<?php declare(strict_types = 0); /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /** * @var CPartial $this * @var array $data */ $operations_table = (new CTable()) ->setId('op-table') ->setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;'); if (in_array($data['eventsource'], [EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, EVENT_SOURCE_INTERNAL, EVENT_SOURCE_SERVICE])) { $operations_table->setHeader([_('Steps'), _('Details'), _('Start in'), _('Duration'), _('Action')]); } else { $operations_table->setHeader([_('Details'), _('Action')]); } if (array_key_exists('descriptions', $data)) { if (array_key_exists('operation', $data['descriptions'])) { $data['descriptions'] = $data['descriptions']['operation']; } $details_column = getActionOperationDescriptions( $data['action']['operations'], $data['eventsource'], $data['descriptions'] ); } foreach ($data['action']['operations'] as $i => $operation) { if (!str_in_array($operation['operationtype'], $data['allowedOperations'][ACTION_OPERATION])) { continue; } if (in_array($data['eventsource'], [EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, EVENT_SOURCE_INTERNAL, EVENT_SOURCE_SERVICE])) { $simple_interval_parser = new CSimpleIntervalParser(); $delays = count_operations_delay($data['action']['operations'], $data['action']['esc_period']); $esc_steps_txt = null; $esc_period_txt = null; $esc_delay_txt = null; if ($operation['esc_step_from'] < 1) { $operation['esc_step_from'] = 1; } // display N-N as N $esc_steps_txt = ($operation['esc_step_from'] == $operation['esc_step_to']) ? $operation['esc_step_from'] : $operation['esc_step_from'].' - '.$operation['esc_step_to']; $esc_period_txt = ($simple_interval_parser->parse($operation['esc_period']) == CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS && timeUnitToSeconds($operation['esc_period']) == 0) ? _('Default') : $operation['esc_period']; $esc_delay_txt = $delays[$operation['esc_step_from']] === null ? _('Unknown') : ($delays[$operation['esc_step_from']] != 0 ? convertUnits(['value' => $delays[$operation['esc_step_from']], 'units' => 'uptime']) : _('Immediately') ); } // Create hidden input fields for each row. $hidden_data = array_filter($operation, function ($key) { return !in_array($key, [ 'row_index', 'duration', 'steps', 'details' ]); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); $buttons = (new CHorList([ (new CButtonLink(_('Edit'))) ->addClass('js-edit-operation') ->setAttribute('data-operation', json_encode([ 'operationid' => $i, 'actionid' => array_key_exists('actionid', $data) ? $data['actionid'] : 0, 'eventsource' => $data['eventsource'], 'operationtype' => $operation['operationtype'], 'data' => $operation ])), [ (new CButton('remove', _('Remove'))) ->setAttribute('data-operationid', $i) ->addClass('js-remove') ->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_BTN_LINK) ->removeId(), new CVar('operations['.$i.']', $hidden_data) ] ])) ->setName('button-list') ->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP); if (in_array($data['eventsource'], [EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, EVENT_SOURCE_INTERNAL, EVENT_SOURCE_SERVICE])) { $operations_table->addRow([ $esc_steps_txt, (new CCol($details_column[$i]))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_WORDBREAK), $esc_delay_txt, $esc_period_txt, $buttons ], null, 'operations_'.$i); } else { $operations_table->addRow([ $details_column[$i], $buttons ], null, 'operations_'.$i)->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_WORDBREAK); } } $operations_table->addItem( (new CTag('tfoot', true)) ->addItem( (new CCol( (new CButtonLink(_('Add'))) ->addClass('js-operation-details') ->setAttribute('data-actionid', array_key_exists('actionid', $data) ? $data['actionid'] : 0) ->setAttribute('data-eventsource', $data['eventsource']) ->setAttribute('operationtype', ACTION_OPERATION) ))->setColSpan(4) ) ); $operations_table->show();