<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/CWebTest.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../behaviors/CMessageBehavior.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../behaviors/CTableBehavior.php'; /** * @backup scripts * * @dataSource HostGroups * * @onBefore prepareScriptData */ class testPageAdministrationScripts extends CWebTest { /** * Attach MessageBehavior and TableBehavior to the test. * * @return array */ public function getBehaviors() { return [ CMessageBehavior::class, CTableBehavior::class ]; } private static $script_sql = 'SELECT * FROM scripts ORDER BY scriptid'; private static $custom_script = 'Custom script with linked action'; private static $script_for_filter = 'Script для фильтра - $¢Řĩ₱₮'; private static $script_scope_event = 'Manual event action for filter check'; private static $custom_action = 'Trigger action for Scripts page testing'; public function prepareScriptData() { CDataHelper::call('script.create', [ [ 'name' => self::$script_scope_event, 'type' => ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT, 'scope' => ZBX_SCRIPT_SCOPE_EVENT, 'command' => 'test' ], [ 'name' => self::$script_for_filter, 'type' => ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT, 'scope' => ZBX_SCRIPT_SCOPE_EVENT, 'command' => '/sbin/run' ], [ 'name' => self::$custom_script, 'type' => ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT, 'scope' => ZBX_SCRIPT_SCOPE_ACTION, 'command' => '/sbin/zabbix_server --runtime-control config_cache_reload', 'groupid' => '4', 'description' => 'This command reload cache.' ] ]); $scriptids = CDataHelper::getIds('name'); // Create trigger action CDataHelper::call('action.create', [ 'esc_period' => '1m', 'eventsource' => EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, 'status' => ACTION_STATUS_ENABLED, 'name' => self::$custom_action, 'operations' => [ [ 'esc_period' => '0', 'esc_step_from' => '1', 'esc_step_to' => '1', 'operationtype' => OPERATION_TYPE_COMMAND, 'opcommand' => [ 'scriptid' => $scriptids[self::$custom_script] ], 'opcommand_hst' => [ [ 'hostid'=> '0' ] ] ] ] ]); } public function getScriptsData() { return [ [ [ [ 'Name' => self::$custom_script, 'Scope' => 'Action operation', 'Used in actions' => self::$custom_action, 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => '/sbin/zabbix_server --runtime-control config_cache_reload', 'User group' => 'All', 'Host group' => 'Zabbix servers', 'Host access' => 'Read' ], [ 'Name' => 'Detect operating system', 'Scope' => 'Manual host action', 'Used in actions' => '', 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => 'sudo /usr/bin/nmap -O {HOST.CONN}', 'User group' => 'Zabbix administrators', 'Host group' => 'All', 'Host access' => 'Read' ], [ 'Name' => self::$script_scope_event, 'Scope' => 'Manual event action', 'Used in actions' => '', 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => 'test', 'User group' => 'All', 'Host group' => 'All', 'Host access' => 'Read' ], [ 'Name' => 'Ping', 'Scope' => 'Manual host action', 'Used in actions' => '', 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => 'ping -c 3 {HOST.CONN}; case $? in [01]) true;; *) false;; esac', 'User group' => 'All', 'Host group' => 'All', 'Host access' => 'Read' ], [ 'Name' => 'Reboot', 'Scope' => 'Action operation', 'Used in actions' => 'Autoregistration action 1, Autoregistration action 2, Trigger action 4', 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => '/sbin/shutdown -r', 'User group' => 'Zabbix administrators', 'Host group' => 'Zabbix servers', 'Host access' => 'Write' ], [ 'Name' => 'Script for host group testing', 'Scope' => 'Action operation', 'Used in actions' => '', 'Type' => 'Webhook', 'Execute on' => '', 'Commands' => '', 'User group' => 'All', 'Host group' => 'Group for Script', 'Host access' => 'Read' ], [ 'Name' => self::$script_for_filter, 'Scope' => 'Manual event action', 'Used in actions' => '', 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => '/sbin/run', 'User group' => 'All', 'Host group' => 'All', 'Host access' => 'Read' ], [ 'Name' => 'Selenium script', 'Scope' => 'Action operation', 'Used in actions' => '', 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => 'test', 'User group' => 'Selenium user group in scripts', 'Host group' => 'All', 'Host access' => 'Read' ], [ 'Name' => 'Traceroute', 'Scope' => 'Manual host action', 'Used in actions' => '', 'Type' => 'Script', 'Execute on' => 'Server (proxy)', 'Commands' => '/usr/bin/traceroute {HOST.CONN}', 'User group' => 'All', 'Host group' => 'All', 'Host access' => 'Read' ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getScriptsData */ public function testPageAdministrationScripts_Layout($data) { $scripts_count = count($data); $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=script.list'); $this->page->assertTitle('Configuration of scripts'); $this->page->assertHeader('Scripts'); // Check buttons on the Script page. $this->assertEquals(3, $this->query('button', ['Create script', 'Apply', 'Reset']) ->all()->filter(CElementFilter::CLICKABLE)->count() ); $this->assertFalse($this->query('button:Delete')->one()->isClickable()); // Check displaying