<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/CLegacyWebTest.php'; use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy; /** * @backup graphs */ class testPageHostGraph extends CLegacyWebTest { public function testPageHostGraph_CheckLayout() { $host_name = 'Host to check graph 1'; // Get graphs data on host. $sql = 'SELECT graphid, name, width, height, graphtype'. ' FROM graphs'. ' WHERE graphid IN'. '(SELECT graphid'. ' FROM graphs_items'. ' WHERE itemid IN'. '(SELECT itemid'. ' FROM items'. ' WHERE hostid IN'. '(SELECT hostid'. ' FROM hosts'. ' WHERE host='.zbx_dbstr($host_name). ')'. ')'. ')'. 'ORDER BY name'; $hostid = $this->openPageHostGraphs($host_name, 'host'); $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of graphs'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Graphs'); $filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); $filter->checkValue(['Hosts' => $host_name]); $this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath('//button[@type="button"][text()="Create graph"]'); $this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath('//span[@class="green"][text()="Enabled"]'); $this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath('//span[@class="status-grey"][text()="ZBX"]'); // Check host breadcrumbs text and url. $filter->getField('Hosts')->fill($host_name); $filter->submit(); $breadcrumbs = [ self::HOST_LIST_PAGE => 'All hosts', (new CUrl('zabbix.php')) ->setArgument('action', 'host.edit') ->setArgument('hostid', $hostid) ->getUrl() => $host_name, 'items.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='.$hostid.'&context=host' => 'Items', 'triggers.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='.$hostid.'&context=host' => 'Triggers', 'graphs.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='.$hostid.'&context=host' => 'Graphs', 'host_discovery.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='.$hostid.'&context=host' => 'Discovery rules', 'httpconf.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='.$hostid.'&context=host' => 'Web scenarios' ]; $count_items = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE hostid='.$hostid); $count_graphs = CDBHelper::getCount($sql); foreach ($breadcrumbs as $url => $text) { $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://a[@href="'.$url.'"][text()="'.$text.'"]') ->one()->isVisible() ); // Check item and graph count. if ($text === 'Items' || $text === 'Graphs') { $get_number = $this->zbxTestGetText('//a[@href="'.$url.'"]/..//sup'); $this->assertEquals($get_number, ($text === 'Items') ? $count_items : $count_graphs); } } // Check table headers on page. $xpath = '//form[@name="graphForm"]//thead/tr/th[not(@class)]'; $get_headers = $this->query('xpath', $xpath)->all(); foreach ($get_headers as $row) { $table_headers[] = $row->getText(); } $this->assertEquals(['Name', 'Width', 'Height', 'Graph type', 'Info'], $table_headers); // Check graph configuration parameters. $types = ['Normal', 'Stacked', 'Pie', 'Exploded']; foreach (CDBHelper::getAll($sql) as $graph) { // Get graph row in table. $element = $this->query('xpath://table[@class="list-table"]/tbody//input[@value="'. $graph['graphid'].'"]/../..')->one(); // Check name value. $this->assertEquals($graph['name'], $element->query('xpath:./td/a[@href="graphs.php?form=update&graphid='. $graph['graphid'].'&context=host&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='.$hostid.'"]')->one()->getText() ); // Check width value. $this->assertEquals($graph['width'], $element->query('xpath:./td[3]')->one()->getText()); // Check height value. $this->assertEquals($graph['height'], $element->query('xpath:./td[4]')->one()->getText()); // Check graph type value. $this->assertEquals($types[$graph['graphtype']], $element->query('xpath:./td[5]')->one()->getText()); } // Check table footer. $this->zbxTestAssertElementText('//div[@class="table-stats"]', 'Displaying '.$count_graphs.' of ' .$count_graphs.' found' ); $this->zbxTestAssertElementText('//span[@id="selected_count"]', '0 selected'); } public static function getCopyData() { return [ // Copy to host. // Copy without target. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Hosts', 'group' => 'Group for host graph check', 'error' => 'No target selected.' ] ], // Copy graph to the same host. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 1' ], 'target_type' => 'Hosts', 'group' => 'Group for host graph check', 'targets' => [ 'Host to delete graphs' ], 'error' => 'Graph "Delete graph 1" already exists on "Host to delete graphs".' ] ], // Copy graph to host without item. