<?php /* ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of ** the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; ** without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ** If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/CWebTest.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../behaviors/CMessageBehavior.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../behaviors/CTableBehavior.php'; /** * @dataSource EntitiesTags, Services, Actions * * @backup services */ class testPageServicesServices extends CWebTest { /** * Attach MessageBehavior and TableBehavior to the test. * * @return array */ public function getBehaviors() { return [ CMessageBehavior::class, CTableBehavior::class ]; } const EDIT = true; const SERVICE_COUNT = 20; const LAYOUT_PARENT = 'Parent for 2 levels of child services'; const LAYOUT_CHILD = 'Child service with child service'; const LAYOUT_CHILD2 = 'Child service of child service'; const ROOTCAUSE_PARENT = 'Test order'; const ROOTCAUSE_CHILD1 = '1'; const ROOTCAUSE_CHILD2 = '2'; const ROOTCAUSE_CHILD3 = '3'; const BREADCRUMB_SELECTOR = 'xpath://ul[@class="breadcrumbs"]'; const TABLE_SELECTOR = 'id:service-list'; /** * Set parent and child services to Problem status and link the child services to the corresponding problem events. */ public static function prepareServiceProblemsData() { // Statuses: Warning = 2, Average = 3, High = 4. $service_statuses = [ self::ROOTCAUSE_PARENT => 4, self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD1 => 2, self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD2 => 3, self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD3 => 4 ]; $service_ids = []; $i = 1; foreach ($service_statuses as $service => $status) { $service_ids[$service] = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT serviceid FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($service)); // Change service status to Problem with the corresponding severity. DBexecute('UPDATE services SET status='.zbx_dbstr($status).' WHERE serviceid='.zbx_dbstr($service_ids[$service])); // Link child services to the corresponding problem events. if ($service !== self::ROOTCAUSE_PARENT) { // Corresponding trigger problem events have ids starting from 9001 in data_test.sql, so "9000 + $i" is used. DBexecute('INSERT into service_problem (service_problemid, eventid, serviceid, severity) '. 'VALUES ('.$i.', '.(9000 + $i).', '.$service_ids[$service].', '.$status.')' ); $i++; } } } public function testPageServicesServices_LayoutView() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list'); $this->page->assertTitle('Services'); $this->page->assertHeader('Services'); // Labels on columns at services list. $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); $this->assertSame(['Name', 'Status', 'Root cause', 'Created at', 'Tags'], $table->getHeadersText()); $this->assertTableStats(self::SERVICE_COUNT); // Check that service buttons are not present in the table row. // Row count starts with 0, so here real service count - 1. $this->checkServiceButtons($table->getRow(rand(0, self::SERVICE_COUNT - 1)), false); // Check that "Edit elements" are not present in View mode. $elements = [ 'button:Create service', 'id:filter_without_children', // "Only services without children" checkbox in Filter. 'id:filter_without_problem_tags', // "Only services without problem tags" checkbox in Filter. 'id:filter_tag_source_1', // "Tag source" radiobutton in Filter. 'id:all_services', // "Select all" checkbox in table. 'button:Mass update', 'button:Delete' ]; foreach ($elements as $element) { $this->assertFalse($table->query($element)->exists()); } // Check parent-child service layout. $this->checkParentChildLayout($table, self::LAYOUT_PARENT, self::LAYOUT_CHILD); // Check Kiosk mode. $this->query('xpath://button[@title="Kiosk mode"]')->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Check that Header and Filter disappeared. $this->query('xpath://h1[@id="page-title-general"]')->waitUntilNotVisible(); $this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://div[@aria-label="Filter"]')->exists()); $this->assertTrue($this->query('id:service-list')->exists()); $this->query('xpath://button[@title="Normal view"]')->waitUntilPresent()->one()->click(true); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Check that Header and Filter are visible again. $this->query('xpath://h1[@id="page-title-general"]')->waitUntilVisible(); $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://div[@aria-label="Filter"]')->exists()); $this->assertTrue($this->query('id:service-list')->exists()); } public function testPageServicesServices_LayoutEdit() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list'); $this->query('id:list_mode')->asSegmentedRadio()->one()->waitUntilClickable()->select('Edit'); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->page->assertTitle('Services'); $this->page->assertHeader('Services'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); $this->assertSame(['', 'Name', 'Status', 'Root cause', 'Created at', 'Tags', ''], $table->getHeadersText()); $this->assertTableStats(self::SERVICE_COUNT); // Check that action buttons below the table are not enabled . $this->checkActionButtons(false); // Row count starts with 0, so here real service count - 1. $this->checkServiceButtons($table->getRow(rand(0, self::SERVICE_COUNT - 1)), true); $this->checkParentChildLayout($table, self::LAYOUT_PARENT, self::LAYOUT_CHILD, self::EDIT); $this->checkServiceButtons($table->findRow('Name', self::LAYOUT_CHILD2, true), true); // Check there is no Kiosk mode button. $this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://button[@title="Kiosk