<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /** * Class containing common methods for operations with triggers. */ abstract class CTriggerGeneral extends CApiService { protected const FLAGS = null; /** * @abstract * * @param array $options * * @return array */ abstract public function get(array $options = []); /** * Prepares and returns an array of child triggers, inherited from triggers $tpl_triggers on the given hosts. * * @param array $tpl_triggers * @param string $tpl_triggers[<tnum>]['triggerid'] */ private function prepareInheritedTriggers(array $tpl_triggers, ?array $hostids = null, ?array &$ins_triggers = null, ?array &$upd_triggers = null, ?array &$db_triggers = null) { $ins_triggers = []; $upd_triggers = []; $db_triggers = []; $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,h.hostid'. ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('t.triggerid', zbx_objectValues($tpl_triggers, 'triggerid')). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('h.status', [HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE]) ); $tpl_hostids_by_triggerid = []; $tpl_hostids = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $tpl_hostids_by_triggerid[$row['triggerid']][] = $row['hostid']; $tpl_hostids[$row['hostid']] = true; } // Unset host-level triggers. foreach ($tpl_triggers as $tnum => $tpl_trigger) { if (!array_key_exists($tpl_trigger['triggerid'], $tpl_hostids_by_triggerid)) { unset($tpl_triggers[$tnum]); } } if (!$tpl_triggers) { // Nothing to inherit, just exit. return; } $hosts_by_tpl_hostid = self::getLinkedHosts(array_keys($tpl_hostids), $hostids); $chd_triggers_tpl = $this->getHostTriggersByTemplateId(array_keys($tpl_hostids_by_triggerid), $hostids); $tpl_triggers_by_description = []; // Preparing list of missing triggers on linked hosts. foreach ($tpl_triggers as $tpl_trigger) { $hostids = []; foreach ($tpl_hostids_by_triggerid[$tpl_trigger['triggerid']] as $tpl_hostid) { if (array_key_exists($tpl_hostid, $hosts_by_tpl_hostid)) { foreach ($hosts_by_tpl_hostid[$tpl_hostid] as $host) { if (array_key_exists($host['hostid'], $chd_triggers_tpl) && array_key_exists($tpl_trigger['triggerid'], $chd_triggers_tpl[$host['hostid']])) { continue; } $hostids[$host['hostid']] = true; } } } if ($hostids) { $tpl_triggers_by_description[$tpl_trigger['description']][] = [ 'triggerid' => $tpl_trigger['triggerid'], 'expression' => $tpl_trigger['expression'], 'recovery_mode' => $tpl_trigger['recovery_mode'], 'recovery_expression' => $tpl_trigger['recovery_expression'], 'hostids' => $hostids ]; } } $chd_triggers_all = array_replace_recursive($chd_triggers_tpl, $this->getHostTriggersByDescription($tpl_triggers_by_description) ); $expression_parser = new CExpressionParser([ 'usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => $this instanceof CTriggerPrototype ]); $recovery_expression_parser = new CExpressionParser([ 'usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => $this instanceof CTriggerPrototype ]); // List of triggers to check for duplicates. Grouped by description. $descriptions = []; $triggerids = []; $output = ['url_name', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type', 'correlation_mode', 'correlation_tag', 'manual_close', 'opdata', 'event_name' ]; if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $output[] = 'discover'; } $db_tpl_triggers = DB::select('triggers', [ 'output' => $output, 'triggerids' => array_keys($tpl_hostids_by_triggerid), 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($tpl_triggers as $tpl_trigger) { $db_tpl_trigger = $db_tpl_triggers[$tpl_trigger['triggerid']]; $tpl_hostid = $tpl_hostids_by_triggerid[$tpl_trigger['triggerid']][0]; // expression: func(/template/item) => func(/host/item) if ($expression_parser->parse($tpl_trigger['expression']) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'expression', $expression_parser->getError() )); } // recovery_expression: func(/template/item) => func(/host/item) if ($tpl_trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { if ($recovery_expression_parser->parse($tpl_trigger['recovery_expression']) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'recovery_expression', $recovery_expression_parser->getError() )); } } $new_trigger = $tpl_trigger; $new_trigger['uuid'] = ''; unset($new_trigger['triggerid'], $new_trigger['templateid']); if (array_key_exists($tpl_hostid, $hosts_by_tpl_hostid)) { foreach ($hosts_by_tpl_hostid[$tpl_hostid] as $host) { $new_trigger['expression'] = $tpl_trigger['expression']; $hist_functions = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); $hist_function = end($hist_functions); do { $query_parameter = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]; $new_trigger['expression'] = substr_replace($new_trigger['expression'], '/'.$host['host'].'/'.$query_parameter['data']['item'], $query_parameter['pos'], $query_parameter['length'] ); } while ($hist_function = prev($hist_functions)); if ($tpl_trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { $new_trigger['recovery_expression'] = $tpl_trigger['recovery_expression']; $hist_functions = $recovery_expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); $hist_function = end($hist_functions); do { $query_parameter = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]; $new_trigger['recovery_expression'] = substr_replace($new_trigger['recovery_expression'], '/'.$host['host'].'/'.$query_parameter['data']['item'], $query_parameter['pos'], $query_parameter['length'] ); } while ($hist_function = prev($hist_functions)); } if (array_key_exists($host['hostid'], $chd_triggers_all) && array_key_exists($tpl_trigger['triggerid'], $chd_triggers_all[$host['hostid']])) { $chd_trigger = $chd_triggers_all[$host['hostid']][$tpl_trigger['triggerid']]; $upd_triggers[] = $new_trigger + [ 'triggerid' => $chd_trigger['triggerid'], 'templateid' => $tpl_trigger['triggerid'] ]; $db_triggers[$chd_trigger['triggerid']] = $chd_trigger; $triggerids[] = $chd_trigger['triggerid']; $check_duplicates = ($chd_trigger['description'] !== $new_trigger['description'] || $chd_trigger['expression'] !== $new_trigger['expression'] || $chd_trigger['recovery_expression'] !== $new_trigger['recovery_expression']); if ($check_duplicates) { $descriptions[$new_trigger['description']][] = [ 'expression' => $new_trigger['expression'], 'recovery_expression' => $new_trigger['recovery_expression'], 'host' => [ 'hostid' => $host['hostid'], 'status' => $host['status'] ] ]; } } else { $ins_triggers[] = $new_trigger + $db_tpl_trigger + ['templateid' => $tpl_trigger['triggerid']]; } } } } if ($triggerids) { // Add trigger tags. $result = DBselect( 'SELECT tt.triggertagid,tt.triggerid,tt.tag,tt.value'. ' FROM trigger_tag tt'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('tt.triggerid', $triggerids) ); $trigger_tags = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $trigger_tags[$row['triggerid']][] = [ 'triggertagid' => $row['triggertagid'], 'tag' => $row['tag'], 'value' => $row['value'] ]; } foreach ($db_triggers as &$db_trigger) { $db_trigger['tags'] = array_key_exists($db_trigger['triggerid'], $trigger_tags) ? $trigger_tags[$db_trigger['triggerid']] : []; } unset($db_trigger); // Add discovery rule IDs. if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT id.parent_itemid,f.triggerid'. ' FROM item_discovery id,functions f'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $triggerids). ' AND f.itemid=id.itemid' ); $drule_by_triggerid = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $drule_by_triggerid[$row['triggerid']] = $row['parent_itemid']; } foreach ($db_triggers as &$db_trigger) { $db_trigger['discoveryRule']['itemid'] = $drule_by_triggerid[$db_trigger['triggerid']]; } unset($db_trigger); } } $this->checkDuplicates($descriptions); } /** * Returns list of linked hosts. * * Output format: * [ * <tpl_hostid> => [ * [ * 'hostid' => <hostid>, * 'host' => <host> * ], * ... * ], * ... * ] * * @param array $tpl_hostids * @param array $hostids The function will return a list of all linked hosts if no hostids are specified. * * @return array */ private static function getLinkedHosts(array $tpl_hostids, ?array $hostids = null) { // Fetch all child hosts and templates $sql = 'SELECT ht.hostid,ht.templateid,h.host,h.status'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht,hosts h'. ' WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $tpl_hostids). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('h.flags', [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED]); if ($hostids !== null) { $sql .= ' AND '.dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $hostids); } $result = DBselect($sql); $hosts_by_tpl_hostid = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $hosts_by_tpl_hostid[$row['templateid']][] = [ 'hostid' => $row['hostid'], 'host' => $row['host'], 'status' => $row['status'] ]; } return $hosts_by_tpl_hostid; } /** * Returns list of already linked triggers. * * Output format: * [ * <hostid> => [ * <tpl_triggerid> => ['triggerid' => <triggerid>], * ... * ], * ... * ] * * @param array $tpl_triggerids * @param array $hostids The function will return a list of all linked triggers if no hosts are specified. * * @return array */ private function getHostTriggersByTemplateId(array $tpl_triggerids, ?array $hostids = null) { $output = 't.triggerid,t.expression,t.description,t.url_name,t.url,t.status,t.priority,t.comments,t.type,'. 't.recovery_mode,t.recovery_expression,t.correlation_mode,t.correlation_tag,t.manual_close,t.opdata,'. 't.templateid,t.event_name,i.hostid'; if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $output .= ',t.discover'; } // Preparing list of triggers by templateid. $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$output. ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('t.templateid', $tpl_triggerids); if ($hostids !== null) { $sql .= ' AND '.dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $hostids); } $chd_triggers = DBfetchArray(DBselect($sql)); $chd_triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($chd_triggers, ['sources' => ['expression', 'recovery_expression']] ); $chd_triggers_tpl = []; foreach ($chd_triggers as $chd_trigger) { $hostid = $chd_trigger['hostid']; unset($chd_trigger['hostid']); $chd_triggers_tpl[$hostid][$chd_trigger['templateid']] = $chd_trigger; } return $chd_triggers_tpl; } /** * Returns list of not inherited triggers with same name and expression. * * Output format: * [ * <hostid> => [ * <tpl_triggerid> => ['triggerid' => <triggerid>], * ... * ], * ... * ] * * @param array $tpl_triggers_by_description The list of hostids, grouped by trigger description and expression. * * @return array */ private function getHostTriggersByDescription(array $tpl_triggers_by_description) { $chd_triggers_description = []; $expression_parser = new CExpressionParser([ 'usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => $this instanceof CTriggerPrototype ]); $recovery_expression_parser = new CExpressionParser([ 'usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => $this instanceof CTriggerPrototype ]); $output = 't.triggerid,t.expression,t.description,t.url_name,t.url,t.status,t.priority,t.comments,t.type,'. 't.recovery_mode,t.recovery_expression,t.correlation_mode,t.correlation_tag,t.manual_close,t.opdata,'. 't.event_name,i.hostid,h.host'; if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $output .= ',t.discover'; } foreach ($tpl_triggers_by_description as $description => $tpl_triggers) { $hostids = []; foreach ($tpl_triggers as $tpl_trigger) { $hostids += $tpl_trigger['hostids']; } $chd_triggers = DBfetchArray(DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$output. ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionString('t.description', [$description]). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('i.hostid', array_keys($hostids)) )); $chd_triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($chd_triggers, ['sources' => ['expression', 'recovery_expression']] ); foreach ($tpl_triggers as $tpl_trigger) { // expression: func(/template/item) => func(/host/item) if ($expression_parser->parse($tpl_trigger['expression']) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'expression', $expression_parser->getError() )); } // recovery_expression: func(/template/item) => func(/host/item) if ($tpl_trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { if ($recovery_expression_parser->parse($tpl_trigger['recovery_expression']) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'recovery_expression', $recovery_expression_parser->getError() )); } } foreach ($chd_triggers as $chd_trigger) { if (!array_key_exists($chd_trigger['hostid'], $tpl_trigger['hostids'])) { continue; } if ($chd_trigger['recovery_mode'] != $tpl_trigger['recovery_mode']) { continue; } // Replace template name in /host/key reference to target host name. $expression = $tpl_trigger['expression']; $hist_functions = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); $hist_function = end($hist_functions); do { $query_parameter = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]; $expression = substr_replace($expression, '/'.$chd_trigger['host'].'/'.$query_parameter['data']['item'], $query_parameter['pos'], $query_parameter['length'] ); } while ($hist_function = prev($hist_functions)); if ($chd_trigger['expression'] !== $expression) { continue; } if ($tpl_trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { $recovery_expression = $tpl_trigger['recovery_expression']; $hist_functions = $recovery_expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); $hist_function = end($hist_functions); do { $query_parameter = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]; $recovery_expression = substr_replace($recovery_expression, '/'.$chd_trigger['host'].'/'.