<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /** * Class containing methods for operations with item general. */ abstract class CItemGeneral extends CApiService { public const ACCESS_RULES = [ 'get' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER], 'create' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN], 'update' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN], 'delete' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN] ]; public const INTERFACE_TYPES_BY_PRIORITY = [ INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, INTERFACE_TYPE_JMX, INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI ]; /** * A list of supported preprocessing types. * * @var array */ public const SUPPORTED_PREPROCESSING_TYPES = []; /** * A list of preprocessing types that supports the "params" field. * * @var array */ protected const PREPROC_TYPES_WITH_PARAMS = [ ZBX_PREPROC_MULTIPLIER, ZBX_PREPROC_RTRIM, ZBX_PREPROC_LTRIM, ZBX_PREPROC_TRIM, ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, ZBX_PREPROC_XPATH, ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_RANGE, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_REGEX, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_XML, ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_REGEX, ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_SCRIPT, ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_PATTERN, ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_STR_REPLACE, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED, ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_WALK_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_WALK_TO_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_GET_VALUE ]; /** * A list of preprocessing types that supports the error handling. * * @var array */ protected const PREPROC_TYPES_WITH_ERR_HANDLING = [ ZBX_PREPROC_MULTIPLIER, ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, ZBX_PREPROC_BOOL2DEC, ZBX_PREPROC_OCT2DEC, ZBX_PREPROC_HEX2DEC, ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_SPEED, ZBX_PREPROC_XPATH, ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_RANGE, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_REGEX, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_XML, ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_REGEX, ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_PATTERN, ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED, ZBX_PREPROC_XML_TO_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_WALK_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_WALK_TO_JSON, ZBX_PREPROC_SNMP_GET_VALUE ]; /** * A list of supported item types. * * @var array */ protected const SUPPORTED_ITEM_TYPES = []; /** * A list of field names for each of value types. * * @var array */ protected const VALUE_TYPE_FIELD_NAMES = []; /** * Maximum number of items per iteration. * * @var int */ protected const CHUNK_SIZE = 1000; /** * @abstract * * @param array $options * * @return array */ abstract public function get($options = []); /** * @param array $field_names * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * * @throws APIException */ protected static function validateByType(array $field_names, array &$items, ?array $db_items = null): void { $checked_fields = array_fill_keys($field_names, ['type' => API_ANY]); foreach ($items as $i => &$item) { $api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECT, 'fields' => $checked_fields]; $db_item = ($db_items === null) ? null : $db_items[$item['itemid']]; $item_type = CItemTypeFactory::getObject($item['type']); if ($db_item === null) { $api_input_rules['fields'] += $item_type::getCreateValidationRules($item); } elseif ($db_item['templateid'] != 0) { if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['allow_traps'])); } elseif ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SSH) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['authtype'])); } if ($item['type'] === ITEM_TYPE_SSH && $item['authtype'] == ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PUBLICKEY && $db_item['authtype'] != ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PUBLICKEY) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['publickey', 'privatekey'])); } $api_input_rules['fields'] += $item_type::getUpdateValidationRulesInherited($db_item); } elseif ($db_item['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED) { $api_input_rules['fields'] += $item_type::getUpdateValidationRulesDiscovered(); } else { if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip( ['request_method', 'post_type', 'authtype', 'allow_traps'] )); } elseif ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SSH) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['authtype'])); } $interfaceid_types = [ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_IPMI, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_SNMPTRAP, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, ITEM_TYPE_SNMP ]; if (in_array($item['type'], $interfaceid_types)) { $opt_interface_types = [ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT ]; if (in_array($db_item['host_status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED]) && (!in_array($db_item['type'], $interfaceid_types) || (in_array($item['type'], array_diff($interfaceid_types, $opt_interface_types)) && in_array($db_item['type'], $opt_interface_types) && $db_item['interfaceid'] == 0))) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['interfaceid'])); } } $username_types = [ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT ]; if (in_array($item['type'], [ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET])) { $opt_username_types = array_diff($username_types, [ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET]); if (!in_array($db_item['type'], $username_types) || (in_array($db_item['type'], $opt_username_types) && $db_item['username'] === '')) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['username'])); } } $params_types = [ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED, ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER ]; if (in_array($item['type'], $params_types) && !in_array($db_item['type'], $params_types)) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['params'])); } $delay_types = [ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_IPMI, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, ITEM_TYPE_SNMP, ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER ]; if (in_array($item['type'], $delay_types)) { if (!in_array($db_item['type'], $delay_types) || ($db_item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE && strncmp($db_item['key_'], 'mqtt.get', 8) == 0)) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['delay'])); } } if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT && $db_item['type'] != ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['master_itemid'])); } if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT) { if ($db_item['type'] != ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['url'])); } $post_types = [ZBX_POSTTYPE_JSON, ZBX_POSTTYPE_XML]; if (in_array($item['post_type'], $post_types) && !in_array($db_item['post_type'], $post_types)) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['posts'])); } } if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_IPMI && ($db_item['type'] != ITEM_TYPE_IPMI || ($item['key_'] !== $db_item['key_'] && $db_item['key_'] === 'ipmi.get'))) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['ipmi_sensor'])); } if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_JMX && $db_item['type'] != ITEM_TYPE_JMX) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['jmx_endpoint'])); } if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMP) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['snmp_oid'])); } if ($item['type'] === ITEM_TYPE_SSH && $item['authtype'] == ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PUBLICKEY && $db_item['authtype'] != ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PUBLICKEY) { $item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['publickey', 'privatekey'])); } $api_input_rules['fields'] += $item_type::getUpdateValidationRules($db_item); } $api_input_rules['fields'] += CItemType::getDefaultValidationRules(); if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $item, '/'.($i + 1), $error)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_JMX) { if (array_key_exists('username', $item) || array_key_exists('password', $item) || ($db_item !== null && $db_item['type'] != ITEM_TYPE_JMX)) { $_item = array_intersect_key($item, array_flip(['username', 'password'])); if ($db_item === null) { $_item += array_fill_keys(['username', 'password'], ''); } else { $_item += array_intersect_key($db_item, array_flip(['username', 'password'])); } if (($_item['username'] === '') !