<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * @var CView $this
 * @var array $data

$form_action = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
	->setArgument('action', 'mfa.check')

$form = (new CForm('post', $form_action))

if (array_key_exists('mfaid', $data)) {
	$form->addVar('mfaid', $data['mfaid']);

if (array_key_exists('add_mfa_method', $data)) {
	$form->addVar('add_mfa_method', $data['add_mfa_method']);

// Enable form submitting on Enter.
$form->addItem((new CSubmitButton())->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_FORM_SUBMIT_HIDDEN));
$curl_warning = $data['curl_error']
		? (makeWarningIcon(
			_('You are not able to choose some of the MFA methods, because PHP CURL extension is not installed on the web server.')
		: '';

	->addItem((new CFormGrid())
			new CLabel(_('Type'), 'type'),
			new CFormField([
				(new CSelect('type'))
					->addOption(new CSelectOption(MFA_TYPE_TOTP, _('TOTP')))
					->addOption((new CSelectOption(MFA_TYPE_DUO, _('Duo Universal Prompt')))
			(new CLabel([
				makeHelpIcon(_('Shown as the label to all MFA users in authenticator apps.'))
			], 'name'))->setAsteriskMark(),
			new CFormField(
				(new CTextBox('name', $data['name'], false, DB::getFieldLength('mfa', 'name')))
					->setAttribute('autofocus', 'autofocus')
			(new CLabel(_('Hash function'), 'hash_function'))->addClass('js-hash-function'),
			(new CFormField(
				(new CSelect('hash_function'))
						TOTP_HASH_SHA1 => 'SHA-1',
						TOTP_HASH_SHA256 => 'SHA-256',
						TOTP_HASH_SHA512 => 'SHA-512'
			(new CLabel(_('Code length'), 'code_length'))->addClass('js-code-length'),
			(new CFormField(
				(new CSelect('code_length'))
						TOTP_CODE_LENGTH_6 => '6',
						TOTP_CODE_LENGTH_8 => '8'
			(new CLabel(_('API hostname'), 'api_hostname'))
			(new CFormField(
				(new CTextBox('api_hostname', $data['api_hostname'], false, DB::getFieldLength('mfa', 'api_hostname')))
			(new CLabel(_('Client ID'), 'clientid'))
			(new CFormField(
				(new CTextBox('clientid', $data['clientid'], false, DB::getFieldLength('mfa', 'clientid')))
			(new CLabel(_('Client secret'), 'client_secret'))
			(new CFormField($data['add_mfa_method'] == 0 && $data['type'] == MFA_TYPE_DUO
				? [
					array_key_exists('client_secret', $data)
						? (new CVar('client_secret', $data['client_secret']))->removeId()
						: null,
					(new CSimpleButton(_('Change client secret')))
					(new CPassBox('client_secret', '', DB::getFieldLength('mfa', 'client_secret')))
						->addStyle('display: none;')
				: (new CPassBox('client_secret', '', DB::getFieldLength('mfa', 'client_secret')))
		->addItem((new CScriptTag('mfa_edit.init('.json_encode([
				'mfaid' => array_key_exists('mfaid', $data) ? $data['mfaid'] : null,
				'change_sensitive_data' => array_intersect_key(
					$data, array_flip(['type', 'hash_function', 'code_length'])

if ($data['add_mfa_method']) {
	$title = _('New MFA method');
	$buttons = [
			'title' => _('Add'),
			'class' => 'js-add',
			'keepOpen' => true,
			'isSubmit' => true,
			'action' => 'mfa_edit.submit();'
else {
	$title = _('MFA method');
	$buttons = [
			'title' => _('Update'),
			'class' => 'js-update',
			'keepOpen' => true,
			'isSubmit' => true,
			'action' => 'mfa_edit.submit();'

$output = [
	'header' => $title,
	'body' => $form->toString(),
	'buttons' => $buttons,
	'script_inline' => getPagePostJs().

if ($data['user']['debug_mode'] == GROUP_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) {
	$output['debug'] = CProfiler::getInstance()->make()->toString();

echo json_encode($output);