** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

function italic($str) {
	if (is_array($str)) {
		foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
			if (is_string($val)) {
				$em = new CTag('em', true);
				$str[$key] = $em;
	elseif (is_string($str)) {
		$em = new CTag('em', true, '');
		$str = $em;
	return $str;

function bold($str) {
	if (is_array($str)) {
		foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
			if (is_string($val)) {
				$str[$key] = new CTag('b', true, $val);

		return $str;

	return new CTag('b', true, $str);

function make_decoration($haystack, $needle, $class = null) {
	$result = $haystack;

	$tmpHaystack = mb_strtolower($haystack);
	$tmpNeedle = mb_strtolower($needle);
	$pos = mb_strpos($tmpHaystack, $tmpNeedle);

	if ($pos !== false) {
		$start = mb_substr($haystack, 0, $pos);
		$end = mb_substr($haystack, $pos + mb_strlen($needle));
		$found = mb_substr($haystack, $pos, mb_strlen($needle));

		if (is_null($class)) {
			$result = [$start, bold($found), $end];
		else {
			$result = [$start, (new CSpan($found))->addClass($class), $end];

	return $result;

function prepareUrlParam($value, $name = null): string {
	if (is_array($value)) {
		$result = '';

		foreach ($value as $key => $param) {
			$result .= prepareUrlParam($param, isset($name) ? $name.'['.$key.']' : $key);
	else {
		$result = '&'.$name.'='.urlencode($value);

	return $result;

 * Get ready for url params.
 * @param mixed       $param           Param name or array with data depends from $getFromRequest.
 * @param bool        $getFromRequest  Detect data source - input array or $_REQUEST variable.
 * @param string|null $name            If $_REQUEST variable is used this variable not used.
function url_param($param, bool $getFromRequest = true, string $name = null): string {
	if (is_array($param)) {
		if ($getFromRequest) {
			fatal_error(_('URL parameter cannot be array.'));
	elseif ($name === null) {
		if (!$getFromRequest) {
			fatal_error(_('URL parameter name is empty.'));

		$name = $param;

	if ($getFromRequest) {
		$value =& $_REQUEST[$param];
	else {
		$value =& $param;

	return isset($value) ? prepareUrlParam($value, $name) : '';

function url_params(array $params): string {
	$result = '';

	foreach ($params as $param) {
		$result .= url_param($param);

	return $result;

function BR(): CTag {
	return new CTag('br');

function BULLET() {
	return new CHtmlEntity('&bullet;');

function COPYR() {
	return new CHtmlEntity('&copy;');

function HELLIP() {
	return new CHtmlEntity('&hellip;');

function LARR() {
	return new CHtmlEntity('&lArr;');

function NBSP() {
	return new CHtmlEntity('&nbsp;');

function NDASH() {
	return new CHtmlEntity('&ndash;');

function RARR() {
	return new CHtmlEntity('&rArr;');

function get_icon($type, $params = []): ?CSimpleButton {
	switch ($type) {
		case 'favorite':
			if (CFavorite::exists($params['fav'], $params['elid'], $params['elname'])) {
				$icon = (new CSimpleButton())
					->setTitle(_('Remove from favorites'))
					->onClick('rm4favorites("'.$params['elname'].'", "'.$params['elid'].'");');
			else {
				$icon = (new CSimpleButton())
					->setTitle(_('Add to favorites'))
					->onClick('add2favorites("'.$params['elname'].'", "'.$params['elid'].'");');

			return $icon;

		case 'kioskmode':
			if ($params['mode'] == ZBX_LAYOUT_KIOSKMODE) {
				$icon = (new CSimpleButton())
					->setTitle(_('Normal view'))
					->setAttribute('data-layout-mode', ZBX_LAYOUT_NORMAL);
			else {
				$icon = (new CSimpleButton())
					->setTitle(_('Kiosk mode'))
					->setAttribute('data-layout-mode', ZBX_LAYOUT_KIOSKMODE);

			return $icon;

	return null;

 * Get host/template configuration navigation.
 * @param string $current_element
 * @param int    $hostid
 * @param int    $lld_ruleid
 * @throws Exception
function getHostNavigation(string $current_element, $hostid, $lld_ruleid = 0): ?CList {
	$options = [
		'output' => [
			'hostid', 'status', 'name', 'maintenance_status', 'flags', 'active_available'
		'selectHostDiscovery' => ['status', 'ts_delete', 'ts_disable', 'disable_source'],
		'selectDiscoveryRule' => ['lifetime_type', 'enabled_lifetime_type'],
		'selectInterfaces' => ['type', 'useip', 'ip', 'dns', 'port', 'version', 'details', 'available', 'error'],
		'hostids' => [$hostid],
		'editable' => true
	if ($lld_ruleid == 0) {
		$options['selectItems'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
		$options['selectTriggers'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
		$options['selectGraphs'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
		$options['selectDiscoveries'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
		$options['selectHttpTests'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;