== ($_item['password'] === '')) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1), _('both username and password should be either present or empty') )); } } } if (array_key_exists('query_fields', $item)) { if (strlen(self::prepareQueryFieldsForDb($item['query_fields'])) > DB::getFieldLength('items', 'query_fields')) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/query_fields', _('value is too long') )); } $sortorder = 0; $fields = []; foreach ($item['query_fields'] as $field) { $fields[++$sortorder] = ['sortorder' => $sortorder] + $field; } $item['query_fields'] = $fields; } if (array_key_exists('headers', $item)) { if (strlen(self::prepareHeadersForDb($item['headers'])) > DB::getFieldLength('items', 'headers')) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/headers', _('value is too long') )); } $sortorder = 0; $fields = []; foreach ($item['headers'] as $field) { $fields[++$sortorder] = ['sortorder' => $sortorder] + $field; } $item['headers'] = $fields; } } unset($item); } /** * Check preprocessing steps do not have duplicates with "Check for not supported item" with "error any". * * @param array $items * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkPreprocessingStepsDuplicates(array $items): void { $api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'fields' => [ 'preprocessing' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['type', 'params']], 'fields' => [ 'type' => ['type' => API_ANY], 'params' => ['type' => API_ANY] ]] ]]; $items_steps = []; foreach ($items as $i1 => $item) { if (!array_key_exists('preprocessing', $item)) { continue; } foreach ($item['preprocessing'] as $i2 => $step) { if ($step['type'] == ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED) { [$match_type] = explode("\n", $step['params']); if ($match_type == ZBX_PREPROC_MATCH_ERROR_ANY) { $items_steps[$i1]['preprocessing'][$i2] = [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED, 'params' => ZBX_PREPROC_MATCH_ERROR_ANY ]; } } } } if (!CApiInputValidator::validateUniqueness($api_input_rules, $items_steps, '', $error)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } } /** * @param array $items */ protected static function validateUniqueness(array &$items): void { $api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['uuid'], ['hostid', 'key_']], 'fields' => [ 'uuid' => ['type' => API_ANY], 'hostid' => ['type' => API_ANY], 'key_' => ['type' => API_ANY] ]]; if (!CApiInputValidator::validateUniqueness($api_input_rules, $items, '/', $error)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } } /** * @return array */ protected static function getTagsValidationRules(): array { return ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'flags' => API_NORMALIZE, 'uniq' => [['tag', 'value']], 'fields' => [ 'tag' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('item_tag', 'tag')], 'value' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('item_tag', 'value')] ]]; } /** * @param int $flags * * @return array */ public static function getPreprocessingValidationRules(int $flags = 0x00): array { return [ 'type' => API_OBJECTS, 'flags' => API_NORMALIZE, 'uniq_by_values' => [ ['type' => [ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_DELTA_SPEED]], ['type' => [ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE]], ['type' => [ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_PATTERN, ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON]] ], 'fields' => [ 'type' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED, 'in' => implode(',', static::SUPPORTED_PREPROCESSING_TYPES)], 'params' => ['type' => API_MULTIPLE, 'rules' => [ ['if' => ['field' => 'type', 'in' => implode(',', static::PREPROC_TYPES_WITH_PARAMS)], 'type' => API_PREPROC_PARAMS, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_ALLOW_USER_MACRO | ($flags & API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO), 'preproc_type' => ['field' => 'type'], 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('item_preproc', 'params')], ['else' => true, 'type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'in' => DB::getDefault('item_preproc', 'params')] ]], 'error_handler' => ['type' => API_MULTIPLE, 'rules' => [ ['if' => ['field' => 'type', 'in' => implode(',', array_diff(static::PREPROC_TYPES_WITH_ERR_HANDLING, [ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED]))], 'type' => API_INT32, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR])], ['if' => ['field' => 'type', 'in' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED], 'type' => API_INT32, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR])], ['else' => true, 'type' => API_INT32, 'in' => DB::getDefault('item_preproc', 'error_handler')] ]], 'error_handler_params' => ['type' => API_MULTIPLE, 'rules' => [ ['if' => static function (array $data): bool { return array_key_exists('error_handler', $data) && $data['error_handler'] == ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE; }, 'type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('item_preproc', 'error_handler_params')], ['if' => static function (array $data): bool { return array_key_exists('error_handler', $data) && $data['error_handler'] == ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR; }, 'type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('item_preproc', 'error_handler_params')], ['else' => true, 'type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'in' => DB::getDefault('item_preproc', 'error_handler_params')] ]] ] ]; } /** * Check that host IDs of given items are valid. * If host IDs are valid, $db_hosts and $db_templates parameters will be filled with found hosts and templates. * * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_hosts * @param array|null $db_templates * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkHostsAndTemplates(array $items, ?array &$db_hosts = null, ?array &$db_templates = null): void { $hostids = array_unique(array_column($items, 'hostid')); $db_templates = API::Template()->get([ 'output' => [], 'templateids' => $hostids, 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); $_hostids = array_diff($hostids, array_keys($db_templates)); $db_hosts = $_hostids ? API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['status'], 'hostids' => $_hostids, 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]) : []; if (count($db_templates) + count($db_hosts) != count($hostids)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!')); } } /** * Add host_status property to given items in accordance to statuses of given hosts and templates. * * @param array $items * @param array $db_hosts * @param array $db_templates */ protected static function addHostStatus(array &$items, array $db_hosts, array $db_templates): void { foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['host_status'] = array_key_exists($item['hostid'], $db_templates) ? HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE : $db_hosts[$item['hostid']]['status']; } unset($item); } /** * Add flags property to given items with the given flags value. * * @param array $items * @param int $flags */ protected static function addFlags(array &$items, int $flags): void { foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['flags'] = $flags; } unset($item); } /** * Add the UUID to those of the given items that belong to a template and don't have the 'uuid' parameter set. * * @param array $items */ protected static function addUuid(array &$items): void { foreach ($items as &$item) { if ($item['host_status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !array_key_exists('uuid', $item)) { $item['uuid'] = generateUuidV4(); } } unset($item); } /** * Verify host prototype UUIDs are not repeated. * * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkUuidDuplicates(array $items, ?array $db_items = null): void { $item_indexes = []; foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if (!array_key_exists('uuid', $item)) { continue; } if ($db_items === null || $item['uuid'] !== $db_items[$item['itemid']]['uuid']) { $item_indexes[$item['uuid']] = $i; } } if (!$item_indexes) { return; } $flags = $items[reset($item_indexes)]['flags']; $duplicates = DB::select('items', [ 'output' => ['uuid'], 'filter' => [ 'flags' => $flags, 'uuid' => array_keys($item_indexes) ], 'limit' => 1 ]); if ($duplicates) { switch ($flags) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: $error = _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($item_indexes[$duplicates[0]['uuid']] + 1), _('item with the same UUID already exists') ); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: $error = _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($item_indexes[$duplicates[0]['uuid']] + 1), _('LLD rule with the same UUID already exists') ); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($item_indexes[$duplicates[0]['uuid']] + 1), _('item prototype with the same UUID already exists') ); break; } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } } /** * @param array $items * @param array|null $hostids * * @return array */ protected static function getTemplateLinks(array $items, ?array $hostids): array { if ($hostids !== null) { $db_hosts = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'status'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'preservekeys' => true ]); $tpl_links = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $tpl_links[$item['hostid']] = $db_hosts; } } else { $templateids = []; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item['host_status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $templateids[$item['hostid']] = true; } } if (!