** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../include/CWebTest.php';

define('CURRENT_YEAR', date("Y"));

 * @onBefore prepareHostDashboardsData
 * @backup hosts
class testPageHostDashboards extends CWebTest {

	const HOST_NAME = 'Host for Host Dashboards';
	const TEMPLATE_NAME = 'Template for '.self::HOST_NAME;
	const COUNT_MANY = 20;

	public function prepareHostDashboardsData() {
		$data = [
			'host_name' => self::HOST_NAME,
			'dashboards' => [
					'name' => 'Dashboard 1',
					'pages' => [
							'name' => 'Page 1',
							'widgets' => [
									'type' => 'graph',
									'name' => 'Graph widget',
									'width' => 6,
									'height' => 4,
									'fields' => [
											'type' => ZBX_WIDGET_FIELD_TYPE_INT32,
											'name' => '*',
											'value' => 0
							'name' => 'Page 2'

		// Create a Host with many Pages.
		$page_array = [];

		for ($i = 1; $i <= self::COUNT_MANY; $i++) {
			$page_array[] = ['name' => 'Page '.$i];

		$data_pages = [
			'host_name' => 'Many Pages',
			'dashboards' => [
					'name' => 'Dashboard 1',
					'pages' => $page_array

	 * Check layout.
	public function testPageHostDashboards_Layout() {

		$this->page->assertHeader('Dashboard 1');

		$breadcrumbs = $this->query('class:breadcrumbs')->one();
		$this->assertEquals('zabbix.php?action=host.view', $breadcrumbs->query('link:All hosts')->one()->getAttribute('href'));
		$this->assertEquals(['All hosts', self::HOST_NAME, 'Dashboard 1'], $breadcrumbs->query('tag:li')->all()->asText());

		// Check dashboard dropdown.
		$dropdown_menu = $this->query('id:dashboardid')->asDropdown()->one();
		$this->assertEquals(['Dashboard 1'], $dropdown_menu->getOptions()->asText());
		$dropdown_label = $this->query('xpath://label[@for="label-dashboard"]')->one();
		$this->assertEquals('Dashboard', $dropdown_label->getText());

		// Check page tabs.
		$dashboard_navigation = $this->query('class:dashboard-navigation')->one();
		$this->assertEquals(['Page 1', 'Page 2'], $dashboard_navigation->query('xpath:.//li[@class="sortable-item"]')->all()->asText());

		// Check Slideshow button.
		foreach (['Stop', 'Start'] as $status) {
			$this->assertTrue($dashboard_navigation->query('xpath:.//button/span[text()="'.$status.' slideshow"]')->one()->isDisplayed());

	 * Open and close the Kiosk mode.
	public function testPageHostDashboards_CheckKioskMode() {

		// Test Kiosk mode.
		$this->query('xpath://button[@title="Kiosk mode"]')->one()->click();

		// Check that Header and Filter disappeared.

		// Check Dashboard page controls.
		foreach (['Previous page', 'Stop slideshow', 'Next page'] as $button) {

		// Check Slideshow button.
		$dashboard_controls = $this->query('class:dashboard-kioskmode-controls')->one();

		foreach (['Stop', 'Start'] as $status) {
			$this->assertTrue($dashboard_controls->query('xpath:.//button[@title="'.$status.' slideshow"]')->one()->isDisplayed());

		$this->query('xpath://button[@title="Normal view"]')->waitUntilPresent()->one()->hoverMouse()->click();

		// Check that Header and Filter are visible again.

		foreach (['xpath://div['.CXPathHelper::fromClass('filter-space').']', 'id:dashboardid', 'class:dashboard'] as $selector) {

	public function getCheckFiltersData() {
		return [
					'fields' => ['id:from' => 'now-2h', 'id:to' => 'now-1h'],
					'expected_tab' => 'now-2h – now-1h',
					'zoom_buttons' => [
						'btn-time-left' => true,
						'btn-time-out' => true,
						'btn-time-right' => true
					'fields' => ['id:from' => 'now-2y', 'id:to' => 'now-1y'],
					'expected_tab' => 'now-2y – now-1y',
					'zoom_buttons' => [
						'btn-time-left' => true,
						'btn-time-out' => true,
						'btn-time-right' => true
					'link' => 'Last 30 days',
					'expected_fields' => ['id:from' => 'now-30d', 'id:to' => 'now'],
					'zoom_buttons' => [
						'btn-time-left' => true,
						'btn-time-out' => true,
						'btn-time-right' => false
					'link' => 'Last 2 years',
					'expected_fields' => ['id:from' => 'now-2y', 'id:to' => 'now'],
					'zoom_buttons' => [
						'btn-time-left' => true,
						'btn-time-out' => false,
						'btn-time-right' => false
					'fields' => ['id:from' => CURRENT_YEAR.'-01-01 00:00:00', 'id:to' => CURRENT_YEAR.'-01-01 01:00:00'],
					'expected_tab' => CURRENT_YEAR.'-01-01 00:00:00 – '.CURRENT_YEAR.'-01-01 01:00:00',
					'zoom_buttons' => [
						'btn-time-left' => true,
						'btn-time-out' => true,
						'btn-time-right' => true
					'fields' => ['id:from' => '2023-01', 'id:to' => '2023-01'],
					'expected_fields' => ['id:from' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00', 'id:to' => '2023-01-31 23:59:59'],
					'expected_tab' => '2023-01-01 00:00:00 – 2023-01-31 23:59:59',
					'zoom_buttons' => [
						'btn-time-left' => true,
						'btn-time-out' => true,
						'btn-time-right' => true
					'fields' => ['id:from' => '$#^$@', 'id:to' => '&nbsp;'],
					'error' => [
						'from' => 'Invalid date.',
						'to' => 'Invalid date.'
					'fields' => ['id:from' => 'now-3y', 'id:to' => 'now'],
					'error' => [
						'from' => 'Maximum time period to display is {days} days.'
					'days_count' => true