	// get hosts
	$db_host = API::Host()->get($options);

	if (!$db_host) {
		$options = [
			'output' => ['templateid', 'name', 'flags'],
			'templateids' => [$hostid],
			'editable' => true
		if ($lld_ruleid == 0) {
			$options['selectItems'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
			$options['selectTriggers'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
			$options['selectGraphs'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
			$options['selectDashboards'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
			$options['selectDiscoveries'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
			$options['selectHttpTests'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;

		// get templates
		$db_host = API::Template()->get($options);

		$is_template = true;
	else {
		$is_template = false;

	if (!$db_host) {
		return null;

	$db_host = reset($db_host);

	if (!$is_template) {
		if (getItemTypeCountByHostId(ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE, [$hostid])) {
			// Add active checks interface if host have items with type ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE (7).
			$db_host['interfaces'][] = [
				'available' => $db_host['active_available'],
				'error' => ''

		$db_host['has_passive_checks'] = (bool) getItemTypeCountByHostId(ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, [$hostid]);

	// get lld-rules
	if ($lld_ruleid != 0) {
		$db_discovery_rule = API::DiscoveryRule()->get([
			'output' => ['name'],
			'selectItems' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT,
			'selectTriggers' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT,
			'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT,
			'selectHostPrototypes' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT,
			'itemids' => [$lld_ruleid],
			'editable' => true
		$db_discovery_rule = reset($db_discovery_rule);

	$list = new CList();

	if ($is_template) {
		$template = new CSpan(
			(new CLink($db_host['name']))
				->setAttribute('data-templateid', $db_host['templateid'])
				->onClick('view.editTemplate(event, this.dataset.templateid);')

		if ($current_element === '') {

		$list->addItem(new CBreadcrumbs([
			new CSpan(new CLink(_('All templates'), (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'template.list'))),

		$db_host['hostid'] = $db_host['templateid'];
	else {
		switch ($db_host['status']) {
				if ($db_host['maintenance_status'] == HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON) {
					$status = (new CSpan(_('In maintenance')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_ORANGE);
				else {
					$status = (new CSpan(_('Enabled')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREEN);
				$status = (new CSpan(_('Disabled')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_RED);
				$status = (new CSpan(_('Unknown')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREY);

		$host = new CSpan(
			(new CLink($db_host['name'],
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
					->setArgument('action', 'host.edit')
					->setArgument('hostid', $db_host['hostid'])
				->setAttribute('data-hostid', $db_host['hostid'])
				->onClick('view.editHost(event, this.dataset.hostid);')

		if ($current_element === '') {

			->addItem(new CBreadcrumbs([new CSpan(new CLink(_('All hosts'),
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'host.list'))), $host
			->addItem(getHostAvailabilityTable($db_host['interfaces'], $db_host['has_passive_checks']));

		$disable_source = $db_host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED && $db_host['hostDiscovery']
			? $db_host['hostDiscovery']['disable_source']
			: '';

		if ($db_host['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED
				&& $db_host['hostDiscovery']['status'] == ZBX_LLD_STATUS_LOST) {
			$info_icons = [getLldLostEntityIndicator(time(), $db_host['hostDiscovery']['ts_delete'],
				$db_host['hostDiscovery']['ts_disable'], $disable_source,
				$db_host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED, _('host')


	$content_menu = (new CList())
		->setAttribute('role', 'navigation')
		->setAttribute('aria-label', _('Content menu'));

	$context = $is_template ? 'template' : 'host';

	 * the count of rows
	if ($lld_ruleid == 0) {
		// items
		$items = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Items'),
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
					->setArgument('action', 'item.list')
					->setArgument('filter_set', '1')
					->setArgument('filter_hostids', [$db_host['hostid']])
					->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'items') {

		// triggers
		$triggers = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Triggers'),
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
					->setArgument('action', 'trigger.list')
					->setArgument('filter_set', '1')
					->setArgument('filter_hostids', [$db_host['hostid']])
					->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'triggers') {

