<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/defines.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/hosts.inc.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CDBHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CConfigHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CAPIHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CAPIScimHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CDataHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CExceptionHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CTestArrayHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/helpers/CDateTimeHelper.php'; define('USER_ACTION_ADD', 'add'); define('USER_ACTION_UPDATE', 'update'); define('USER_ACTION_REMOVE', 'remove'); define('STRING_6000', str_repeat('long_string_', 500)); define('STRING_2200', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 2200)); define('STRING_2048', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 2048)); define('STRING_2000', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 2000)); define('STRING_1024', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 1024)); define('STRING_512', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 512)); define('STRING_255', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 255)); define('STRING_128', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 128)); define('STRING_64', substr(STRING_6000, 0, 64)); /** * Base class of php unit tests. */ use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class CTest extends TestCase { // Table that should be backed up at the test suite level. protected static $suite_backup = null; // Table that should be backed up at the test case level. protected $case_backup = null; // Table that should be backed up at the test case level once (for multiple case executions). protected static $case_backup_once = null; // zabbix.conf.php should be backed up at the test suite level. protected static $suite_backup_config = false; // zabbix.conf.php should be backed up at the test case level. protected $case_backup_config = false; // Name of the last executed test. protected static $last_test_case = null; // Test case data key. protected $data_key = null; // Lists of test case data set keys. protected static $test_data_sets = []; // Test case annotations. protected $annotations = null; // Test case warnings. protected static $warnings = []; // Skip test suite execution. protected static $skip_suite = false; // Callbacks that should be executed at the test case level. protected $case_callbacks = []; // Callbacks that should be executed at the test suite level. protected static $suite_callbacks = [ 'afterOnce' => [], 'beforeEach' => [], 'afterEach' => [], 'after' => [] ]; // Instances counter to keep track of test count. protected static $instances = 0; // List of behaviors. protected $behaviors = null; /** * Overridden constructor for collecting data on data sets from dataProvider annotations. * * @param string $name * @param array $data * @param string $data_name */ public function __construct($name = null, array $data = [], $data_name = '') { parent::__construct($name, $data, $data_name); // If data limits are enabled and test case uses data. if (defined('PHPUNIT_ENABLE_DATA_LIMITS') && PHPUNIT_ENABLE_DATA_LIMITS && $data) { $this->data_key = $data_name; self::$test_data_sets[$name][] = $data_name; } self::$instances++; } /** * Destructor to run callback when all tests are executed. */ public function __destruct() { self::$instances--; if (self::$instances === 0) { static::onAfterAllTests(); } } /** * Get annotations by type name. * Helper function for method / class annotation processing. * * @param array $annotations annotations * @param string $type type name * * @return array or null */ protected function getAnnotationsByType($annotations, $type) { if ($annotations === null || !array_key_exists($type, $annotations) || !is_array($annotations[$type])) { return null; } return $annotations[$type]; } /** * Get annotation tokens by annotation name. * Helper function for method / class annotation processing. * * @param array $annotations annotations * @param string $name annotation name * * @return array */ protected function getAnnotationTokensByName($annotations, $name) { if ($annotations === null || !array_key_exists($name, $annotations) || !is_array($annotations[$name])) { return []; } $result = []; foreach ($annotations[$name] as $annotation) { foreach (explode(',', $annotation) as $token) { $result[] = trim($token); } } return $result; } /** * Execute callbacks specified at some point of test execution. * * @param mixed $context class instance or class name * @param array $callbacks callbacks to be called * @param bool $required flag marking callbacks required * * @return boolean */ protected static function executeCallbacks($context, $callbacks, $required = false) { if (!$callbacks) { return true; } CDataHelper::setSessionId(null); $class = new ReflectionClass($context); if (!is_object($context)) { $context = null; } foreach ($callbacks as $callback) { try { $method = $class->getMethod($callback); } catch (ReflectionException $exception) { $method = null; } if (!$method) { $error = 'Callback "'.$callback.'" is not defined in requested context.'; if (!$required) { self::zbxAddWarning($error); } else { throw new Exception($error); } continue; } try { $method->invoke(!