** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

 * @var CView $this
 * @var array $data

$form = (new CForm())
	->addStyle('display: none;')
	->addVar('action', $data['action'])
	->addVar('update', 1)
		(new CInput('submit', 'submit'))
			->addStyle('display: none;')

$form_grid = new CFormGrid();

$scripts = [];

if (array_key_exists('edit', $data)) {
	$form->addVar('edit', 1);

// Name.
	new CLabel(_('Name'), 'name'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CTextBox('name', $data['name'], false))
			->setAttribute('autofocus', 'autofocus')

// Data.
	new CLabel(_('Data'), 'data'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CSelect('data'))
				CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_ITEM_VALUE => _('Item value'),
				CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_HOST_NAME => _('Host name'),
				CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DATA_TEXT => _('Text')

// Static text.
	(new CLabel(_('Text'), 'text'))->setAsteriskMark(),
	new CFormField(
		(new CTextBox('text', $data['text']))
			->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Text, supports {INVENTORY.*}, {HOST.*} macros'))

// Item.
$item_select = (new CPatternSelect([
	'name' => 'item',
	'object_name' => 'items',
	'data' => $data['item'] === '' ? '' : [$data['item']],
	'multiple' => false,
	'popup' => [
		'parameters' => [
			'srctbl' => 'items',
			'srcfld1' => 'itemid',
			'real_hosts' => 1,
			'webitems' => 1,
			'dstfrm' => $form->getName(),
			'dstfld1' => 'item'
	'add_post_js' => false

$scripts[] = $item_select->getPostJS();

	(new CLabel(_('Item'), 'item'))->setAsteriskMark(),
	new CFormField($item_select)

// Time shift.
	new CLabel(_('Time shift'), 'timeshift'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CTextBox('timeshift', $data['timeshift']))
			->setAttribute('placeholder', _('none'))

$numeric_only_warning = new CSpan([
	makeWarningIcon(_('With this setting only numeric items will be displayed in this column.'))

// Aggregation function.
	new CLabel([
		_('Aggregation function'),
	], 'aggregate_function'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CSelect('aggregate_function'))
				AGGREGATE_NONE => _('none'),
				AGGREGATE_MIN => _('min'),
				AGGREGATE_MAX => _('max'),
				AGGREGATE_AVG => _('avg'),
				AGGREGATE_COUNT => _('count'),
				AGGREGATE_SUM => _('sum'),
				AGGREGATE_FIRST => _('first'),
				AGGREGATE_LAST => _('last')

// Aggregation interval.
	(new CLabel(_('Aggregation interval'), 'aggregate_interval'))->setAsteriskMark(),
	new CFormField(
		(new CTextBox('aggregate_interval', $data['aggregate_interval']))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_TINY_WIDTH)

// Display.
	new CLabel([
	], 'display'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CRadioButtonList('display', (int) $data['display']))
			->addValue(_('As is'), CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DISPLAY_AS_IS)
			->addValue(_('Bar'), CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DISPLAY_BAR)
			->addValue(_('Indicators'), CWidgetFieldColumnsList::DISPLAY_INDICATORS)

// History data.
	new CLabel([
		_('History data'),
			_('This setting applies only to numeric data. Non-numeric data will always be taken from history.')
	], 'history'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CRadioButtonList('history', (int) $data['history']))
			->addValue(_('Auto'), CWidgetFieldColumnsList::HISTORY_DATA_AUTO)
			->addValue(_('History'), CWidgetFieldColumnsList::HISTORY_DATA_HISTORY)
			->addValue(_('Trends'), CWidgetFieldColumnsList::HISTORY_DATA_TRENDS)

// Base color.
	new CLabel(_('Base color'), 'base_color'),
	new CFormField(new CColor('base_color', $data['base_color']))

// Min value.
	new CLabel(_('Min'), 'min'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CTextBox('min', $data['min']))
			->setAttribute('placeholder', _('calculated'))

// Max value.
	new CLabel(_('Max'), 'max'),
	new CFormField(
		(new CTextBox('max', $data['max']))
			->setAttribute('placeholder', _('calculated'))

// Thresholds table.
$header_row = [
	(new CColHeader(_('Threshold')))->setWidth('100%'),

$thresholds = (new CDiv(
	(new CTable())
		->setFooter(new CRow(
			(new CCol(
				(new CButton(null, _('Add')))

	(new CScriptTemplate('thresholds-row-tmpl'))
		->addItem((new CRow([
			(new CColor('thresholds[#{rowNum}][color]', '#{color}'))->appendColorPickerJs(false),
			(new CTextBox('thresholds[#{rowNum}][threshold]', '#{threshold}', false))
			(new CButton('thresholds[#{rowNum}][remove]', _('Remove')))

	new CLabel([
	], 'thresholds_table'),
	new CFormField($thresholds)

		(new CScriptTag('
				'form_name'			=> $form->getName(),
				'thresholds'		=> $data['thresholds'],
				'thresholds_colors'	=> $data['thresholds_colors']

$output = [
	'header'		=> array_key_exists('edit', $data) ? _('Update column') : _('New column'),
	'script_inline'	=> implode('', $scripts).$this->readJsFile('popup.tophosts.column.edit.js.php'),
	'body'			=> $form->toString(),
	'buttons'		=> [
			'title'		=> array_key_exists('edit', $data) ? _('Update') : _('Add'),
			'keepOpen'	=> true,
			'isSubmit'	=> true,
			'action'	=> '$(document.forms.tophosts_column).trigger("process.form", [overlay])'

if ($data['user']['debug_mode'] == GROUP_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) {
	$output['debug'] = CProfiler::getInstance()->make()->toString();

echo json_encode($output);