	 * Change values in the filter section and check the resulting changes.
	 * @dataProvider getCheckFiltersData
	public function testPageHostDashboards_CheckFilters($data) {
		$filter = CFilterElement::find()->one();
		$form = $filter->asForm(['normalized' => true]);

		// Set custom time filter.
		if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'fields')) {
		else {
			$form->query('link', $data['link'])->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click();


		// Check error message if such is expected.
		if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'error')) {
			foreach ($data['error'] as $field => $text) {
				// Count of days mentioned in error depends ot presence of leap year february in selected period.
				if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'days_count')) {
					$text = str_replace('{days}', CDateTimeHelper::countDays('now', 'P2Y'), $text);
				$message = $this->query('xpath://ul[@data-error-for='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($field).']//li')->one();
				$this->assertEquals($text, $message->getText());
		else {
			// If error not expected.

			// Check Zoom buttons.
			foreach ($data['zoom_buttons'] as $button => $state) {
				$this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://button[contains(@class, '.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($button).

			// Check field values.
			$form->checkValue(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected_fields', CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'fields')));

			// Check tab title.
				CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected_tab', CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'link')),

	public function getCheckNavigationTabsData() {
		return [
					'host_name' => 'One Dashboard - one Page',
					'dashboards' => [['name' => 'Dashboard 1']]
					'host_name' => 'One Dashboard - three Pages',
					'dashboards' => [
							'name' => 'Dashboard 1',
							'pages' => [['name' => 'Page 1'], ['name' => 'Page 2'], ['name' => 'Page 3']]
					'host_name' => 'Three Dashboards - three Pages each',
					'dashboards' => [
							'name' => 'Dashboard 1',
							'pages' => [['name' => 'Page 11'], ['name' => 'Page 12'], ['name' => 'Page 13']]
							'name' => 'Dashboard 2',
							'pages' => [['name' => 'Page 21'], ['name' => 'Page 22'], ['name' => 'Page 23']]
							'name' => 'Dashboard 3',
							'pages' => [['name' => 'Page 31'], ['name' => 'Page 32'], ['name' => 'Page 33']]
					'host_name' => 'Unicode Dashboards',
					'dashboards' => [
						['name' => '🙂🙃'],
						['name' => 'test тест 测试 テスト ทดสอบ'],
						['name' => '<script>alert("hi!");</script>'],
						['name' => '&nbsp; &amp;'],
						['name' => '☺♥²©™"\'']
					'host_name' => 'Unicode Pages',
					'dashboards' => [
							'name' => 'Dashboard 1',
							'pages' => [
								['name' => '🙂🙃'],
								['name' => 'test тест 测试 テスト ทดสอบ'],
								['name' => '<script>alert("hi!");</script>'],
								['name' => '&nbsp; &amp;'],
								['name' => '☺♥²©™"\'']
					'host_name' => 'Long names',
					'dashboards' => [
							'name' => STRING_255,
							'pages' => [['name' => STRING_255], ['name' => STRING_128]]

	 * Check Dashboard and Page navigation using tabs.
	 * @dataProvider getCheckNavigationTabsData
	public function testPageHostDashboards_CheckNavigationTabs($data) {
		// Create the required entities in database.
		$api_dashboards = $this->createHostWithDashboards($data);


		// Dashboard dropdown form.
		$form = $this->query('class:header-controls')->asForm()->one();

		// Assert dashboards and Pages.
		foreach ($api_dashboards as $dashboard) {
			// If not already on the correct Dashboard, then switch.
			if ($dashboard['name'] !== $form->getField('id:dashboardid')->getText()) {
				$form->fill(['id:dashboardid' => $dashboard['name']]);


			 * Check Page switching.
			 * It is expected that in every page there will be a Widget named like so: 'Dashboard 1 - Page 2 widget'.
			if (count($dashboard['pages']) === 1) {
				// Case when there is only one Page. The Page button is not even visible.
			else {
				// When a Dashboard contains several Pages.

				// Check that Slideshow button exists.