mode"]')->exists()); // Check Info/Filter tabs switching. foreach (['Filter' => 'tab_1', 'Info' => 'tab_info'] as $tab => $id) { $this->query("xpath://li[@role='tab']//a[text()=".CXpathHelper::escapeQuotes($tab)."]") ->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->assertTrue($this->query('id', $id)->waitUntilReady()->one()->isVisible()); } } /** * Function for checking layout of Parent-Child chains layout. * * @param CTableElement $table table where to select particular service * @param string $parent name of parent service * @param string $child name of child service * @param boolean $edit true if it is edit scenario, false otherwise */ private function checkParentChildLayout($table, $parent, $child, $edit = false) { $this->checkSeviceInfoLayout($table, $parent, $edit); $this->assertTableDataColumn([$child.' 1'], 'Name', 'xpath://form[@name="service_list"]//table'); $this->checkSeviceInfoLayout($table, $child, $edit); $this->assertTableDataColumn([self::LAYOUT_CHILD2], 'Name', 'xpath://form[@name="service_list"]//table'); $breadcrumbs = $this->query(self::BREADCRUMB_SELECTOR)->one(); // Check breadcrumbs on last child page. foreach (['All services', $parent, $child] as $breadcrumb) { $this->assertTrue($breadcrumbs->query('link', $breadcrumb)->one()->isClickable()); } // Check selected breadcrumb. $this->assertTrue($breadcrumbs->query("xpath:.//span[@class='selected']//a[text()=". CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($child)."]")->one()->isValid() ); } /** * Function for checking layout of Service info card. * * @param CTableElement $table table where to select particular service * @param string $service name of service to be checked * @param boolean $edit true if it is edit scenario, false otherwise */ private function checkSeviceInfoLayout($table, $service, $edit = false) { $table->findRow('Name', $service, true)->query('link', $service)->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); foreach (['Info', 'Filter'] as $tab) { $this->assertTrue($this->query("xpath://li[@role='tab']//a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($tab). "]")->one()->isClickable()); } $info_card = $this->query('id:tab_info')->waitUntilReady()->one(); foreach ([$service, 'Parent services', 'Status', 'Tags'] as $text) { $this->assertTrue($info_card->query("xpath:.//div[@class='service-info-grid']//div[text()=". CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($text)."]")->one()->isVisible() ); } $edit_button = $info_card->query('xpath://button['.CXPathHelper::fromClass('js-edit-service').']'); $this->assertEquals($edit, $edit_button->one(false)->isClickable()); $table->invalidate(); $this->assertTableStats(1); } /** * Function for checking service action buttons in a table row. * * @param CTableRowElement $row row where buttons to be found * @param boolean $exists true if buttons should exist, false otherwise */ private function checkServiceButtons($row, $exists) { foreach (['Add child service', 'Edit', 'Delete'] as $button) { // Here checking only visible, not clickable, because in some cases button can be disabled. $this->assertEquals($exists, $row->query("xpath:.//button[@title=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($button). "]")->one(false)->isVisible() ); } } /** * Function for checking service action buttons in a table row. * * @param boolean $enabled true if buttons should be enabled, false otherwise */ private function checkActionButtons($enabled) { foreach (['Mass update', 'Delete'] as $button) { $this->assertTrue($this->query('button', $button)->one()->isEnabled($enabled)); } } public static function getFilterEditData() { return [ // Tags source: Service. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'Source' => 'Service', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'true' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Service with multiple service tags' ] ] ], // Tag problem Equals false. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'Source' => 'Service', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Equals', 'value' => 'false' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Simple actions service' ] ] ], // Tags source: Service and Evaluation: Or. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'Source' => 'Service', 'Evaluation' => 'Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Equals', 'value' => 'false' ], [ 'tag' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Exists' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Service with tags for updating', 'Parent for 2 levels of child services 1', 'Service with multiple service tags', 'Simple actions service' ] ] ], // Only services without children checkbox. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'parent', 'Only services without children' => true ], 'result' => [ 'Parent for child creation' ] ] ], // Only services without problem tags checkbox. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'parent', 'Only services without problem tags' => true ], 'result' => [ 'Parent for 2 levels of child services 1', 'Parent for deletion from row 1', 'Parent for child deletion from row 1', 'Clone parent 3', 'Parent for child creation' ] ] ] ]; } public static function getFilterCommonData() { return [ // Only Name filtering. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'parent' ], 'result' => [ 'Parent for 2 levels of child services 1', 'Parent for deletion from row 1', 'Parent for child deletion from row 1', 'Clone parent 3', 'Parent for child creation' ], 'check_breadcrumbs' => true ] ], // Name and Status: Any. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'with problem', 'Status' => 'Any' ], 'result' => [ 'Service with problem tags', 'Service with problem' ] ] ], // Name and Status: OK. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'with problem', 'Status' => 'OK' ], 'result' => [ 'Service with problem tags' ] ] ], // Name and Status: Problem fields. [ [ 'filter' => [ 'Name' => 'with problem', 'Status' => 'Problem' ], 'result' => [ 'Service with problem' ] ] ], // Evaluation: And/Or. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'Evaluation' => 'And/Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'true' ], [ 'tag' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Exists' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Service with multiple service tags' ] ] ], // Evaluation: Or, Operators: Contains, Exists. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'Evaluation' => 'Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'true' ], [ 'tag' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Exists' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Service with tags for updating', 'Parent for 2 levels of child services 1', 'Service with multiple service tags', 'Simple actions service' ] ] ], // Operator: Equals. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Equals', 'value' => 'false' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Simple actions service' ] ] ], // Operator: Does not exist and Contains. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'test' ], [ 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Does not exist' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Parent for 2 levels of child services 1' ] ] ], // Operator: Does not equal and Exists. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Does not equal', 'value' => 'false' ], [ 'tag' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Exists' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Service with tags for updating', 'Parent for 2 levels of child services 1', 'Service with multiple service tags' ] ] ], // Operator: Does not contain and Exists. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'problem', 'operator' => 'Exists' ], [ 'tag' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => '456' ] ] ], 'result' => [ 'Simple actions service' ] ] ], // Empty table. [ [ 'Tags' => [ 'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or', 'tags' => [ [ 'index' => 0, 'action' => USER_ACTION_UPDATE, 'tag' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'test9' ] ] ], 'result' => [], 'check_breadcrumbs' => true ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getFilterCommonData */ public function testPageServicesServices_FilterView($data) { $this->checkFiltering($data); } /** * @dataProvider getFilterEditData * @dataProvider getFilterCommonData */ public function testPageServicesServices_FilterEdit($data) { $this->checkFiltering($data, self::EDIT); } /** * Function for checking filtering on Services->Service page. * * @param array $data data provider * @param boolean $edit true if is edit scenario, false otherwise */ private function checkFiltering($data, $edit = false) { $this->page->login()->open(($edit === false) ? 'zabbix.php?action=service.list' : 'zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit' ); $filter_form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->waitUntilPresent()->asForm()->one(); // Reset filter in case if some filtering remained before ongoing test case. $filter_form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); // Fill filter form with data. $filter_form->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'filter')); // If data contains Tags fill them separately, because tags form is more complicated. if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Tags')) { if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data['Tags'], 'Source')) { $filter_form->getField('id:filter_tag_source')->asSegmentedRadio()->fill($data['Tags']['Source']); } if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data['Tags'], 'Evaluation')) { $filter_form->getField('id:filter_evaltype')->asSegmentedRadio()->fill($data['Tags']['Evaluation']); } $filter_form->getField('id:filter-tags')->asMultifieldTable()->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Tags.tags')); } $filter_form->submit(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Check filtered result. $this->assertTableDataColumn($data['result'], 'Name'); // Check breadcrumbs and table headers. $selector = $this->query(self::BREADCRUMB_SELECTOR); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'check_breadcrumbs')) { $this->assertTrue($selector->one()->query('link:All services')->one()->isClickable()); $this->assertTrue($selector->query('xpath:.//span[@class="selected" and text()="Filter results"]')->exists()); $headers = ($edit) ? ['', 'Parent services', 'Name', 'Status', 'Root cause', 'Created at', 'Tags', ''] : ['Parent services', 'Name', 'Status', 'Root cause', 'Created at', 'Tags']; $this->assertSame($headers, $table->getHeadersText()); } // Reset filter not to impact the results of next tests. $filter_form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); // Check breadcrumbs and "Parent services" headers disappeared. if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'check_breadcrumbs')) { $this->assertFalse($selector->query('link:All services')->exists()); $this->assertFalse($selector->query('xpath:.