** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../common/testCalculatedFormula.php';

 * @backup items
class testFormulaCalculatedItem extends testCalculatedFormula {

	public $url = 'zabbix.php?action=item.list&context=host&filter_set=1&filter_hostids[0]=40001';

	public function getItemValidationData() {
		return [
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'avg(/host/trap,{#LLD})',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "avg(/host/trap,{#LLD})".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'avg(/host/trap,"{#LLD}")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "avg".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'avg(/host/trap,"{#LLD}h")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "avg".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'bitand(last(/host/key,"{#LLD}:now-24h"),123)',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "last".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'count(/host/trap,"{#LLD}m",,"0")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "count".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => "min(//trap,\"#4:now-{#LLD}m\")",
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "min".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'sum(/host/trap,"5:{#LLD}")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "sum".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'sum(/host/trap,"5:now/{#LLD}")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "sum".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'timeleft(/host/trap,"{#LLD}:now-6h",20G,"power")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "timeleft".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'trendavg(/host/item,"1M:now/M-{#LLD}")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "trendavg".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'trendavg(/host/item,1M:now/M-{#LLD})',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "trendavg(/host/item,1M:now/M-{#LLD})".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'trendmin(/host/key,"3600:{#LLD}-3600")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "trendmin".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'trendmin(/host/key,3600:{#LLD}-3600)',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "trendmin(/host/key,3600:{#LLD}-3600)".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => "stddevsamp(//trap,{#LLD})",
					'error' => "Invalid parameter \"/1/params\": incorrect expression starting from \"stddevsamp(//trap,{#LLD})\"."
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => "stddevsamp(//trap,\"{#LLD}\")",
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "stddevsamp".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'between(5,(last(/host/trap)),{#LLD})',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "between(5,(last(/host/trap)),{#LLD})".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'in(5,(last(/host/trap)),{#LLD},5,10)',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "in(5,(last(/host/trap)),{#LLD},5,10)".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'bitrshift(last(/host/trap),{#LLD})',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "bitrshift(last(/host/trap),{#LLD})".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => "max(min_foreach(/*/trap?[group=\"Servers\"],{#LLD}))+avg(count_foreach(/*/trap?[tag=\"tag1\"],\"{#LLD}h\"))-bitrshift".
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "max(min_foreach(/*/trap?[group="Servers"],'.
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'bitand(last(/host/key,{#LLD}:now-24h),123)',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from "bitand(last(/host/key,{#LLD}:now-24h),123)".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'avg(/host/trap,"{#LLD}h")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": invalid second parameter in function "avg".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'jsonpath(last(/Simple form test host/test-item-form4,#10:{#LLD}),"$.[0].last_name","LastName")',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from '.
							'"jsonpath(last(/Simple form test host/test-item-form4,#10:{#LLD}),"$.[0].last_name","LastName")".'
					'expected' => TEST_BAD,
					'formula' => 'xmlxpath(last(/Simple form test host/test-item-form4,#4:{#LLD}),"/zabbix_export/version/text()",5.0)',
					'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/params": incorrect expression starting from '.
							'"xmlxpath(last(/Simple form test host/test-item-form4,#4:{#LLD}),"/zabbix_export/version/text()",5.0)".'

	 * Test for checking formula field in calculated item.
	 * @dataProvider getCommonValidationData
	 * @dataProvider getItemValidationData
	public function testFormulaCalculatedItem_Validation($data) {