$query_parameter['data']['item'], $query_parameter['pos'], $query_parameter['length'] ); } while ($hist_function = prev($hist_functions)); if ($chd_trigger['recovery_expression'] !== $recovery_expression) { continue; } } $hostid = $chd_trigger['hostid']; unset($chd_trigger['hostid'], $chd_trigger['host']); $chd_triggers_description[$hostid][$tpl_trigger['triggerid']] = $chd_trigger + ['templateid' => 0]; } } } return $chd_triggers_description; } /** * Updates children of triggers on the given hosts and propagates the inheritance to all child hosts. * All of the child triggers that became obsolete will be deleted if the given triggers were assigned to a different * template or host. * * @param array $triggers * @param string $triggers[]['triggerid'] * @param string $triggers[]['description'] * @param string $triggers[]['expression'] * @param int $triggers[]['recovery mode'] * @param string $triggers[]['recovery_expression'] * @param array $hostids */ protected function inherit(array $triggers, ?array $hostids = null) { $this->prepareInheritedTriggers($triggers, $hostids, $ins_triggers, $upd_triggers, $db_triggers); if ($ins_triggers) { $this->createReal($ins_triggers, true); } if ($upd_triggers) { $this->updateReal($upd_triggers, $db_triggers, true); } if ($ins_triggers || $upd_triggers) { $this->inherit(array_merge($ins_triggers + $upd_triggers)); } } /** * Populate an array by "hostid" keys. * * @param array $descriptions * @param string $descriptions[<description>][]['expression'] * * @throws APIException If host or template does not exists. * * @return array */ protected function populateHostIds($descriptions) { $expression_parser = new CExpressionParser([ 'usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => $this instanceof CTriggerPrototype ]); $hosts = []; foreach ($descriptions as $description => $triggers) { foreach ($triggers as $index => $trigger) { $expression_parser->parse($trigger['expression']); $hosts[$expression_parser->getResult()->getHosts()[0]][$description][] = $index; } } $db_hosts = DBselect( 'SELECT h.hostid,h.host,h.status'. ' FROM hosts h'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionString('h.host', array_keys($hosts)). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('h.status', [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE] ) ); while ($db_host = DBfetch($db_hosts)) { foreach ($hosts[$db_host['host']] as $description => $indexes) { foreach ($indexes as $index) { $descriptions[$description][$index]['host'] = [ 'hostid' => $db_host['hostid'], 'status' => $db_host['status'] ]; } } unset($hosts[$db_host['host']]); } if ($hosts) { $error_wrong_host = ($this instanceof CTrigger) ? _('Incorrect trigger expression. Host "%1$s" does not exist or you have no access to this host.') : _('Incorrect trigger prototype expression. Host "%1$s" does not exist or you have no access to this host.'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _params($error_wrong_host, [key($hosts)])); } return $descriptions; } /** * @param array $triggers * @param array $descriptions * * @throws APIException */ private static function validateUuid(array $triggers, array $descriptions): void { foreach ($descriptions as $_triggers) { foreach ($_triggers as $_trigger) { $triggers[$_trigger['index']]['host_status'] = $_trigger['host']['status']; } } $api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_UNEXPECTED, 'uniq' => [['uuid']], 'fields' => [ 'host_status' => ['type' => API_ANY], 'uuid' => ['type' => API_MULTIPLE, 'rules' => [ ['if' => ['field' => 'host_status', 'in' => HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE], 'type' => API_UUID], ['else' => true, 'type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'in' => DB::getDefault('triggers', 'uuid'), 'unset' => true] ]] ]]; if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $triggers, '/', $error)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } } /** * Add the UUID to those of the given triggers that belong to a template and don't have the 'uuid' parameter set. * * @param array $triggers * @param array $descriptions */ private static function addUuid(array &$triggers, array $descriptions): void { foreach ($descriptions as $_triggers) { foreach ($_triggers as $_trigger) { if ($_trigger['host']['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !array_key_exists('uuid', $triggers[$_trigger['index']])) { $triggers[$_trigger['index']]['uuid'] = generateUuidV4(); } } } } /** * Verify trigger UUIDs are not repeated. * * @param array $triggers * @param array|null $db_triggers * * @throws APIException */ private static function checkUuidDuplicates(array $triggers, ?array $db_triggers = null): void { $trigger_indexes = []; foreach ($triggers as $i => $trigger) { if (!array_key_exists('uuid', $trigger) || $trigger['uuid'] === '') { continue; } if ($db_triggers === null || $trigger['uuid'] !== $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['uuid']) { $trigger_indexes[$trigger['uuid']] = $i; } } if (!$trigger_indexes) { return; } $duplicates = DB::select('triggers', [ 'output' => ['uuid'], 'filter' => [ 'flags' => static::FLAGS, 'uuid' => array_keys($trigger_indexes) ], 'limit' => 1 ]); if ($duplicates) { switch (static::FLAGS) { case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL: $error = _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($trigger_indexes[$duplicates[0]['uuid']] + 1), _('trigger with the same UUID already exists') ); break; case ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE: $error = _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($trigger_indexes[$duplicates[0]['uuid']] + 1), _('trigger prototype with the same UUID already exists') ); break; } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } } /** * Checks triggers for duplicates. * * @param array $descriptions * @param string $descriptions[<description>][]['expression'] * @param string $descriptions[<description>][]['recovery_expression'] * @param string $descriptions[<description>][]['hostid'] * * @throws APIException if at least one trigger exists */ protected function checkDuplicates(array $descriptions) { foreach ($descriptions as $description => $triggers) { $hostids = []; $expressions = []; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { if (array_key_exists('name_updated', $trigger) && !$trigger['name_updated']) { continue; } $hostids[$trigger['host']['hostid']] = true; $expressions[$trigger['expression']][$trigger['recovery_expression']] = $trigger['host']['hostid']; } if (!$hostids) { continue; } $db_triggers = DBfetchArray(DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT t.expression,t.recovery_expression'. ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionString('t.description', [$description]). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('i.hostid', array_keys($hostids)) )); $db_triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($db_triggers, ['sources' => ['expression', 'recovery_expression']] ); foreach ($db_triggers as $db_trigger) { $expression = $db_trigger['expression']; $recovery_expression = $db_trigger['recovery_expression']; if (array_key_exists($expression, $expressions) && array_key_exists($recovery_expression, $expressions[$expression])) { $error_already_exists = ($this instanceof CTrigger) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" already exists on "%2$s".') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" already exists on "%2$s".'); $db_hosts = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['name'], 'hostids' => $expressions[$expression][$recovery_expression] ]); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _params($error_already_exists, [$description, $db_hosts[0]['name']]) ); } } } } protected function addRelatedObjects(array $options, array $result) { $result = parent::addRelatedObjects($options, $result); $triggerids = array_keys($result); $this->addRelatedHostGroups($options, $result); $this->addRelatedTemplateGroups($options, $result); // adding hosts if ($options['selectHosts'] !== null && $options['selectHosts'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) { $res = DBselect( 'SELECT f.triggerid,i.hostid'. ' FROM functions f,items i'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $triggerids). ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' ); $relationMap = new CRelationMap(); while ($relation = DBfetch($res)) { $relationMap->addRelation($relation['triggerid'], $relation['hostid']); } $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => $options['selectHosts'], 'hostids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(), 'templated_hosts' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) { order_result($hosts, 'host'); } $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $hosts, 'hosts', $options['limitSelects']); } // adding functions if ($options['selectFunctions'] !== null && $options['selectFunctions'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) { $functions = API::getApiService()->select('functions', [ 'output' => $this->outputExtend($options['selectFunctions'], ['triggerid', 'functionid']), 'filter' => ['triggerid' => $triggerids], 'preservekeys' => true ]); // Rename column 'name' to 'function'. $function = reset($functions); if ($function && array_key_exists('name', $function)) { $functions = CArrayHelper::renameObjectsKeys($functions, ['name' => 'function']); } $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($functions, 'triggerid', 'functionid'); $functions = $this->unsetExtraFields($functions, ['triggerid', 'functionid'], $options['selectFunctions']); $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $functions, 'functions'); } // Adding trigger tags. if ($options['selectTags'] !== null && $options['selectTags'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) { $tags = API::getApiService()->select('trigger_tag', [ 'output' => $this->outputExtend($options['selectTags'], ['triggerid']), 'filter' => ['triggerid' => $triggerids], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($tags, 'triggerid', 'triggertagid'); $tags = $this->unsetExtraFields($tags, ['triggertagid', 'triggerid'], []); $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $tags, 'tags'); } return $result; } private function addRelatedHostGroups(array $options, array &$result): void { if ($options['selectHostGroups'] === null || $options['selectHostGroups'] === API_OUTPUT_COUNT) { return; } $resource = DBselect( 'SELECT f.triggerid,hg.groupid'. ' FROM functions f'. ' JOIN items i ON f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' JOIN hosts_groups hg ON i.hostid=hg.hostid'. ' JOIN hstgrp hgg ON hg.groupid=hgg.groupid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('hgg.type', [HOST_GROUP_TYPE_HOST_GROUP]). ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('f.triggerid', array_keys($result)) ); $relation_map = new CRelationMap(); while ($relation = DBfetch($resource)) { $relation_map->addRelation($relation['triggerid'], $relation['groupid']); } $related_ids = $relation_map->getRelatedIds(); $groups = $related_ids ? API::HostGroup()->get([ 'output' => $options['selectHostGroups'], 'groupids' => $related_ids, 'preservekeys' => true ]) : []; $result = $relation_map->mapMany($result, $groups, 'hostgroups'); } private function addRelatedTemplateGroups(array $options, array &$result): void { if ($options['selectTemplateGroups'] === null || $options['selectTemplateGroups'] === API_OUTPUT_COUNT) { return; } $resource = DBselect( 'SELECT f.triggerid,hg.groupid'. ' FROM functions f'. ' JOIN items i ON f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' JOIN hosts_groups hg ON i.hostid=hg.hostid'. ' JOIN hstgrp hgg ON hg.groupid=hgg.groupid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('hgg.type', [HOST_GROUP_TYPE_TEMPLATE_GROUP]). ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('f.triggerid', array_keys($result)) ); $relation_map = new CRelationMap(); while ($relation = DBfetch($resource)) { $relation_map->addRelation($relation['triggerid'], $relation['groupid']); } $related_ids = $relation_map->getRelatedIds(); $groups = $related_ids ? API::TemplateGroup()->get([ 'output' => $options['selectTemplateGroups'], 'groupids' => $related_ids, 'preservekeys' => true ]) : []; $result = $relation_map->mapMany($result, $groups, 'templategroups'); } /** * Validate integrity of trigger recovery properties. * * @param array $trigger * @param int $trigger['recovery_mode'] * @param string $trigger['recovery_expression'] * * @throws APIException if validation failed. */ private static function checkTriggerRecoveryMode(array $trigger) { if ($trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { if ($trigger['recovery_expression'] === '') { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'recovery_expression', _('cannot be empty')) ); } } elseif ($trigger['recovery_expression'] !== '') { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'recovery_expression', _('should be empty')) ); } } /** * Validate trigger correlation mode and related properties. * * @param array $trigger * @param int $trigger['correlation_mode'] * @param string $trigger['correlation_tag'] * @param int $trigger['recovery_mode'] * * @throws APIException if validation failed. */ private static function checkTriggerCorrelationMode(array $trigger) { if ($trigger['correlation_mode'] == ZBX_TRIGGER_CORRELATION_TAG) { if ($trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_NONE) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'correlation_mode', _s('unexpected value "%1$s"', $trigger['correlation_mode']) )); } if ($trigger['correlation_tag'] === '') { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'correlation_tag', _('cannot be empty')) ); } } elseif ($trigger['correlation_tag'] !