<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../include/CWebTest.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/helpers/CDataHelper.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../behaviors/CMessageBehavior.php'; /** * @backup widget, profiles * * @onBefore prepareClockWidgetData */ class testDashboardClockWidget extends CWebTest { /** * Id of the dashboard with widgets. * * @var integer */ protected static $dashboardid; /** * Attach MessageBehavior to the test. * * @return array */ public function getBehaviors() { return ['class' => CMessageBehavior::class]; } /** * SQL query to get widget and widget_field tables to compare hash values, but without widget_fieldid * because it can change. */ private $sql = 'SELECT wf.widgetid, wf.type, wf.name, wf.value_int, wf.value_str, wf.value_groupid, wf.value_hostid,'. ' wf.value_itemid, wf.value_graphid, wf.value_sysmapid, w.widgetid, w.dashboard_pageid, w.type, w.name, w.x, w.y,'. ' w.width, w.height'. ' FROM widget_field wf'. ' INNER JOIN widget w'. ' ON w.widgetid=wf.widgetid '. ' ORDER BY wf.widgetid, wf.name, wf.value_int, wf.value_str, wf.value_groupid, wf.value_itemid, wf.value_graphid'; /** * Create data for autotests which use ClockWidget. * * @return array */ public function prepareClockWidgetData() { CDataHelper::call('hostgroup.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Host group for clock widget' ] ]); $hostgrpid = CDataHelper::getIds('name'); CDataHelper::call('host.create', [ 'host' => 'Host for clock widget', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => $hostgrpid['Host group for clock widget'] ] ], 'interfaces' => [ 'type'=> 1, 'main' => 1, 'useip' => 1, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'port' => '10050' ] ]); $hostid = CDataHelper::getIds('host'); $interfaceid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT interfaceid FROM interface WHERE hostid='. $hostid['Host for clock widget'] ); CDataHelper::call('item.create', [ [ 'hostid' => $hostid['Host for clock widget'], 'name' => 'Item for clock widget', 'key_' => 'system.localtime[local]', 'type' => 0, 'value_type' => 1, 'interfaceid' => $interfaceid, 'delay' => '5s' ], [ 'hostid' => $hostid['Host for clock widget'], 'name' => 'Item for clock widget 2', 'key_' => 'system.localtime[local2]', 'type' => 0, 'value_type' => 1, 'interfaceid' => $interfaceid, 'delay' => '5s' ] ]); $itemid = CDataHelper::getIds('name'); CDataHelper::call('dashboard.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Dashboard for creating clock widgets', 'pages' => [ [ 'widgets' => [ [ 'type' => 'clock', 'name' => 'DeleteClock', 'x' => 5, 'y' => 0, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 5 ], [ 'type' => 'clock', 'name' => 'CancelClock', 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 5 ], [ 'type' => 'clock', 'name' => 'LayoutClock', 'x' => 10, 'y' => 0, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 5, 'fields' => [ [ 'type' => 4, 'name' => 'itemid', 'value' => $itemid['Item for clock widget'] ], [ 'type' => 0, 'name' => 'time_type', 'value' => 2 ] ] ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'Second page' ] ], 'userGroups' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 7, 'permission' => 3 ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'Dashboard for updating clock widgets', 'pages' => [ [ 'widgets' => [ [ 'type' => 'clock', 'name' => 'UpdateClock', 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 5 ] ] ] ], 'userGroups' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 7, 'permission' => 3 ] ] ] ]); self::$dashboardid = CDataHelper::getIds('name'); } /** * Check clock widgets layout. */ public function testDashboardClockWidget_Layout() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid='. self::$dashboardid['Dashboard for creating clock widgets']); $dialog = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->edit()->addWidget(); $form = $dialog->asForm(); $this->assertEquals('Add widget', $dialog->getTitle()); $form->fill(['Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Clock')]); $form->checkValue([ 'Name' => '', 'Refresh interval' => 'Default (15 minutes)', 'Time type' => 'Local time', 'id:show_header' => true ]); // Check "Name" field max length. $this->assertEquals('255', $form->query('id:name')->one()->getAttribute('maxlength')); // Check fields "Refresh interval" and "Time type" values. $dropdowns = [ 'Refresh interval' => ['Default (15 minutes)', 'No refresh', '10 seconds', '30 seconds', '1 minute', '2 minutes', '10 minutes', '15 minutes' ], 'Time type' => ['Local time', 'Server time', 'Host time'] ]; foreach ($dropdowns as $field => $options) { $this->assertEquals($options, $form->getField($field)->asDropdown()->getOptions()->asText()); } // Check that it's possible to select host items, when time type is "Host Time". $fields = ['Type', 'Name', 'Refresh interval', 'Time type']; foreach (['Local time', 'Server time', 'Host time'] as $type) { $form->fill(['Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL($type)]); /** * If the clock widgets type equals to "Host time", then additional field appears - 'Item', * which requires to select item of the "Host", in this case array_splice function allows us to put * this fields name into the array. Positive offset (4) starts from the beginning of the array, * while - (0) length parameter - specifies how many elements will be removed. */ if ($type === 'Host time') { array_splice($fields, 4, 0, ['Item']); $form->checkValue(['Item' => '']); $form->isRequired('Item'); } $this->assertEquals($fields, $form->getLabels()->filter(new CElementFilter(CElementFilter::VISIBLE))->asText()); } // Check if Add and Cancel button are clickable and there are two of