<?php declare(strict_types = 0); /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ class CControllerWidgetTopHostsView extends CControllerWidget { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setType(WIDGET_TOP_HOSTS); $this->setValidationRules([ 'name' => 'string', 'fields' => 'json' ]); } protected function doAction() { $data = [ 'name' => $this->getInput('name', $this->getDefaultName()), 'user' => [ 'debug_mode' => $this->getDebugMode() ] ]; $data += self::getData($this->getForm()->getFieldsData()); $this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData($data)); } /** * @param array $fields * * @throws Exception * * @return array */ private static function getData(array $fields): array { $configuration = $fields['columns']; $groupids = $fields['groupids'] ? getSubGroups($fields['groupids']) : null; $hostids = $fields['hostids'] ?: null; if (array_key_exists('tags', $fields)) { $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['name'], 'groupids' => $groupids, 'hostids' => $hostids, 'evaltype' => $fields['evaltype'], 'tags' => $fields['tags'], 'monitored_hosts' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); $hostids = array_keys($hosts); } else { $hosts = null; } $time_now = time(); $master_column = $configuration[$fields['column']]; $master_items = self::getItems($master_column['item'], self::isNumericOnlyColumn($master_column), $groupids, $hostids ); $master_item_values = self::getItemValues($master_items, $master_column, $time_now); if (!$master_item_values) { return [ 'configuration' => $configuration, 'rows' => [] ]; } $master_items_only_numeric_present = !array_filter($master_items, static function(array $item): bool { return !in_array($item['value_type'], [ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64]); } ); if ($fields['order'] == CWidgetFormTopHosts::ORDER_TOPN) { if ($master_items_only_numeric_present) { arsort($master_item_values, SORT_NUMERIC); $master_items_min = end($master_item_values); $master_items_max = reset($master_item_values); } else { asort($master_item_values, SORT_NATURAL); } } else { if ($master_items_only_numeric_present) { asort($master_item_values, SORT_NUMERIC); $master_items_min = reset($master_item_values); $master_items_max = end($master_item_values); } else { arsort($master_item_values, SORT_NATURAL); } } $master_item_values = array_slice($master_item_values, 0, $fields['count'], true); $master_items = array_intersect_key($master_items, $master_item_values); $master_hostids = []; foreach (array_keys($master_item_values) as $itemid) { $master_hostids[$master_items[$itemid]['hostid']] = true; } $number_parser = new CNumberParser([ 'with_size_suffix' => true, 'with_time_suffix' => true, 'is_binary_size' => false ]); $number_parser_binary = new CNumberParser([ 'with_size_suffix' => true, 'with_time_suffix' => true, 'is_binary_size' => true ]); $item_values = []; foreach ($configuration as $column_index => &$column) { if ($column['data'] != CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_ITEM_VALUE) { continue; } $calc_extremes = $column['display'] == CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DISPLAY_BAR || $column['display'] == CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DISPLAY_INDICATORS; if ($column_index == $fields['column']) { $column_items = $master_items; $column_item_values = $master_item_values; } else { $numeric_only = self::isNumericOnlyColumn($column); $column_items = !$calc_extremes || ($column['min'] !== '' && $column['max'] !== '') ? self::getItems($column['item'], $numeric_only, $groupids, array_keys($master_hostids)) : self::getItems($column['item'], $numeric_only, $groupids, $hostids); $column_item_values = self::getItemValues($column_items, $column, $time_now); } if ($calc_extremes && ($column['min'] !== '' || $column['max'] !== '')) { if ($column['min'] !== '') { $number_parser_binary->parse($column['min']); $column['min_binary'] = $number_parser_binary->calcValue(); $number_parser->parse($column['min']); $column['min'] = $number_parser->calcValue(); } if ($column['max'] !== '') { $number_parser_binary->parse($column['max']); $column['max_binary'] = $number_parser_binary->calcValue(); $number_parser->parse($column['max']); $column['max'] = $number_parser->calcValue(); } } if (array_key_exists('thresholds', $column)) { foreach ($column['thresholds'] as &$threshold) { $number_parser_binary->parse($threshold['threshold']); $threshold['threshold_binary'] = $number_parser_binary->calcValue(); $number_parser->parse($threshold['threshold']); $threshold['threshold'] = $number_parser->calcValue(); } unset($threshold); } if ($column_index == $fields['column']) { if ($calc_extremes) { if ($column['min'] === '') { $column['min'] = $master_items_min; $column['min_binary'] = $column['min']; } if ($column['max'] === '') { $column['max'] = $master_items_max; $column['max_binary'] = $column['max']; } } } else { if ($calc_extremes && $column_item_values) { if ($column['min'] === '') { $column['min'] = min($column_item_values); $column['min_binary'] = $column['min']; } if ($column['max'] === '') { $column['max'] = max($column_item_values); $column['max_binary'] = $column['max']; } } } $item_values[$column_index] = []; foreach ($column_item_values as $itemid => $column_item_value) { if (array_key_exists($column_items[$itemid]['hostid'], $master_hostids)) { $item_values[$column_index][$column_items[$itemid]['hostid']] = [ 'value' => $column_item_value, 'item' => $column_items[$itemid], 'is_binary_units' => isBinaryUnits($column_items[$itemid]['units']) ]; } } } unset($column); $text_columns = []; foreach ($configuration as $column_index => $column) { if ($column['data'] == CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_TEXT) { $text_columns[$column_index] = $column['text']; } } $text_columns = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveWidgetTopHostsTextColumns($text_columns, $master_items); $hostid_to_itemid = array_column($master_items, 'itemid', 'hostid'); $rows = []; foreach (array_keys($master_hostids) as $hostid) { $row = []; foreach ($configuration as $column_index => $column) { switch ($column['data']) { case CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_HOST_NAME: if ($hosts === null) { $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['name'], 'groupids' => $groupids, 'hostids' => array_keys($master_hostids), 'monitored_hosts' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); } $row[] = [ 