== '') { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'correlation_tag', _('should be empty')) ); } } /** * Validate trigger to be created. * * @param array $triggers [IN/OUT] * @param array $triggers[]['description'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['expression'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['opdata'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['event_name'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['comments'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['priority'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['status'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['type'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['url_name'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['url'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['recovery_mode'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['recovery_expression'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['correlation_mode'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['correlation_tag'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['manual_close'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['discover'] [IN] (optional) for trigger prototypes only * @param array $triggers[]['tags'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['tags'][]['tag'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['tags'][]['value'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param array $triggers[]['dependencies'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['dependencies'][]['triggerid'] [IN] * * @throws APIException if validation failed. */ protected function validateCreate(array &$triggers) { $api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY | API_NORMALIZE, 'uniq' => [['description', 'expression']], 'fields' => [ 'uuid' => ['type' => API_ANY], 'description' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'description')], 'expression' => ['type' => API_TRIGGER_EXPRESSION, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY | API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO], 'event_name' => ['type' => API_EVENT_NAME, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'event_name')], 'opdata' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'opdata')], 'comments' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'comments')], 'priority' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', range(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_COUNT - 1))], 'status' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED, TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED])], 'type' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_DISABLED, TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED])], 'url_name' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_USER_MACRO, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'url_name')], 'url' => ['type' => API_URL, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_USER_MACRO, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'url')], 'recovery_mode' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_EXPRESSION, ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION, ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_NONE]), 'default' => DB::getDefault('triggers', 'recovery_mode')], 'recovery_expression' => ['type' => API_TRIGGER_EXPRESSION, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO, 'default' => DB::getDefault('triggers', 'recovery_expression')], 'correlation_mode' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_TRIGGER_CORRELATION_NONE, ZBX_TRIGGER_CORRELATION_TAG]), 'default' => DB::getDefault('triggers', 'correlation_mode')], 'correlation_tag' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'correlation_tag'), 'default' => DB::getDefault('triggers', 'correlation_tag')], 'manual_close' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_TRIGGER_MANUAL_CLOSE_NOT_ALLOWED, ZBX_TRIGGER_MANUAL_CLOSE_ALLOWED])], 'tags' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['tag', 'value']], 'fields' => [ 'tag' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('trigger_tag', 'tag')], 'value' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('trigger_tag', 'value'), 'default' => DB::getDefault('trigger_tag', 'value')] ]], 'dependencies' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['triggerid']], 'fields'=> [ 'triggerid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED] ]] ]]; if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $api_input_rules['fields']['discover'] = ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [TRIGGER_DISCOVER, TRIGGER_NO_DISCOVER])]; } else { $api_input_rules['fields']['expression']['flags'] &= ~API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO; $api_input_rules['fields']['recovery_expression']['flags'] &= ~API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO; } if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $triggers, '/', $error)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } $descriptions = []; foreach ($triggers as $index => $trigger) { self::checkTriggerRecoveryMode($trigger); self::checkTriggerCorrelationMode($trigger); $descriptions[$trigger['description']][] = [ 'index' => $index, 'expression' => $trigger['expression'], 'recovery_expression' => $trigger['recovery_expression'] ]; } $descriptions = $this->populateHostIds($descriptions); self::validateUuid($triggers, $descriptions); self::addUuid($triggers, $descriptions); self::checkUuidDuplicates($triggers); $this->checkDuplicates($descriptions); $this->checkDependencies($triggers); } /** * Validate trigger to be updated. * * @param array $triggers [IN/OUT] * @param array $triggers[]['triggerid'] [IN] * @param array $triggers[]['description'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['expression'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['event_name'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['opdata'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['comments'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['priority'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['status'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['type'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['url_name'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['url'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['recovery_mode'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['recovery_expression'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['correlation_mode'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['correlation_tag'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['manual_close'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['discover'] [IN] (optional) for trigger prototypes only * @param array $triggers[]['tags'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['tags'][]['tag'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['tags'][]['value'] [IN/OUT] (optional) * @param array $triggers[]['dependencies'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['dependencies'][]['triggerid'] [IN] * @param array $db_triggers [OUT] * @param array $db_triggers[<tnum>]['triggerid'] [OUT] * @param array $db_triggers[<tnum>]['description'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['expression'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['event_name'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['opdata'] [OUT] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_mode'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_expression'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['url_name'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['url'] [OUT] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['status'] [OUT] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['discover'] [OUT] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['priority'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['comments'] [OUT] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['type'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['templateid'] [OUT] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['correlation_mode'] [OUT] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['correlation_tag'] [OUT] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['discover'] [OUT] for trigger prototypes only * * @throws APIException if validation failed. */ protected function validateUpdate(array &$triggers, ?array &$db_triggers = null) { $api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY | API_NORMALIZE, 'uniq' => [['description', 'expression']], 'fields' => [ 'uuid' => ['type' => API_ANY], 'triggerid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED], 'description' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'description')], 'expression' => ['type' => API_TRIGGER_EXPRESSION, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY | API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO], 'event_name' => ['type' => API_EVENT_NAME, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'event_name')], 'opdata' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'opdata')], 'comments' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'comments')], 'priority' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', range(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED, TRIGGER_SEVERITY_COUNT - 1))], 'status' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED, TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED])], 'type' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_DISABLED, TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED])], 'url_name' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_USER_MACRO, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'url_name')], 'url' => ['type' => API_URL, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_USER_MACRO, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'url')], 'recovery_mode' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_EXPRESSION, ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION, ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_NONE])], 'recovery_expression' => ['type' => API_TRIGGER_EXPRESSION, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO], 'correlation_mode' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_TRIGGER_CORRELATION_NONE, ZBX_TRIGGER_CORRELATION_TAG])], 'correlation_tag' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'correlation_tag')], 'manual_close' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [ZBX_TRIGGER_MANUAL_CLOSE_NOT_ALLOWED, ZBX_TRIGGER_MANUAL_CLOSE_ALLOWED])], 'tags' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['tag', 'value']], 'fields' => [ 'tag' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('trigger_tag', 'tag')], 'value' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('trigger_tag', 'value'), 'default' => DB::getDefault('trigger_tag', 'value')] ]], 'dependencies' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['triggerid']], 'fields'=> [ 'triggerid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED] ]] ]]; if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $api_input_rules['fields']['discover'] = ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [TRIGGER_DISCOVER, TRIGGER_NO_DISCOVER])]; } else { $api_input_rules['fields']['expression']['flags'] &= ~API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO; $api_input_rules['fields']['recovery_expression']['flags'] &= ~API_ALLOW_LLD_MACRO; } if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $triggers, '/', $error)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error); } $options = [ 'output' => ['uuid', 'triggerid', 'description', 'expression', 'url_name', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type', 'templateid', 'recovery_mode', 'recovery_expression', 'correlation_mode', 'correlation_tag', 'manual_close', 'opdata', 'event_name' ], 'triggerids' => zbx_objectValues($triggers, 'triggerid'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]; $class = get_class($this); switch ($class) { case 'CTrigger': $error_cannot_update = _('Cannot update "%1$s" for templated trigger "%2$s".'); $options['output'][] = 'flags'; // Discovered fields, except status, cannot be updated. $update_discovered_validator = new CUpdateDiscoveredValidator([ 'allowed' => ['triggerid', 'status'], 'messageAllowedField' => _('Cannot update "%2$s" for a discovered trigger "%1$s".') ]); break; case 'CTriggerPrototype': $error_cannot_update = _('Cannot update "%1$s" for templated trigger prototype "%2$s".'); $options['output'][] = 'discover'; $options['selectDiscoveryRule'] = ['itemid']; break; default: self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Internal error.')); } $db_triggers = $this->get($options); if (count($db_triggers) != count($triggers)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!')); } $db_triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($db_triggers, [ 'sources' => ['expression', 'recovery_expression'] ]); $this->addAffectedObjects($triggers, $db_triggers); $read_only_fields = ['uuid', 'description', 'expression', 'recovery_mode', 'recovery_expression', 'correlation_mode', 'correlation_tag', 'manual_close' ]; $descriptions = []; foreach ($triggers as $index => &$trigger) { $db_trigger = $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]; $description = array_key_exists('description', $trigger) ? $trigger['description'] : $db_trigger['description']; if ($class === 'CTrigger') { $update_discovered_validator->setObjectName($description); $this->checkPartialValidator($trigger, $update_discovered_validator, $db_trigger); } if ($db_trigger['templateid'] != 0) { $this->checkNoParameters($trigger, $read_only_fields, $error_cannot_update, $description); } $field_names = ['description', 'expression', 'recovery_mode', 'manual_close']; foreach ($field_names as $field_name) { if (!array_key_exists($field_name, $trigger)) { $trigger[$field_name] = $db_trigger[$field_name]; } } if (!array_key_exists('recovery_expression', $trigger)) { $trigger['recovery_expression'] = ($trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) ? $db_trigger['recovery_expression'] : ''; } if (!array_key_exists('correlation_mode', $trigger)) { $trigger['correlation_mode'] = ($trigger['recovery_mode'] != ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_NONE) ? $db_trigger['correlation_mode'] : ZBX_TRIGGER_CORRELATION_NONE; } if (!array_key_exists('correlation_tag', $trigger)) { $trigger['correlation_tag'] = ($trigger['correlation_mode'] == ZBX_TRIGGER_CORRELATION_TAG) ? $db_trigger['correlation_tag'] : ''; } self::checkTriggerRecoveryMode($trigger); self::checkTriggerCorrelationMode($trigger); $name_updated = $trigger['expression'] !