and hiding the filter. $filter_form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); $filter_tab = $this->query('link:Filter')->one(); $filter = $filter_form->query('id:tab_0')->one(); $this->assertTrue($filter->isDisplayed()); $filter_tab->click(); $this->assertFalse($filter->isDisplayed()); $filter_tab->click(); $this->assertTrue($filter->isDisplayed()); // Check filter labels and default values. $this->assertEquals(['Name', 'Scope'], $filter_form->getLabels()->asText()); $filter_form->checkValue(['Name' => '', 'Scope' => 'Any']); $this->assertEquals('255', $filter_form->getField('Name')->getAttribute('maxlength')); // Check the count of returned Scripts and the count of selected Scripts. $this->assertTableStats($scripts_count); $this->assertSelectedCount(0); $all_scripts = $this->query('id:all_scripts')->asCheckbox()->one(); $all_scripts->check(); $this->assertSelectedCount($scripts_count); // Check that button became enabled. $this->assertTrue($this->query('button:Delete')->one()->isClickable()); $all_scripts->uncheck(); $this->assertSelectedCount(0); // Check table headers. $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $this->assertEquals(['', 'Name', 'Scope', 'Used in actions', 'Type', 'Execute on', 'Commands', 'User group', 'Host group', 'Host access'], $table->getHeadersText() ); // Check sortable headers. $this->assertEquals(['Name', 'Commands'], $table->getHeaders()->query('tag:a')->asText()); // Check Script table content. $this->assertTableHasData($data); } public function getFilterData() { return [ // Name with special symbols. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => '$¢Řĩ₱₮' ], 'expected' => [ self::$script_for_filter ] ] ], // Exact match for field Name. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'Traceroute' ], 'expected' => [ 'Traceroute' ] ] ], // Partial match for field Name. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'Detect' ], 'expected' => [ 'Detect operating system' ] ] ], // Space in search field Name. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => ' ' ], 'expected' => [ self::$custom_script, 'Detect operating system', self::$script_scope_event, 'Script for host group testing', self::$script_for_filter, 'Selenium script' ] ] ], // Partial name match with space between. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'm s' ], 'expected' => [ self::$custom_script, 'Selenium script' ] ] ], // Partial name match with spaces on the sides. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => ' operating ' ], 'expected' => [ 'Detect operating system' ] ] ], // Search should not be case sensitive. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'Selenium SCRIPT' ], 'expected' => [ 'Selenium script' ] ] ], // Wrong name in filter field "Name". [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'No data should be returned' ] ] ], // Search by Action operation. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Scope' => 'Action operation' ], 'expected' => [ self::$custom_script, 'Reboot', 'Script for host group testing', 'Selenium script' ] ] ], // Search by Action operation and Name. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'Reboot', 'Scope' => 'Action operation' ], 'expected' => [ 'Reboot' ] ] ], // Search by Manual host action. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Scope' => 'Manual host action' ], 'expected' => [ 'Detect operating system', 'Ping', 'Traceroute' ] ] ], // Search by Manual host action and Partial name match. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'ing', 'Scope' => 'Manual host action' ], 'expected' => [ 'Detect operating system', 'Ping' ] ] ], // Search by Manual event action. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Scope' => 'Manual event action' ], 'expected' => [ self::$script_scope_event, self::$script_for_filter ] ] ], // Search by Manual event action and Partial name match. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'Manual event', 'Scope' => 'Manual event action' ], 'expected' => [ self::$script_scope_event ] ] ], // Search Any scripts. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Scope' => 'Any' ], 'expected' => [ self::$custom_script, 'Detect operating system', self::$script_scope_event, 'Ping', 'Reboot', 'Script for host group testing', self::$script_for_filter, 'Selenium script', 'Traceroute' ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getFilterData */ public function testPageAdministrationScripts_Filter($data) { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=script.list'); $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->waitUntilVisible()->one(); // Fill filter fields if such present in data provider. $form->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'filter')); $form->submit(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Check that expected Scripts are returned in the list. $this->assertTableDataColumn(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', [])); // Reset filter due to not influence further tests. $this->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); } public function getSortData() { return [ [ [ 'sort_field' => 'Name', 