$templateids) { return []; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT ht.templateid,ht.hostid,h.status'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht,hosts h'. ' WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('ht.templateid', array_keys($templateids)). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('h.flags', [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED]) ); $tpl_links = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $tpl_links[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] = [ 'hostid' => $row['hostid'], 'status' => $row['status'] ]; } } return $tpl_links; } /** * Filter out inheritable items from the given items. * * @param array $items * @param array $db_items * @param array $tpl_links */ protected static function filterObjectsToInherit(array &$items, array &$db_items, array $tpl_links): void { foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if (!array_key_exists($item['hostid'], $tpl_links)) { unset($items[$i]); if (array_key_exists($item['itemid'], $db_items)) { unset($db_items[$item['itemid']]); } } } } /** * Check that no items with repeating keys would be inherited to a single host or template. * * @param array $items * @param array $db_items * @param array $tpl_links * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkDoubleInheritedNames(array $items, array $db_items, array $tpl_links): void { $item_indexes = []; foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if (array_key_exists($item['itemid'], $db_items) && $item['key_'] === $db_items[$item['itemid']]['key_']) { continue; } $item_indexes[$item['key_']][] = $i; } foreach ($item_indexes as $key => $indexes) { if (count($indexes) == 1) { continue; } $hostids = []; foreach ($indexes as $i) { $templateid = $items[$i]['hostid']; $same_hosts = array_intersect_key($tpl_links[$templateid], $hostids); if ($same_hosts) { $same_host = reset($same_hosts); $templateid_first = $hostids[$same_host['hostid']]; $templateid_second = $templateid; $hosts = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'hostids' => [$templateid_first, $templateid_second, $same_host['hostid']], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $target_is_host = in_array($same_host['status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED] ); switch ($items[$i]['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit items with key "%1$s" of both "%2$s" and "%3$s" templates, because the key must be unique on host "%4$s".') : _('Cannot inherit items with key "%1$s" of both "%2$s" and "%3$s" templates, because the key must be unique on template "%4$s".'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item prototypes with key "%1$s" of both "%2$s" and "%3$s" templates, because the key must be unique on host "%4$s".') : _('Cannot inherit item prototypes with key "%1$s" of both "%2$s" and "%3$s" templates, because the key must be unique on template "%4$s".'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit LLD rules with key "%1$s" of both "%2$s" and "%3$s" templates, because the key must be unique on host "%4$s".') : _('Cannot inherit LLD rules with key "%1$s" of both "%2$s" and "%3$s" templates, because the key must be unique on template "%4$s".'); break; } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $key, $hosts[$templateid_first]['host'], $hosts[$templateid_second]['host'], $hosts[$same_host['hostid']]['host'] )); } $hostids += array_fill_keys(array_keys($tpl_links[$templateid]), $templateid); } } } /** * Get item chunks to inherit. * * @param array $items * @param array $tpl_links * * @return array */ protected static function getInheritChunks(array $items, array $tpl_links): array { $chunks = [ [ 'item_indexes' => [], 'hosts' => [], 'size' => 0 ] ]; $last = 0; foreach ($items as $i => $item) { $hosts_chunks = array_chunk($tpl_links[$item['hostid']], self::CHUNK_SIZE, true); foreach ($hosts_chunks as $hosts) { if ($chunks[$last]['size'] < self::CHUNK_SIZE) { $_hosts = array_slice($hosts, 0, self::CHUNK_SIZE - $chunks[$last]['size'], true); $can_add_hosts = !array_intersect_key($chunks[$last]['hosts'], array_diff_key($tpl_links[$item['hostid']], $_hosts) ); if ($can_add_hosts) { foreach ($chunks[$last]['item_indexes'] as $_i) { $new_hosts = array_diff_key($_hosts, $chunks[$last]['hosts']); if (array_intersect_key($tpl_links[$items[$_i]['hostid']], $new_hosts)) { $can_add_hosts = false; break; } } } if ($can_add_hosts) { $chunks[$last]['item_indexes'][] = $i; $chunks[$last]['hosts'] += $_hosts; $chunks[$last]['size'] += count($_hosts); $hosts = array_diff_key($hosts, $_hosts); } } if ($hosts) { $chunks[++$last] = [ 'item_indexes' => [$i], 'hosts' => $hosts, 'size' => count($hosts) ]; } } } return $chunks; } /** * @param array $item * @param array $upd_db_item * * @throws APIException */ protected static function showObjectMismatchError(array $item, array $upd_db_item): void { $target_is_host = in_array($upd_db_item['host_status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED]); $hosts = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['host'], 'hostids' => [$item['hostid'], $upd_db_item['hostid']], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $error = ''; switch ($item['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: switch ($upd_db_item['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an LLD rule with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an LLD rule with the same key already exists.'); break 2; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an item prototype with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an item prototype with the same key already exists.'); break 2; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because a discovered item with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because a discovered item with the same key already exists.'); break 2; } break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: switch ($upd_db_item['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an item with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an item with the same key already exists.'); break 2; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an item prototype with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an item prototype with the same key already exists.'); break 2; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because a discovered item with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because a discovered item with the same key already exists.'); break 2; } break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: switch ($upd_db_item['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an item with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an item with the same key already exists.'); break 2; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an LLD rule with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an LLD rule with the same key already exists.'); break 2; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because a discovered item with the same key already exists.') : _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because a discovered item with the same key already exists.'); break 2; } break; } if ($error) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $upd_db_item['key_'], $hosts[$item['hostid']]['host'], $hosts[$upd_db_item['hostid']]['host'] )); } if ($upd_db_item['templateid'] == 0) { return; } $template = DBfetch(DBselect( 'SELECT h.host'. ' FROM items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.itemid', [$upd_db_item['templateid']]) )); switch ($item['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an item with the same key is already inherited from template "%4$s".') : _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an item with the same key is already inherited from template "%4$s".'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an LLD rule with the same key is already inherited from template "%4$s".') : _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an LLD rule with the same key is already inherited from template "%4$s".'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = $target_is_host ? _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because an item prototype with the same key is already inherited from template "%4$s".') : _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to template "%3$s", because an item prototype with the same key is already inherited from template "%4$s".'); break; } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $upd_db_item['key_'], $hosts[$item['hostid']]['host'], $hosts[$upd_db_item['hostid']]['host'], $template['host'] )); } /** * @param array $item * * @return array */ protected static function unsetNestedObjectIds(array $item): array { if (array_key_exists('tags', $item)) { foreach ($item['tags'] as &$tag) { unset($tag['itemtagid']); } unset($tag); } if (array_key_exists('preprocessing', $item)) { foreach ($item['preprocessing'] as &$preprocessing) { unset($preprocessing['item_preprocid']); } unset($preprocessing); } if (array_key_exists('parameters', $item)) { foreach ($item['parameters'] as &$parameter) { unset($parameter['item_parameterid']); } unset($parameter); } return $item; } /** * Update relation to master item for inherited dependent items. * * @param array $upd_items * @param array $ins_items * @param array $hostids */ protected static function setChildMasterItemIds(array &$upd_items, array &$ins_items, array $hostids): void { $upd_item_indexes = []; $ins_item_indexes = []; foreach ($upd_items as $i => $upd_item) { if ($upd_item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT && array_key_exists('master_itemid', $upd_item)) { $upd_item_indexes[$upd_item['master_itemid']][$upd_item['hostid']][] = $i; } } foreach ($ins_items as $i => $ins_item) { if ($ins_item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT) { $ins_item_indexes[$ins_item['master_itemid']][$ins_item['hostid']][] = $i; } } if (!