<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../common/testLowLevelDiscovery.php'; /** * @onBefore prepareLLDData * * @onAfter deleteData */ class testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost extends testLowLevelDiscovery { protected static $groupid; protected static $hostid; protected static $empty_hostid; protected static $interfaces_hostid; protected static $update_lld = 'LLD for update scenario'; public function prepareLLDData() { static::$groupid = CDataHelper::call('hostgroup.create', [['name' => 'Host group for lld']])['groupids'][0]; $result = CDataHelper::createHosts([ [ 'host' => 'Host for LLD form test with all interfaces', 'groups' => ['groupid' => static::$groupid], 'items' => [ [ 'name' => 'Master item', 'key_' => 'master.test', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER, 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 ] ], 'interfaces' => [ [ 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, 'main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_IP, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'port' => '10050' ], [ 'type'=> INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, 'main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_IP, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'port' => '161', 'details' => [ 'version' => SNMP_V2C, 'community' => '{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}', 'max_repetitions' => 10 ] ], [ 'type'=> INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, 'main' => INTERFACE_SECONDARY, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_IP, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'port' => '161', 'details' => [ 'version' => SNMP_V1, 'community' => '{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}' ] ], [ 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_JMX, 'main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_DNS, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => 'text.jmx.com', 'port' => '12345' ], [ 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI, 'main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_IP, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'port' => '12345' ] ], 'discoveryrules' => [ [ 'name' => 'LLD for update scenario', 'key_' => 'vfs.fs.discovery2', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, 'delay' => 30 ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'Empty host without interfaces', 'groups' => ['groupid' => static::$groupid] ], [ 'host' => 'Host for LLD form test', 'groups' => ['groupid' => static::$groupid], 'interfaces' => [ [ 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, 'main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_IP, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'port' => '10050' ] ], 'discoveryrules' => [ [ 'name' => 'LLD for delete scenario', 'key_' => 'vfs.fs.discovery2', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, 'delay' => 30 ], [ 'name' => self::SIMPLE_UPDATE_CLONE_LLD, 'key_' => 'simple_update_clone_key', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, 'delay' => '1h;wd1-2h7-14', 'url' => 'https://www.test.com/search', 'query_fields' => [['name' => 'test_name1', 'value' => 'value1'], ['name' => '2', 'value' => 'value2']], 'request_method' => HTTPCHECK_REQUEST_HEAD, 'post_type' => ZBX_POSTTYPE_JSON, 'posts' => '{"zabbix_export": {"version": "6.0","date": "2024-03-20T20:05:14Z"}}', 'headers' => [['name' => 'name1', 'value' => 'value']], 'status_codes' => '400, 600', 'follow_redirects' => 1, 'retrieve_mode' => 1, 'http_proxy' => '', 'authtype' => ZBX_HTTP_AUTH_NTLM, 'username' => 'user', 'password' => 'pass', 'verify_peer' => ZBX_HTTP_VERIFY_PEER_ON, 'verify_host' => ZBX_HTTP_VERIFY_HOST_ON, 'ssl_cert_file' => '/home/test/certdb/ca.crt', 'ssl_key_file' => '/home/test/certdb/postgresql-server.crt', 'ssl_key_password' => '/home/test/certdb/postgresql-server.key', 'timeout' => '10s', 'lifetime_type' => ZBX_LLD_DELETE_AFTER, 'lifetime' => '15d', 'enabled_lifetime_type' => ZBX_LLD_DISABLE_NEVER, 'allow_traps' => HTTPCHECK_ALLOW_TRAPS_ON, 'trapper_hosts' => '', 'description' => 'LLD for test', 'preprocessing' => [['type' => ZBX_PREPROC_STR_REPLACE, 'params' => "a\nb"]], 'lld_macro_paths' => ['lld_macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'path' => '$.path'], 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'value' => 'expression', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP ] ] ], 'overrides' => [ 'name' => 'Override', 'step' => 1, 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'formula' => '', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'value' => '', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EXISTS ] ] ], 'operations' => [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => 'test', 'opstatus' => ['status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER] ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'LLD for cancel scenario', 'key_' => 'ssh.run[test]', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_SSH, 'delay' => '3h;20s/1-3,00:02-14:30', 'authtype' => ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PUBLICKEY, 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'passphrase', 'publickey' => '/home/test/public-server.key', 'privatekey' => '/home/test/private-server.key', 'params' => 'test script', 'timeout' => '', 'lifetime_type' => ZBX_LLD_DELETE_NEVER, 'enabled_lifetime_type' => ZBX_LLD_DISABLE_AFTER, 'enabled_lifetime' => '20h', 'description' => 'Description for cancel scenario', 'preprocessing' => [['type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '30s']], 'lld_macro_paths' => ['lld_macro' => '{#LLDMACRO}', 'path' => '$.path.to.node'], 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#FILTERMACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_EXISTS ] ] ], 'overrides' => [ 'name' => 'Cancel override', 'step' => 1, 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'formula' => '', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#OVERRIDE_MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => 'expression' ] ] ], 'operations' => [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, 'value' => 'test', 'opstatus' => ['status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER], 'opseverity' => ['severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH] ] ] ] ] ] ]); self::$hostid = $result['hostids']['Host for LLD form test']; self::$empty_hostid = $result['hostids']['Empty host without interfaces']; self::$interfaces_hostid = $result['hostids']['Host for LLD form test with all interfaces']; } public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_InitialLayout() { $this->checkInitialLayout(); } /** * @dataProvider getTypeDependingData */ public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_TypeDependingLayout($data) { $this->checkLayoutDependingOnType($data); } public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_SimpleUpdate() { $this->checkSimpleUpdate(); } /** * @dataProvider getLLDData */ public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_Create($data) { $this->checkForm($data); } /** * @dataProvider getLLDData */ public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_Update($data) { $this->checkForm($data, true); } /** * @dataProvider getCancelData */ public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_Cancel($data) { $this->checkCancel($data); } /** * @dataProvider getCloneData */ public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_Clone($data) { $this->checkClone($data); } public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_Delete() { $this->checkDelete(); } /** * Test checks that Host interface field is filled with existing interface automatically * depending on LLD type. */ public function testFormLowLevelDiscoveryFromHost_CheckInterfaces() { $this->page->login()->open('host_discovery.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D='. self::$interfaces_hostid.'&context=host' ); $this->query('button:Create discovery rule')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $form = $this->query('id:host-discovery-form')->asForm()->waitUntilVisible()->one(); $interfaces = [ 'Zabbix agent' => '', 'SNMP agent' => '', 'IPMI agent' => '', 'JMX agent' => 'text.jmx.com:12345' ]; foreach ($interfaces as $type => $interface) { $form->fill(['Type' => $type]); $form->checkValue(['Host interface' => $interface]); } } }