'expected' => [ 'Traceroute', 'Selenium script', self::$script_for_filter, 'Script for host group testing', 'Reboot', 'Ping', self::$script_scope_event, 'Detect operating system', self::$custom_script ] ] ], [ [ 'sort_field' => 'Commands', 'expected' => [ '/sbin/run', '/sbin/shutdown -r', '/sbin/zabbix_server --runtime-control config_cache_reload', '/usr/bin/traceroute {HOST.CONN}', 'ping -c 3 {HOST.CONN}; case $? in [01]) true;; *) false;; esac', '', 'sudo /usr/bin/nmap -O {HOST.CONN}', 'test', 'test' ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getSortData */ public function testPageAdministrationScripts_Sort($data) { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=script.list'); $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $header = $table->query('link', $data['sort_field'])->one(); foreach(['desc', 'asc'] as $sorting) { $expected = ($sorting === 'desc') ? $data['expected'] : array_reverse($data['expected']); $header->click(); $this->assertTableDataColumn($expected, $data['sort_field']); } } public function getDeleteData() { return [ [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'error' => 'Cannot delete scripts. Script "Reboot" is used in action operation "Trigger action 4".' ] ], [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'name' => [ self::$custom_script ], 'error' => 'Cannot delete scripts. Script "'.self::$custom_script. '" is used in action operation "'.self::$custom_action.'".' ] ], [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'name' => [ self::$custom_script, self::$script_for_filter ], 'error' => 'Cannot delete scripts. Script "'.self::$custom_script. '" is used in action operation "'.self::$custom_action.'".' ] ], [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'name' => [ self::$script_scope_event ] ] ], [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'name' => [ self::$script_for_filter, 'Ping' ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getDeleteData */ public function testPageAdministrationScripts_Delete($data) { if ($data['expected'] === TEST_BAD) { $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash(self::$script_sql); } $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=script.list'); // Scripts count that will be selected before delete action. $scripts_count = (array_key_exists('name', $data)) ? count($data['name']) : CDBHelper::getCount(self::$script_sql); $this->selectTableRows(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'name')); $this->query('button:Delete')->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $this->page->acceptAlert(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Verify that there is no possibility to delete selected script(s) if at least one of them contains linked action. if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_GOOD) === TEST_BAD) { $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, 'Cannot delete script'.(($scripts_count > 1) ? 's' : ''), $data['error']); $this->assertSelectedCount($scripts_count); $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash(self::$script_sql)); // Uncheck selected scripts due to not influence further tests. $this->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); } else { $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, ($scripts_count > 1) ? 'Scripts deleted' : 'Script deleted'); $this->assertSelectedCount(0); $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT NULL FROM scripts WHERE name IN ('. CDBHelper::escape($data['name']).')') ); } } public function testPageAdministrationScripts_CancelDelete() { $this->cancelDelete([self::$custom_script]); } public function testPageAdministrationScripts_CancelMassDelete() { $this->cancelDelete(); } /** * Function for checking cancelling of Delete action. * * @param array $scripts script names, if empty delete will perform for all scripts */ private function cancelDelete($scripts = []) { $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash(self::$script_sql); $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=script.list'); $this->selectTableRows($scripts); // Scripts count that will be selected before delete action. $scripts_count = ($scripts === []) ? CDBHelper::getCount(self::$script_sql) : count($scripts); $this->query('button:Delete')->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $this->assertEquals('Delete selected scripts?', $this->page->getAlertText()); $this->page->dismissAlert(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertSelectedCount($scripts_count); $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash(self::$script_sql)); } /** * Verify that there is possibility to open 'action' modal popup via link located in 'Used in actions' tab. */ public function testPageAdministrationScripts_ActionLinks() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=script.list'); $this->query('link', self::$custom_action)->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $form = $this->query('id:action-form')->asForm()->waitUntilVisible()->one(); $form->checkValue(['Name' => self::$custom_action]); $form->query('button:Cancel')->one()->click(); $this->page->assertHeader('Trigger actions'); } }