$upd_item_indexes && !$ins_item_indexes) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'templateid'], 'filter' => [ 'templateid' => array_keys($ins_item_indexes + $upd_item_indexes), 'hostid' => $hostids ] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('items', $options)); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { if (array_key_exists($row['templateid'], $upd_item_indexes) && array_key_exists($row['hostid'], $upd_item_indexes[$row['templateid']])) { foreach ($upd_item_indexes[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] as $i) { $upd_items[$i]['master_itemid'] = $row['itemid']; } } if (array_key_exists($row['templateid'], $ins_item_indexes) && array_key_exists($row['hostid'], $ins_item_indexes[$row['templateid']])) { foreach ($ins_item_indexes[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] as $i) { $ins_items[$i]['master_itemid'] = $row['itemid']; } } } } /** * @param array $upd_items * @param array $upd_db_items * @param array $ins_items * * @throws APIException */ protected static function addInterfaceIds(array &$upd_items, array $upd_db_items, array &$ins_items): void { $upd_item_indexes = []; $ins_item_indexes = []; $interface_types = []; $upd_item_indexes_by_interfaceid = []; foreach ($upd_items as $i => $upd_item) { if (!in_array($upd_item['host_status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED])) { continue; } $interface_type = itemTypeInterface($upd_item['type']); if ($interface_type === false) { continue; } if ($upd_db_items[$upd_item['itemid']]['interfaceid'] != 0) { $db_interface_type = itemTypeInterface($upd_db_items[$upd_item['itemid']]['type']); if ($interface_type != $db_interface_type) { if ($db_interface_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { $upd_item_indexes_by_interfaceid[$upd_db_items[$upd_item['itemid']]['interfaceid']][] = $i; } elseif ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { $upd_item_indexes[$upd_item['hostid']][$interface_type][] = $i; if ($interface_types !== null) { $interface_types[$interface_type] = true; } } } } else { $upd_item_indexes[$upd_item['hostid']][$interface_type][] = $i; if ($interface_types !== null) { if ($interface_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { $interface_types = null; } else { $interface_types[$interface_type] = true; } } } } if ($upd_item_indexes_by_interfaceid) { $options = [ 'output' => ['interfaceid', 'type'], 'interfaceids' => array_keys($upd_item_indexes_by_interfaceid) ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('interface', $options)); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { foreach ($upd_item_indexes_by_interfaceid[$row['interfaceid']] as $i) { $upd_item = $upd_items[$i]; $interface_type = itemTypeInterface($upd_item['type']); if ($interface_type != $row['type']) { $upd_item_indexes[$upd_item['hostid']][$interface_type][] = $i; if ($interface_types !== null) { $interface_types[$interface_type] = true; } } } } } foreach ($ins_items as $i => $ins_item) { if (!in_array($ins_item['host_status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED])) { continue; } $interface_type = itemTypeInterface($ins_item['type']); if ($interface_type === false) { continue; } $ins_item_indexes[$ins_item['hostid']][$interface_type][] = $i; if ($interface_types !== null) { if ($interface_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { $interface_types = null; } else { $interface_types[$interface_type] = true; } } } if (!$upd_item_indexes && !$ins_item_indexes) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['interfaceid', 'hostid', 'type'], 'filter' => [ 'hostid' => array_keys($upd_item_indexes + $ins_item_indexes), 'main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY ] ]; if ($interface_types !== null) { $options['filter']['type'] = array_keys($interface_types); } $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('interface', $options)); $priority_interfaces = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $has_opt_type_items = false; if (array_key_exists($row['hostid'], $upd_item_indexes)) { if (array_key_exists(INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT, $upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']])) { $has_opt_type_items = true; } if (array_key_exists($row['type'], $upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']])) { foreach ($upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']] as $_i => $i) { $upd_items[$i]['interfaceid'] = $row['interfaceid']; unset($upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']][$_i]); } if (!$upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']]) { unset($upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']]); } if (!$upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']]) { unset($upd_item_indexes[$row['hostid']]); } } } if (array_key_exists($row['hostid'], $ins_item_indexes)) { if (array_key_exists(INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT, $ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']])) { $has_opt_type_items = true; } if (array_key_exists($row['type'], $ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']])) { foreach ($ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']] as $_i => $i) { $ins_items[$i]['interfaceid'] = $row['interfaceid']; unset($ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']][$_i]); } if (!$ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']]) { unset($ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']][$row['type']]); } if (!$ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']]) { unset($ins_item_indexes[$row['hostid']]); } } } if ($has_opt_type_items) { $priority_index = array_search($row['type'], self::INTERFACE_TYPES_BY_PRIORITY); if (!array_key_exists($row['hostid'], $priority_interfaces) || $priority_index < $priority_interfaces[$row['hostid']]['priority_index']) { $priority_interfaces[$row['hostid']] = [ 'interfaceid' => $row['interfaceid'], 'type' => $row['type'], 'priority_index' => $priority_index ]; } } } foreach ($upd_item_indexes as $hostid => $item_indexes) { if (!array_key_exists(INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT, $item_indexes)) { continue; } foreach ($item_indexes[INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT] as $i) { if (array_key_exists($hostid, $priority_interfaces)) { $upd_items[$i]['interfaceid'] = $priority_interfaces[$hostid]['interfaceid']; } } unset($upd_item_indexes[$hostid][INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT]); if (!$upd_item_indexes[$hostid]) { unset($upd_item_indexes[$hostid]); } } foreach ($ins_item_indexes as $hostid => $item_indexes) { if (!array_key_exists(INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT, $item_indexes)) { continue; } foreach ($item_indexes[INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT] as $i) { if (array_key_exists($hostid, $priority_interfaces)) { $ins_items[$i]['interfaceid'] = $priority_interfaces[$hostid]['interfaceid']; } } unset($ins_item_indexes[$hostid][INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT]); if (!$ins_item_indexes[$hostid]) { unset($ins_item_indexes[$hostid]); } } $item = null; if ($upd_item_indexes) { $hostid = key($upd_item_indexes); $interface_type = key($upd_item_indexes[$hostid]); $i = reset($upd_item_indexes[$hostid][$interface_type]); $item = $upd_items[$i]; } elseif ($ins_item_indexes) { $hostid = key($ins_item_indexes); $interface_type = key($ins_item_indexes[$hostid]); $i = reset($ins_item_indexes[$hostid][$interface_type]); $item = $ins_items[$i]; } if ($item === null) { return; } $templates = DBfetchArray(DBselect( 'SELECT h.host'. ' FROM items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.itemid', [$item['templateid']]) )); $hosts = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['host'], 'hostids' => $item['hostid'] ]); switch ($item['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: $error = _('Cannot inherit item with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because a host interface of type "%4$s" is required.'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: $error = _('Cannot inherit LLD rule with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because a host interface of type "%4$s" is required.'