== $db_trigger['expression'] || $trigger['recovery_expression'] !== $db_trigger['recovery_expression'] || $trigger['description'] !== $db_trigger['description']; if ($name_updated || array_key_exists('uuid', $trigger)) { $descriptions[$trigger['description']][] = [ 'index' => $index, 'expression' => $trigger['expression'], 'recovery_expression' => $trigger['recovery_expression'], 'name_updated' => $name_updated ]; } } unset($trigger); if ($descriptions) { $descriptions = $this->populateHostIds($descriptions); self::validateUuid($triggers, $descriptions); self::checkUuidDuplicates($triggers, $db_triggers); $this->checkDuplicates($descriptions); } $this->checkDependencies($triggers, $db_triggers); $this->checkDependenciesLinks($triggers, $db_triggers); } /** * @param array $triggers * @param array $db_triggers */ private function addAffectedObjects(array $triggers, array &$db_triggers): void { if ($this instanceof CTrigger) { self::addAffectedHosts($triggers, $db_triggers); } self::addAffectedTags($triggers, $db_triggers); self::addAffectedDependencies($triggers, $db_triggers); } /** * @param array $triggers * @param array $db_triggers */ protected static function addAffectedHosts(array $triggers, array &$db_triggers): void { $triggerids = []; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $db_trigger = $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]; if ((array_key_exists('expression', $trigger) && $trigger['expression'] !== $db_trigger['expression']) || (array_key_exists('recovery_expression', $trigger) && $trigger['recovery_expression'] !== $db_trigger['recovery_expression'])) { $triggerids[] = $trigger['triggerid']; $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['hosts'] = []; } } if (!$triggerids) { return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT f.triggerid,i.hostid'. ' FROM functions f,items i'. ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('f.triggerid', $triggerids) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_triggers[$row['triggerid']]['hosts'][$row['hostid']] = true; } } /** * @param array $triggers * @param array $db_triggers */ private static function addAffectedTags(array $triggers, array &$db_triggers): void { $triggerids = []; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { if (array_key_exists('tags', $trigger)) { $triggerids[] = $trigger['triggerid']; $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['tags'] = []; } } if (!$triggerids) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['triggertagid', 'triggerid', 'tag', 'value'], 'filter' => ['triggerid' => $triggerids] ]; $db_tags = DBselect(DB::makeSql('trigger_tag', $options)); while ($db_tag = DBfetch($db_tags)) { $db_triggers[$db_tag['triggerid']]['tags'][$db_tag['triggertagid']] = array_diff_key($db_tag, array_flip(['triggerid'])); } } /** * @param array $triggers * @param array $db_triggers */ protected static function addAffectedDependencies(array $triggers, array &$db_triggers): void { $triggerids = []; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $db_trigger = $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]; if (array_key_exists('dependencies', $trigger) || array_key_exists('hosts', $db_trigger)) { $triggerids[] = $trigger['triggerid']; $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['dependencies'] = []; } } if (!$triggerids) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['triggerdepid', 'triggerid_down', 'triggerid_up'], 'filter' => ['triggerid_down' => $triggerids] ]; $db_deps = DBselect(DB::makeSql('trigger_depends', $options)); while ($db_dep = DBfetch($db_deps)) { $db_triggers[$db_dep['triggerid_down']]['dependencies'][$db_dep['triggerdepid']] = [ 'triggerdepid' => $db_dep['triggerdepid'], 'triggerid' => $db_dep['triggerid_up'] ]; } } /** * Check trigger dependencies of the given triggers. * * @param array $triggers * @param array|null $db_triggers * * @throws APIException */ private function checkDependencies(array $triggers, ?array $db_triggers = null): void { $edit_triggerids_up = []; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { if (!array_key_exists('dependencies', $trigger)) { continue; } $triggerids_up = array_column($trigger['dependencies'], 'triggerid'); if ($db_triggers === null) { $edit_triggerids_up += array_flip($triggerids_up); } else { $db_triggerids_up = array_column($db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['dependencies'], 'triggerid'); $ins_triggerids_up = array_flip(array_diff($triggerids_up, $db_triggerids_up)); $del_triggerids_up = array_flip(array_diff($db_triggerids_up, $triggerids_up)); $edit_triggerids_up += $ins_triggerids_up + $del_triggerids_up; } } if (!$edit_triggerids_up) { return; } $count = API::Trigger()->get([ 'countOutput' => true, 'triggerids' => array_keys($edit_triggerids_up) ]); if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $trigger_prototypes_up = API::TriggerPrototype()->get([ 'output' => [], 'triggerids' => array_keys($edit_triggerids_up), 'preservekeys' => true ]); $count += count($trigger_prototypes_up); } if ($count != count($edit_triggerids_up)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!')); } if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $ins_dependencies = []; $triggerids = []; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { if (!array_key_exists('dependencies', $triggers)) { continue; } $db_triggers_up = ($db_triggers !== null) ? array_column($db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['dependencies'], null, 'triggerid') : []; foreach ($trigger['dependencies'] as $trigger_up) { if (!array_key_exists($trigger_up['triggerid'], $db_triggers_up) && array_key_exists($trigger_up['triggerid'], $trigger_prototypes_up)) { $ins_dependencies[$trigger_up['triggerid']][$trigger['triggerid']] = true; $triggerids[$trigger['triggerid']] = true; } } } if (!$ins_dependencies) { return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT f.triggerid,id.parent_itemid'. ' FROM functions f,item_discovery id'. ' WHERE f.itemid=id.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('f.triggerid', array_keys($ins_dependencies + $triggerids)) ); $lld_rules = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $lld_rules[$row['triggerid']] = $row['parent_itemid']; } foreach ($ins_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid) { if (bccomp($lld_rules[$triggerid_up], $lld_rules[$triggerid]) != 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger prototype "%2$s", because dependencies on trigger prototypes from another LLD rule are not allowed.') ); } } } } } /** * Check linkage of dependencies. * * @param array $triggers * @param array|null $db_triggers */ protected function checkDependenciesLinks(array $triggers, ?array $db_triggers = null): void { $ins_dependencies = []; $del_dependencies = []; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { if (!array_key_exists('dependencies', $trigger)) { continue; } $db_triggers_up = ($db_triggers !== null) ? array_column($db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['dependencies'], null, 'triggerid') : []; foreach ($trigger['dependencies'] as $trigger_up) { if (array_key_exists($trigger_up['triggerid'], $db_triggers_up)) { unset($db_triggers_up[$trigger_up['triggerid']]); } else { $ins_dependencies[$trigger_up['triggerid']][$trigger['triggerid']] = true; } } foreach ($db_triggers_up as $db_trigger_up) { $del_dependencies[$db_trigger_up['triggerid']][$trigger['triggerid']] = true; } } if ($ins_dependencies) { if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $options = [ 'output' => ['triggerid', 'flags'], 'triggerids' => array_keys($ins_dependencies) ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('triggers', $options)); $ins_dependencies_prototypes = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { if ($row['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { /* * Trigger cannot depend on trigger prototypes, so it's enough to check circular dependencies * only among the trigger prototypes. */ $ins_dependencies_prototypes[$row['triggerid']] = $ins_dependencies[$row['triggerid']]; /* * Since the trigger prototypes can depend only on trigger prototypes from the same LLD rule, * for such dependencies it is not necessary to check the dependencies of host and template * triggers. Only dependencies on triggers are required to be checked. */ unset($ins_dependencies[$row['triggerid']]); } } } if ($db_triggers !== null) { if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype && $ins_dependencies_prototypes) { self::checkCircularDependencies($ins_dependencies_prototypes, $del_dependencies); } else { self::checkCircularDependencies($ins_dependencies, $del_dependencies); } } $trigger_hosts = self::getTriggerHosts($ins_dependencies); self::checkDependenciesOfHostTriggers($ins_dependencies, $trigger_hosts); self::checkDependenciesOfTemplateTriggers($ins_dependencies, $trigger_hosts); } } /** * Inserts trigger or trigger prototypes records into the database. * * @param array $triggers [IN/OUT] * @param array $triggers[]['triggerid'] [OUT] * @param array $triggers[]['description'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['expression'] [IN] * @param int $triggers[]['recovery_mode'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['recovery_expression'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['url_name'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['url'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['status'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['priority'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['comments'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[]['type'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['templateid'] [IN] (optional) * @param array $triggers[]['tags'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['tags'][]['tag'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[]['tags'][]['value'] [IN] * @param int $triggers[]['correlation_mode'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[]['correlation_tag'] [IN] (optional) * @param bool $inherited [IN] (optional) If set to true, trigger will be created for * non-editable host/template. * * @throws APIException */ protected function createReal(array &$triggers, $inherited = false) { $new_triggers = $triggers; $new_functions = []; $triggers_functions = []; $new_tags = []; $this->implode_expressions($new_triggers, null, $triggers_functions, $inherited); $triggerid = DB::reserveIds('triggers', count($new_triggers)); foreach ($new_triggers as $tnum => &$new_trigger) { $new_trigger['triggerid'] = $triggerid; $triggers[$tnum]['triggerid'] = $triggerid; foreach ($triggers_functions[$tnum] as $trigger_function) { $trigger_function['triggerid'] = $triggerid; $new_functions[] = $trigger_function; } if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $new_trigger['flags'] = ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE; } if (array_key_exists('tags', $new_trigger)) { foreach ($new_trigger['tags'] as $tag) { $tag['triggerid'] = $triggerid; $new_tags[] = $tag; } } $triggerid = bcadd($triggerid, 1, 0); } unset($new_trigger); DB::insert('triggers', $new_triggers, false); DB::insertBatch('functions', $new_functions, false); if ($new_tags) { DB::insert('trigger_tag', $new_tags); } if (!