<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/CElementQuery.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/CommandExecutor.php'; use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\DesiredCapabilities; use Facebook\WebDriver\Chrome\ChromeOptions; use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver; use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebElement; use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverDimension; use Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchAlertException; use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverExpectedCondition; /** * Web page implementation. */ class CPage { /** * Page defaults. */ const DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH = 1440; const DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT = 1024; /** * Web driver instance. * * @var RemoteWebDriver */ protected $driver; /** * Local cookie cache. * * @var array */ protected static $cookie = null; /** * Page height. * * @var integer */ protected $height = null; /** * Page width. * * @var integer */ protected $width = null; /** * Viewport freeze flag. * * @var boolean */ protected $viewportUpdated = false; /** * Web driver and CElementQuery initialization. */ public function __construct() { $this->connect(); CElementQuery::setPage($this); } /** * Web driver initialization. */ public function connect() { $capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::chrome(); if (defined('PHPUNIT_BROWSER_NAME')) { $capabilities->setBrowserName(PHPUNIT_BROWSER_NAME); } if (!defined('PHPUNIT_BROWSER_NAME') || PHPUNIT_BROWSER_NAME === 'chrome') { $options = new ChromeOptions(); $options->addArguments([ '--no-sandbox', '--enable-font-antialiasing=false', '--window-size='.self::DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH.','.self::DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT, '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--remote-debugging-pipe', '--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required' ]); if (defined('PHPUNIT_BROWSER_LOG_DIR')) { $options->addArguments([ '--enable-logging', '--log-file='.PHPUNIT_BROWSER_LOG_DIR.'/'.microtime(true).'.log', '--log-level=0' ]); } $capabilities->setCapability(ChromeOptions::CAPABILITY, $options); } $phpunit_driver_address = PHPUNIT_DRIVER_ADDRESS; if (strpos($phpunit_driver_address, ':') === false) { $phpunit_driver_address .= ':4444'; } $this->driver = RemoteWebDriver::create('http://'.$phpunit_driver_address.'/wd/hub', $capabilities); $this->driver->setCommandExecutor(new CommandExecutor($this->driver->getCommandExecutor())); $this->driver->manage()->window()->setSize( new WebDriverDimension(self::DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH, self::DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT) ); } /** * Perform page cleanup. * Close all popup windows, switch to the initial window, remove cookies. */ public function cleanup() { $this->resetViewport(); if (self::$cookie !== null) { foreach ($this->driver->manage()->getCookies() as $cookie) { if ($cookie->getName() === 'zbx_session') { if ($cookie->getValue() !== self::$cookie['value']) { self::$cookie = null; } break; } } } $this->driver->manage()->deleteAllCookies(); try { $this->driver->executeScript('sessionStorage.clear();'); } catch (Exception $exception) { // Code is not missing here. } $windows = $this->driver->getWindowHandles(); if (count($windows) <= 1) { return true; } try { foreach (array_slice($windows, 1) as $window) { $this->driver->switchTo()->window($window); $this->driver->close(); } } catch (Exception $exception) { // Error handling is not missing here. } if (count($this->driver->getWindowHandles()) >= 1) { try { $this->driver->switchTo()->window($windows[0]); } catch (Exception $exception) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Destroy web page. */ public function destroy() { $this->driver->quit(); self::$cookie = null; } /** * Reconnect web driver. */ public function reset() { $this->destroy(); $this->connect(); } /** * Login as specified user. * * @param string $sessionid * @param integer $userid * * @return $this */ public function login($sessionid = '09e7d4286dfdca4ba7be15e0f3b2b55a', $userid = 1) { $session = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT status FROM sessions WHERE sessionid='.zbx_dbstr($sessionid)); if (!$session) { DBexecute('INSERT INTO sessions (sessionid,userid,lastaccess) VALUES ('.zbx_dbstr($sessionid).','.$userid.','.time().')'); } elseif ($session['status'] != 0) { /* ZBX_SESSION_ACTIVE */ DBexecute('UPDATE sessions SET status=0 WHERE sessionid='.zbx_dbstr($sessionid)); } if (self::$cookie !== null) { $cookie = json_decode(base64_decode(urldecode(self::$cookie['value'])), true); } if (self::$cookie === null || $sessionid !