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = _('Cannot inherit item prototype with key "%1$s" of template "%2$s" to host "%3$s", because a host interface of type "%4$s" is required.'); break; } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $item['key_'], $templates[0]['host'], $hosts[0]['host'], interfaceType2str($interface_type) )); } /** * Inherit dependent items in nesting order. * * @param array $dep_items_to_link[<master item index>][<dependent item index>] * @param array $items_to_link * @param array $hostids */ protected static function inheritDependentItems(array $dep_items_to_link, array $items_to_link, array $hostids): void { while ($dep_items_to_link) { $items = []; foreach ($dep_items_to_link as $i => $_items) { if (array_key_exists($i, $items_to_link)) { $items += $_items; unset($dep_items_to_link[$i]); } } static::inherit(array_values($items), [], $hostids, true); $items_to_link = $items; } } /** * @param array $items * @param array $db_items * @param array|null $hostids * @param bool $is_dep_items Inherit called for dependent items. */ abstract protected static function inherit(array $items, array $db_items = [], ?array $hostids = null, bool $is_dep_items = false): void; /** * Add default values for fields that became unnecessary as the result of the change of the type fields. * * @param array $items * @param array $db_items */ protected static function addFieldDefaultsByType(array &$items, array $db_items): void { $type_field_defaults = [ // The fields used for multiple item types. 'interfaceid' => 0, 'authtype' => DB::getDefault('items', 'authtype'), 'username' => DB::getDefault('items', 'username'), 'password' => DB::getDefault('items', 'password'), 'params' => DB::getDefault('items', 'params'), 'timeout' => DB::getDefault('items', 'timeout'), 'delay' => DB::getDefault('items', 'delay'), 'trapper_hosts' => DB::getDefault('items', 'trapper_hosts'), // Dependent item type specific fields. 'master_itemid' => 0, // HTTP Agent item type specific fields. 'url' => DB::getDefault('items', 'url'), 'query_fields' => [], 'request_method' => DB::getDefault('items', 'request_method'), 'post_type' => DB::getDefault('items', 'post_type'), 'posts' => DB::getDefault('items', 'posts'), 'headers' => [], 'status_codes' => DB::getDefault('items', 'status_codes'), 'follow_redirects' => DB::getDefault('items', 'follow_redirects'), 'retrieve_mode' => DB::getDefault('items', 'retrieve_mode'), 'output_format' => DB::getDefault('items', 'output_format'), 'http_proxy' => DB::getDefault('items', 'http_proxy'), 'verify_peer' => DB::getDefault('items', 'verify_peer'), 'verify_host' => DB::getDefault('items', 'verify_host'), 'ssl_cert_file' => DB::getDefault('items', 'ssl_cert_file'), 'ssl_key_file' => DB::getDefault('items', 'ssl_key_file'), 'ssl_key_password' => DB::getDefault('items', 'ssl_key_password'), 'allow_traps' => DB::getDefault('items', 'allow_traps'), // IPMI item type specific fields. 'ipmi_sensor' => DB::getDefault('items', 'ipmi_sensor'), // JMX item type specific fields. 'jmx_endpoint' => DB::getDefault('items', 'jmx_endpoint'), // Script item type specific fields. 'parameters' => [], // SNMP item type specific fields. 'snmp_oid' => DB::getDefault('items', 'snmp_oid'), // SSH item type specific fields. 'publickey' => DB::getDefault('items', 'publickey'), 'privatekey' => DB::getDefault('items', 'privatekey') ]; $value_type_field_defaults = [ 'units' => DB::getDefault('items', 'units'), 'trends' => DB::getDefault('items', 'trends'), 'valuemapid' => 0, 'logtimefmt' => DB::getDefault('items', 'logtimefmt'), 'inventory_link' => DB::getDefault('items', 'inventory_link') ]; foreach ($items as &$item) { if (!array_key_exists('type', $db_items[$item['itemid']])) { continue; } $db_item = $db_items[$item['itemid']]; if ($item['type'] != $db_item['type']) { $type_field_names = CItemTypeFactory::getObject($item['type'])::FIELD_NAMES; $db_type_field_names = CItemTypeFactory::getObject($db_item['type'])::FIELD_NAMES; $field_names = array_flip(array_diff($db_type_field_names, $type_field_names)); if ($item['host_status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && array_key_exists('interfaceid', $field_names)) { unset($field_names['interfaceid']); } $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, $field_names); } switch ($item['type']) { case ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE: if (($item['type'] != $db_item['type'] || $item['key_'] !== $db_item['key_']) && (strncmp($item['key_'], 'icmpping', 8) == 0 || strncmp($item['key_'], 'vmware.', 7) == 0)) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['timeout'])); } break; case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE: if (($item['type'] != $db_item['type'] || $item['key_'] !== $db_item['key_']) && strncmp($item['key_'], 'mqtt.get', 8) == 0) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['delay'])); } break; case ITEM_TYPE_SSH: if ($item['type'] != $db_item['type']) { if ($db_item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['authtype'])); } } elseif (array_key_exists('authtype', $item) && $item['authtype'] !== $db_item['authtype'] && $item['authtype'] == ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PASSWORD) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['publickey', 'privatekey'])); } break; case ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT: if ($item['type'] != $db_item['type']) { if (!array_key_exists('authtype', $item)) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['authtype'])); } if ($item['authtype'] == ZBX_HTTP_AUTH_NONE) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['username', 'password'])); } if (!array_key_exists('allow_traps', $item) || $item['allow_traps'] == HTTPCHECK_ALLOW_TRAPS_OFF) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['trapper_hosts'])); } } else { if (array_key_exists('request_method', $item) && $item['request_method'] != $db_item['request_method'] && $item['request_method'] == HTTPCHECK_REQUEST_HEAD) { $item += ['retrieve_mode' => HTTPTEST_STEP_RETRIEVE_MODE_HEADERS]; } if (array_key_exists('authtype', $item) && $item['authtype'] != $db_item['authtype'] && $item['authtype'] == ZBX_HTTP_AUTH_NONE) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['username', 'password'])); } if (array_key_exists('allow_traps', $item) && $item['allow_traps'] != $db_item['allow_traps'] && $item['allow_traps'] == HTTPCHECK_ALLOW_TRAPS_OFF) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['trapper_hosts'])); } } break; case ITEM_TYPE_SNMP: if (array_key_exists('snmp_oid', $item) && ($item['type'] != $db_item['type'] || $item['snmp_oid'] !== $db_item['snmp_oid']) && strncmp($item['snmp_oid'], 'get[', 4) != 0 && strncmp($item['snmp_oid'], 'walk[', 5) != 0) { $item += array_intersect_key($type_field_defaults, array_flip(['timeout'])); } break; } if (array_key_exists('value_type', $item) && $item['value_type'] != $db_item['value_type']) { $type_field_names = static::VALUE_TYPE_FIELD_NAMES[$item['value_type']]; $db_type_field_names = static::VALUE_TYPE_FIELD_NAMES[$db_item['value_type']]; $field_names = array_flip(array_diff($db_type_field_names, $type_field_names)); if (array_key_exists('trends', $field_names)) { $item += ['trends' => 0]; } $item += array_intersect_key($value_type_field_defaults, $field_names); } } unset($item); } /** * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * @param array|null $upd_itemids */ protected static function updateParameters(array &$items, ?array &$db_items = null, ?array &$upd_itemids = null): void { $ins_item_parameters = []; $upd_item_parameters = []; $del_item_parameterids = []; foreach ($items as $i => &$item) { $update = false; if ($db_items === null) { if (in_array($item['type'], [ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER]) && array_key_exists('parameters', $item) && $item['parameters']) { $update = true; } } else { if (!array_key_exists('type', $db_items[$item['itemid']])) { continue; } if (in_array($item['type'], [ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER])) { $update = array_key_exists('parameters', $item); } elseif (in_array($db_items[$item['itemid']]['type'], [ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER]) && $db_items[$item['itemid']]['parameters']) { $update = true; } } if (!$update) { continue; } $changed = false; $db_item_parameters = ($db_items !== null) ? array_column($db_items[$item['itemid']]['parameters'], null, 'name') : []; foreach ($item['parameters'] as &$item_parameter) { if (array_key_exists($item_parameter['name'], $db_item_parameters)) { $db_item_parameter = $db_item_parameters[$item_parameter['name']]; $item_parameter['item_parameterid'] = $db_item_parameter['item_parameterid']; unset($db_item_parameters[$db_item_parameter['name']]); $upd_item_parameter = DB::getUpdatedValues('item_parameter', $item_parameter, $db_item_parameter); if ($upd_item_parameter) { $upd_item_parameters[] = [ 'values' => $upd_item_parameter, 'where' => ['item_parameterid' => $db_item_parameter['item_parameterid']] ]; $changed = true; } } else { $ins_item_parameters[] = ['itemid' => $item['itemid']] + $item_parameter; $changed = true; } } unset($item_parameter); if ($db_item_parameters) { $del_item_parameterids = array_merge($del_item_parameterids, array_column($db_item_parameters, 'item_parameterid')); $changed = true; } if ($db_items !