revert', $macro) && array_key_exists('value', $macro)) {
					$macro['deny_revert'] = true;


			$secret_macro_reset = false;

			foreach ($macros as &$macro) {
				if ($macro['type'] == ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET && !array_key_exists('value', $macro)) {
					$macro = [
						'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT,
						'value' => ''
					] + $macro;

					$secret_macro_reset = true;


			if ($secret_macro_reset) {
				$warnings[] = _('The cloned template contains user defined macros with type "Secret text". The value and type of these macros were reset.');

			$macros = array_map(function($macro) {
				return array_diff_key($macro, array_flip(['hostmacroid']));
			}, $macros);

			$data['macros'] = $macros;

			// Prepare groups data.
			$groups = $this->getInput('groups', []);

			// Remove inaccessible groups from request, but leave "new".
			foreach ($groups as $group) {
				if (!is_array($group)) {
					$groupids[] = $group;

			if ($groupids) {
				$groups_allowed = API::TemplateGroup()->get([
					'output' => [],
					'groupids' => $groupids,
					'editable' => true,
					'preservekeys' => true

				if (count($groupids) != count($groups_allowed)) {
					$warnings[] = _("The template being cloned belongs to a template group you don't have write permissions to. Non-writable group has been removed from the new template.");

				foreach ($groups as $idx => $group) {
					if (!is_array($group) && !array_key_exists($group, $groups_allowed)) {
		else {
			$data = $this->getDefaultTemplateData();
			$data['templateid'] = $templateid;

			if ($templateid !== null) {
				$dbTemplates = API::Template()->get([
					'output' => ['host', 'name', 'description', 'vendor_name', 'vendor_version'],
					'selectTemplateGroups' => ['groupid'],
					'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid'],
					'selectMacros' => ['hostmacroid', 'hostid', 'macro', 'value', 'description', 'type', 'automatic'],
					'selectTags' => ['tag', 'value'],
					'selectValueMaps' => ['valuemapid', 'name', 'mappings'],
					'templateids' => $templateid

				$data['dbTemplate'] = reset($dbTemplates);

				$data['template_name'] = $data['dbTemplate']['host'];
				$data['visible_name'] = $data['dbTemplate']['name'];

				// Display empty visible name if equal to host name.
				if ($data['visible_name'] === $data['template_name']) {
					$data['visible_name'] = '';

				$data['description'] = $data['dbTemplate']['description'];
				$data['tags'] = $data['dbTemplate']['tags'];
				$data['macros'] = $data['dbTemplate']['macros'];

				CArrayHelper::sort($data['dbTemplate']['valuemaps'], ['name']);

				$data['valuemaps'] = array_values($data['dbTemplate']['valuemaps']);

				$data['vendor'] = array_filter([
					'name' => $data['dbTemplate']['vendor_name'],
					'version' => $data['dbTemplate']['vendor_version']
				], 'strlen');

				foreach ($data['dbTemplate']['parentTemplates'] as $parentTemplate) {
					$data['original_templates'][$parentTemplate['templateid']] = $parentTemplate['templateid'];

				// Add already linked templates.
				$linked_templates = $data['dbTemplate']['parentTemplates'];

				foreach ($linked_templates as $template) {
					$linked_template_ids[$template['templateid']] = $template['templateid'];

				if ($linked_templates) {
					$templates = API::Template()->get([
						'output' => ['templateid', 'name'],
						'templateids' => $linked_template_ids,
						'preservekeys' => true

					$data['linked_templates'] = array_intersect_key($templates, array_flip($linked_template_ids));
					CArrayHelper::sort($data['linked_templates'], ['name']);

			// Prepare groups data based on permissions and accessibility.
			if ($templateid === null) {
				$groups = $this->getInput('groupids', []);
			else {
				$groups = array_column($data['dbTemplate']['templategroups'], 'groupid');

			foreach ($groups as $group) {
				if (is_array($group) && array_key_exists('new', $group)) {

				$groupids[] = $group;

		// Retrieve writable templates.
		$data['writable_templates'] = API::Template()->get([
			'output' => ['templateid'],
			'templateids' => array_keys($data['linked_templates']),
			'editable' => true,
			'preservekeys' => true

		// Groups with R and RW permissions.
		$groups_all = $groupids
			? API::TemplateGroup()->get([
				'output' => ['name'],
				'groupids' => $groupids,
				'preservekeys' => true
			: [];

		// Groups with RW permissions.
		$groups_rw = $groupids && (CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN)
			? API::TemplateGroup()->get([
				'output' => [],
				'groupids' => $groupids,
				'editable' => true,
				'preservekeys' => true
			: [];

		// Prepare data for multiselect.
		foreach ($groups as $group) {
			if (is_array($group) && array_key_exists('new', $group)) {
				$data['groups_ms'][] = [
					'id' => $group['new'],
					'name' => $group['new'].' ('._x('new', 'new element in multiselect').')',
					'isNew' => true
			elseif (array_key_exists($group, $groups_all)) {
				$data['groups_ms'][] = [
					'id' => $group,
					'name' => $groups_all[$group]['name'],
					'disabled' => CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !array_key_exists($group, $groups_rw)

		CArrayHelper::sort($data['groups_ms'], ['name']);

		// Insert empty tag row when no tags are present.
		if (!$data['tags']) {
			$data['tags'][] = ['tag' => '', 'value' => ''];

		CArrayHelper::sort($data['tags'], ['tag', 'value']);

		// Insert empty row when no macros are present.
		if (!$data['macros'] && $data['show_inherited_macros'] == 0) {
			$macro = ['macro' => '', 'value' => '', 'description' => '', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT];

			if ($data['show_inherited_macros']) {
				$macro['inherited_type'] = ZBX_PROPERTY_OWN;

			$data['macros'][] = $macro;

		// Add inherited macros to template macros.
		if ($data['show_inherited_macros']) {
			$data['macros'] = mergeInheritedMacros($data['macros'], getInheritedMacros(array_keys($templates)));

		$data['macros'] = array_values(order_macros($data['macros'], 'macro'));

		foreach ($data['macros'] as &$macro) {
			$macro['discovery_state'] = CControllerHostMacrosList::DISCOVERY_STATE_MANUAL;

		// Enable revert button for secret text macros when editing template.
		foreach ($data['macros'] as &$macro) {
			if ($macro['type'] == ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET
				&& !array_key_exists('deny_revert', $macro) && !array_key_exists('value', $macro)) {
				$macro['allow_revert'] = true;

		$data['warnings'] = $warnings;
		$data['user'] = ['debug_mode' => $this->getDebugMode()];

		$this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData($data));

	private function getDefaultTemplateData(): array {
		return [
			'template_name' => '',
			'visible_name' => '',
			'linked_templates' => [],
			'add_templates' => [],
			'original_templates' => [],
			'templates' => [],
			'groups_ms' => [],
			'description' => '',
			'tags' => [],
			'macros' => [],
			'show_inherited_macros' => 0,
			'valuemaps' => [],
			'readonly' => false,
			'vendor' => [],
			'clone' => false