		// graphs
		$graphs = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Graphs'), (new CUrl('graphs.php'))
				->setArgument('filter_set', '1')
				->setArgument('filter_hostids', [$db_host['hostid']])
				->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'graphs') {

		// Dashboards
		if ($is_template) {
			$dashboards = new CSpan([
				new CLink(_('Dashboards'),
					(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
						->setArgument('action', 'template.dashboard.list')
						->setArgument('templateid', $db_host['hostid'])
			if ($current_element === 'dashboards') {

		// discovery rules
		$lld_rules = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Discovery rules'), (new CUrl('host_discovery.php'))
				->setArgument('filter_set', '1')
				->setArgument('filter_hostids', [$db_host['hostid']])
				->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'discoveries') {

		// web scenarios
		$http_tests = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Web scenarios'),
				(new CUrl('httpconf.php'))
					->setArgument('filter_set', '1')
					->setArgument('filter_hostids', [$db_host['hostid']])
					->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'web') {
	else {
		$discovery_rule = (new CSpan())->addItem(
			new CLink(
				(new CUrl('host_discovery.php'))
					->setArgument('form', 'update')
					->setArgument('itemid', $db_discovery_rule['itemid'])
					->setArgument('context', $context)

		if ($current_element === 'discoveries') {

		$list->addItem(new CBreadcrumbs([
			(new CSpan())->addItem(new CLink(_('Discovery list'),
				(new CUrl('host_discovery.php'))
					->setArgument('filter_set', '1')
					->setArgument('filter_hostids', [$db_host['hostid']])
					->setArgument('context', $context)

		// item prototypes
		$item_prototypes = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Item prototypes'),
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
					->setArgument('action', 'item.prototype.list')
					->setArgument('parent_discoveryid', $db_discovery_rule['itemid'])
					->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'items') {

		// trigger prototypes
		$trigger_prototypes = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Trigger prototypes'),
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
					->setArgument('action', 'trigger.prototype.list')
					->setArgument('parent_discoveryid', $db_discovery_rule['itemid'])
					->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'triggers') {

		// graph prototypes
		$graph_prototypes = new CSpan([
			new CLink(_('Graph prototypes'),
				(new CUrl('graphs.php'))
					->setArgument('parent_discoveryid', $db_discovery_rule['itemid'])
					->setArgument('context', $context)
		if ($current_element === 'graphs') {

		// host prototypes
		if ($db_host['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) {
			$host_prototypes = new CSpan([
				new CLink(_('Host prototypes'),
					(new CUrl('host_prototypes.php'))
						->setArgument('parent_discoveryid', $db_discovery_rule['itemid'])
						->setArgument('context', $context)
			if ($current_element === 'hosts') {


	return $list;

 * Get map navigation.
 * @param int    $sysmapid      Used as value for sysmapid in map link generation.
 * @param string $name          Used as label for map link generation.
 * @param int    $severity_min  Used as value for severity_min in map link generation.
function getSysmapNavigation($sysmapid, $name, $severity_min): CList {
	$list = (new CList())->addItem(new CBreadcrumbs([
		(new CSpan())->addItem(new CLink(_('All maps'), new CUrl('sysmaps.php'))),
		(new CSpan())
			->addItem(new CLink($name,
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
					->setArgument('action', 'map.view')
					->setArgument('sysmapid', $sysmapid)
					->setArgument('severity_min', $severity_min)

	// get map parent maps
	$parent_sysmaps = get_parent_sysmaps($sysmapid);
	if ($parent_sysmaps) {
		$parent_maps = (new CList())
			->setAttribute('aria-label', _('Upper level maps'))
			->addItem((new CSpan())->addItem(_('Upper level maps').':'));

		foreach ($parent_sysmaps as $parent_sysmap) {
			$parent_maps->addItem((new CSpan())->addItem(new CLink($parent_sysmap['name'],
				(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
					->setArgument('action', 'map.view')
					->setArgument('sysmapid', $parent_sysmap['sysmapid'])
					->setArgument('severity_min', $severity_min)


	return $list;

 * Renders a form footer with the given buttons.
 * @param CButtonInterface|null $main_button  Main button that will be displayed on the left.
 * @param CButtonInterface[]    $other_buttons
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException	if an element of $other_buttons contain something other than CButtonInterface
function makeFormFooter(CButtonInterface $main_button = null, array $other_buttons = []): CList {
	foreach ($other_buttons as $other_button) {

	if ($main_button !== null) {
		array_unshift($other_buttons, $main_button);

	return (new CList())
			(new CDiv())->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_TABLE_FORMS_TD_LEFT),
			(new CDiv($other_buttons))

