<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /** * Creates global database connection. * * @param string $error returns a message in case of an error * @param bool $debug turns On or Off trace calls when making connections. Suggested debug mode Off during Zabbix setup * * @return bool */ function DBconnect(&$error) { global $DB; if (isset($DB['DB'])) { $error = _('Cannot create another database connection.'); return false; } $DB['DB'] = null; // global db handler $DB['TRANSACTIONS'] = 0; // level of a nested transaction $DB['TRANSACTION_NO_FAILED_SQLS'] = true; // true - if no statements failed in transaction, false - there are failed statements $DB['SELECT_COUNT'] = 0; // stats $DB['EXECUTE_COUNT'] = 0; if (!isset($DB['TYPE'])) { $error = 'Unknown database type.'; return false; } $db_types = [ ZBX_DB_MYSQL => MysqlDbBackend::class, ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL => PostgresqlDbBackend::class, ZBX_DB_ORACLE => OracleDbBackend::class ]; if (!array_key_exists($DB['TYPE'], $db_types)) { $error = 'Unsupported database'; return false; } $db = new $db_types[$DB['TYPE']]; if ($DB['ENCRYPTION']) { $db->setConnectionSecurity($DB['KEY_FILE'], $DB['CERT_FILE'], $DB['CA_FILE'], $DB['VERIFY_HOST'], $DB['CIPHER_LIST'] ); } $DB['DB'] = $db->connect($DB['SERVER'], $DB['PORT'], $DB['USER'], $DB['PASSWORD'], $DB['DATABASE'], $DB['SCHEMA']); if ($DB['DB']) { $db->init(); } if ($db->getError() || ($DB['ENCRYPTION'] && !$db->isConnectionSecure()) || !$db->checkDbVersion() || !$db->checkConfig()) { $error = $db->getError(); return false; } return true; } function DBclose() { global $DB; $result = false; if (isset($DB['DB']) && !empty($DB['DB'])) { switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: $result = mysqli_close($DB['DB']); break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: $result = pg_close($DB['DB']); break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: $result = oci_close($DB['DB']); break; } } unset($DB['DB']); return $result; } function DBstart() { global $DB; $result = false; if ($DB['TRANSACTIONS'] != 0) { info('POSSIBLE ERROR: Used incorrect logic in database processing, started subtransaction!'); return $result; } $DB['TRANSACTIONS']++; $DB['TRANSACTION_NO_FAILED_SQLS'] = true; if (!isset($DB['DB']) || empty($DB['DB'])) { return $result; } switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: $result = DBexecute('BEGIN'); break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: $result = DBexecute('BEGIN'); break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: $result = true; break; } return $result; } /** * Closes transaction. * * @param string $doCommit True - do commit, rollback otherwise. Rollback is also always performed if a sql failed within this transaction. * * @return bool True - successful commit, False - otherwise */ function DBend($doCommit = true) { global $DB; $result = false; if (!isset($DB['DB']) || empty($DB['DB'])) { return $result; } if ($DB['TRANSACTIONS'] == 0) { info('POSSIBLE ERROR: Used incorrect logic in database processing, transaction not started!'); return $result; } $DBresult = $doCommit && $DB['TRANSACTION_NO_FAILED_SQLS']; if ($DBresult) { $DBresult = DBcommit(); } else { DBrollback(); } $DB['TRANSACTIONS'] = 0; return (!is_null($doCommit) && $DBresult) ? $doCommit : $DBresult; } function DBcommit() { global $DB; $result = false; switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: $result = DBexecute('COMMIT'); break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: $result = DBexecute('COMMIT'); break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: $result = oci_commit($DB['DB']); break; } return $result; } function DBrollback() { global $DB; $result = false; switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: $result = DBexecute('ROLLBACK'); break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: $result = DBexecute('ROLLBACK'); break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: $result = oci_rollback($DB['DB']); break; } return $result; } /** * Select data from DB. Use function DBexecute for non-selects. * * Example: * DBselect('select * from users') * DBselect('select * from users',50,200) * * @param string $query * @param int $limit max number of record to return * @param int $offset return starting from $offset record * * @return resource|false */ function DBselect($query, $limit = null, $offset = 0) { global $DB; if (!array_key_exists('DB', $DB) || $DB['DB'] === null) { return false; } $query = DBaddLimit($query, $limit, $offset); if ($query === false) { return false; } $time_start = microtime(true); $DB['SELECT_COUNT']++; $result = false; switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: try { $result = mysqli_query($DB['DB'], $query); } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) { trigger_error('Error in query ['.