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3' ], 'target_type' => 'Hosts', 'group' => 'Empty group', 'targets' => [ 'Empty host' ], 'error' => 'Missing key "graph[1]" for host "Empty host".' ] ], // Copy several graphs to host. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 5', 'Delete graph 2' ], 'target_type' => 'Hosts', 'group' => 'Group for host graph check', 'targets' => [ 'Host to check graph 1' ] ] ], // Graph already exist at target host. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 5' ], 'target_type' => 'Hosts', 'group' => 'Group for host graph check', 'targets' => [ 'Host to check graph 1' ], 'error' => 'Graph with name "Delete graph 5" already exists in graphs or graph prototypes.' ] ], // Copy all graphs to host. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => 'all', 'target_type' => 'Hosts', 'group' => 'Group for host graph check', 'targets' => [ 'Host to check graph 2' ] ] ], // Copy graphs to hosts. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Hosts', 'group' => 'Group for host graph check', 'targets' => [ 'Host to check graph 3', 'Host to check graph 4', 'Host to check graph 5' ] ] ], // Copy to host group. // Copy without target selection. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Host groups', 'error' => 'No target selected.' ] ], // Copy graph to host group without item. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3' ], 'target_type' => 'Host groups', 'targets' => [ 'Empty group' ], 'error' => 'Missing key "graph[1]" for host "Empty host".' ] ], // Copy several graphs to host group. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Host groups', 'targets' => [ 'Group to copy graph' ] ] ], // Graph already exist at target host group. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Host groups', 'targets' => [ 'Group to copy graph' ], 'error' => 'Graph with name "Delete graph 3" already exists in graphs or graph prototypes.' ] ], // Copy all graphs to host group. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => 'all', 'target_type' => 'Host groups', 'targets' => [ 'Group to copy all graph' ] ] ], // Copy graph to host groups. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 1' ], 'target_type' => 'Host groups', 'targets' => [ 'Copy graph to several groups 1', 'Copy graph to several groups 2' ] ] ], // Copy to template. // Copy without target selection. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Templates', 'group' => 'Templates', 'error' => 'No target selected.' ] ], // Copy graph to the same template. [ [ 'host' => 'Template to test graphs', 'copy_from_template' => true, 'graph' => [ 'Graph to check copy' ], 'target_type' => 'Templates', 'group' => 'Templates', 'targets' => [ 'Template to test graphs' ], 'error' => 'Graph "Graph to check copy" already exists on "Template to test graphs".' ] ], // Copy graph to template without item. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Templates', 'group' => 'Templates', 'targets' => [ '1Empty template' ], 'error' => 'Missing key "graph[1]" for host "1Empty template".' ] ], // Copy several graphs to template. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Templates', 'group' => 'Templates', 'targets' => [ 'Template with item graph' ] ] ], // Graph already exist at target template. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ], 'target_type' => 'Templates', 'group' => 'Templates', 'targets' => [ 'Template with item graph' ], 'error' => 'Graph with name "Delete graph 3" already exists in graphs or graph prototypes.' ] ], // Copy all graphs to host group. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => 'all', 'target_type' => 'Templates', 'group' => 'Templates', 'targets' => [ 'Template with item graph for copy all graph' ] ] ], // Copy graph to several templates. [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 2' ], 'target_type' => 'Templates', 'group' => 'Templates', 'targets' => [ 'Template to copy graph to several templates 1', 'Template to copy graph to several templates 2' ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getCopyData */ public function testPageHostGraph_CopySelected($data) { $this->selectGraph($data); $this->zbxTestClickButtonText('Copy'); $copy_type = 'copy_type_'.array_search($data['target_type'], ['Host groups', 'Hosts', 'Templates']); $this->zbxTestClickXpathWait('//label[@for="'.