 * Create HTML helper element for host interfaces availability.
 * @param array $host_interfaces
 * @param bool $passive_checks
 * @return CHostAvailability
function getHostAvailabilityTable(array $host_interfaces, bool $passive_checks = true): CHostAvailability {
	$interfaces = [];

	foreach ($host_interfaces as $interface) {
		$description = null;

		if ($interface['type'] == INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP) {
			$description = getSnmpInterfaceDescription($interface);

		$interfaces[] = [
			'type' => $interface['type'],
			'available' => $interface['available'],
			'interface' => getHostInterface($interface),
			'description' => $description,
			'error' => ($interface['available'] == INTERFACE_AVAILABLE_TRUE) ? '' : $interface['error']

	return (new CHostAvailability())

 * Returns the discovered host group lifetime indicator.
 * @param int $current_time  Current Unix timestamp.
 * @param int $ts_delete     Deletion timestamp of the host group.
 * @throws Exception
function getHostGroupLifetimeIndicator(int $current_time, int $ts_delete): CSimpleButton {
	// Check if the element should've been deleted in the past.
	if ($current_time > $ts_delete) {
		$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s.', _('host group'),
			_('will be deleted the next time discovery rule is processed')
	else {
		$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s.', _('host group'),
			_s('will be deleted in %1$s', zbx_date2age($current_time, $ts_delete))

	return makeWarningIcon($warning);

 * Returns the indicator for lost LLD entity.
 * @param int     $current_time    Current Unix timestamp.
 * @param int     $ts_delete       Deletion timestamp of the entity.
 * @param int     $ts_disable      Disabling timestamp of the entity.
 * @param string  $disable_source  Indicator whether entity was disabled by an LLD rule or manually.
 * @param boolean $disabled        Indicator whether entity is disabled.
 * @param string  $entity          Type of entity.
 * @throws Exception
function getLldLostEntityIndicator(int $current_time, int $ts_delete, int $ts_disable, string $disable_source,
		bool $disabled, string $entity): ?CSimpleButton {
	$warning = '';

	if ($disable_source == ZBX_DISABLE_SOURCE_LLD) {
		if ($ts_delete > 0 && $current_time < $ts_delete) {
			$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity, _('has been disabled'),
				_s('will be deleted in %1$s', zbx_date2age($current_time, $ts_delete))
		elseif ($ts_delete == 0) {
			$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity, _('has been disabled'),
				_('will not be deleted')
		elseif ($current_time > $ts_delete) {
			$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity, _('has been disabled'),
				_('will be deleted the next time discovery rule is processed')
	elseif ($disabled && $disable_source == ZBX_DISABLE_DEFAULT && $ts_delete > 0) {
		$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity, _('has been manually disabled'),
			_('will not be deleted')
	elseif (!$disabled && $ts_delete > 0) {
		$delete_msg = _s('will be deleted in %1$s', zbx_date2age($current_time, $ts_delete));

		switch (true) {
			case $current_time > $ts_delete:
				$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s.', $entity,
					_('will be deleted the next time discovery rule is processed')

			case $ts_disable == 0:
				$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity,
					_s('will not be disabled'), $delete_msg

			case $ts_disable > 0 && $ts_disable > $current_time:
				$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity,
					_s('will be disabled in %1$s', zbx_date2age($current_time, $ts_disable)), $delete_msg

			case $ts_disable != 0 && $current_time > $ts_disable:
				$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity,
					_('will be disabled the next time discovery rule is processed'), $delete_msg
	elseif (!$disabled && $ts_delete == 0) {
		$delete_msg = _('will not be deleted');

		switch (true) {
			case $ts_disable != 0 && $current_time > $ts_disable:
				$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity,
					_('will be disabled the next time discovery rule is processed'), $delete_msg

			case $ts_disable > 0:
				$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity,
					_s('will be disabled in %1$s', zbx_date2age($current_time, $ts_disable)), $delete_msg

			case $ts_disable == 0:
				$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s, %3$s.', $entity,
					_('will not be disabled'), $delete_msg

	return $warning === '' ? null : makeWarningIcon($warning);