them. $dialog->invalidate(); $this->assertEquals(2, $dialog->getFooter()->query('button', ['Add', 'Cancel'])->all() ->filter(new CElementFilter(CElementFilter::CLICKABLE))->count() ); } /** * Function checks specific scenario when Clock widget has "Time type" as "Host time" * and name for widget itself isn't provided, after creating widget, host name should be displayed on widget as * the widget name. */ public function testDashboardClockWidget_CheckClockWidgetsName() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid='. self::$dashboardid['Dashboard for creating clock widgets']); $dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one(); $form = $dashboard->getWidget('LayoutClock')->edit(); $form->fill(['Name' => '']); $this->query('button', 'Apply')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $dashboard->save(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated'); $dashboard->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertTrue($dashboard->getWidget('Host for clock widget')->isValid()); $dashboard->getWidget('Host for clock widget')->edit()->fill(['Name' => 'LayoutClock']); $this->query('button', 'Apply')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $dashboard->save(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated'); $this->assertEquals('LayoutClock', $dashboard->getWidget('LayoutClock')->getHeaderText()); } public static function getClockWidgetCommonData() { return [ // #0 Name and show header change. [ [ 'check_dialog_properties' => true, 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Show header' => true, 'Name' => 'Name and show header name' ] ] ], // #1 Refresh interval change. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Refresh interval' => '10 seconds', 'Name' => 'Refresh interval change name' ] ] ], // #2 Time type changed to Server time. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'Time type changed to Server time', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Server time') ] ] ], // #3 Time type changed to Local time. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'Time type changed to Local time', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Local time') ] ] ], // #4 Time type and refresh interval changed. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Type' => 'Clock', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Server time'), 'Refresh interval' => '10 seconds', 'Name' => 'Time type and refresh interval changed' ] ] ], // #5 Empty name added. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '' ] ] ], // #6 Symbols/numbers name added. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '!@#$%^&*()1234567890-=' ] ] ], // #7 Cyrillic added in name. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'Имя кирилицей' ] ] ], // #8 all fields changed. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Show header' => true, 'Name' => 'Updated_name', 'Refresh interval' => '10 minutes', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Server time') ] ] ], // #9 Host time without item. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'fields' => [ 'Show header' => false, 'Name' => 'ClockWithoutItem', 'Refresh interval' => '30 seconds', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Host time') ], 'Error message' => [ 'Invalid parameter "Item": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #10 Time type with item. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'Time type with item', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Host time'), 'Item' => 'Item for clock widget' ] ] ], // #11 Update item. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'Update item', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Host time'), 'Item' => 'Item for clock widget 2' ] ] ], // #12. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Show header' => true, 'Name' => 'HostTimeClock', 'Refresh interval' => '30 seconds', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Host time'), 'Item' => 'Item for clock widget' ] ] ], // #13. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'fields' => [ 'Show header' => true, 'Name' => 'LocalTimeClock123', 'Refresh interval' => '30 seconds', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Local time') ] ] ], // #14. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'second_page' => true, 'fields' => [ 'Show header' => true, 'Name' => '1233212', 'Refresh interval' => '30 seconds', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Local time') ] ] ] ]; } /** * Function for checking Clock widget form. * * @param array $data data provider * @param boolean $update true if update scenario, false if create * * @dataProvider getClockWidgetCommonData */ public function checkFormClockWidget($data, $update = false) { if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_GOOD) === TEST_BAD) { $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($this->sql); } $linkid = $update ? self::$dashboardid['Dashboard for updating clock widgets'] : self::$dashboardid['Dashboard for creating clock widgets']; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid='.$linkid); $dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->waitUntilVisible(); if (array_key_exists('second_page', $data) && $update == false) { $dashboard->selectPage('Second page'); $dashboard->invalidate(); } $form = $update ? $dashboard->getWidgets()->last()->edit() : $dashboard->edit()->addWidget()->asForm(); $dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->one(); if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'check_dialog_properties', false) && $update === true) { $this->assertEquals('Edit widget', $dialog->getTitle()); $form->checkValue(['Type' => 'Clock']); } if (!