# If Zabbix frontend is available on the internet, it is suggested to disallow
# access to it for robots like search engine crawlers. Otherwise they may
# overload the Zabbix system without offering any benefit.
# Note that this must not be used for security reasons, as any visitor is
# free to ignore the contents of this file or use it to know which directories
# are supposed to be hidden.
# The following configuration should be used if Zabbix frontend is installed
# in the root directory of the web server. It will deny access to Zabbix
# frontend for all robots.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

# If Zabbix frontend is installed in a subdirectory, for example "zabbix", the
# "Disallow" directive must be changed to point to that directory:
# "Disallow: /zabbix/".

# It is important to make sure that the "Disallow" directory points specifically
# to the Zabbix frontend directory, since otherwise it may interfere with other
# websites running on the same domain.