 * Returns the discovered graph lifetime indicator.
 * @param int $current_time   Current Unix timestamp.
 * @param int $ts_delete      Deletion timestamp of the graph.
 * @throws Exception
function getGraphLifetimeIndicator(int $current_time, int $ts_delete): ?CSimpleButton {
	if ($ts_delete == 0) {
		$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s.', _('graph'),
			_('will not be deleted')
	elseif ($current_time > $ts_delete && $ts_delete != 0) {
		$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s.', _('graph'),
			_('will be deleted the next time discovery rule is processed')
	else {
		$warning = _s('The %1$s is not discovered anymore and %2$s.', _('graph'),
			_s('will be deleted in %1$s', zbx_date2age($current_time, $ts_delete))

	return makeWarningIcon($warning);

function makeServerStatusOutput(): CTag {
	return (new CTag('output', true))

* Make logo of the specified type.
function makeLogo(int $type): CTag {
	static $zabbix_logo_classes = [

	$brand_logo = CBrandHelper::getLogo($type);

	if ($brand_logo !== null) {
		return (new CImg($brand_logo))->addClass($zabbix_logo_classes[$type]);

	return (new CDiv())->addClass($zabbix_logo_classes[$type]);

 * Renders a page footer.
function makePageFooter(bool $with_version = true): CTag {
	return (new CTag('footer', true, CBrandHelper::getFooterContent($with_version)))
		->setAttribute('role', 'contentinfo');

 * Get drop-down submenu item list for the User settings section.
 * @throws Exception
 * @return array  Menu definition for CHtmlPage::setTitleSubmenu.
function getUserSettingsSubmenu(): array {
	if (!CWebUser::checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_MANAGE_API_TOKENS)) {
		return [];

	$profile_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'userprofile.edit')

	$tokens_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'user.token.list')

	return [
		'main_section' => [
			'items' => array_filter([
				$profile_url => _('User profile'),
				$tokens_url  => _('API tokens')

 * Get drop-down submenu item list for the Administration->General section.
 * @return array  Menu definition for CHtmlPage::setTitleSubmenu.
function getAdministrationGeneralSubmenu(): array {
	$gui_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'gui.edit')

	$autoreg_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'autoreg.edit')

	$timeouts_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'timeouts.edit')

	$image_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'image.list')

	$iconmap_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'iconmap.list')

	$regex_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'regex.list')

	$trigdisplay_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'trigdisplay.edit')

	$geomap_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'geomaps.edit')

	$modules_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'module.list')

	$connectors_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'connector.list')

	$miscconfig_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
		->setArgument('action', 'miscconfig.edit')

	return [
		'main_section' => [
			'items' => array_filter([
				$gui_url            => _('GUI'),
				$autoreg_url        => _('Autoregistration'),
				$timeouts_url       => _('Timeouts'),
				$image_url          => _('Images'),
				$iconmap_url        => _('Icon mapping'),
				$regex_url          => _('Regular expressions'),
				$trigdisplay_url    => _('Trigger displaying options'),
				$geomap_url			=> _('Geographical maps'),
				$modules_url        => _('Modules'),
				$connectors_url     => _('Connectors'),
				$miscconfig_url     => _('Other')

 * Renders an icon list.
 * @param array $info_icons  The list of information icons.
 * @return CDiv|string
function makeInformationList($info_icons) {
	return $info_icons ? (new CDiv($info_icons))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_REL_CONTAINER) : '';

 * Renders an icon for host in maintenance.
 * @param int|string $type         Type of the maintenance.
 * @param string     $name         Name of the maintenance.
 * @param string     $description  Description of the maintenance.
function makeMaintenanceIcon($type, string $name, string $description): CButtonIcon {
	$hint = $name.' ['.($type
		? _('Maintenance without data collection')
		: _('Maintenance with data collection')).']';

	if ($description !== '') {
		$hint .= "\n".$description;

	return (new CButtonIcon(ZBX_ICON_WRENCH_ALT_SMALL))

 * Renders an icon for suppressed problem.
 * @param array  $icon_data
 *        string $icon_data[]['suppress_until']    Time until the problem is suppressed.
 *        string $icon_data[]['maintenance_name']  Name of the maintenance.
 *        string $icon_data[]['username']          User who created manual suppression.
 * @param bool   $blink                            Add 'blink' CSS class for jqBlink.
 * @throws Exception
function makeSuppressedProblemIcon(array $icon_data, bool $blink = false): CSimpleButton {
	$suppress_until_values = array_column($icon_data, 'suppress_until');

	if (in_array(ZBX_PROBLEM_SUPPRESS_TIME_INDEFINITE, $suppress_until_values)) {
		$suppressed_till = _s('Indefinitely');
	else {
		$max_value = max($suppress_until_values);
		$suppressed_till = $max_value < strtotime('tomorrow')
			? zbx_date2str(TIME_FORMAT, $max_value)
			: zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $max_value);