$inherited) { $resource = ($this instanceof CTrigger) ? CAudit::RESOURCE_TRIGGER : CAudit::RESOURCE_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE; $this->addAuditBulk(CAudit::ACTION_ADD, $resource, $triggers); } } /** * Update trigger or trigger prototypes records in the database. * * @param array $triggers [IN] list of triggers to be updated * @param array $triggers[<tnum>]['triggerid'] [IN] * @param array $triggers[<tnum>]['description'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['expression'] [IN] * @param int $triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_mode'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_expression'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['url_name'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['url'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[<tnum>]['status'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[<tnum>]['priority'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['comments'] [IN] (optional) * @param int $triggers[<tnum>]['type'] [IN] (optional) * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['templateid'] [IN] (optional) * @param array $triggers[<tnum>]['tags'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['tags'][]['tag'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['tags'][]['value'] [IN] * @param int $triggers[<tnum>]['correlation_mode'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['correlation_tag'] [IN] * @param array $db_triggers [IN] * @param array $db_triggers[<tnum>]['triggerid'] [IN] * @param array $db_triggers[<tnum>]['description'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['expression'] [IN] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_mode'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_expression'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['url_name'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['url'] [IN] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['status'] [IN] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['priority'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['comments'] [IN] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['type'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['templateid'] [IN] * @param array $db_triggers[<tnum>]['discoveryRule'] [IN] For trigger prototypes only. * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['discoveryRule']['itemid'] [IN] * @param array $db_triggers[<tnum>]['tags'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['tags'][]['tag'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['tags'][]['value'] [IN] * @param int $db_triggers[<tnum>]['correlation_mode'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<tnum>]['correlation_tag'] [IN] * @param bool $inherited [IN] (optional) If set to true, trigger will be * created for non-editable * host/template. * * @throws APIException */ protected function updateReal(array $triggers, array $db_triggers, $inherited = false) { $upd_triggers = []; $new_functions = []; $del_functions_triggerids = []; $triggers_functions = []; $new_tags = []; $del_triggertagids = []; $upd_discovered_triggers = []; $save_triggers = $triggers; $this->implode_expressions($triggers, $db_triggers, $triggers_functions, $inherited); foreach ($triggers as $tnum => $trigger) { $db_trigger = $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]; $upd_trigger = ['values' => [], 'where' => ['triggerid' => $trigger['triggerid']]]; if (array_key_exists($tnum, $triggers_functions)) { $del_functions_triggerids[] = $trigger['triggerid']; foreach ($triggers_functions[$tnum] as $trigger_function) { $trigger_function['triggerid'] = $trigger['triggerid']; $new_functions[] = $trigger_function; } $upd_trigger['values']['expression'] = $trigger['expression']; $upd_trigger['values']['recovery_expression'] = $trigger['recovery_expression']; } if (array_key_exists('uuid', $trigger)) { $upd_trigger['values']['uuid'] = $trigger['uuid']; } if ($trigger['description'] !== $db_trigger['description']) { $upd_trigger['values']['description'] = $trigger['description']; } if (array_key_exists('event_name', $trigger) && $trigger['event_name'] !== $db_trigger['event_name']) { $upd_trigger['values']['event_name'] = $trigger['event_name']; } if (array_key_exists('opdata', $trigger) && $trigger['opdata'] !== $db_trigger['opdata']) { $upd_trigger['values']['opdata'] = $trigger['opdata']; } if ($trigger['recovery_mode'] != $db_trigger['recovery_mode']) { $upd_trigger['values']['recovery_mode'] = $trigger['recovery_mode']; } if (array_key_exists('url_name', $trigger) && $trigger['url_name'] !== $db_trigger['url_name']) { $upd_trigger['values']['url_name'] = $trigger['url_name']; } if (array_key_exists('url', $trigger) && $trigger['url'] !== $db_trigger['url']) { $upd_trigger['values']['url'] = $trigger['url']; } if (array_key_exists('status', $trigger) && $trigger['status'] != $db_trigger['status']) { $upd_trigger['values']['status'] = $trigger['status']; } if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype && array_key_exists('discover', $trigger) && $trigger['discover'] != $db_trigger['discover']) { $upd_trigger['values']['discover'] = $trigger['discover']; } if (array_key_exists('priority', $trigger) && $trigger['priority'] != $db_trigger['priority']) { $upd_trigger['values']['priority'] = $trigger['priority']; } if (array_key_exists('comments', $trigger) && $trigger['comments'] !== $db_trigger['comments']) { $upd_trigger['values']['comments'] = $trigger['comments']; } if (array_key_exists('type', $trigger) && $trigger['type'] != $db_trigger['type']) { $upd_trigger['values']['type'] = $trigger['type']; } if (array_key_exists('templateid', $trigger) && $trigger['templateid'] != $db_trigger['templateid']) { $upd_trigger['values']['templateid'] = $trigger['templateid']; } if ($trigger['correlation_mode'] != $db_trigger['correlation_mode']) { $upd_trigger['values']['correlation_mode'] = $trigger['correlation_mode']; } if ($trigger['correlation_tag'] !== $db_trigger['correlation_tag']) { $upd_trigger['values']['correlation_tag'] = $trigger['correlation_tag']; } if ($trigger['manual_close'] != $db_trigger['manual_close']) { $upd_trigger['values']['manual_close'] = $trigger['manual_close']; } if ($upd_trigger['values']) { $upd_triggers[] = $upd_trigger; } if (array_key_exists('tags', $trigger)) { // Add new trigger tags and replace changed ones. CArrayHelper::sort($db_trigger['tags'], ['tag', 'value']); CArrayHelper::sort($trigger['tags'], ['tag', 'value']); $tags_delete = $db_trigger['tags']; $tags_add = $trigger['tags']; foreach ($tags_delete as $dt_key => $tag_delete) { foreach ($tags_add as $nt_key => $tag_add) { if ($tag_delete['tag'] === $tag_add['tag'] && $tag_delete['value'] === $tag_add['value']) { unset($tags_delete[$dt_key], $tags_add[$nt_key]); continue 2; } } } foreach ($tags_delete as $tag_delete) { $del_triggertagids[] = $tag_delete['triggertagid']; } foreach ($tags_add as $tag_add) { $tag_add['triggerid'] = $trigger['triggerid']; $new_tags[] = $tag_add; } } if (array_key_exists('flags', $db_trigger) && $db_trigger['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED && array_key_exists('status', $upd_trigger['values']) && $upd_trigger['values']['status'] == TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED && $upd_trigger['values']['status'] != $db_trigger['status']) { $upd_discovered_triggers[] = $db_trigger['triggerid']; } } if ($upd_triggers) { DB::update('triggers', $upd_triggers); } if ($del_functions_triggerids) { DB::delete('functions', ['triggerid' => $del_functions_triggerids]); } if ($new_functions) { DB::insertBatch('functions', $new_functions, false); } if ($del_triggertagids) { DB::delete('trigger_tag', ['triggertagid' => $del_triggertagids]); } if ($new_tags) { DB::insert('trigger_tag', $new_tags); } if ($upd_discovered_triggers) { DB::update('trigger_discovery', [ 'values' => ['disable_source' => ZBX_DISABLE_DEFAULT], 'where' => ['triggerid' => $upd_discovered_triggers] ]); } if (!$inherited) { $resource = ($this instanceof CTrigger) ? CAudit::RESOURCE_TRIGGER : CAudit::RESOURCE_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE; $this->addAuditBulk(CAudit::ACTION_UPDATE, $resource, $save_triggers, $db_triggers); } } /** * Implodes expression and recovery_expression for each trigger. Also returns array of functions and * array of hostnames for each trigger. * * For example: last(/host/system.cpu.load)>10 will be translated to {12}>10 and created database representation. * * Note: All expressions must be already validated and exploded. * * @param array $triggers [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['description'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['expression'] [IN/OUT] * @param int $triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_mode'] [IN] * @param string $triggers[<tnum>]['recovery_expression'] [IN/OUT] * @param array|null $db_triggers [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<triggerid>]['triggerid'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<triggerid>]['expression'] [IN] * @param string $db_triggers[<triggerid>]['recovery_expression'] [IN] * @param array $triggers_functions [OUT] array of the new functions which must be * inserted into DB * @param string $triggers_functions[<tnum>][]['functionid'] [OUT] * @param null $triggers_functions[<tnum>][]['triggerid'] [OUT] must be initialized before insertion into DB * @param string $triggers_functions[<tnum>][]['itemid'] [OUT] * @param string $triggers_functions[<tnum>][]['name'] [OUT] * @param string $triggers_functions[<tnum>][]['parameter'] [OUT] * @param bool $inherited [IN] (optional) If set to true, triggers will be * created for non-editable * hosts/templates. * * @throws APIException if error occurred */ private function implode_expressions(array &$triggers, ?array $db_triggers, array &$triggers_functions, $inherited) { $class = get_class($this); switch ($class) { case 'CTrigger': $expression_parser = new CExpressionParser(['usermacros' => true]); $error_wrong_host = _('Incorrect trigger expression. Host "%1$s" does not exist or you have no access to this host.'); $error_host_and_template = _('Incorrect trigger expression. Trigger expression elements should not belong to a template and a host simultaneously.'); break; case 'CTriggerPrototype': $expression_parser = new CExpressionParser(['usermacros' => true, 'lldmacros' => true]); $error_wrong_host = _('Incorrect trigger prototype expression. Host "%1$s" does not exist or you have no access to this host.'); $error_host_and_template = _('Incorrect trigger prototype expression. Trigger prototype expression elements should not belong to a template and a host simultaneously.'); break; default: self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Internal error.')); } $hist_function_value_types = (new CHistFunctionData())->getValueTypes(); /* * [ * <host> => [ * 'hostid' => <hostid>, * 'host' => <host>, * 'status' => <status>, * 'keys' => [ * <key> => [ * 'itemid' => <itemid>, * 'key' => <key>, * 'value_type' => <value_type>, * 'flags' => <flags>, * 'lld_ruleid' => <itemid> (CTriggerProrotype only) * ] * ] * ] * ] */ $hosts_keys = []; $functions_num = 0; foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $expressions_changed = ($db_triggers === null || ($trigger['expression'] !== $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['expression'] || $trigger['recovery_expression'] !== $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['recovery_expression'])); if (!$expressions_changed) { continue; } $expression_parser->parse($trigger['expression']); $hist_functions = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); if ($trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { $expression_parser->parse($trigger['recovery_expression']); $hist_functions = array_merge($hist_functions, $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] )); } foreach ($hist_functions as $hist_function) { $host = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]['data']['host']; $item = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]['data']['item']; if (!array_key_exists($host, $hosts_keys)) { $hosts_keys[$host] = [ 'hostid' => null, 'host' => $host, 'status' => null, 'keys' => [] ]; } $hosts_keys[$host]['keys'][$item] = [ 'itemid' => null, 'key' => $item, 'value_type' => null, 'flags' => null ]; } } if (!$hosts_keys) { return; } $permission_check = $inherited ? ['nopermissions' => true] : ['editable' => true]; $_db_hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host', 'status'], 'filter' => ['host' => array_keys($hosts_keys)] ] + $permission_check); if (count($hosts_keys) != count($_db_hosts)) { $_db_templates = API::Template()->get([ 'output' => ['templateid', 'host', 'status'], 'filter' => ['host' => array_keys($hosts_keys)] ] + $permission_check); foreach ($_db_templates as &$_db_template) { $_db_template['hostid'] = $_db_template['templateid']; unset($_db_template['templateid']); } unset($_db_template); $_db_hosts = array_merge($_db_hosts, $_db_templates); } foreach ($_db_hosts as $_db_host) { $host_keys = &$hosts_keys[$_db_host['host']]; $host_keys['hostid'] = $_db_host['hostid']; $host_keys['status'] = $_db_host['status']; if ($class === 'CTriggerPrototype') { $sql = 'SELECT i.itemid,i.key_,i.value_type,i.flags,id.parent_itemid'. ' FROM items i'. ' LEFT JOIN item_discovery id ON i.itemid=id.itemid'. ' WHERE i.hostid='.$host_keys['hostid']. ' AND '.dbConditionString('i.key_', array_keys($host_keys['keys'])). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('i.flags', [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED] ); } else { $sql = 'SELECT i.itemid,i.key_,i.value_type,i.flags'. ' FROM items i'. ' WHERE i.hostid='.$host_keys['hostid']. ' AND '.dbConditionString('i.key_', array_keys($host_keys['keys'])). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('i.flags', [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED]); } $_db_items = DBselect($sql); while ($_db_item = DBfetch($_db_items)) { $host_keys['keys'][$_db_item['key_']]['itemid'] = $_db_item['itemid']; $host_keys['keys'][$_db_item['key_']]['value_type'] = $_db_item['value_type']; $host_keys['keys'][$_db_item['key_']]['flags'] = $_db_item['flags']; if ($class === 'CTriggerPrototype' && $_db_item['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { $host_keys['keys'][$_db_item['key_']]['lld_ruleid'] = $_db_item['parent_itemid']; } } unset($host_keys); } /* * The list of triggers with multiple templates. * * [ * [ * 'description' => <description>, * 'templateids' => [<templateid>, ...] * ], * ... * ] */ $mt_triggers = []; if ($class === 'CTrigger') { /* * The list of triggers which are moved from one host or template to another. * * [ * <triggerid> => [ * 'description' => <description> * ], * ... * ] */ $moved_triggers = []; } foreach ($triggers as $tnum => &$trigger) { $expressions_changed = ($db_triggers === null || ($trigger['expression'] !== $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['expression'] || $trigger['recovery_expression'] !== $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['recovery_expression'])); if (!