//span[@class="selected" and text()="Filter results"]')->exists()); $table->invalidate(); $headers = ($edit) ? ['', 'Name', 'Status', 'Root cause', 'Created at', 'Tags', ''] : ['Name', 'Status', 'Root cause', 'Created at', 'Tags']; $this->assertSame($headers, $table->getHeadersText()); } } public function testPageServicesServices_ResetButton() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); // Check table contents before filtering. $start_rows_count = $table->getRows()->count(); $this->assertTableStats($start_rows_count); $start_contents = $this->getTableColumnData('Name'); // Filling fields with needed services info. $form->fill(['id:filter_name' => 'Parent for 2 levels of child services']); $form->submit(); // Check that filtered count matches expected. $this->assertEquals(1, $table->getRows()->count()); $this->assertTableStats(1); // Checking that filtered service matches expected. $this->assertTableDataColumn(['Parent for 2 levels of child services 1']); // After pressing reset button, check that previous services are displayed again. $form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); $reset_count = $table->getRows()->count(); $this->assertEquals($start_rows_count, $reset_count); $this->assertTableStats($reset_count); $this->assertEquals($start_contents, $this->getTableColumnData('Name')); } public function testPageServicesServices_AddChild() { $parent = 'Service with problem'; $child_name = 'Added child for Server with problem'; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->waitUntilVisible()->one(); $before_rows_count = $table->getRows()->count(); $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count); $table->findRow('Name', $parent)->query('xpath:.//button[@title="Add child service"]')->waitUntilClickable() ->one()->click(); COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady(); $form = $this->query('id:service-form')->asForm()->one()->waitUntilReady(); $form->fill(['Name' => $child_name]); $form->submit(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Service created'); // Check that row count is not changed. $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count); // Check DB. $childid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT serviceid FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($child_name)); $parentid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT serviceid FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($parent)); // Check parent-child linking in DB. $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services_links WHERE serviceupid='. zbx_dbstr($parentid).' AND servicedownid ='.zbx_dbstr($childid)) ); } public function testPageServicesServices_CancelDeleteFromRow() { $this->cancelDelete(); } public function testPageServicesServices_CancelMassDelete() { $this->cancelDelete(true); } /** * Function for checking cancelling of Delete action. * * @param boolean $mass true if is mass delete scenario, false otherwise */ private function cancelDelete($mass = false) { $name = 'Service for delete by checkbox'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM services ORDER BY serviceid'; $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql); $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); if ($mass) { $this->selectTableRows([$name], 'Name'); $this->query('button:Delete')->one()->click(); } else { $table->findRow('Name', $name)->query("xpath:.//button[".CXPathHelper::fromClass('js-delete-service')."]") ->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); } $this->page->dismissAlert(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Check service not disappeared from frontend. $this->assertTrue($table->query("xpath:.//td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($name)."]")->exists() ); // Check database. $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql)); } public function testPageServicesServices_SimpleServiceDeleteFromRow() { $name = 'Service for delete'; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); $before_rows_count = $table->getRows()->count(); $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count); // Delete service pressing cross button. $table->findRow('Name', $name)->query("xpath:.//button[".CXPathHelper::fromClass('js-delete-service')."]") ->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $this->page->acceptAlert(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Service deleted'); // Check service disappeared from frontend. $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count-1); $this->assertFalse($table->query("xpath:.//td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($name)."]")->exists()); // Check database. $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($name))); } public function testPageServicesServices_DeleteChildFromRow() { $parent = 'Parent for child deletion from row'; $name = 'Child 1'; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); // Open parent service info. $table->findRow('Name', $parent, true)->query('link', $parent)->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Delete child service pressing cross button. $table->invalidate(); $table->findRow('Name', $name)->query("xpath:.//button[".CXPathHelper::fromClass('js-delete-service')."]") ->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $this->page->acceptAlert(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Service deleted'); // Check service disappeared from frontend. $this->assertTableData(); $this->assertFalse($table->query("xpath:.//td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($name)."]")