$update) { $form->fill(['Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Clock')]); } $form->fill($data['fields']); $form->query('xpath://button[@class="dialogue-widget-save"]')->waitUntilReady()->one()->click(); if ($data['expected'] === TEST_GOOD) { // Wait until the created widget is ready before saving the dashboard. if (!$update) { $name = (CTestArrayHelper::get($data['fields'], 'Name', '') === '') ? 'Local' : $data['fields']['Name']; $dashboard->getWidget($name); } $dashboard->save(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated'); /** * After saving dashboard, it returns you to first page, if widget created in 2nd page, * then it needs to be opened. */ if (array_key_exists('second_page', $data) && $update === false) { $dashboard->selectPage('Second page'); $dashboard->invalidate(); } if (array_key_exists('Item', $data['fields'])) { $data['fields'] = array_replace($data['fields'], ['Item' => 'Host for clock widget: '. $data['fields']['Item']]); } // Check that widget updated. $dashboard->edit(); $dashboard->getWidgets()->last()->edit()->checkValue($data['fields']); // Check that widget is saved in DB. $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT *'. ' FROM widget w'. ' WHERE EXISTS ('. ' SELECT NULL'. ' FROM dashboard_page dp'. ' WHERE w.dashboard_pageid=dp.dashboard_pageid'. ' AND dp.dashboardid='.$linkid. ' AND w.name ='.zbx_dbstr(CTestArrayHelper::get($data['fields'], 'Name', '')). ')' )); } else { $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, null, $data['Error message']); // Check that DB hash is not changed. $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($this->sql)); } } /** * Function for checking Clock Widgets creation. * * @param array $data data provider * @dataProvider getClockWidgetCommonData */ public function testDashboardClockWidget_Create($data) { $this->checkFormClockWidget($data); } /** * Function for checking Clock Widgets successful update. * * @param array $data data provider * @dataProvider getClockWidgetCommonData */ public function testDashboardClockWidget_Update($data) { $this->checkFormClockWidget($data, true); } public function testDashboardClockWidget_SimpleUpdate() { $this->checkNoChanges(); } public static function getCancelData() { return [ // Cancel creating widget with saving the dashboard. [ [ 'cancel_form' => true, 'create_widget' => true, 'save_dashboard' => true ] ], // Cancel updating widget with saving the dashboard. [ [ 'cancel_form' => true, 'create_widget' => false, 'save_dashboard' => true ] ], // Create widget without saving the dashboard. [ [ 'cancel_form' => false, 'create_widget' => false, 'save_dashboard' => false ] ], // Update widget without saving the dashboard. [ [ 'cancel_form' => false, 'create_widget' => false, 'save_dashboard' => false ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getCancelData */ public function testDashboardClockWidget_Cancel($data) { $this->checkNoChanges($data['cancel_form'], $data['create_widget'], $data['save_dashboard']); } /** * Function for checking cancelling form or submitting without any changes. * * @param boolean $cancel true if cancel scenario, false if form is submitted * @param boolean $create true if create scenario, false if update * @param boolean $save_dashboard true if dashboard will be saved, false if not */ private function checkNoChanges($cancel = false, $create = false, $save_dashboard = true) { $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($this->sql); $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid='. self::$dashboardid['Dashboard for creating clock widgets']); $dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one(); $old_widget_count = $dashboard->getWidgets()->count(); $form = $create ? $dashboard->edit()->addWidget()->asForm() : $dashboard->getWidget('CancelClock')->edit(); $dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady(); if (!$create) { $values = $form->getFields()->asValues(); } else { $form->fill(['Type' => 'Clock']); } if ($cancel || !$save_dashboard) { $form->fill([ 'Name' => 'Widget to be cancelled', 'Refresh interval' => '10 minutes', 'Time type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Host time'), 'Item' => 'Item for clock widget 2' ]); } if ($cancel) { $dialog->query('button:Cancel')->one()->click(); } else { $form->submit(); } COverlayDialogElement::ensureNotPresent(); if (!$cancel) { $dashboard->getWidget(!$save_dashboard ? 'Widget to be cancelled' : 'CancelClock')->waitUntilReady(); } if ($save_dashboard) { $dashboard->save(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated'); } else { $dashboard->cancelEditing(); } $this->assertEquals($old_widget_count, $dashboard->getWidgets()->count()); // Check that updating widget form values did not change in frontend. if (!$create && !$save_dashboard) { $this->assertEquals($values, $dashboard->getWidget('CancelClock')->edit()->getFields()->asValues()); } // Check that DB hash is not changed. $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($this->sql)); } /** * Check clock widgets deletion. */ public function testDashboardClockWidget_Delete() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid='. self::$dashboardid['Dashboard for creating clock widgets']); $dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one(); $widget = $dashboard->edit()->getWidget('DeleteClock'); $this->assertTrue($widget->isEditable()); $dashboard->deleteWidget('DeleteClock'); $dashboard->save(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated'); // Check that widget is not present on dashboard and in DB. $this->assertFalse($dashboard->getWidget('DeleteClock', false)->isValid()); $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT *'. ' FROM widget_field wf'. ' LEFT JOIN widget w'. ' ON w.widgetid=wf.widgetid'. ' WHERE w.name='.zbx_dbstr('DeleteClock') )); } }