$copy_type.'"][text()="'.$data['target_type'].'"]'); // Select check boxes of defined targets. if (array_key_exists('targets', $data)) { $this->zbxTestClickButtonMultiselect('copy_targetids'); $this->zbxTestLaunchOverlayDialog($data['target_type']); COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady(); // Select hosts or templates. if ($data['target_type'] === 'Hosts' || $data['target_type'] === 'Templates') { // Select host group. COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->query('class:multiselect-button')->one()->click(); $this->zbxTestLaunchOverlayDialog('Host groups'); COverlayDialogElement::find()->all()->last()->query('link', $data['group'])->waitUntilVisible()->one()->click(); COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady(); foreach ($data['targets'] as $target) { $hostid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT hostid FROM hosts WHERE host='.zbx_dbstr($target)); $this->zbxTestCheckboxSelect('item_'.$hostid); } } // Select host groups. else { foreach ($data['targets'] as $target) { $groupid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT groupid FROM hstgrp WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($target)); $this->zbxTestCheckboxSelect('item_'.$groupid); } } $this->zbxTestClickXpath('//div[@class="overlay-dialogue-footer"]//button[text()="Select"]'); } $this->zbxTestClick('copy'); if (array_key_exists('error', $data)) { $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-bad', $data['error']); } else { $this->zbxTestWaitUntilElementVisible(WebDriverBy::className('msg-good')); $this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath('//output[@class="msg-good"]/span[contains(text(),"copied")]'); // DB check, if copy target was host or template. if ($data['target_type'] === 'Hosts' || $data['target_type'] === 'Templates') { // Save graph data of original host. $original = $this->getGraphHash($data, $data['host']); // Save graph data of copy target. foreach ($data['targets'] as $target) { $this->assertEquals($original, $this->getGraphHash($data, $target)); } } // DB check, if copy target is host group. elseif ($data['target_type'] === 'Host groups') { // Save graph data of original host. $original = $this->getGraphHash($data, $data['host']); // Get every host from the group. foreach ($data['targets'] as $target) { $group_host = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT host'. ' FROM hosts'. ' WHERE hostid IN ('. 'SELECT hostid'. ' FROM hosts_groups'. ' WHERE groupid IN ('. 'SELECT groupid'. ' FROM hstgrp'. ' WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($target). ')'. ')' ); // Check DB with every host foreach ($group_host as $host) { $name = $host['host']; // Save graph data of copy target - host group $this->assertEquals($original, $this->getGraphHash($data, $name)); } } } } } /** * Get data from DB * @param type $data test case data from data provider. * @param type $hosts host or template name, depends on target type. */ private function getGraphHash($data, $hosts) { $names = []; // Get graph names in string, if need to copy ALL graphs of the host. if ($data['graph'] === 'all') { $graphs = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT name'. ' FROM graphs'. ' WHERE graphid IN ('. 'SELECT graphid'. ' FROM graphs_items'. ' WHERE itemid IN ('. 'SELECT itemid'. ' FROM items'. ' WHERE hostid IN ('. 'SELECT hostid'. ' FROM hosts'. ' WHERE host='.zbx_dbstr($data['host']). ')'. ')'. ')' ); foreach ($graphs as $graph) { $names[] = zbx_dbstr($graph['name']); } } // Get graph names in string. else { foreach ($data['graph'] as $graph) { $names[] = zbx_dbstr($graph); } } // If $host is not array, then remake it in array. if (!is_array($hosts)) { $hosts = [$hosts]; } // Execute zbx_dbstr to every element of array. array_walk($hosts, function (&$host) { $host = zbx_dbstr($host); }); // Select graphs by hostid or templateid. return CDBHelper::getHash( 'SELECT name, width, height, yaxismin, yaxismax, templateid, show_work_period, show_triggers,'. ' graphtype, show_legend, show_3d, percent_left, percent_right, ymin_type, ymax_type, flags,'. ' ymin_itemid, ymax_itemid'. ' FROM graphs'. ' WHERE name IN ('.implode(',', $names).')'. ' AND graphid IN ('. 'SELECT graphid'. ' FROM graphs_items'. ' WHERE itemid IN ('. 'SELECT itemid'. ' FROM items'. ' WHERE hostid IN ('. 'SELECT hostid'. ' FROM hosts'. ' WHERE host IN ('.implode(',', $hosts).')'