<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../include/CWebTest.php'; /** * @onBefore prepareItemsData, prepareMapsData, writeValuesToItems * * @onAfter clearData */ class testExpandExpressionMacros extends CWebTest { protected static $data = [ 'hostgroupid', 'hostids' => [ 'last' => null, 'avg' => null, 'min' => null, 'max' => null ], 'itemids' => [ 'last' => null, 'avg' => null, 'min' => null, 'max' => null ], 'mapid' ]; public function prepareItemsData() { // Create hostgroup for hosts with items and graphs. $hostgroups = CDataHelper::call('hostgroup.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Group for macro expand testing' ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('groupids', $hostgroups); self::$data['hostgroupid'] = $hostgroups['groupids'][0]; // Create hosts for items and graphs. $hosts_data = []; foreach (['Last', 'Avg', 'Min', 'Max'] as $type) { $hosts_data[] = [ 'host' => 'Host for expression macro '.$type, 'groups' => [ ['groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid']] ] ]; } $hosts = CDataHelper::call('host.create', $hosts_data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts); $hostids = CDataHelper::getIds('host'); self::$data['hostids']['last'] = $hostids['Host for expression macro Last']; self::$data['hostids']['avg'] = $hostids['Host for expression macro Avg']; self::$data['hostids']['min'] = $hostids['Host for expression macro Min']; self::$data['hostids']['max'] = $hostids['Host for expression macro Max']; // Create items on previously created hosts. $items_data = []; foreach ($hostids as $hostid) { $items_data[] = [ 'hostid' => $hostid, 'name' => 'trapper', 'key_' => 'trapper', 'type' => 2, 'value_type' => 0 ]; } $items = CDataHelper::call('item.create', $items_data); self::$data['itemids']['last'] = $items['itemids'][0]; self::$data['itemids']['avg'] = $items['itemids'][1]; self::$data['itemids']['min'] = $items['itemids'][2]; self::$data['itemids']['max'] = $items['itemids'][3]; // Create graphs with expression macros in names. $prepared_graphs = [ [ 'name' => 'Last trapper value: {?last(/Host for expression macro Last/trapper)}', 'itemid' => self::$data['itemids']['last'] ], [ 'name' => 'Avg trapper value: {?avg(/{HOST.HOST}/trapper,1h)}', 'itemid' => self::$data['itemids']['avg'] ], [ 'name' => 'Max trapper value: {?max(/Host for expression macro Min/trapper,1w)}', 'itemid' => self::$data['itemids']['min'] ], [ 'name' => 'Min trapper value: {?min(/{HOST.HOST}/trapper,1d)}', 'itemid' => self::$data['itemids']['max'] ] ]; $graphs_data = []; foreach ($prepared_graphs as $graph) { $graphs_data[] = [ 'name' => $graph['name'], 'width' => 900, 'height' => 200, 'gitems' => [ [ 'itemid' => $graph['itemid'], 'color'=> '00AA00' ] ] ]; } CDataHelper::call('graph.create', $graphs_data); } public function getGraphData() { return [ [ [ 'host_name' => 'Host for expression macro Last' ] ], [ [ 'host_name' => 'Host for expression macro Avg' ] ], [ [ 'host_name' => 'Host for expression macro Min' ] ], [ [ 'host_name' => 'Host for expression macro Max' ] ] ]; } public function writeValuesToItems() { // Add values for items. $time = time() - 100; $last_time = time(); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['last']). ", ".zbx_dbstr($time).", 2, 0)"); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['last']). ", ".$last_time.", 4, 0)"); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['avg']). ", ".zbx_dbstr($time).", 3, 0)"); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['avg']). ", ".zbx_dbstr($last_time).", 5, 0)"); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['min']). ", ".zbx_dbstr($time).", 1, 0)"); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['min']). ", ".zbx_dbstr($last_time).", 3, 0)"); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['max']). ", ".zbx_dbstr($time).", 7, 0)"); DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['max']). ", ".zbx_dbstr($last_time).", 