				// Parent to all Page tabs.
				$page_tabs = $this->query('class:dashboard-navigation-tabs')->one();

				foreach ($dashboard['pages'] as $page) {
					$page_tab = $page_tabs->query('xpath:.//span[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($page['name']).']')->one();
					$this->assertEquals($page['name'], $page_tab->getAttribute('title'));

					// Only switch the Page if it is not the first one.
					if ($page['name'] !== $page_tabs->query('xpath:.//div[@class="selected-tab"]')->one()->getText()) {

					// Assert that the Dashboard has opened.
					$this->checkDashboardOpen($dashboard, $page);

	 * Check Page navigation using the buttons.
	public function testPageHostDashboards_CheckNavigationButtons() {
		$this->openDashboardsForHost('Many Pages');

		$previous = $this->query('class:dashboard-previous-page')->one();
		$next = $this->query('class:dashboard-next-page')->one();

		// Cycle tabs in forward direction (by using the > button).
		for ($i = 1; $i <= self::COUNT_MANY; $i++) {
					['name' => 'Dashboard 1'],
					['name' => 'Page '.$i]

			//Assert if enabled/disabled correctly.
			$this->assertEquals($i > 1, $previous->isEnabled());
			$this->assertEquals($i < self::COUNT_MANY, $next->isEnabled());

			// Only switch Page if it is not the last one.
			if ($i !== self::COUNT_MANY) {

		// Cycle tabs in backward direction (by using the < button).
		for ($i = self::COUNT_MANY; $i >= 1; $i--) {
				['name' => 'Dashboard 1'],
				['name' => 'Page '.$i]

			//Assert if enabled/disabled correctly.
			$this->assertEquals($i > 1, $previous->isEnabled());
			$this->assertEquals($i < self::COUNT_MANY, $next->isEnabled());

			// Only switch the Page if it is not the first one.
			if ($i !== 1) {

	 * Opens the 'Host dashboards' page for a specific host.
	 * @param $host_name    name of the Host to open Dashboards for
	protected function openDashboardsForHost($host_name) {
		// Instead of searching the Host in the UI it is faster to just get the ID from the database.
		$id = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT hostid FROM hosts WHERE host='.zbx_dbstr($host_name));

	 * Creates a Template with required Dashboards using API and assigns it to a new Host.
	 * @param $data      data from data provider
	 * @returns array    dashboard data, that was actually sent to the API (with the defaults set)
	protected function createHostWithDashboards($data) {
		$response = CDataHelper::createTemplates([
				'host' => 'Template for '.$data['host_name'],
				'groups' => [
					['groupid' => '1'] // template group 'Templates'
		$template_id = $response['templateids']['Template for '.$data['host_name']];

				'host' => $data['host_name'],
				'groups' => [
					['groupid' => '6'] // host group 'Virtual machines'
				'templates' => [
					'templateid' => $template_id

		// Add all resulting dashboard data and then return.
		$api_dashboards = [];

		foreach ($data['dashboards'] as $dashboard) {
			// Set Template ID.
			$dashboard['templateid'] = $template_id;

			// Add the default Dashboard Page if none set.
			if (!array_key_exists('pages', $dashboard)) {
				$dashboard['pages'] = [
						'name' => 'Page 1',
						'widgets' => [
								'type' => 'clock',
								'name' => $this->widgetName($dashboard['name'], 'Page 1'),
								'width' => 6,
								'height' => 4

			// Add default widgets if missing, the name is important.
			foreach ($dashboard['pages'] as $i => $page) {
				if (!array_key_exists('widgets', $dashboard['pages'][$i])) {
					$dashboard['pages'][$i]['widgets'] = [
							'type' => 'clock',
							'name' => $this->widgetName($dashboard['name'], $page['name']),
							'width' => 6,
							'height' => 4

			// Create the Dashboard with API.
			CDataHelper::call('templatedashboard.create', [

			$api_dashboards[] = $dashboard;

		// The dashboard tabs are sorted alphabetically.
		CTestArrayHelper::usort($api_dashboards, ['name']);
		return $api_dashboards;

	 * Create a widget name from the dashboard and page name.
	 * The name is used for making sure the correct Dashboard is displayed.
	 * @param $dashboard_name    name of the dashboard this widget is on
	 * @param $page_name         name of the page this widget is on
	 * @return string            calculated widget name
	protected function widgetName($dashboard_name, $page_name) {
		// Widget name max length 255.
		return substr($dashboard_name.' - '.$page_name.' widget', 0, 255);

	 * Check that the correct Dashboard and Pages is displayed.
	 * This is done by testing for the unique Widget name.
	 * @param $dashboard    Dashboard data array
	 * @param $page         Page data array
	protected function checkDashboardOpen ($dashboard, $page = null) {
		if ($page === null) {
			$page = $dashboard['pages'][0];

		// Check Dashboard name in header and breadcrumb.

		// Check that the correct Page tab is selected.
		if (count(CTestArrayHelper::get($dashboard, 'pages', [])) > 1) {
			$page_tabs = $this->query('class:dashboard-navigation-tabs')->one();
			$this->assertEquals($page['name'], $page_tabs->query('xpath:.//div[@class="selected-tab"]')->one()->getText());

		// Assert correct Dashboard is displayed by asserting the Widget name.
		CDashboardElement::find()->one()->getWidget($this->widgetName($dashboard['name'], $page['name']));