== null) { if ($changed) { $upd_itemids[$i] = $item['itemid']; } else { unset($item['parameters'], $db_items[$item['itemid']]['parameters']); } } } unset($item); if ($del_item_parameterids) { DB::delete('item_parameter', ['item_parameterid' => $del_item_parameterids]); } if ($upd_item_parameters) { DB::update('item_parameter', $upd_item_parameters); } if ($ins_item_parameters) { $item_parameterids = DB::insert('item_parameter', $ins_item_parameters); } foreach ($items as &$item) { if (!array_key_exists('parameters', $item)) { continue; } foreach ($item['parameters'] as &$item_parameter) { if (!array_key_exists('item_parameterid', $item_parameter)) { $item_parameter['item_parameterid'] = array_shift($item_parameterids); } } unset($item_parameter); } unset($item); } /** * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * @param array|null $upd_itemids */ protected static function updatePreprocessing(array &$items, ?array &$db_items = null, ?array &$upd_itemids = null): void { $ins_item_preprocs = []; $upd_item_preprocs = []; $del_item_preprocids = []; foreach ($items as $i => &$item) { if (!array_key_exists('preprocessing', $item)) { continue; } $changed = false; $db_item_preprocs = ($db_items !== null) ? array_column($db_items[$item['itemid']]['preprocessing'], null, 'step') : []; $step = 1; $item['preprocessing'] = self::sortPreprocessingSteps($item['preprocessing']); foreach ($item['preprocessing'] as &$item_preproc) { $item_preproc['step'] = $step++; if (array_key_exists($item_preproc['step'], $db_item_preprocs)) { $db_item_preproc = $db_item_preprocs[$item_preproc['step']]; $item_preproc['item_preprocid'] = $db_item_preproc['item_preprocid']; unset($db_item_preprocs[$db_item_preproc['step']]); $upd_item_preproc = DB::getUpdatedValues('item_preproc', $item_preproc, $db_item_preproc); if ($upd_item_preproc) { $upd_item_preprocs[] = [ 'values' => $upd_item_preproc, 'where' => ['item_preprocid' => $db_item_preproc['item_preprocid']] ]; $changed = true; } } else { $ins_item_preprocs[] = ['itemid' => $item['itemid']] + $item_preproc; $changed = true; } } unset($item_preproc); if ($db_item_preprocs) { $del_item_preprocids = array_merge($del_item_preprocids, array_column($db_item_preprocs, 'item_preprocid')); $changed = true; } if ($db_items !== null) { if ($changed) { $upd_itemids[$i] = $item['itemid']; } else { unset($item['preprocessing'], $db_items[$item['itemid']]['preprocessing']); } } } unset($item); if ($del_item_preprocids) { DB::delete('item_preproc', ['item_preprocid' => $del_item_preprocids]); } if ($upd_item_preprocs) { DB::update('item_preproc', $upd_item_preprocs); } if ($ins_item_preprocs) { $item_preprocids = DB::insert('item_preproc', $ins_item_preprocs); } foreach ($items as &$item) { if (!array_key_exists('preprocessing', $item)) { continue; } foreach ($item['preprocessing'] as &$item_preproc) { if (!array_key_exists('item_preprocid', $item_preproc)) { $item_preproc['item_preprocid'] = array_shift($item_preprocids); } } unset($item_preproc); } unset($item); } /** * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * @param array|null $upd_itemids */ protected static function updateTags(array &$items, ?array &$db_items = null, ?array &$upd_itemids = null): void { $ins_tags = []; $del_itemtagids = []; foreach ($items as $i => &$item) { if (!array_key_exists('tags', $item)) { continue; } $changed = false; $db_tags = ($db_items !== null) ? $db_items[$item['itemid']]['tags'] : []; foreach ($item['tags'] as &$tag) { $db_itemtagid = key(array_filter($db_tags, static function (array $db_tag) use ($tag): bool { return $tag['tag'] === $db_tag['tag'] && (!array_key_exists('value', $tag) || $tag['value'] === $db_tag['value']); })); if ($db_itemtagid !== null) { $tag['itemtagid'] = $db_itemtagid; unset($db_tags[$db_itemtagid]); } else { $ins_tags[] = ['itemid' => $item['itemid']] + $tag; $changed = true; } } unset($tag); if ($db_tags) { $del_itemtagids = array_merge($del_itemtagids, array_keys($db_tags)); $changed = true; } if ($db_items !== null) { if ($changed) { $upd_itemids[$i] = $item['itemid']; } else { unset($item['tags'], $db_items[$item['itemid']]['tags']); } } } unset($item); if ($del_itemtagids) { DB::delete('item_tag', ['itemtagid' => $del_itemtagids]); } if ($ins_tags) { $itemtagids = DB::insert('item_tag', $ins_tags); } foreach ($items as &$item) { if (!array_key_exists('tags', $item)) { continue; } foreach ($item['tags'] as &$tag) { if (!array_key_exists('itemtagid', $tag)) { $tag['itemtagid'] = array_shift($itemtagids); } } unset($tag); } unset($item); } /** * Check for unique item keys. * * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * * @throws APIException if item keys are not unique. */ protected static function checkDuplicates(array $items, ?array $db_items = null): void { $host_keys = []; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($db_items === null || $item['key_'] !== $db_items[$item['itemid']]['key_']) { $host_keys[$item['hostid']][] = $item['key_']; } } if (!$host_keys) { return; } $where = []; foreach ($host_keys as $hostid => $keys) { $where[] = '('.dbConditionId('i.hostid', [$hostid]).' AND '.dbConditionString('i.key_', $keys).')'; } $duplicates = DBfetchArray(DBselect( 'SELECT i.key_,i.flags,h.host,h.status'. ' FROM items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND ('.implode(' OR ', $where).')', 1 )); if ($duplicates) { $target_is_template = ($duplicates[0]['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE); switch ($duplicates[0]['flags']) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED: $error = $target_is_template ? _('An item with key "%1$s" already exists on the template "%2$s".') : _('An item with key "%1$s" already exists on the host "%2$s".'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = $target_is_template ? _('An item prototype with key "%1$s" already exists on the template "%2$s".') : _('An item prototype with key "%1$s" already exists on the host "%2$s".'); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE: $error = $target_is_template ? _('An LLD rule with key "%1$s" already exists on the template "%2$s".') : _('An LLD rule with key "%1$s" already exists on the host "%2$s".'); break; } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $duplicates[0]['key_'], $duplicates[0]['host'])); } } /** * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkHostInterfaces(array $items, ?array $db_items = null): void { foreach ($items as $i => &$item) { $interface_type = itemTypeInterface($item['type']); if (!in_array($item['host_status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED]) || $interface_type === false) { unset($items[$i]); continue; } $check = false; if ($db_items === null) { if (array_key_exists('interfaceid', $item)) { if ($item['interfaceid'] != 0) { $check = true; } elseif ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/interfaceid', _('the host interface ID is expected') )); } } } else { $db_item = $db_items[$item['itemid']]; if ($item['type'] == $db_item['type']) { if (array_key_exists('interfaceid', $item)) { if ($item['interfaceid'] != 0) { if (bccomp($item['interfaceid'], $db_item['interfaceid']) != 0) { $check = true; } } elseif ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/interfaceid', _('the host interface ID is expected') )); } } } else { $db_interface_type = itemTypeInterface($db_item['type']); if (array_key_exists('interfaceid', $item)) { if ($item['interfaceid'] != 0) { if (bccomp($item['interfaceid'], $db_item['interfaceid']) != 0 || ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT && $interface_type != $db_interface_type)) { $check = true; } } elseif ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/interfaceid', _('the host interface ID is expected') )); } } else { if ($db_item['interfaceid'] != 0) { if ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT && $interface_type != $db_interface_type) { $item += ['interfaceid' => $db_item['interfaceid']]; $check = true; } } elseif ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1), _s('the parameter "%1$s" is missing', 'interfaceid') )); } } } } if (!$check) { unset($items[$i]); } } unset($item); if (!$items) { return; } $db_interfaces = DB::select('interface', [ 'output' => ['interfaceid', 'hostid', 'type'], 'interfaceids' => array_unique(array_column($items, 'interfaceid')), 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if (!array_key_exists($item['interfaceid'], $db_interfaces)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/interfaceid', _('the host interface ID is expected') )); } if (bccomp($db_interfaces[$item['interfaceid']]['hostid'], $item['hostid']) != 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/interfaceid', _('cannot be the host interface ID from another host') )); } $interface_type = itemTypeInterface($item['type']); if ($interface_type != INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT && $db_interfaces[$item['interfaceid']]['type'] != $interface_type) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/interfaceid', _s('the host interface ID of type "%1$s" is expected', interfaceType2str($interface_type)) )); } } } protected function addRelatedObjects(array $options, array $result) { $result = parent::addRelatedObjects($options, $result); // adding hosts if ($options['selectHosts'] !== null && $options['selectHosts'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) { $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($result, 'itemid', 'hostid'); $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'hostids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(), 'templated_hosts' => true, 'output' => $options['selectHosts'], 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $hosts, 'hosts'); } // adding preprocessing if ($options['selectPreprocessing'] !