== $cookie['sessionid']) { $data = ['sessionid' => $sessionid]; $config = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT session_key FROM config WHERE configid=1'); $data['sign'] = hash_hmac('sha256', json_encode($data), $config['session_key'], false); $path = parse_url(PHPUNIT_URL, PHP_URL_PATH); self::$cookie = [ 'name' => 'zbx_session', 'value' => base64_encode(json_encode($data)), 'path' => rtrim(substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')), '/') ]; $this->driver->get(PHPUNIT_URL); } $this->driver->manage()->addCookie(self::$cookie); return $this; } /** * Logout and clean cookies. */ public function logout() { try { // Before logout open page without any scripts, otherwise session might be restored and logout won't work. $this->open('setup.php'); $session = null; if (self::$cookie === null) { foreach ($this->driver->manage()->getCookies() as $cookie) { if ($cookie->getName() === 'zbx_session') { $session = $cookie->getValue(); break; } } } else { $session = self::$cookie['value']; } if ($session !== null) { DBExecute('DELETE FROM sessions WHERE sessionid='.zbx_dbstr($session)); } $this->driver->manage()->deleteAllCookies(); self::$cookie = null; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception('Cannot logout user: '.$e->getTraceAsString()); } } /** * Open specified URL. * * @param string $url URL to be opened. * * @return $this */ public function open($url) { $this->driver->get(PHPUNIT_URL.$url); return $this; } /** * Get page title. * * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->driver->getTitle(); } /** * Get current page URL. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentUrl() { return $this->driver->getCurrentURL(); } /** * Set width and height of viewport. * * @param int $width * @param int $height */ protected function setViewport($width, $height) { try { CommandExecutor::executeCustom($this->driver, [ 'cmd' => 'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', 'params' => [ 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'deviceScaleFactor' => 1, 'mobile' => false, 'fitWindow' => false ] ]); } catch (Exception $exception) { // Code is not missing here. } } /** * Setting "frozen" viewport size. */ public function updateViewport() { try { if (!$this->driver->executeScript('return !!window.chrome;')) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception $exception) { return false; } try { // Calculate page width and height depending on sidemenu and scrollbars presence. $size = $this->driver->executeScript( 'var side = document.getElementsByClassName("sidebar")[0];'. 'var wrapper = document.getElementsByClassName("wrapper")[0];'. 'var width = ((typeof side !== "undefined") ? side.scrollWidth : 0)'. '+ ((typeof wrapper !== "undefined") ? wrapper.scrollWidth : 0);'. 'var height = Math.max((typeof wrapper !== "undefined") ? wrapper.scrollHeight : 0,'. '(typeof side !== "undefined") ? side.scrollHeight : 0);'. 'return'. '[(width !== 0) ? width : window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement)["width"],'. '(height !== 0) ? height : window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement)["height"],'. '(typeof wrapper !== "undefined" && wrapper.scrollWidth >'. 'parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(wrapper)["width"], 10)) ? 20 : 0];' ); $this->width = (int)$size[0]; // Screenshot is 1px smaller to ensure that scroll is still present. $this->height = (int)$size[1] - 1; if ($this->height > self::DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT || $this->width > self::DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH) { $this->setViewport(max([ // Add 20px to page width when vertical scroll presents. $this->width + (int)$size[2], self::DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH]), max([$this->height, self::DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT ])); $this->viewportUpdated = true; } } catch (Exception $exception) { // Code is not missing here. } return true; } /** * Resetting viewport size to default. */ public function resetViewport() { if ($this->viewportUpdated === false) { return; } if (isset($this->height) && $this->height > self::DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT) { try { CommandExecutor::executeCustom($this->driver, [ 'cmd' => 'Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverride', 'params' => ['clear' => true] ]); } catch (Exception $exception) { // Code is not missing here. } $this->height = self::DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT; } $this->viewportUpdated = false; } /** * Take screenshot of current page. * * @return string */ protected function takePageScreenshot() { if ($this->viewportUpdated === true || !$this->updateViewport()) { return $this->driver->takeScreenshot(); } $screenshot = $this->driver->takeScreenshot(); $this->resetViewport(); return $screenshot; } /** * Take screenshot of current page or page element. * * @param CElement|null $element page element to get screenshot of * * @return string */ public function takeScreenshot($element = null) { $screenshot = $this->takePageScreenshot(); if ($element !