$query.'] ['.$e->getMessage().']', E_USER_WARNING); } break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: if (!$result = pg_query($DB['DB'], $query)) { trigger_error('Error in query ['.$query.'] ['.pg_last_error($DB['DB']).']', E_USER_WARNING); } break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: $result = oci_parse($DB['DB'], $query); if ($result === false) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error('SQL error ['.$e['message'].'] in ['.$e['sqltext'].']', E_USER_WARNING); break; } if (!@oci_execute($result, ($DB['TRANSACTIONS'] ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS))) { $e = oci_error($result); trigger_error('SQL error ['.$e['message'].'] in ['.$e['sqltext'].']', E_USER_WARNING); } break; } if (!$result) { $DB['TRANSACTION_NO_FAILED_SQLS'] = false; } if (CApiService::$userData !== null && array_key_exists('debug_mode', CApiService::$userData) && CApiService::$userData['debug_mode'] == GROUP_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) { CProfiler::getInstance()->profileSql(microtime(true) - $time_start, $query); } return $result; } /** * Add the LIMIT clause to the given query. * * NOTE: * LIMIT and OFFSET records * * Example: select 6-15 row. * * MySQL: * SELECT a FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10 * SELECT a FROM tbl LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5 * * PostgreSQL: * SELECT a FROM tbl LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5 * * Oracle: * SELECT a FROM tbl WHERE rownum < 15 // ONLY < 15 * SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM tbl) WHERE rownum BETWEEN 6 AND 15 * * @param $query * @param int $limit max number of record to return * @param int $offset return starting from $offset record * * @return bool|string */ function DBaddLimit($query, $limit = 0, $offset = 0) { global $DB; if ((isset($limit) && ($limit < 0 || !zbx_ctype_digit($limit))) || $offset < 0 || !zbx_ctype_digit($offset)) { $moreDetails = isset($limit) ? ' Limit ['.$limit.'] Offset ['.$offset.']' : ' Offset ['.$offset.']'; error('Incorrect parameters for limit and/or offset. Query ['.$query.']'.$moreDetails, true); return false; } // Process limit and offset if (isset($limit)) { switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: $query .= ' LIMIT '.intval($limit); $query .= $offset != 0 ? ' OFFSET '.intval($offset) : ''; break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: $till = $offset + $limit; $query = 'SELECT * FROM ('.$query.') WHERE rownum BETWEEN '.intval($offset).' AND '.intval($till); break; } } return $query; } /** * @param $query * * @return bool */ function DBexecute($query): bool { global $DB; if (!array_key_exists('DB', $DB) || $DB['DB'] === null) { return false; } $time_start = microtime(true); $DB['EXECUTE_COUNT']++; $result = false; switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: try { $result = mysqli_query($DB['DB'], $query); } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) { trigger_error('Error in query ['.$query.'] ['.$e->getMessage().']', E_USER_WARNING); } break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: if (!$result = (bool) pg_query($DB['DB'], $query)) { error('Error in query ['.$query.'] ['.pg_last_error($DB['DB']).']', true); } break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: $handle = oci_parse($DB['DB'], $query); $result = $handle && @oci_execute($handle, $DB['TRANSACTIONS'] ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS); if (!$result) { $error = $handle ? oci_error($handle) : oci_error(); error('SQL error ['.$error['message'].'] in ['.$error['sqltext'].']', true); } break; } if (!$result) { $DB['TRANSACTION_NO_FAILED_SQLS'] = false; } if (CApiService::$userData !