== null && $options['selectPreprocessing'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) { $db_item_preproc = API::getApiService()->select('item_preproc', [ 'output' => $this->outputExtend($options['selectPreprocessing'], ['itemid', 'step']), 'filter' => ['itemid' => array_keys($result)] ]); CArrayHelper::sort($db_item_preproc, ['step']); foreach ($result as &$item) { $item['preprocessing'] = []; } unset($item); foreach ($db_item_preproc as $step) { $itemid = $step['itemid']; unset($step['item_preprocid'], $step['itemid'], $step['step']); if (array_key_exists($itemid, $result)) { $result[$itemid]['preprocessing'][] = $step; } } } // Add value mapping. if (($this instanceof CItemPrototype || $this instanceof CItem) && $options['selectValueMap'] !== null) { if ($options['selectValueMap'] === API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) { $options['selectValueMap'] = ['valuemapid', 'name', 'mappings']; } foreach ($result as &$item) { $item['valuemap'] = []; } unset($item); $valuemaps = DB::select('valuemap', [ 'output' => array_diff($this->outputExtend($options['selectValueMap'], ['valuemapid', 'hostid']), ['mappings'] ), 'filter' => ['valuemapid' => array_keys(array_flip(array_column($result, 'valuemapid')))], 'preservekeys' => true ]); if ($this->outputIsRequested('mappings', $options['selectValueMap']) && $valuemaps) { $params = [ 'output' => ['valuemapid', 'type', 'value', 'newvalue'], 'filter' => ['valuemapid' => array_keys($valuemaps)], 'sortfield' => ['sortorder'] ]; $query = DBselect(DB::makeSql('valuemap_mapping', $params)); while ($mapping = DBfetch($query)) { $valuemaps[$mapping['valuemapid']]['mappings'][] = [ 'type' => $mapping['type'], 'value' => $mapping['value'], 'newvalue' => $mapping['newvalue'] ]; } } foreach ($result as &$item) { if (array_key_exists('valuemapid', $item) && array_key_exists($item['valuemapid'], $valuemaps)) { $item['valuemap'] = array_intersect_key($valuemaps[$item['valuemapid']], array_flip($options['selectValueMap']) ); } } unset($item); } if (!$options['countOutput'] && $this->outputIsRequested('parameters', $options['output'])) { $item_parameters = DBselect( 'SELECT ip.itemid,ip.name,ip.value'. ' FROM item_parameter ip'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('ip.itemid', array_keys($result)) ); foreach ($result as &$item) { $item['parameters'] = []; } unset($item); while ($row = DBfetch($item_parameters)) { $result[$row['itemid']]['parameters'][] = [ 'name' => $row['name'], 'value' => $row['value'] ]; } } return $result; } /** * Check that dependent items of given items are valid. * * @param array $items * @param array $db_items * @param bool $inherited * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkDependentItems(array $items, array $db_items = [], bool $inherited = false): void { $del_links = []; foreach ($items as $i => $item) { $check = false; if ($item['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT) { if (!array_key_exists('itemid', $item)) { if ($item['master_itemid'] != 0) { $check = true; } else { $error = $item['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE ? _('an item/item prototype ID is expected') : _('an item ID is expected'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/master_itemid', $error )); } } else { if (array_key_exists('master_itemid', $item)) { if ($item['master_itemid'] != 0) { if (bccomp($item['master_itemid'], $db_items[$item['itemid']]['master_itemid']) != 0) { $check = true; if ($db_items[$item['itemid']]['master_itemid'] != 0) { $del_links[$item['itemid']] = $db_items[$item['itemid']]['master_itemid']; } } } else { $error = $item['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE ? _('an item/item prototype ID is expected') : _('an item ID is expected'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/master_itemid', $error )); } } } } elseif (array_key_exists('itemid', $item) && $db_items[$item['itemid']]['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT) { $del_links[$item['itemid']] = $db_items[$item['itemid']]['master_itemid']; } if (!$check) { unset($items[$i]); } } if (!$items) { return; } if (!$inherited) { self::checkMasterItems($items, $db_items); } $dep_item_links = self::getDependentItemLinks($items, $del_links); if (!$inherited && $db_items) { self::checkCircularDependencies($items, $dep_item_links); } } /** * Check that master item IDs of given dependent items are valid. * * @param array $items * @param array $db_items * * @throws APIException */ private static function checkMasterItems(array $items, array $db_items): void { $master_itemids = array_unique(array_column($items, 'master_itemid')); $flags = $items[key($items)]['flags']; if ($flags == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { $db_master_items = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBselect( 'SELECT i.itemid,i.hostid,i.master_itemid,i.flags,id.parent_itemid AS ruleid'. ' FROM items i'. ' LEFT JOIN item_discovery id ON i.itemid=id.itemid'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('i.itemid', $master_itemids). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('i.flags', [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]) ), 'itemid'); } else { $db_master_items = DB::select('items', [ 'output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'master_itemid'], 'itemids' => $master_itemids, 'filter' => [ 'flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL ], 'preservekeys' => true ]); } foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if (!array_key_exists($item['master_itemid'], $db_master_items)) { $error = $flags == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE ? _('an item/item prototype ID is expected') : _('an item ID is expected'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/master_itemid', $error )); } $db_master_item = $db_master_items[$item['master_itemid']]; if (bccomp($db_master_item['hostid'], $item['hostid']) != 0) { $error = $flags == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE ? _('cannot be an item/item prototype ID from another host or template') : _('cannot be an item ID from another host or template'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/master_itemid', $error )); } if ($flags == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE && $db_master_item['ruleid'] != 0) { $item_ruleid = array_key_exists('itemid', $item) ? $db_items[$item['itemid']]['ruleid'] : $item['ruleid']; if (bccomp($db_master_item['ruleid'], $item_ruleid) != 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/master_itemid', _('cannot be an item prototype ID from another LLD rule') )); } } } } /** * Get dependent item links starting from the given dependent items and till the highest dependency level. * * @param array $items * @param array $del_links * * @return array Array of the links where each key contain the ID of dependent item and value contain the * appropriate ID of the master item. */ private static function getDependentItemLinks(array $items, array $del_links): array { $links = array_column($items, 'master_itemid', 'itemid'); $master_itemids = array_flip(array_column($items, 'master_itemid')); while ($master_itemids) { $options = [ 'output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'master_itemid'], 'itemids' => array_keys($master_itemids) ]; $db_master_items = DBselect(DB::makeSql('items', $options)); $master_itemids = []; while ($db_master_item = DBfetch($db_master_items)) { if (array_key_exists($db_master_item['itemid'], $del_links) && bccomp($db_master_item['master_itemid'], $del_links[$db_master_item['itemid']]) == 0) { $links[$db_master_item['itemid']] = 0; continue; } $links[$db_master_item['itemid']] = $db_master_item['master_itemid']; if ($db_master_item['master_itemid'] != 0) { $master_itemids[$db_master_item['master_itemid']] = true; } } } return $links; } /** * Check that the changed master item IDs of dependent items do not create a circular dependencies. * * @param array $items * @param array $dep_item_links * * @throws APIException */ private static function checkCircularDependencies(array $items, array $dep_item_links): void { foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if ($item['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE) { continue; } $master_itemid = $item['master_itemid']; while ($master_itemid != 0) { if (bccomp($master_itemid, $item['itemid']) == 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/master_itemid', _('circular item dependency is not allowed') )); } $master_itemid = $dep_item_links[$master_itemid]; } } } /** * Check that valuemap belong to same host as item. * * @param array $items * @param array|null $db_items * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkValueMaps(array $items, ?array $db_items = null): void { $item_indexes = []; foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if (array_key_exists('valuemapid', $item) && $item['valuemapid'] != 0 && ($db_items === null || bccomp($item['valuemapid'], $db_items[$item['itemid']]['valuemapid']) != 0)) { $item_indexes[$item['valuemapid']][] = $i; } } if (!