. ')'. ')'. ')'. ' ORDER BY name' ); } public static function getDeleteData() { return [ [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => [ 'Delete graph 3', 'Delete graph 4' ] ] ], [ [ 'host' => 'Host to delete graphs', 'graph' => 'all' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getDeleteData */ public function testPageHostGraph_DeleteSelected($data) { $this->selectGraph($data); $this->zbxTestClickButtonText('Delete'); $this->zbxTestAcceptAlert(); $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Graphs deleted'); $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of graphs'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Graphs'); if ($data['graph'] === 'all') { $sql = 'SELECT NULL'. ' FROM graphs_items'. ' WHERE itemid IN'. '(SELECT itemid'. ' FROM items'. ' WHERE hostid IN'. '(SELECT hostid'. ' FROM hosts'. ' WHERE host='.zbx_dbstr($data['host']). ')'. ')'; } else { $names = []; foreach ($data['graph'] as $graph) { $names[] = zbx_dbstr($graph); } $sql = 'SELECT graphid'. ' FROM graphs'. ' WHERE name IN ('.implode(',', $names).')'. ' AND graphid IN ('. 'SELECT graphid'. ' FROM graphs_items'. ' WHERE itemid IN ('. 'SELECT itemid'. ' FROM items'. ' WHERE hostid IN ('. 'SELECT hostid'. ' FROM hosts'. ' WHERE host IN ('.zbx_dbstr($data['host']).')'. ')'. ')'. ')'. ' ORDER BY name'; } $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount($sql)); } public static function getFilterData() { return [ [ [ 'group' => 'Empty group', 'host' => 'Empty host' ] ], [ [ 'group' => 'Templates', 'host' => '1Empty template', 'context' => 'template' ] ], [ [ 'group' => 'Empty group', 'host' => 'all' ] ], [ [ 'group' => 'all', 'host' => 'Host to check graph 1', 'graph' => [ 'Check graph 1', 'Check graph 2' ] ] ], [ [ 'host' => 'Host to check graph 1', 'change_group' => 'Empty group' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getFilterData */ public function testPageHostGraph_CheckFilter($data) { $context = CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'context', 'host'); $this->openPageHostGraphs($data['host'], $context); $filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); if (array_key_exists('group', $data)) { if ($data['group'] === 'all') { $filter->getField('Host groups')->clear(); } else { $filter->getField('Host groups')->select($data['group']); } } $field_label = ucfirst($context).'s'; if (array_key_exists('host', $data)) { if ($data['host'] === 'all') { $filter->getField($field_label)->clear(); } else { $filter->getField($field_label)->fill($data['host']); } if (array_key_exists('change_group', $data)) { $filter->getField('Host groups')->clear(); $filter->getField('Host groups')->select($data['change_group']); } } $filter->submit(); if ($data['host'] === 'all') { $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://button[@id="form"][@disabled][text()="Create graph (select host first)"]') ->one()->isVisible() ); } if (array_key_exists('graph', $data)) { foreach ($data['graph'] as $graph) { $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://a[contains(@href,"graphs.php?form=update")][text()="'.$graph.'"]') ->one()->isVisible() ); } } else { $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://tr[@class="nothing-to-show"]/td[text()="No data found."]') ->one()->isVisible() ); } } private function openPageHostGraphs($host, $context) { $hostid = ($host !== 'all') ? CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT hostid FROM hosts where host='.zbx_dbstr($host)) : 0; $this->zbxTestLogin('graphs.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='.$hostid.'&context='.$context); return $hostid; } /** * Select specified graphs. * * @param array $data test case data from data provider */ private function selectGraph($data) { $context = (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'copy_from_template')) ? 'template' : 'host'; $hostid = $this->openPageHostGraphs($data['host'], $context); if ($data['graph'] === 'all') { $this->zbxTestCheckboxSelect('all_graphs'); return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT graphid'. ' FROM graphs'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionString('name', $data['graph']). ' AND graphid IN ('. 'SELECT graphid'. ' FROM graphs_items'. ' WHERE itemid IN ('. 'SELECT itemid'. ' FROM items'. ' WHERE hostid='.$hostid. ')'. ')' ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $this->zbxTestCheckboxSelect('group_graphid_'.$row['graphid']); } } }