'value' => $hosts[$hostid]['name'], 'hostid' => $hostid ]; break; case CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_TEXT: $row[] = [ 'value' => $text_columns[$column_index][$hostid_to_itemid[$hostid]] ]; break; case CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_ITEM_VALUE: $row[] = array_key_exists($hostid, $item_values[$column_index]) ? [ 'value' => $item_values[$column_index][$hostid]['value'], 'item' => $item_values[$column_index][$hostid]['item'], 'is_binary_units' => $item_values[$column_index][$hostid]['is_binary_units'] ] : null; break; } } $rows[] = $row; } return [ 'configuration' => $configuration, 'rows' => $rows ]; } /** * @param array $column * * @return bool */ private static function isNumericOnlyColumn(array $column): bool { return $column['aggregate_function'] != AGGREGATE_NONE || $column['display'] != CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DISPLAY_AS_IS || array_key_exists('thresholds', $column); } /** * @param string $name * @param bool $numeric_only * @param array|null $groupids * @param array|null $hostids * * @return array */ private static function getItems(string $name, bool $numeric_only, ?array $groupids, ?array $hostids): array { $items = API::Item()->get([ 'output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'key_', 'history', 'trends', 'value_type', 'units'], 'selectValueMap' => ['mappings'], 'groupids' => $groupids, 'hostids' => $hostids, 'monitored' => true, 'webitems' => true, 'filter' => [ 'name' => $name, 'status' => ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE, 'value_type' => $numeric_only ? [ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64] : null ], 'sortfield' => 'key_', 'preservekeys' => true ]); if ($items) { $processed_hostids = []; $items = array_filter($items, static function ($item) use (&$processed_hostids) { if (array_key_exists($item['hostid'], $processed_hostids)) { return false; } $processed_hostids[$item['hostid']] = true; return true; }); } return $items; } /** * @param array $items * @param array $column * @param int $time_now * * @return array */ private static function getItemValues(array $items, array $column, int $time_now): array { static $history_period; if ($history_period === null) { $history_period = timeUnitToSeconds(CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::HISTORY_PERIOD)); } $timeshift = $column['timeshift'] !== '' ? timeUnitToSeconds($column['timeshift']) : 0; $time_to = $time_now + $timeshift; $time_from = $column['aggregate_function'] != AGGREGATE_NONE ? $time_to - timeUnitToSeconds($column['aggregate_interval']) : $time_to - $history_period; $function = $column['aggregate_function'] != AGGREGATE_NONE ? $column['aggregate_function'] : AGGREGATE_LAST; $interval = $time_to; self::addDataSource($items, $time_from, $time_now, $column['history']); $result = []; if ($column['aggregate_function'] == AGGREGATE_NONE) { $items_by_source = ['history' => [], 'trends' => []]; foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) { $items_by_source[$item['source']][$itemid] = $item; } if ($timeshift != 0) { $values = []; foreach ($items_by_source['history'] as $itemid => $item) { $history = Manager::History()->getValueAt($item, $time_to, 0); if (is_array($history)) { $values[$itemid] = $history['value']; } } } else { $values = Manager::History()->getLastValues($items_by_source['history'], 1, $history_period); $values = array_column(array_column($values, 0), 'value', 'itemid'); } $result += $values; $items = $items_by_source['trends']; } $values = Manager::History()->getAggregationByInterval($items, $time_from, $time_to, $function, $interval); $values = array_column(array_column(array_column($values, 'data'), 0), $function == AGGREGATE_COUNT ? 'count' : 'value', 'itemid' ); $result += $values; return $result; } /** * @param array $items * @param int $time_from * @param int $time_now * @param int $data_source * * @return void */ private static function addDataSource(array &$items, int $time_from, int $time_now, int $data_source): void { if ($data_source == CWidgetFieldColumnsList::HISTORY_DATA_HISTORY || $data_source == CWidgetFieldColumnsList::HISTORY_DATA_TRENDS) { foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['source'] = $data_source == CWidgetFieldColumnsList::HISTORY_DATA_TRENDS && ($item['value_type'] == ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT || $item['value_type'] == ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64) ? 'trends' : 'history'; } unset($item); return; } static $hk_history_global, $global_history_time, $hk_trends_global, $global_trends_time; if ($hk_history_global === null) { $hk_history_global = CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_HISTORY_GLOBAL); if ($hk_history_global) { $global_history_time = timeUnitToSeconds(CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_HISTORY)); } } if ($hk_trends_global === null) { $hk_trends_global = CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_TRENDS_GLOBAL); if ($hk_history_global) { $global_trends_time = timeUnitToSeconds(CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_TRENDS)); } } if ($hk_history_global) { foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['history'] = $global_history_time; } unset($item); } if ($hk_trends_global) { foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['trends'] = $global_trends_time; } unset($item); } if (!$hk_history_global || !$hk_trends_global) { $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTimeUnitMacros($items, array_merge($hk_history_global ? [] : ['history'], $hk_trends_global ? [] : ['trends']) ); $processed_items = []; foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) { if (!$global_trends_time) { $item['history'] = timeUnitToSeconds($item['history']); if ($item['history'] === null) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'history', _('invalid history storage period') )); continue; } } if (!$hk_trends_global) { $item['trends'] = timeUnitToSeconds($item['trends']); if ($item['trends'] === null) { error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'trends', _('invalid trend storage period') )); continue; } } $processed_items[$itemid] = $item; } $items = $processed_items; } foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['source'] = $item['trends'] == 0 || $time_now - $item['history'] <= $time_from ? 'history' : 'trends'; } unset($item); } }