== null && array_key_exists('debug_mode', CApiService::$userData) && CApiService::$userData['debug_mode'] == GROUP_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) { CProfiler::getInstance()->profileSql(microtime(true) - $time_start, $query); } return (bool) $result; } /** * Return the next data set from a DB resource or false if there are no more results. * * @param mixed $cursor A DB-specific resource returned by DBselect or DBexecute. * @param bool $convertNulls Convert all null values to string zeros. * * @return array|bool */ function DBfetch($cursor, $convertNulls = true) { global $DB; if (!array_key_exists('DB', $DB) || $DB['DB'] === null || $cursor === false) { return false; } $result = false; switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor); if (!$result) { mysqli_free_result($cursor); } break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: if ($result = pg_fetch_assoc($cursor)) { $i = 0; foreach ($result as &$value) { if (pg_field_type($cursor, $i++) === 'bytea') { $value = pg_unescape_bytea($value); } } unset($value); } else { pg_free_result($cursor); } break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: if ($row = oci_fetch_assoc($cursor)) { $result = []; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $field_type = strtolower(oci_field_type($cursor, $key)); // Since Oracle reports nulls for empty strings, convert those back to empty strings. $value = (str_in_array($field_type, ['varchar', 'varchar2', 'blob', 'clob']) && is_null($value)) ? '' : $value; if (is_object($value) && (strpos($field_type, 'lob') !== false)) { $value = $value->load(); } $result[strtolower($key)] = $value; } } break; } if ($result) { if ($convertNulls) { foreach ($result as $key => $val) { if (is_null($val)) { $result[$key] = '0'; } } } return $result; } return false; } function zbx_sql_mod($x, $y) { return 'MOD('.$x.','.$y.')'; } function get_dbid($table, $field) { // PGSQL on transaction failure on all queries returns false.. global $DB; if ($DB['TYPE'] == ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL && $DB['TRANSACTIONS'] && !$DB['TRANSACTION_NO_FAILED_SQLS']) { return 0; } $found = false; $min = 0; $max = ZBX_DB_MAX_ID; do { $dbSelect = DBselect('SELECT i.nextid FROM ids i WHERE i.table_name='.zbx_dbstr($table).' AND i.field_name='.zbx_dbstr($field)); if (!$dbSelect) { return false; } $row = DBfetch($dbSelect); if (!$row) { $row = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT MAX('.$field.') AS id FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$field.' BETWEEN '.$min.' AND '.$max)); if (!$row || ($row['id'] == 0)) { DBexecute("INSERT INTO ids (table_name,field_name,nextid) VALUES ('$table','$field',$min)"); } else { DBexecute("INSERT INTO ids (table_name,field_name,nextid) VALUES ('$table','$field',".$row['id'].')'); } continue; } else { $ret1 = $row['nextid']; if (bccomp($ret1, $min) < 0 || !bccomp($ret1, $max) < 0) { DBexecute('DELETE FROM ids WHERE table_name='.zbx_dbstr($table).' AND field_name='.zbx_dbstr($field)); continue; } $sql = 'UPDATE ids SET nextid=nextid+1 WHERE table_name='.zbx_dbstr($table).' AND field_name='.zbx_dbstr($field); DBexecute($sql); $row = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT i.nextid FROM ids i WHERE i.table_name='.zbx_dbstr($table).' AND i.field_name='.zbx_dbstr($field))); if (!$row || is_null($row['nextid'])) { // should never be here continue; } else { $ret2 = $row['nextid']; if (bccomp(bcadd($ret1, 1, 0), $ret2, 0) == 0) { $found = true; } } } } while (false == $found); return $ret2; } function zbx_db_search($table, $options, &$sql_parts) { global $DB; list($table, $tableShort) = explode(' ', $table); $tableSchema = DB::getSchema($table); if (!$tableSchema) { info(_s('Error in search request for table "%1$s".', $table)); } $start = $options['startSearch'] ? '' : '%'; $exclude = $options['excludeSearch'] ? ' NOT' : ''; $glue = $options['searchByAny'] ? ' OR ' : ' AND '; $search = []; foreach ($options['search'] as $field => $patterns) { if ($patterns === null || !array_key_exists($field, $tableSchema['fields']) || ($tableSchema['fields'][$field]['type'] & DB::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_TYPES) == 0) { continue; } $patterns = array_filter((array)$patterns, function($pattern) { return ($pattern !== ''); }); if (!$patterns) { continue; } $fieldSearch = []; foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { // escaping parameter that is about to be used in LIKE statement $pattern = mb_strtoupper(strtr($pattern, ['!' => '!!', '%' => '!%', '_' => '!_'])); $pattern = !$options['searchWildcardsEnabled'] ? $start.