$method->isStatic() ? $context : null); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = 'Failed to execute callback "'.$callback.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n\n".$e->getTraceAsString(); if (!$required) { self::zbxAddWarning($error); } else { throw new Exception($error); } return false; } } return true; } /** * Callback executed before every test suite. */ protected function onBeforeTestSuite() { // Test suite level annotations. $class_annotations = $this->getAnnotationsByType($this->annotations, 'class'); // Data sources are processed before the backups. $data_source = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($class_annotations, 'dataSource'); if ($data_source) { CDataHelper::load($data_source); } // Backup performed before test suite execution. $suite_backup = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($class_annotations, 'backup'); if ($suite_backup) { self::$suite_backup = $suite_backup; CDBHelper::backupTables(self::$suite_backup); } $suite_backup_config = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($class_annotations, 'backupConfig'); if ($suite_backup_config) { self::$suite_backup_config = true; CConfigHelper::backupConfig(); } self::$skip_suite = false; // Callbacks to be performed before test suite execution. $callbacks = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($class_annotations, 'onBefore'); if (!self::executeCallbacks($this, $callbacks)) { self::markTestSuiteSkipped(); throw new Exception(implode("\n", static::$warnings)); } // Store callback to be executed later. self::$suite_callbacks = ['afterOnce' => []]; foreach (['beforeEach', 'afterEach', 'after'] as $key) { self::$suite_callbacks[$key] = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($class_annotations, 'on'.ucfirst($key)); } } /** * Callback executed before every test case. * * @before */ public function onBeforeTestCase() { global $DB; static $suite = null; $class_name = get_class($this); $case_name = $this->getName(false); self::$warnings = []; // Clear contents of error log. if (defined('PHPUNIT_ERROR_LOG') && file_exists(PHPUNIT_ERROR_LOG)) { @file_put_contents(PHPUNIT_ERROR_LOG, ''); } if (!isset($DB['DB'])) { DBconnect($error); } $this->annotations = $this->getAnnotations(); if (self::$last_test_case !== $case_name) { // Restore data from backup if test case changed. if (self::$case_backup_once !== null) { CDBHelper::restoreTables(); self::$case_backup_once = null; } self::executeCallbacks($this, self::$suite_callbacks['afterOnce']); self::$suite_callbacks['afterOnce'] = []; } // Class name change is used to determine suite change. if ($suite !== $class_name) { $suite = $class_name; $this->onBeforeTestSuite(); } // Execute callbacks that should be executed before every test case. self::executeCallbacks($this, self::$suite_callbacks['beforeEach'], true); // Test case level annotations. $method_annotations = $this->getAnnotationsByType($this->annotations, 'method'); if ($method_annotations !== null) { // Data sources are processed before the backups. $data_source = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'dataSource'); if ($data_source) { CDataHelper::load($data_source); } // Backup performed before every test case execution. $case_backup = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'backup'); if ($case_backup) { $this->case_backup = $case_backup; CDBHelper::backupTables($this->case_backup); } $case_backup_config = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'backupConfig'); if ($case_backup_config) { $this->case_backup_config = true; CConfigHelper::backupConfig(); } if (self::$last_test_case !== $case_name) { if (array_key_exists($case_name, self::$test_data_sets)) { // Check for data set limit. $limit = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'dataLimit'); if (count($limit) === 1 && is_numeric($limit[0]) && $limit[0] >= 1 && count(self::$test_data_sets[$case_name]) > $limit[0]) { $sets = self::$test_data_sets[$case_name]; shuffle($sets); self::$test_data_sets[$case_name] = array_slice($sets, 0, (int)$limit[0]); } } // Backup performed once before first test case execution. $case_backup_once = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'backupOnce'); if ($case_backup_once) { self::$case_backup_once = $case_backup_once; CDBHelper::backupTables(self::$case_backup_once); } // Execute callbacks that should be executed once for multiple test cases. self::executeCallbacks($this, $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'onBeforeOnce'), true); // Store callback to be executed after test case is executed for all data sets. self::$suite_callbacks['afterOnce'] = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'onAfterOnce' ); } // Execute callbacks that should be executed before specific test case. self::executeCallbacks($this, $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'onBefore'), true); // Store callback to be executed after test case. $this->case_callbacks = $this->getAnnotationTokensByName($method_annotations, 'onAfter'); } self::$last_test_case = $case_name; // Mark excessive test cases as skipped. if (array_key_exists($case_name, self::$test_data_sets) && !in_array($this->data_key, self::$test_data_sets[$case_name])) { self::markTestSkipped('Test case skipped by data provider limit check.'); } if (self::$skip_suite) { self::markTestSkipped(); } } /** * Callback executed after every test case. * * @after */ public function onAfterTestCase() { $errors = @file_get_contents(PHPUNIT_ERROR_LOG); if ($this->case_backup_config) { CConfigHelper::restoreConfig(); $this->case_backup_config = false; } if (CDataHelper::getSessionId() !