$expressions_changed) { continue; } $expression_parser->parse($trigger['expression']); $hist_functions1 = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); $hist_functions2 = []; if ($trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { $expression_parser->parse($trigger['recovery_expression']); $hist_functions2 = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); } $triggers_functions[$tnum] = []; if ($class === 'CTriggerPrototype') { $lld_ruleids = []; } /* * 0x01 - with templates * 0x02 - with hosts */ $status_mask = 0x00; // The lists of hostids and hosts which are used in the current trigger. $hostids = []; $hosts = []; // Common checks. foreach (array_merge($hist_functions1, $hist_functions2) as $hist_function) { $host = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]['data']['host']; $item = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]['data']['item']; $host_keys = $hosts_keys[$host]; $key = $host_keys['keys'][$item]; if ($host_keys['hostid'] === null) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _params($error_wrong_host, [$host_keys['host']])); } if ($key['itemid'] === null) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s( 'Incorrect item key "%1$s" provided for trigger expression on "%2$s".', $key['key'], $host_keys['host'] )); } if (!in_array($key['value_type'], $hist_function_value_types[$hist_function['data']['function']])) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s( 'Incorrect item value type "%1$s" provided for trigger function "%2$s".', itemValueTypeString($key['value_type']), $hist_function['data']['function'] )); } if (!array_key_exists($hist_function['match'], $triggers_functions[$tnum])) { $query_parameter = $hist_function['data']['parameters'][0]; $parameter = substr_replace($hist_function['match'], TRIGGER_QUERY_PLACEHOLDER, $query_parameter['pos'] - $hist_function['pos'], $query_parameter['length'] ); $triggers_functions[$tnum][$hist_function['match']] = [ 'functionid' => null, 'triggerid' => null, 'itemid' => $key['itemid'], 'name' => $hist_function['data']['function'], 'parameter' => substr($parameter, strlen($hist_function['data']['function']) + 1, -1) ]; $functions_num++; } if ($class === 'CTriggerPrototype' && $key['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { $lld_ruleids[$key['lld_ruleid']] = true; } $status_mask |= ($host_keys['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE ? 0x01 : 0x02); $hostids[$host_keys['hostid']] = true; $hosts[$host] = true; } // When both templates and hosts are referenced in expressions. if ($status_mask == 0x03) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error_host_and_template); } // Triggers with children cannot be moved from one template to another host or template. if ($class === 'CTrigger' && $db_triggers !== null && $expressions_changed) { $expression_parser->parse($db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['expression']); $old_hosts1 = $expression_parser->getResult()->getHosts(); $old_hosts2 = []; if ($trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { $expression_parser->parse($db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['recovery_expression']); $old_hosts2 = $expression_parser->getResult()->getHosts(); } $is_moved = true; foreach (array_merge($old_hosts1, $old_hosts2) as $old_host) { if (array_key_exists($old_host, $hosts)) { $is_moved = false; break; } } if ($is_moved) { $moved_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']] = ['description' => $trigger['description']]; } } // The trigger with multiple templates. if ($status_mask == 0x01 && count($hostids) > 1) { $mt_triggers[] = [ 'description' => $trigger['description'], 'templateids' => array_keys($hostids) ]; } if ($class === 'CTriggerPrototype') { $lld_ruleids = array_keys($lld_ruleids); if (!$lld_ruleids) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s( 'Trigger prototype "%1$s" must contain at least one item prototype.', $trigger['description'] )); } elseif (count($lld_ruleids) > 1) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s( 'Trigger prototype "%1$s" contains item prototypes from multiple discovery rules.', $trigger['description'] )); } elseif ($db_triggers !== null && !idcmp($lld_ruleids[0], $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['discoveryRule']['itemid'])) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Cannot update trigger prototype "%1$s": %2$s.', $trigger['description'], _('trigger prototype cannot be moved to another template or host') )); } } } unset($trigger); if ($mt_triggers) { $this->validateTriggersWithMultipleTemplates($mt_triggers); } if ($class === 'CTrigger' && $moved_triggers) { $this->validateMovedTriggers($moved_triggers); } $functionid = DB::reserveIds('functions', $functions_num); $expression_max_length = DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'expression'); $recovery_expression_max_length = DB::getFieldLength('triggers', 'recovery_expression'); // Replace func(/host/item) macros with {<functionid>}. foreach ($triggers as $tnum => &$trigger) { $expressions_changed = ($db_triggers === null || ($trigger['expression'] !== $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['expression'] || $trigger['recovery_expression'] !== $db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['recovery_expression'])); if (!$expressions_changed) { continue; } foreach ($triggers_functions[$tnum] as &$trigger_function) { $trigger_function['functionid'] = $functionid; $functionid = bcadd($functionid, 1, 0); } unset($trigger_function); $expression_parser->parse($trigger['expression']); $hist_functions = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); $hist_function = end($hist_functions); do { $trigger['expression'] = substr_replace($trigger['expression'], '{'.$triggers_functions[$tnum][$hist_function['match']]['functionid'].'}', $hist_function['pos'], $hist_function['length'] ); } while ($hist_function = prev($hist_functions)); if (mb_strlen($trigger['expression']) > $expression_max_length) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s( 'Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($tnum + 1).'/expression', _('value is too long') )); } if ($trigger['recovery_mode'] == ZBX_RECOVERY_MODE_RECOVERY_EXPRESSION) { $expression_parser->parse($trigger['recovery_expression']); $hist_functions = $expression_parser->getResult()->getTokensOfTypes( [CExpressionParserResult::TOKEN_TYPE_HIST_FUNCTION] ); $hist_function = end($hist_functions); do { $trigger['recovery_expression'] = substr_replace($trigger['recovery_expression'], '{'.$triggers_functions[$tnum][$hist_function['match']]['functionid'].'}', $hist_function['pos'], $hist_function['length'] ); } while ($hist_function = prev($hist_functions)); if (mb_strlen($trigger['recovery_expression']) > $recovery_expression_max_length) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', '/'.($tnum + 1).'/recovery_expression', _('value is too long') )); } } } unset($trigger); } /** * Check if all templates trigger belongs to are linked to same hosts. * * @param array $mt_triggers * @param string $mt_triggers[]['description'] * @param array $mt_triggers[]['templateids'] * * @throws APIException */ protected function validateTriggersWithMultipleTemplates(array $mt_triggers) { switch (get_class($this)) { case 'CTrigger': $error_different_linkages = _('Trigger "%1$s" belongs to templates with different linkages.'); break; case 'CTriggerPrototype': $error_different_linkages = _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" belongs to templates with different linkages.'); break; default: self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Internal error.')); } $templateids = []; foreach ($mt_triggers as $mt_trigger) { foreach ($mt_trigger['templateids'] as $templateid) { $templateids[$templateid] = true; } } $templates = API::Template()->get([ 'output' => [], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid'], 'selectTemplates' => ['templateid'], 'templateids' => array_keys($templateids), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($templates as &$template) { $template = array_merge( zbx_objectValues($template['hosts'], 'hostid'), zbx_objectValues($template['templates'], 'templateid') ); } unset($template); foreach ($mt_triggers as $mt_trigger) { $compare_links = null; foreach ($mt_trigger['templateids'] as $templateid) { if ($compare_links === null) { $compare_links = $templates[$templateid]; continue; } $linked_to = $templates[$templateid]; if (array_diff($compare_links, $linked_to) || array_diff($linked_to, $compare_links)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _params($error_different_linkages, [$mt_trigger['description']]) ); } } } } /** * Check if moved triggers does not have children. * * @param array $moved_triggers * @param string $moved_triggers[<triggerid>]['description'] * * @throws APIException */ protected function validateMovedTriggers(array $moved_triggers) { $_db_triggers = DBselect( 'SELECT t.templateid'. ' FROM triggers t'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('t.templateid', array_keys($moved_triggers)), 1 ); if ($_db_trigger = DBfetch($_db_triggers)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Cannot update trigger "%1$s": %2$s.', $moved_triggers[$_db_trigger['templateid']]['description'], _('trigger with linkages cannot be moved to another template or host') )); } } /** * Adds triggers and trigger prototypes from template to hosts. * * @param array $data */ public function syncTemplates(array $data) { $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']); $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']); $output = ['triggerid', 'description', 'expression', 'recovery_mode', 'recovery_expression', 'url_name', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type', 'correlation_mode', 'correlation_tag', 'manual_close', 'opdata', 'event_name' ]; if ($this instanceof CTriggerPrototype) { $output[] = 'discover'; } $triggers = $this->get([ 'output' => $output, 'selectTags' => ['tag', 'value'], 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true ]); $triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers, ['sources' => ['expression', 'recovery_expression']] ); $this->inherit($triggers, $data['hostids']); } /** * Check whether circular linkage occurs as a result of the given changes in trigger dependencies. * * @param array $ins_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param array $del_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param bool $inherited Whether the check gets performed during inherit. * * @throws APIException */ protected static function checkCircularDependencies(array $ins_dependencies, array $del_dependencies = [], bool $inherited = false): void { $links = []; $_triggerids_down = $ins_dependencies; do { $options = [ 'output' => ['triggerid_up', 'triggerid_down'], 'filter' => [ 'triggerid_down' => array_keys($_triggerids_down) ] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('trigger_depends', $options)); $_triggerids_down = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { if (array_key_exists($row['triggerid_up'], $del_dependencies) && array_key_exists($row['triggerid_down'], $del_dependencies[$row['triggerid_up']])) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists($row['triggerid_up'], $links)) { $_triggerids_down[$row['triggerid_up']] = true; } $links[$row['triggerid_up']][$row['triggerid_down']] = true; } } while ($_triggerids_down); foreach ($ins_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { if (array_key_exists($triggerid_up, $links)) { $links[$triggerid_up] += $triggerids; } else { $links[$triggerid_up] = $triggerids; } } foreach ($ins_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { if (array_key_exists($triggerid, $links)) { $links_path = [$triggerid => true]; if (self::circularLinkageExists($links, $triggerid_up, $links[$triggerid], $links_path)) { $trigger_up_name = ''; $triggers = DB::select('triggers', [ 'output' => ['description', 'flags'], 'triggerids' => array_keys($links_path + [$triggerid_up => true]), 'preservekeys' => true ]); foreach ($triggers as $_triggerid => $trigger) { $description = '"'.$trigger['description'].'"'; if (bccomp($_triggerid, $triggerid_up) == 0) { $trigger_up_name = $description; } else { $links_path[$_triggerid] = $description; } } $circular_linkage = (bccomp($triggerid_up, $triggerid) == 0) ? $trigger_up_name.' -> '.$trigger_up_name : $trigger_up_name.' -> '.implode(' -> ', $links_path).' -> '.$trigger_up_name; if ($inherited) { $host = DBfetch(DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT h.host,h.status'. ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('f.triggerid', [$triggerid_up]) )); if ($host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $error = ($triggers[$triggerid]['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because a circular linkage (%3$s) would occur for template "%4$s".') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger prototype "%2$s", because a circular linkage (%3$s) would occur for template "%4$s".'); } else { $error = ($triggers[$triggerid]['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because a circular linkage (%3$s) would occur for host "%4$s".') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger prototype "%2$s", because a circular linkage (%3$s) would occur for host "%4$s".'); } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $triggers[$triggerid]['description'], $triggers[$triggerid_up]['description'], $circular_linkage, $host['host'] )); } else { $error = ($triggers[$triggerid]['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because a circular linkage (%3$s) would occur.') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger prototype "%2$s", because a circular linkage (%3$s) would occur.'