->exists()); // Check database. $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($name))); $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($parent))); } public function testPageServicesServices_DeleteParentFromRow() { $name = 'Parent for deletion from row'; $child = 'Child 2'; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); $before_rows_count = $table->getRows()->count(); $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count); // Check that parent link exists. $this->assertTrue($table->query('link', $name)->exists()); // Check that child service is not present in global service table. $this->assertFalse($table->query("xpath://td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($child)."]")->exists()); // Delete parent service. $table->findRow('Name', $name, true)->query("xpath:.//button[".CXPathHelper::fromClass('js-delete-service')."]") ->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $this->page->acceptAlert(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Service deleted'); // Rows count remains unchanged because child takes parent's place. $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count); // Parent disappeared from table. $this->assertFalse($table->query('link', $name)->exists()); // Child now presents in table. $this->assertTrue($table->query("xpath:.//td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($child)."]")->exists()); // Check database. $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($name))); $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($child))); } /** * @depends testPageServicesServices_SimpleServiceDeleteFromRow */ public function testPageServicesServices_SimpleServicesMassDelete() { $names = [ 'Service for delete by checkbox', 'Service for delete 2' ]; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); $before_rows_count = $table->getRows()->count(); $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count); $this->selectTableRows($names); $this->assertEquals(count($names).' selected', $this->query('id:selected_count')->waitUntilVisible()->one()->getText() ); $this->query('button:Delete')->one()->click(); $this->page->acceptAlert(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Services deleted'); $this->assertTableStats($before_rows_count - count($names)); // Services disappeared from frontend. foreach ($names as $name) { $this->assertFalse($table->query("xpath:.//td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($name)."]")->exists()); } // Check database. $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name LIKE '.zbx_dbstr('%delete%'))); } public function testPageServicesServices_ChildrenMassDelete() { $parent = 'Clone parent'; $names = [ 'Clone child 1', 'Clone child 2' ]; $remained = 'Clone child 3'; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); // Open parent service info. $table->findRow('Name', $parent, true)->query('link', $parent)->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $children_count = $table->getRows()->count(); $this->selectTableRows($names, 'Name'); $this->query('button:Delete')->one()->click(); $this->page->acceptAlert(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Services deleted'); // Services disappeared from frontend. $this->assertEquals($children_count - count($names), $table->getRows()->count()); foreach ($names as $name) { $this->assertFalse($table->query("xpath:.//td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($name)."]")->exists()); } // Last child is not deleted. $this->assertTrue($table->query("xpath:.//td/a[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($remained)."]")->exists()); // Check database. foreach ($names as $name) { $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name = '.zbx_dbstr($name))); } // Last child remained in DB. $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM services WHERE name = '.zbx_dbstr($remained))); } /** * Test for checking services ordering. */ public function testPageServicesServices_TestOrder() { $parent = 'Test order'; $children = ['1' => 2, '2' => 3, '3' => 1]; $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->waitUntilVisible()->asTable()->one(); $table->findRow('Name', $parent, true)->query('link', $parent)->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->assertTableDataColumn(['1', '2', '3']); foreach ($children as $child => $order) { $table->findRow('Name', $child)->query('xpath:.//button[@title="Edit"]')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $form = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->asForm()->one(); $form->fill(['Sort order (0->999)' => $order]); $form->submit(); $table->waitUntilReloaded(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Service updated'); CMessageElement::find()->one()->close(); } $this->assertTableDataColumn(['3', '1', '2']); } public static function getRootCauseData() { return [ // All children have problems without any advanced configuration on parent or on child services. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Most critical if all children have problems' ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average, 1_trigger_Warning' ] ], // Most critical of child services without any advanced configuration on parent or on child services. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Most critical of child services' ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average, 1_trigger_Warning' ] ], // Set status to OK any advanced configuration on parent or on child services. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK' ] ] ], // Warning - If at least 1 child service has High status or above. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If at least N child services have Status status or above', 'name:limit_value' => 1, 'Status' => 'High' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High' ] ], // Warning - If at least 2 child service has High status or above. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If at least N child services have Status status or above', 'name:limit_value' => 2, 'Status' => 'High' ] ] ] ] ], // Warning - If at least 50% of child services have Average status or above. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If at least N% of child services have Status status or above', 'name:limit_value' => 50, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average' ] ], // Warning - If at least 90% of child services have Average status or above. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If at least N% of child services have Status status or above', 'name:limit_value' => 90, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ] ] ], // Warning - If less than 3 child services have Average status or below. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If less than N child services have Status status or below', 'name:limit_value' => 3, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High' ] ], // Warning - If less than 2 child services have Average status or below. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If less than N child services have Status status or below', 'name:limit_value' => 2, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ] ] ], // Warning - If less than 35% of child services have Warning status or below. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If less than N% of child services have Status status or below', 'name:limit_value' => 35, 'Status' => 'Warning' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average' ] ], // Warning - If less than 30% of child services have Warning status or below. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If less than N% of child services have Status status or below', 'name:limit_value' => 30, 'Status' => 'Warning' ] ] ] ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or above is at least 30. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or above is at least W', 'name:limit_value' => 20, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average' ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or above is at least 25. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or above is at least W', 'name:limit_value' => 25, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ] ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or above is at least 66%. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or above is at least N%', 'name:limit_value' => 66, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average' ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or above is at least 67%. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or above is at least N%', 'name:limit_value' => 67, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ] ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or below is less than 21. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or below is less than W', 'name:limit_value' => 21, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High' ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or below is less than 20. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or below is less than W', 'name:limit_value' => 20, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ] ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or below is less than 67%. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or below is less than N%', 'name:limit_value' => 67, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High' ] ], // Warning - If weight of child services with Average status or below is less than 66%. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or below is less than N%', 'name:limit_value' => 66, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ] ] ], // Multiple additional rules. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Information', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or below is less than N%', 'name:limit_value' => 67, 'Status' => 'Average' ], [ 'Set status to' => 'Warning', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or above is at least N%', 'name:limit_value' => 66, 'Status' => 'Average' ], [ 'Set status to' => 'High', 'Condition' => 'If less than N% of child services have Status status or below', 'name:limit_value' => 30, 'Status' => 'Warning' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average' ] ], // Child status propagation rule - Increase by. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Average', 'Condition' => 'If at least N child services have Status status or above', 'name:limit_value' => 2, 'Status' => 'High' ] ] ], 'child' => [ [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD1, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Increase by', 'id:propagation_value_number' => 3 ] ] ], 'child_rootcause' => [ '1' => '1_trigger_Warning', '2' => '1_trigger_Average', '3' => '1_trigger_High' ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Warning' ] ], // Child status propagation rule - Decrease by. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Average', 'Condition' => 'If at least N child services have Status status or above', 'name:limit_value' => 2, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'child' => [ [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD1, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'As is' ] ], [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD3, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Decrease by', 'id:propagation_value_number' => 2 ] ] ] ] ], // Child status propagation rule - Ignore this service. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'Average', 'Condition' => 'If less than N% of child services have Status status or below', 'name:limit_value' => 51, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'child' => [ [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD3, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'As is' ] ], [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD2, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Ignore this service' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High' ] ], // Child status propagation rule - Fixed status. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Set status to OK', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'High', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or above is at least W', 'name:limit_value' => 20, 'Status' => 'High' ] ] ], 'child' => [ [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD2, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'As is' ] ], [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD1, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Fixed status', 'id:propagation_value_status' => 'Disaster' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Warning' ] ], // All three child services use status propagation modifications. Should not be possible to decrease to OK. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Most critical of child services' ], 'child' => [ [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD1, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Decrease by', 'id:propagation_value_number' => 5 ] ], [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD2, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Fixed status', 'id:propagation_value_status' => 'OK' ] ], [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD3, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Ignore this service' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_Warning' ] ], // All three child services use status propagation modifications. Increase all to High and above. [ [ 'parent' => [ 'Status calculation rule' => 'Most critical if all children have problems', 'Additional rules' => [ [ 'Set status to' => 'High', 'Condition' => 'If weight of child services with Status status or below is less than W', 'name:limit_value' => 1, 'Status' => 'Average' ] ] ], 'child' => [ [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD1, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Increase by', 'id:propagation_value_number' => 5 ] ], [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD2, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'Fixed status', 'id:propagation_value_status' => 'Disaster' ] ], [ 'name' => self::ROOTCAUSE_CHILD3, 'fields' => [ 'Status propagation rule' => 'As is' ] ] ], 'parent_rootcause' => '1_trigger_High, 1_trigger_Average, 1_trigger_Warning' ] ] ]; } /** * @onBeforeOnce prepareServiceProblemsData * * @dataProvider getRootCauseData */ public function testPageServicesServices_RootCause($data) { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit'); $table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); $row = $table->findRow('Name', self::ROOTCAUSE_PARENT, true); $row->query('xpath:.//button[@title="Edit"]')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady(); $form = $this->query('id:service-form')->asForm()->one(); $form->getField('Status calculation rule')->fill($data['parent']['Status calculation rule']); if (array_key_exists('Additional rules', $data['parent'])) { $form->fill(['Advanced configuration' => true]); // Remove the additional rules from previous test cases. $form->getFieldContainer('Additional rules')->query('button:Remove')->all(false)->click(); // Fill in configuration of each Additional rule separately. foreach ($data['parent']['Additional rules'] as $rule_fields) { $form->getFieldContainer('Additional rules')->query('button:Add')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $rules_form = COverlayDialogElement::find()->all()->last()->waitUntilReady()->asForm(); $rules_form->fill($rule_fields); $rules_form->submit(); $rules_form->waitUntilNotVisible(); } } $form->submit(); $table->waitUntilReloaded(); // Fill in the Advanced configuration fields for child services, that impact the root cause on the parent service. if (array_key_exists('child', $data)) { $this->query('link', self::ROOTCAUSE_PARENT)->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $child_table = $this->query(self::TABLE_SELECTOR)->asTable()->one(); // Check the root causes for the child services if corresponding data exists in the data provider. if (array_key_exists('child_rootcause', $data)) { foreach ($data['child_rootcause'] as $service_name => $child_rootcause) { $this->assertEquals($data['child_rootcause'][$service_name], $child_table->findRow('Name', $service_name) ->getColumn('Root cause')->getText() ); } } // Fill in configuration of each child service separately. foreach ($data['child'] as $child_service) { $child_table->findRow('Name', $child_service['name'])->query('xpath:.//button[@title="Edit"]')->one()->click(); COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady(); $form = $this->query('id:service-form')->asForm()->one(); $form->fill(['Advanced configuration' => true]); $form->fill($child_service['fields']); $form->submit(); $child_table->waitUntilReloaded(); } // Exit to the default services view, where parent root cause can be seen. $this->query('link:All services')->one()->waitUntilClickable()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); } // Check root cause of the parent service. $row->invalidate(); $this->assertEquals(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'parent_rootcause', ''), $row->getColumn('Root cause')->getText()); } }