$pattern.'%' : str_replace('*', '%', $pattern); if ($DB['TYPE'] == ZBX_DB_ORACLE && $tableSchema['fields'][$field]['type'] & DB::FIELD_TYPE_NCLOB && strlen($pattern) > ORACLE_MAX_STRING_SIZE) { $chunks = zbx_dbstr(DB::chunkMultibyteStr($pattern, ORACLE_MAX_STRING_SIZE)); $pattern = 'TO_NCLOB('.implode(') || TO_NCLOB(', $chunks).')'; } else { $pattern = zbx_dbstr($pattern); } $fieldSearch[] = DB::uppercaseField($field, $table, $tableShort).$exclude.' LIKE '.$pattern." ESCAPE '!'"; } $search[$field] = '('.implode($glue, $fieldSearch).')'; } if ($search) { if (isset($sql_parts['where']['search'])) { $search[] = $sql_parts['where']['search']; } $sql_parts['where']['search'] = '('.implode($glue, $search).')'; return true; } return false; } /** * Checks whether all $db_fields keys exists as $args keys. * * If $db_fields element value is given and corresponding $args is not then it is assigned to $args element. * * @param $dbFields * @param $args * * @return bool */ function check_db_fields($dbFields, &$args) { if (!is_array($args)) { return false; } foreach ($dbFields as $field => $def) { if (!isset($args[$field])) { if (is_null($def)) { return false; } else { $args[$field] = $def; } } } return true; } /** * Create condition SQL for field matching against numeric values. * * @param string $field_name * @param array $values * @param bool $not_in Create inverse condition. * @param bool $zero_to_null Cast zero to null. * * @return string */ function dbConditionInt($field_name, array $values, $not_in = false, $zero_to_null = false) { global $DB; $MIN_NUM_BETWEEN = 4; // Minimum number of consecutive values for using "BETWEEN <id1> AND <idN>". $MAX_NUM_IN = 950; // Maximum number of values for using "IN (<id1>,<id2>,...,<idN>)". if (is_bool(reset($values))) { return $not_in ? '1=1' : '1=0'; } $values = array_flip($values); $has_zero = false; if ($zero_to_null && array_key_exists(0, $values)) { $has_zero = true; unset($values[0]); } $values = array_keys($values); natsort($values); $values = array_values($values); $intervals = []; $singles = []; if ($DB['TYPE'] == ZBX_DB_ORACLE) { // For better performance, use "BETWEEN" constructs for sequential integer values, for Oracle database. for ($i = 0, $size = count($values); $i < $size; $i++) { if ($i + $MIN_NUM_BETWEEN < $size && bcsub($values[$i + $MIN_NUM_BETWEEN], $values[$i]) == $MIN_NUM_BETWEEN) { $interval_first = $values[$i]; // Search for the last sequential integer value. for ($i += $MIN_NUM_BETWEEN; $i < $size && bcsub($values[$i], $values[$i - 1]) == 1; $i++); $i--; $interval_last = $values[$i]; // Save the first and last values of the sequential interval. $intervals[] = [dbQuoteInt($interval_first), dbQuoteInt($interval_last)]; } else { $singles[] = dbQuoteInt($values[$i]); } } } else { // For better performance, use only "IN" constructs all other databases, except Oracle. $singles = array_map(function($value) { return dbQuoteInt($value); }, $values); } $condition = ''; // Process intervals. foreach ($intervals as $interval) { if ($condition !== '') { $condition .= $not_in ? ' AND ' : ' OR '; } $condition .= ($not_in ? 'NOT ' : '').$field_name.' BETWEEN '.$interval[0].' AND '.$interval[1]; } // Process individual values. $single_chunks = array_chunk($singles, $MAX_NUM_IN); foreach ($single_chunks as $chunk) { if ($condition !== '') { $condition .= $not_in ? ' AND ' : ' OR '; } if (count($chunk) == 1) { $condition .= $field_name.($not_in ? '!=' : '=').$chunk[0]; } else { $condition .= $field_name.($not_in ? ' NOT' : '').' IN ('.implode(',', $chunk).')'; } } if ($has_zero) { if ($condition !== '') { $condition .= $not_in ? ' AND ' : ' OR '; } $condition .= $field_name.($not_in ? ' IS NOT NULL' : ' IS NULL'); } if (!$not_in) { if ((int) $has_zero + count($intervals) + count($single_chunks) > 1) { $condition = '('.$condition.')'; } } return $condition; } /** * Takes an initial part of SQL query and appends a generated WHERE condition. * * @param string $fieldName field name to be used in SQL WHERE condition * @param array $values array of numerical values sorted in ascending order to be included in WHERE * @param bool $notIn builds inverted condition * * @return string */ function dbConditionId($fieldName, array $values, $notIn = false) { return dbConditionInt($fieldName, $values, $notIn, true); } /** * Takes an initial part of SQL query and appends a generated WHERE condition. * * @param string $fieldName field name to be used in SQL WHERE condition * @param array $values array of string values sorted in ascending order to be included in WHERE * @param bool $notIn builds inverted condition * * @return string */ function dbConditionString($fieldName, array $values, $notIn = false) { switch (count($values)) { case 0: return '1=0'; case 1: return $notIn ? $fieldName.'