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $triggers[$triggerid]['description'], $triggers[$triggerid_up]['description'], $circular_linkage )); } } } } } } /** * Recursively check whether the trigger, which a dependency is being set on, produces a circular linkage. * * @param array $links[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param string $triggerid_up * @param array $triggerids[<triggerid>] * @param array $links_path Circular linkage path, collected performing the check. * * @return bool */ private static function circularLinkageExists(array $links, string $triggerid_up, array $triggerids, array &$links_path): bool { if (array_key_exists($triggerid_up, $triggerids)) { return true; } $_links_path = $links_path; foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { if (array_key_exists($triggerid, $links)) { $links_path = $_links_path; $triggerid_links = array_diff_key($links[$triggerid], $links_path); if ($triggerid_links) { $links_path[$triggerid] = true; if (self::circularLinkageExists($links, $triggerid_up, $triggerid_links, $links_path)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Get hosts data of all triggers given in trigger dependencies array. * * @param array $trigger_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * * @return array */ public static function getTriggerHosts(array $trigger_dependencies): array { $all_triggerids = $trigger_dependencies; foreach ($trigger_dependencies as $triggerids) { $all_triggerids += $triggerids; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT f.triggerid,h.hostid,h.status'. ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('f.triggerid', array_keys($all_triggerids)) ); $trigger_hosts = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { // Each trigger can have either only templateids or only hostids. if ($row['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $trigger_hosts[$row['triggerid']]['templateids'][$row['hostid']] = true; } else { $trigger_hosts[$row['triggerid']]['hostids'][$row['hostid']] = true; } } return $trigger_hosts; } /** * Check whether the trigger dependencies are correctly set for host triggers. * * @param array $trigger_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param array $trigger_hosts * * @throws APIException */ public static function checkDependenciesOfHostTriggers(array $trigger_dependencies, array $trigger_hosts): void { foreach ($trigger_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { if (array_key_exists('templateids', $trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up])) { foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { if (array_key_exists('hostids', $trigger_hosts[$triggerid])) { $triggers = DB::select('triggers', [ 'output' => ['description', 'flags'], 'triggerids' => [$triggerid, $triggerid_up], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $error = ($triggers[$triggerid]['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because dependencies of host triggers on template triggers are not allowed.') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because dependencies of host triggers on template triggers are not allowed.'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $triggers[$triggerid]['description'], $triggers[$triggerid_up]['description'] )); } } } } } /** * Check whether the trigger dependencies are correctly set for template triggers. * * @param array $trigger_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param array $trigger_hosts * * @throws APIException */ public static function checkDependenciesOfTemplateTriggers(array $trigger_dependencies, array $trigger_hosts): void { /* * From the given trigger dependencies we should keep only the dependencies of the template triggers. There is * also no need to check the dependencies on triggers from the same template, because that is considered a * valid case. Thus, among the triggers that the template triggers depends on, we should only keep triggers from * other templates and hosts. */ foreach ($trigger_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { $templateids_up = array_key_exists('templateids', $trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up]) ? $trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up]['templateids'] : []; foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { /* * If trigger-up and dependent trigger have at least one common template, even if they also have * other templates, it is important to understand that at the moment of the trigger dependency * validation all of those different templates are already linked to all child templates, * so there is no need to check them again. */ if (!array_key_exists('templateids', $trigger_hosts[$triggerid]) || array_intersect_key($templateids_up, $trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids'])) { unset($trigger_dependencies[$triggerid_up][$triggerid]); } } if (!$trigger_dependencies[$triggerid_up]) { unset($trigger_dependencies[$triggerid_up]); } } if (!$trigger_dependencies) { return; } self::checkTriggersUpNotFromParentTemplates($trigger_dependencies, $trigger_hosts); self::checkTriggersUpNotFromChildTemplatesOrHosts($trigger_dependencies, $trigger_hosts); self::checkTriggersUpTemplatesAreLinkedToChildTemplates($trigger_dependencies, $trigger_hosts); } /** * Check that the triggers-up of the given trigger dependencies do not come from parent templates of dependent * triggers. * * @param array $trigger_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param array $trigger_hosts * * @throws APIException */ private static function checkTriggersUpNotFromParentTemplates(array $trigger_dependencies, array $trigger_hosts): void { $templateids = []; $template_triggers_up = []; $dependency_templates = []; foreach ($trigger_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { if (!array_key_exists('templateids', $trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up])) { continue; } $templateids_up = []; foreach ($trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up]['templateids'] as $templateid => $foo) { $template_triggers_up[$templateid][] = $triggerid_up; $templateids_up[$templateid] = true; } foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { foreach ($trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids'] as $templateid => $foo) { if (!array_key_exists($templateid, $dependency_templates)) { $dependency_templates[$templateid] = []; } $dependency_templates[$templateid] += $templateids_up; } $templateids += $trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids']; } } $_templateids = $templateids; $template_links = []; do { $options = [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'templateid'], 'filter' => ['hostid' => array_keys($_templateids)] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('hosts_templates', $options)); $_templateids = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $template_links[$row['hostid']][$row['templateid']] = true; if (!array_key_exists($row['templateid'], $template_links)) { $_templateids[$row['templateid']] = true; } } } while ($_templateids); if (!$template_links) { return; } // Check if the trigger-up is a trigger from the parent template of the dependent trigger. foreach ($dependency_templates as $templateid => $templateids_up) { if (array_key_exists($templateid, $template_links)) { foreach ($templateids_up as $templateid_up => $foo) { if (self::checkTemplateUpExistsInTemplateLinks($template_links, $templateid, $templateid_up)) { foreach ($template_triggers_up[$templateid_up] as $triggerid_up) { foreach ($trigger_dependencies[$triggerid_up] as $triggerid => $foo) { if (array_key_exists($templateid, $trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids'])) { break 2; } } } $triggers = DB::select('triggers', [ 'output' => ['description', 'flags'], 'triggerids' => [$triggerid, $triggerid_up], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $templates = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['host'], 'hostids' => $templateid_up ]); $error = ($triggers[$triggerid]['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s" from the template "%3$s", because dependencies on triggers from the parent template are not allowed.') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s" from the template "%3$s", because dependencies on triggers from the parent template are not allowed.'); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $triggers[$triggerid]['description'], $triggers[$triggerid_up]['description'], $templates[0]['host'] )); } } } } } /** * Check that the triggers-up of the given trigger dependencies are not from the child templates or hosts of the * dependent triggers. * * @param array $trigger_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param array $trigger_hosts * * @throws APIException */ private static function checkTriggersUpNotFromChildTemplatesOrHosts(array $trigger_dependencies, array $trigger_hosts): void { $templateids = []; $template_triggers_up = []; $dependency_templates = []; foreach ($trigger_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { $templateids_up = []; if (array_key_exists('templateids', $trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up])) { foreach ($trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up]['templateids'] as $templateid => $foo) { $template_triggers_up[$templateid][] = $triggerid_up; $templateids_up[$templateid] = true; } } else { foreach ($trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up]['hostids'] as $hostid => $foo) { $template_triggers_up[$hostid][] = $triggerid_up; $templateids_up[$hostid] = true; } } foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { foreach ($trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids'] as $templateid => $foo) { if (!array_key_exists($templateid, $dependency_templates)) { $dependency_templates[$templateid] = []; } $dependency_templates[$templateid] += $templateids_up; } $templateids += $trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids']; } } $template_links = []; do { $options = [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'templateid'], 'filter' => ['templateid' => array_keys($templateids)] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('hosts_templates', $options)); $templateids = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $template_links[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] = true; if (!array_key_exists($row['hostid'], $template_links)) { $templateids[$row['hostid']] = true; } } } while ($templateids); if (!$template_links) { return; } // Check if each trigger-up is a trigger from the child template or host of the dependent trigger. foreach ($dependency_templates as $templateid => $templateids_up) { if (array_key_exists($templateid, $template_links)) { foreach ($templateids_up as $templateid_up => $foo) { if (self::checkTemplateUpExistsInTemplateLinks($template_links, $templateid, $templateid_up)) { foreach ($template_triggers_up[$templateid_up] as $triggerid_up) { foreach ($trigger_dependencies[$triggerid_up] as $triggerid => $foo) { if (array_key_exists($templateid, $trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids'])) { break 2; } } } $triggers = DB::select('triggers', [ 'output' => ['description', 'flags'], 'triggerids' => [$triggerid, $triggerid_up], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $templates = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['host', 'status'], 'hostids' => $templateid_up ]); if ($triggers[$triggerid]['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) { $error = ($templates[0]['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s" from the template "%3$s", because dependencies on triggers from a child template or host are not allowed.') : _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s" from the host "%3$s", because dependencies on triggers from a child template or host are not allowed.'); } else { $error = ($templates[0]['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) ? _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s" from the template "%3$s", because dependencies on triggers from a child template or host are not allowed.') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s" from the host "%3$s", because dependencies on triggers from a child template or host are not allowed.'); } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $triggers[$triggerid]['description'], $triggers[$triggerid_up]['description'], $templates[0]['host'] )); } } } } } /** * Recursively check if the given template-up exists in the chain of the given template links. * * @param array $template_links[<templateid>][<templateid_up>] * @param string $templateid * @param string $templateid_up * * @return bool */ private static function checkTemplateUpExistsInTemplateLinks(array $template_links, string $templateid, string $templateid_up): bool { if (array_key_exists($templateid_up, $template_links[$templateid])) { return true; } foreach ($template_links[$templateid] as $_templateid => $foo) { if (array_key_exists($_templateid, $template_links) && self::checkTemplateUpExistsInTemplateLinks($template_links, $_templateid, $templateid_up)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the triggers-up templates of the given trigger dependencies are linked to child templates of the * dependent triggers. * * @param array $trigger_dependencies[<triggerid_up>][<triggerid>] * @param array $trigger_hosts * * @throws APIException */ private static function checkTriggersUpTemplatesAreLinkedToChildTemplates(array $trigger_dependencies, array $trigger_hosts): void { $templateids_up = []; $templateids = []; foreach ($trigger_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { if (!array_key_exists('templateids', $trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up])) { unset($trigger_dependencies[$triggerid_up]); continue; } $templateids_up += $trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up]['templateids']; foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { $templateids += $trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids']; } } $options = [ 'output' => ['templateid', 'hostid'], 'filter' => [ 'templateid' => array_keys($templateids) ] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('hosts_templates', $options)); $template_links = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $template_links[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] = []; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT ht.templateid,ht.hostid,htt.templateid AS host_templateid'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht,hosts_templates htt'. ' WHERE ht.hostid=htt.hostid'. ' AND ht.templateid!