== null) { foreach (CDBHelper::$backups as $backup) { if (in_array('sessions', $backup)) { CDataHelper::reset(); } } } if ($this->case_backup !== null) { CDBHelper::restoreTables(); } // Execute callbacks that should be executed after specific test case. self::executeCallbacks($this, $this->case_callbacks); // Execute callbacks that should be executed after every test case. self::executeCallbacks($this, self::$suite_callbacks['afterEach']); DBclose(); if (defined('PHPUNIT_REPORT_WARNINGS') && PHPUNIT_REPORT_WARNINGS && self::$warnings) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_Warning(implode("\n", self::$warnings)); } if ($errors !== '' && $errors !== false) { $this->fail("Runtime errors:\n".$errors); } } /** * Callback executed after every test suite. * * @afterClass */ public static function onAfterTestSuite() { global $DB; if (self::$suite_backup_config) { CConfigHelper::restoreConfig(); self::$suite_backup_config = false; } if (self::$suite_backup === null && self::$case_backup_once === null && !self::$suite_callbacks['afterOnce'] && !self::$suite_callbacks['after']) { // Nothing to do after test suite. return; } DBconnect($error); // Restore case level backups. if (self::$case_backup_once !== null) { CDBHelper::restoreTables(); self::$case_backup_once = null; } // Restore suite level backups. if (self::$suite_backup !== null) { CDBHelper::restoreTables(); self::$suite_backup = null; } $context = get_called_class(); self::executeCallbacks($context, self::$suite_callbacks['afterOnce']); self::executeCallbacks($context, self::$suite_callbacks['after']); DBclose(); } /** * Add warning to test case warning list. * * @param string $warning warning text */ public static function zbxAddWarning($warning) { if (!in_array($warning, self::$warnings)) { self::$warnings[] = $warning; } } /** * Mark test suite skipped. */ public static function markTestSuiteSkipped() { self::$skip_suite = true; } /** * Callback to be executed after all test cases. */ public static function onAfterAllTests() { // Code is not missing here. } /** * Get list of static behaviors. * Static behaviors get attached when object is created. * * @return array */ public function getBehaviors() { return []; } /** * Load static behaviors. */ public function loadBehaviors() { if ($this->behaviors !== null) { return; } $this->behaviors = []; foreach ($this->getBehaviors() as $name => $behavior) { if (is_int($name)) { $name = null; } $this->attachBehavior($behavior, $name); } } /** * Attach dynamic behavior. * * @param string|CBehavior $behavior behavior or behavior class name * @param string $name name of the behavior or null for anonymous behavior * * @throws Exception on invalid configuration */ public function attachBehavior($behavior, $name = null) { $this->loadBehaviors(); if (is_string($behavior)) { $behavior = ['class' => $behavior]; } if (is_array($behavior) && array_key_exists('class', $behavior) && class_exists($behavior['class'])) { $class = $behavior['class']; unset($behavior['class']); $behavior = new $class($behavior); } if ($behavior instanceof CBehavior) { if ($name !== null) { $this->detachBehavior($name); } $behavior->setTest($this); if ($name !== null) { $this->behaviors[$name] = $behavior; } else { $this->behaviors[] = $behavior; } } else { throw new Exception('Cannot attach behavior that is not an instance of CBehavior class'); } } /** * Detach dynamic behavior. * * @param string $name name of the behavior or null for anonymous behavior */ public function detachBehavior($name) { $this->loadBehaviors(); unset($this->behaviors[$name]); } /** * Detach all behaviors. */ public function detachBehaviors() { $this->behaviors = []; } /** * Magic method to execute methods defined in behaviors. * * @param string $name method name * @param array $params method params * * @return mixed * * @throws Exception */ public function __call($name, $params) { $this->loadBehaviors(); $target = null; foreach ($this->behaviors as $behavior) { if ($behavior->hasMethod($name)) { $target = $behavior; } } if ($target !== null) { return call_user_func_array([$target, $name], $params); } throw new Exception('Cannot call method '.get_class($this).'::'.$name.'(): unknown method.'); } /** * Magic method to get attributes defined in behaviors. * * @param string $name attribute name * * @return mixed * * @throws Exception */ public function __get($name) { $this->loadBehaviors(); foreach ($this->behaviors as $behavior) { if ($behavior->hasAttribute($name)) { return $behavior->$name; } } throw new Exception('Cannot get attribute "'.$name.'": unknown attribute.'); } /** * Magic method to set attributes defined in behaviors. * * @param string $name attribute name * @param array $value attribute value * * @return mixed * * @throws Exception */ public function __set($name, $value) { $this->loadBehaviors(); foreach ($this->behaviors as $behavior) { if ($behavior->hasAttribute($name)) { $behavior->$name = $value; return; } } throw new Exception('Cannot set attribute "'.$name.'": unknown attribute.'); } }