== null) { $screenshot = CImageHelper::getImageRegion($screenshot, $element->getRect()); } return $screenshot; } /** * Get browser logs. * * @return array */ public function getBrowserLog() { return $this->driver->manage()->getLog('browser'); } /** * Get page source. * * @return type */ public function getSource() { return $this->driver->getPageSource(); } /** * Wait until page is ready. * * @param integer $timeout timeout in seconds */ public function waitUntilReady($timeout = null) { return (new CElementQuery(null))->waitUntilReady($timeout); } /** * Wait until alert is present. */ public function waitUntilAlertIsPresent($timeout = null) { CElementQuery::wait($timeout)->until(WebDriverExpectedCondition::alertIsPresent(), 'Failed to wait for alert to be present.' ); } /** * Check if alert is present. * * @return boolean */ public function isAlertPresent() { return ($this->getAlertText() !== null); } /** * Get alert text. * * @return string|null */ public function getAlertText() { try { return $this->driver->switchTo()->alert()->getText(); } catch (NoSuchAlertException $exception) { return null; } } /** * Wait until alert is present and accept it. */ public function acceptAlert() { $this->waitUntilAlertIsPresent(); $this->driver->switchTo()->alert()->accept(); } /** * Wait until alert is present and dismiss it. */ public function dismissAlert() { $this->waitUntilAlertIsPresent(); $this->driver->switchTo()->alert()->dismiss(); } /** * Emulate key presses. * * @param array|string $keys keys to be pressed */ public function pressKey($keys) { if (!is_array($keys)) { $keys = [$keys]; } $keyboard = $this->driver->getKeyboard(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $keyboard->pressKey($key); } } /** * Create CElementQuery instance. * @see CElementQuery * * @param string $type selector type (method) or selector * @param string $locator locator part of selector * * @return CElementQuery */ public function query($type, $locator = null) { return new CElementQuery($type, $locator); } /** * Get web driver instance. * * @return RemoteWebDriver */ public function getDriver() { return $this->driver; } /** * Remove focus from the element. */ public function removeFocus() { try { $this->driver->executeScript('for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (document.activeElement.tagName !== "BODY")'. ' document.activeElement.blur(); else break;'); } catch (\Exception $ex) { throw new \Exception('Cannot remove focus.'); } } /** * Refresh page. * * @return $this */ public function refresh() { $this->driver->navigate()->refresh(); return $this; } /** * Switching to frame or iframe. * * @param CElement|string|array|null $element iframe element * * @return $this */ public function switchTo($element = null) { if ($element === null) { $this->driver->switchTo()->defaultContent(); return $this; } if (is_string($element)) { $element = $this->query($element)->one(false); } elseif (is_array($element)) { $element = $this->query($element[0], $element[1])->one(false); } if ($element instanceof RemoteWebElement) { $this->driver->switchTo()->frame($element); } else { throw new \Exception('Cannot switch to frame that is not an element.'); } return $this; } /** * Allows to login with user credentials. * * @param string $alias Username on login screen * @param string $password Password on login screen * @param string $url Direct link to certain Zabbix page */ public function userLogin($alias, $password, $url = 'index.php') { if (self::$cookie === null) { $this->driver->get(PHPUNIT_URL); } $this->logout(); $this->open($url); $this->query('id:name')->waitUntilVisible()->one()->fill($alias); $this->query('id:password')->one()->fill($password); $this->query('id:enter')->one()->click(); $this->waitUntilReady(); // Make sure that logged in page is opened. try { $this->query('xpath://aside[@class="sidebar"]//a[text()="User settings"]')->exists(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { throw new \Exception('"User settings" menu is not found on page. Probably user is not logged in.'); } } /** * Check page title text. * * @param string $title page title * * @throws Exception */ public function assertTitle($title) { global $ZBX_SERVER_NAME; if ($ZBX_SERVER_NAME !== '') { $title = $ZBX_SERVER_NAME.NAME_DELIMITER.$title; } $text = $this->getTitle(); if ($text !== $title) { throw new \Exception('Title of the page "'.$text.'" is not equal to "'.$title.'".'); } } /** * Check page header. * * @param string $header page header to be compared * * @throws Exception */ public function assertHeader($header) { $text = $this->query('xpath://h1[@id="page-title-general"]')->one()->getText(); if ($text !== $header) { throw new \Exception('Header of the page "'.$text.'" is not equal to "'.$header.'".'); } } /** * Scroll page to the top position. */ public function scrollToTop() { $this->getDriver()->executeScript('document.getElementsByClassName(\'wrapper\')[0].scrollTo(0, 0)'); } }