=htt.templateid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('ht.templateid', array_keys($templateids)). ' AND '.dbConditionId('htt.templateid', array_keys($templateids_up)) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $template_links[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']][$row['host_templateid']] = true; } foreach ($trigger_dependencies as $triggerid_up => $triggerids) { /* * If trigger belongs to more than one template, then it is not possible to link only part of them to * another host or template. That means each template ID of that trigger would have the same hosts * in template links. And vice versa, if at least one of the trigger templates was not found in template * links, then the trigger is not inherited further. */ $templateid_up = key($trigger_hosts[$triggerid_up]['templateids']); foreach ($triggerids as $triggerid => $foo) { $templateid = key($trigger_hosts[$triggerid]['templateids']); if (!array_key_exists($templateid, $template_links)) { continue; } foreach ($template_links[$templateid] as $hostid => $host_templateids) { if (!array_key_exists($templateid_up, $host_templateids)) { $triggers = DB::select('triggers', [ 'output' => ['description', 'flags'], 'triggerids' => [$triggerid, $triggerid_up], 'preservekeys' => true ]); $hosts = DB::select('hosts', [ 'output' => ['host', 'status'], 'hostids' => [$templateid_up, $hostid], 'preservekeys' => true ]); if ($triggers[$triggerid]['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) { $error = ($hosts[$hostid]['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) ? _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because the template "%3$s" is not linked to the template "%4$s".') : _('Trigger "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because the template "%3$s" is not linked to the host "%4$s".'); } else { $error = ($hosts[$hostid]['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) ? _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because the template "%3$s" is not linked to the template "%4$s".') : _('Trigger prototype "%1$s" cannot depend on the trigger "%2$s", because the template "%3$s" is not linked to the host "%4$s".'); } self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, sprintf($error, $triggers[$triggerid]['description'], $triggers[$triggerid_up]['description'], $hosts[$templateid_up]['host'], $hosts[$hostid]['host'] )); } } } } } /** * Update the trigger dependencies. * * @param array $triggers * @param array|null $db_triggers */ public static function updateDependencies(array &$triggers, ?array $db_triggers = null): void { $ins_trigger_deps = []; $del_triggerdepids = []; $edit_dependencies = []; foreach ($triggers as &$trigger) { if (!array_key_exists('dependencies', $trigger)) { continue; } $db_triggers_up = ($db_triggers !== null) ? array_column($db_triggers[$trigger['triggerid']]['dependencies'], null, 'triggerid') : []; foreach ($trigger['dependencies'] as &$trigger_up) { if (array_key_exists($trigger_up['triggerid'], $db_triggers_up)) { $trigger_up['triggerdepid'] = $db_triggers_up[$trigger_up['triggerid']]['triggerdepid']; unset($db_triggers_up[$trigger_up['triggerid']]); } else { $ins_trigger_deps[] = [ 'triggerid_down' => $trigger['triggerid'], 'triggerid_up' => $trigger_up['triggerid'] ]; $edit_dependencies[$trigger['triggerid']][$trigger_up['triggerid']] = true; } } unset($trigger_up); foreach ($db_triggers_up as $db_trigger_up) { $del_triggerdepids[] = $db_trigger_up['triggerdepid']; $edit_dependencies[$trigger['triggerid']][$db_trigger_up['triggerid']] = false; } } unset($trigger); if ($del_triggerdepids) { DB::delete('trigger_depends', ['triggerdepid' => $del_triggerdepids]); } if ($ins_trigger_deps) { $triggerdepids = DB::insertBatch('trigger_depends', $ins_trigger_deps); } foreach ($triggers as &$trigger) { if (!array_key_exists('dependencies', $trigger)) { continue; } foreach ($trigger['dependencies'] as &$trigger_up) { if (!array_key_exists('triggerdepid', $trigger_up)) { $trigger_up['triggerdepid'] = array_shift($triggerdepids); } } unset($trigger_up); } unset($trigger); if ($edit_dependencies) { $edit_dependencies = self::getTemplatedDependencies($edit_dependencies); if ($edit_dependencies) { self::inheritDependencies($edit_dependencies); } } } /** * Filter for dependencies whose dependent triggers belong to templates that are further linked * to some templates or hosts. * * @param array $edit_dependencies[<triggerid>][<triggerid_up>] * * @return array */ protected static function getTemplatedDependencies(array $edit_dependencies): array { $triggerids = DBfetchColumn(DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT f.triggerid'. ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('f.triggerid', array_keys($edit_dependencies)). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('h.status', [HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE]). ' AND EXISTS('. 'SELECT NULL'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht,hosts h2'. ' WHERE i.hostid=ht.templateid'. ' AND ht.hostid=h2.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('h2.flags', [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED]). ')' ), 'triggerid'); return array_intersect_key($edit_dependencies, array_flip($triggerids)); } /** * Inherit the given trigger dependencies. * * @param array $edit_dependencies[<triggerid>][<triggerid_up>] * @param array $hostids */ protected static function inheritDependencies(array $edit_dependencies, ?array $hostids = null): void { $all_triggerids = $edit_dependencies; $all_triggerids_up = []; foreach ($edit_dependencies as $triggerids_up) { $all_triggerids += $triggerids_up; $all_triggerids_up += $triggerids_up; } $hostids_condition = ($hostids !== null) ? ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.hostid', $hostids) : ''; $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT t.templateid,t.triggerid,t.flags,i.hostid'. ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('t.templateid', array_keys($all_triggerids)). $hostids_condition ); $trigger_flags = []; $trigger_links = []; $tpl_triggerids_up = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $trigger_links[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] = $row['triggerid']; $trigger_flags[$row['triggerid']] = $row['flags']; if (array_key_exists($row['templateid'], $all_triggerids_up)) { $tpl_triggerids_up[$row['templateid']] = true; } } $del_triggerdepids = []; $_edit_dependencies = []; if ($tpl_triggerids_up) { if ($hostids === null) { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,td.triggerid_up,td.triggerdepid,i.hostid'. ' FROM triggers t,trigger_depends td,triggers tt,functions f,items i'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=td.triggerid_down'. ' AND td.triggerid_up=tt.triggerid'. ' AND tt.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('t.templateid', array_keys($edit_dependencies)). ' AND '.dbConditionId('tt.templateid', array_keys($tpl_triggerids_up)) ); } else { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,td.triggerid_up,td.triggerdepid,ii.hostid'. ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i,trigger_depends td,triggers tt,functions ff,items ii'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND t.triggerid=td.triggerid_down'. ' AND td.triggerid_up=tt.triggerid'. ' AND tt.triggerid=ff.triggerid'. ' AND ff.itemid=ii.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('t.templateid', array_keys($edit_dependencies)). ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.hostid', $hostids). ' AND '.dbConditionId('tt.templateid', array_keys($tpl_triggerids_up)) ); } $tpl_child_dependencies = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $tpl_child_dependencies[$row['triggerid']][$row['triggerid_up']][$row['hostid']] = $row['triggerdepid']; } foreach ($edit_dependencies as $triggerid => $triggerids_up) { $triggerids_up = array_intersect_key($triggerids_up, $tpl_triggerids_up); if (!$triggerids_up) { continue; } foreach ($trigger_links[$triggerid] as $hostid => $child_triggerid) { $upd_child_triggerids_up = []; if (array_key_exists($child_triggerid, $tpl_child_dependencies)) { foreach ($tpl_child_dependencies[$child_triggerid] as $child_triggerid_up => $hostids_up) { $hostid_up = key($hostids_up); $triggerdepid = reset($hostids_up); if (in_array($child_triggerid_up, $upd_child_triggerids_up) || in_array($triggerdepid, $del_triggerdepids)) { continue; } foreach ($triggerids_up as $triggerid_up => $add) { if (array_key_exists($hostid_up, $trigger_links[$triggerid_up]) && bccomp($child_triggerid_up, $trigger_links[$triggerid_up][$hostid_up]) == 0) { if ($add) { $upd_child_triggerids_up[] = $child_triggerid_up; } else { $del_triggerdepids[] = $hostids_up[$hostid_up]; $_edit_dependencies[$child_triggerid][$child_triggerid_up] = false; } } } } } foreach ($triggerids_up as $triggerid_up => $add) { if ($add) { $child_triggerid_up = $trigger_links[$triggerid_up][$hostid]; if (!in_array($child_triggerid_up, $upd_child_triggerids_up)) { $_edit_dependencies[$child_triggerid][$child_triggerid_up] = true; } } } } } } $host_triggerids_up = array_diff_key($all_triggerids_up, $tpl_triggerids_up); if ($host_triggerids_up) { if ($hostids === null) { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,td.triggerid_up,td.triggerdepid'. ' FROM triggers t,trigger_depends td'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=td.triggerid_down'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('t.templateid', array_keys($edit_dependencies)). ' AND '.dbConditionId('td.triggerid_up', array_keys($host_triggerids_up)) ); } else { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,td.triggerid_up,td.triggerdepid'. ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i,trigger_depends td'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid'. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND t.triggerid=td.triggerid_down'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('t.templateid', array_keys($edit_dependencies)). ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.hostid', $hostids). ' AND '.dbConditionId('td.triggerid_up', array_keys($host_triggerids_up)) ); } $host_child_dependencies = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $host_child_dependencies[$row['triggerid']][$row['triggerid_up']] = $row['triggerdepid']; } foreach ($edit_dependencies as $triggerid => $triggerids_up) { $triggerids_up = array_intersect_key($triggerids_up, $host_triggerids_up); if (!$triggerids_up) { continue; } foreach ($trigger_links[$triggerid] as $hostid => $child_triggerid) { $upd_child_triggerids_up = []; if (array_key_exists($child_triggerid, $host_child_dependencies)) { foreach ($host_child_dependencies[$child_triggerid] as $child_triggerid_up => $triggerdepid) { if (array_key_exists($child_triggerid_up, $triggerids_up)) { $add = $triggerids_up[$child_triggerid_up]; if ($add) { $upd_child_triggerids_up[] = $child_triggerid_up; } else { $del_triggerdepids[] = $triggerdepid; $_edit_dependencies[$child_triggerid][$child_triggerid_up] = false; } } } } foreach ($triggerids_up as $triggerid_up => $add) { if ($add && !in_array($triggerid_up, $upd_child_triggerids_up)) { $_edit_dependencies[$child_triggerid][$triggerid_up] = true; } } } } } $ins_dependencies = []; $del_dependencies = []; $ins_trigger_deps = []; foreach ($_edit_dependencies as $triggerid => $triggerids_up) { foreach ($triggerids_up as $triggerid_up => $add) { if ($add) { if ($trigger_flags[$triggerid] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { if (array_key_exists($triggerid_up, $trigger_flags) && $trigger_flags[$triggerid_up] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE) { $ins_dependencies[$triggerid_up][$triggerid] = true; } } else { $ins_dependencies[$triggerid_up][$triggerid] = true; } $ins_trigger_deps[] = [ 'triggerid_down' => $triggerid, 'triggerid_up' => $triggerid_up ]; } else { $del_dependencies[$triggerid_up][$triggerid] = true; } } } if ($ins_dependencies) { self::checkCircularDependencies($ins_dependencies, $del_dependencies, true); } if ($del_triggerdepids) { DB::delete('trigger_depends', ['triggerdepid' => $del_triggerdepids]); } if ($ins_trigger_deps) { DB::insertBatch('trigger_depends', $ins_trigger_deps); } if ($_edit_dependencies) { $_edit_dependencies = self::getTemplatedDependencies($_edit_dependencies); if ($_edit_dependencies) { self::inheritDependencies($_edit_dependencies); } } } /** * Inherit the trigger dependencies of the given templates to the given hosts. * * @param array $templateids * @param array $hostids */ public static function syncTemplateDependencies(array $templateids, array $hostids): void { $result = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT f.triggerid,td.triggerid_up'. ' FROM items i,functions f,trigger_depends td'. ' WHERE i.itemid=f.itemid'. ' AND f.triggerid=td.triggerid_down'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.hostid', $templateids) ); $edit_dependencies = []; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $edit_dependencies[$row['triggerid']][$row['triggerid_up']] = true; } if ($edit_dependencies) { $edit_dependencies = self::getTemplatedDependencies($edit_dependencies); if ($edit_dependencies) { self::inheritDependencies($edit_dependencies, $hostids); } } } }