	CArrayHelper::sort($icon_data, ['maintenance_name']);

	$maintenance_names = [];
	$username = '';

	foreach ($icon_data as $suppression) {
		if (array_key_exists('maintenance_name', $suppression)) {
			$maintenance_names[] = $suppression['maintenance_name'];
		elseif (array_key_exists('username', $suppression)) {
			$username = $suppression['username'];

	$maintenances = implode(', ', $maintenance_names);

	return (new CButtonIcon(ZBX_ICON_EYE_OFF))
		->addClass($blink ? 'js-blink' : null)
			_s('Suppressed till: %1$s', $suppressed_till).
			($username !== '' ? "\n"._s('Manually by: %1$s', $username) : '').
			($maintenances !== '' ? "\n"._s('Maintenance: %1$s', $maintenances) : '')

 * Renders an icon with question mark and text in hint.
 * @param string|array|CTag $help_text
function makeHelpIcon($help_text): CSimpleButton {
	return (new CButtonIcon(ZBX_ICON_HELP_FILLED_SMALL))
		->setHint($help_text, ZBX_STYLE_HINTBOX_WRAP);

 * Renders an icon for a description.
function makeDescriptionIcon(string $description): CButtonIcon {
	return (new CButtonIcon(ZBX_ICON_ALERT_WITH_CONTENT))
		->setAttribute('data-content', '?')
		->setHint(zbx_str2links($description), ZBX_STYLE_HINTBOX_WRAP);

 * Renders an information icon like green [i] with message.
 * @param string|array|CTag $message
function makeInformationIcon($message): CButtonIcon {
	return (new CButtonIcon(ZBX_ICON_I_POSITIVE))
		->setHint($message, ZBX_STYLE_HINTBOX_WRAP);

 * Renders a warning icon like yellow [i] with error message.
 * @param string|array|CTag $warning
function makeWarningIcon($warning): CButtonIcon {
	return (new CButtonIcon(ZBX_ICON_I_WARNING))
		->setHint($warning, ZBX_STYLE_HINTBOX_WRAP);

 * Renders an error icon like red [i] with error message.
 * @param string|array|CTag $error
function makeErrorIcon($error): CButtonIcon {
	return (new CButtonIcon(ZBX_ICON_I_NEGATIVE))
		->setHint($error, ZBX_STYLE_HINTBOX_WRAP.' '.ZBX_STYLE_RED);

 * Returns css for trigger severity backgrounds.
function getTriggerSeverityCss(): string {
	$css = '';

	$severities = [
		ZBX_STYLE_NA_BG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::SEVERITY_COLOR_0),
		ZBX_STYLE_INFO_BG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::SEVERITY_COLOR_1),
		ZBX_STYLE_WARNING_BG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::SEVERITY_COLOR_2),
		ZBX_STYLE_AVERAGE_BG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::SEVERITY_COLOR_3),
		ZBX_STYLE_HIGH_BG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::SEVERITY_COLOR_4),
		ZBX_STYLE_DISASTER_BG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::SEVERITY_COLOR_5)

	$css .= ':root {'."\n";
	foreach ($severities as $class => $color) {
		$css .= '--severity-color-'.$class.': #'.$color.';'."\n";
	$css .= '}'."\n";

	foreach ($severities as $class => $color) {
		$css .= '.'.$class.', .'.$class.' input[type="radio"]:checked + label, .'.$class.':before, .flh-'.$class.
			', .status-'.$class.', .status-'.$class.':before { background-color: #'.$color.' }'."\n";

	return $css;

 * Returns css for trigger status colors, if those are customized.
function getTriggerStatusCss(): string {
	$css = '';

	if (CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::CUSTOM_COLOR) == EVENT_CUSTOM_COLOR_ENABLED) {
		$event_statuses = [
			ZBX_STYLE_PROBLEM_UNACK_FG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::PROBLEM_UNACK_COLOR),
			ZBX_STYLE_PROBLEM_ACK_FG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::PROBLEM_ACK_COLOR),
			ZBX_STYLE_OK_UNACK_FG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::OK_UNACK_COLOR),
			ZBX_STYLE_OK_ACK_FG => CSettingsHelper::getPublic(CSettingsHelper::OK_ACK_COLOR)

		foreach ($event_statuses as $class => $color) {
			$css .= '.' . $class . ' {color: #' . $color . ';}' . "\n";

	return $css;