!='.zbx_dbstr(reset($values)) : $fieldName.'='.zbx_dbstr(reset($values)); } $in = $notIn ? ' NOT IN ' : ' IN '; $concat = $notIn ? ' AND ' : ' OR '; $items = array_chunk($values, 950); $condition = ''; foreach ($items as $values) { $condition .= !empty($condition) ? ')'.$concat.$fieldName.$in.'(' : ''; $condition .= implode(',', zbx_dbstr($values)); } return '('.$fieldName.$in.'('.$condition.'))'; } /** * Quote a value if not an integer or out of BC Math bounds. * * @param mixed $value Either the original or quoted value. */ function dbQuoteInt($value) { if (!ctype_digit((string) $value) || bccomp($value, ZBX_MAX_UINT64) > 0) { $value = zbx_dbstr($value); } return $value; } /** * Return SQL for COALESCE like select. For fields with type NCHAR, NVARCHAR or NTEXT in Oracle NVL should be used * instead of COALESCE because it will not check that all arguments have same type. * * @param string $field_name Field name to be used in returned query part. * @param int|string $default_value Default value to be returned. * @param string $alias Alias to be used in 'AS' query part. * @return string */ function dbConditionCoalesce($field_name, $default_value, $alias = '') { global $DB; if (is_string($default_value)) { $default_value = ($default_value == '') ? '\'\'' : zbx_dbstr($default_value); } $query = (($DB['TYPE'] == ZBX_DB_ORACLE) ? 'NVL(' : 'COALESCE(').$field_name.','.$default_value.')'; if ($alias) { $query .= ' AS '.$alias; } return $query; } /** * Transform DB cursor to array. * * @return array */ function DBfetchArray($cursor) { $result = []; while ($row = DBfetch($cursor)) { $result[] = $row; } return $result; } /** * Transform DB cursor to array. * * @return array */ function DBfetchArrayAssoc($cursor, $field) { $result = []; while ($row = DBfetch($cursor)) { $result[$row[$field]] = $row; } return $result; } /** * Fetch only values from one column to array. * * @param resource $cursor * @param string $column * * @return array */ function DBfetchColumn($cursor, $column) { $result = []; while ($dbResult = DBfetch($cursor)) { $result[] = $dbResult[$column]; } return $result; } /** * Returns true if both IDs are equal. * * @param $id1 * @param $id2 * * @return bool */ function idcmp($id1, $id2) { return (string) $id1 === (string) $id2; } /** * Escapes the value to be used in the PostgreSQL connection string for the pg_connect() function. * * @param $string * * @return string */ function pg_connect_escape($string) { return addcslashes($string, "'\\"); } /** * Escape string for safe usage in SQL queries. * Works for mysql, oracle, postgresql. * * @param array|string $var * * @return array|bool|string */ function zbx_dbstr($var) { global $DB; if (!isset($DB['TYPE'])) { return false; } switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $vnum => $value) { $var[$vnum] = "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($DB['DB'], $value)."'"; } return $var; } return "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($DB['DB'], $var)."'"; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $vnum => $value) { $var[$vnum] = "'".preg_replace('/\'/', '\'\'', $value)."'"; } return $var; } return "'".preg_replace('/\'/','\'\'',$var)."'"; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $vnum => $value) { $var[$vnum] = "'".pg_escape_string($DB['DB'], $value)."'"; } return $var; } return "'".pg_escape_string($DB['DB'], $var)."'"; default: return false; } } /** * Creates db dependent string with sql expression that casts passed value to bigint. * Works for mysql, oracle, postgresql. * * @param int $field * * @return bool|string */ function zbx_dbcast_2bigint($field) { global $DB; if (!isset($DB['TYPE'])) { return false; } switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: return 'CAST('.$field.' AS BIGINT)'; case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: return 'CAST('.$field.' AS UNSIGNED)'; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: return 'CAST('.$field.' AS NUMBER(20))'; default: return false; } }