$item_indexes) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['valuemapid', 'hostid'], 'valuemapids' => array_keys($item_indexes) ]; $db_valuemaps = DBselect(DB::makeSql('valuemap', $options)); while ($db_valuemap = DBfetch($db_valuemaps)) { foreach ($item_indexes[$db_valuemap['valuemapid']] as $i) { if (bccomp($db_valuemap['hostid'], $items[$i]['hostid']) != 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($i + 1).'/valuemapid', _('cannot be a value map ID from another host or template') )); } } } } /** * Add the internally used fields to the given $db_items. * * @param array $db_items */ protected static function addInternalFields(array &$db_items): void { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT i.itemid,i.hostid,i.templateid,i.flags,h.status AS host_status'. ' FROM items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.itemid', array_keys($db_items)) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_items[$row['itemid']] += $row; } } /** * Note: instances may override this to add e.g. tags. * * @param array $items * @param array $db_items */ protected static function addAffectedObjects(array $items, array &$db_items): void { self::addAffectedTags($items, $db_items); self::addAffectedPreprocessing($items, $db_items); self::addAffectedParameters($items, $db_items); } /** * @param array $items * @param array $db_items */ protected static function addAffectedTags(array $items, array &$db_items): void { $itemids = []; foreach ($items as $item) { if (array_key_exists('tags', $item)) { $itemids[] = $item['itemid']; $db_items[$item['itemid']]['tags'] = []; } } if (!$itemids) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['itemtagid', 'itemid', 'tag', 'value'], 'filter' => ['itemid' => $itemids] ]; $db_item_tags = DBselect(DB::makeSql('item_tag', $options)); while ($db_item_tag = DBfetch($db_item_tags)) { $db_items[$db_item_tag['itemid']]['tags'][$db_item_tag['itemtagid']] = array_diff_key($db_item_tag, array_flip(['itemid'])); } } /** * @param array $items * @param array $db_items */ protected static function addAffectedPreprocessing(array $items, array &$db_items): void { $itemids = []; foreach ($items as $item) { if (array_key_exists('preprocessing', $item)) { $itemids[] = $item['itemid']; $db_items[$item['itemid']]['preprocessing'] = []; } } if (!$itemids) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => [ 'item_preprocid', 'itemid', 'step', 'type', 'params', 'error_handler', 'error_handler_params' ], 'filter' => ['itemid' => $itemids], 'sortfield' => ['itemid', 'step'] ]; $db_item_preprocs = DBselect(DB::makeSql('item_preproc', $options)); while ($db_item_preproc = DBfetch($db_item_preprocs)) { $db_items[$db_item_preproc['itemid']]['preprocessing'][$db_item_preproc['item_preprocid']] = array_diff_key($db_item_preproc, array_flip(['itemid'])); } } /** * @param array $items * @param array $db_items */ protected static function addAffectedParameters(array $items, array &$db_items): void { $itemids = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $type = $item['type']; $db_type = $db_items[$item['itemid']]['type']; if ((array_key_exists('parameters', $item) && in_array($type, [ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER])) || ($type != $db_type && in_array($db_type, [ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT, ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER]))) { $itemids[] = $item['itemid']; $db_items[$item['itemid']]['parameters'] = []; } elseif (array_key_exists('parameters', $item)) { $db_items[$item['itemid']]['parameters'] = []; } } if (!$itemids) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['item_parameterid', 'itemid', 'name', 'value'], 'filter' => ['itemid' => $itemids] ]; $db_item_parameters = DBselect(DB::makeSql('item_parameter', $options)); while ($db_item_parameter = DBfetch($db_item_parameters)) { $db_items[$db_item_parameter['itemid']]['parameters'][$db_item_parameter['item_parameterid']] = array_diff_key($db_item_parameter, array_flip(['itemid'])); } } /** * Add the inherited items of the given items to the given item array. * * @param array $db_items */ public static function addInheritedItems(array &$db_items): void { $templateids = array_keys($db_items); do { $options = [ 'output' => ['itemid', 'name'], 'filter' => ['templateid' => $templateids] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('items', $options)); $templateids = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { if (!array_key_exists($row['itemid'], $db_items)) { $templateids[] = $row['itemid']; $db_items[$row['itemid']] = $row; } } } while ($templateids); } /** * Reset the MIN and MAX values of Y axis in the graphs, if such are calculated using the given items. * * @param array $del_itemids */ protected static function resetGraphsYAxis(array $del_itemids): void { DB::update('graphs', [ 'values' => [ 'ymin_type' => GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_CALCULATED, 'ymin_itemid' => null ], 'where' => ['ymin_itemid' => $del_itemids] ]); DB::update('graphs', [ 'values' => [ 'ymax_type' => GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_CALCULATED, 'ymax_itemid' => null ], 'where' => ['ymax_itemid' => $del_itemids] ]); } /** * Delete triggers and trigger prototypes, which contain the given items in the expression. * * @param array $del_itemids */ protected static function deleteAffectedTriggers(array $del_itemids): void { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT f.triggerid,t.flags'. ' FROM functions f,triggers t'. ' WHERE f.triggerid=t.triggerid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('f.itemid', $del_itemids) ); $del_trigger_prototypeids = []; $del_triggerids = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { if ($row['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { $del_trigger_prototypeids[] = $row['triggerid']; } else { $del_triggerids[] = $row['triggerid']; } } if ($del_triggerids) { CTriggerManager::delete($del_triggerids); } if ($del_trigger_prototypeids) { CTriggerPrototypeManager::delete($del_trigger_prototypeids); } } /** * Prioritize ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED checks, with "match any error" being the last of them. * * @param array $steps * * @return array */ private static function sortPreprocessingSteps(array $steps): array { $ns_regex = []; $ns_any = []; $other = []; foreach ($steps as $step) { if ($step['type'] != ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED) { $other[] = $step; continue; } [$match_type] = explode("\n", $step['params']); if ($match_type == ZBX_PREPROC_MATCH_ERROR_ANY) { $ns_any[] = $step; } else { $ns_regex[] = $step; } } return array_merge($ns_regex, $ns_any, $other); } protected static function prepareItemsForApi(array &$items, bool $sortorder = true): void { foreach ($items as &$item) { self::prepareItemForApi($item, $sortorder); } unset($item); } protected static function prepareItemForApi(array &$item, bool $sortorder = true): void { if (array_key_exists('query_fields', $item)) { $item['query_fields'] = self::prepareQueryFieldsForApi($item['query_fields'], $sortorder); } if (array_key_exists('headers', $item)) { $item['headers'] = self::prepareHeadersForApi($item['headers'], $sortorder); } } private static function prepareQueryFieldsForApi(string $query_fields, bool $sortorder): array { if ($query_fields === '') { return []; } $_query_fields = json_decode($query_fields, true); $query_fields = []; if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { foreach ($_query_fields as $i => $field) { $query_fields[] = $sortorder ? ['sortorder' => $i + 1, 'name' => (string) key($field), 'value' => reset($field)] : ['name' => (string) key($field), 'value' => reset($field)]; } } return $query_fields; } private static function prepareHeadersForApi(string $headers, bool $sortorder): array { if ($headers === '') { return []; } $_headers = explode("\r\n", $headers); $headers = []; foreach ($_headers as $i => $header) { [$name, $value] = explode(': ', $header, 2) + [1 => '']; $headers[] = $sortorder ? ['sortorder' => $i + 1, 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value] : ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]; } return $headers; } protected static function prepareItemsForDb(array &$items): void { foreach ($items as &$item) { self::prepareItemForDb($item); } unset($item); } private static function prepareItemForDb(array &$item): void { if (array_key_exists('query_fields', $item)) { $item['query_fields'] = self::prepareQueryFieldsForDb($item['query_fields']); } if (array_key_exists('headers', $item)) { $item['headers'] = self::prepareHeadersForDb($item['headers']); } } private static function prepareQueryFieldsForDb(array $query_fields): string { foreach ($query_fields as &$query_field) { $query_field = [$query_field['name'] => $query_field['value']]; } unset($query_field); return $query_fields ? json_encode(array_values($query_fields), JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) : ''; } private static function prepareHeadersForDb(array $headers): string { foreach ($headers as &$header) { $header = $header['name'].': '.$header['value']; } unset($header); return $headers ? implode("\r\n", $headers) : ''; } }