2, 0)"); } /** * Test for checking expression macro expand in graph names. * * @dataProvider getGraphData */ public function testExpandExpressionMacros_Graph($data) { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=host.view&groupids%5B%5D='.self::$data['hostgroupid']) ->waitUntilReady(); $table = $this->query('xpath://form[@name="host_view"]/table[@class="list-table"]')->asTable() ->waitUntilReady()->one(); $table->findRow('Name', $data['host_name'])->getColumn('Graphs')->query('tag:a')->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->waitUntilGraphIsLoaded(); // TODO: This sleep is added here because of DEV-1908. sleep(1); $covered_region = [ 'x' => 78, 'y' => 33, 'width' => 1144, 'height' => 305 ]; $this->assertScreenshotExcept($this->waitUntilGraphIsLoaded(), $covered_region, $data['host_name']); } /** * Function for waiting loader ring. */ private function waitUntilGraphIsLoaded() { try { $this->query('xpath://div[contains(@class,"is-loading")]/img')->waitUntilPresent(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { // Code is not missing here. } return $this->query('xpath://div[not(contains(@class,"is-loading"))]/img')->waitUntilPresent()->one(); } public function prepareMapsData() { // Create map with macros in elements names. $maps = CDataHelper::call('map.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Map with expression macros', 'width' => 500, 'height' => 500, 'label_type'=> 0, 'selements' => [ // Host 'Host for expression macro Avg'. [ 'selementid' => 20, 'elements' => [ ['hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['avg']] ], 'elementtype' => 0, 'iconid_off' => 151, 'label' => '{?avg(/{HOST.HOST}/trapper,1h)}', 'x' => 139, 'y' => 27 ], // Image. [ 'selementid' => 21, 'elementtype' => 4, 'iconid_off' => 6, 'label' => '{?last(/Host for expression macro Last/trapper)}', 'x' => 250, 'y' => 350 ], // Host 'Host for expression macro Min'. [ 'selementid' => 22, 'elements' => [ ['hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['min']] ], 'elementtype' => 0, 'iconid_off' => 151, 'label' => '{?min(/{HOST.HOST}/trapper,1d)}', 'x' => 89, 'y' => 377, 'iconid_off' => 141 ] ], 'links' => [ // Link between 'Host for expression macro Avg' and 'Host for expression macro Min'. [ 'selementid1' => 20, 'selementid2' => 22, 'label' => '{?max(/Host for expression macro Max/trapper,1w)}' ] ] ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('sysmapids', $maps); self::$data['mapid'] = $maps['sysmapids'][0]; } /** * Test for checking expression macro expand in map's elements. */ public function testExpandExpressionMacros_Map() { // Open map in view mode. $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=map.view&sysmapid='.self::$data['mapid'])->waitUntilReady(); $map_image = $this->query('xpath://div[@id="flickerfreescreen_mapimg"]/div/*[name()="svg"]') ->waitUntilPresent()->one(); $covered_region = [ 'x' => 365, 'y' => 484, 'width' => 145, 'height' => 13 ]; $this->assertScreenshotExcept($map_image, $covered_region, 'Map with expression macros'); // Open map in edit mode. $this->query('button:Edit map')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); // Expand macros is off by default. $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://button[@id="expand_macros" and text() = "Off"]') ->waitUntilVisible()->exists() ); $map_edited = $this->query('id:map-area')->waitUntilPresent()->one(); $this->assertScreenshot($map_edited, 'Edited map macros OFF'); // Turn expanding macros on. $this->query('id:expand_macros')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://button[@id="expand_macros" and text() = "On"]') ->waitUntilVisible()->exists() ); $this->assertScreenshot($map_edited, 'Edited map macros ON'); } /** * Delete all created data after test. */ public static function clearData() { // Delete Hosts. CDataHelper::call('host.delete', [ self::$data['hostids']['last'], self::$data['hostids']['avg'], self::$data['hostids']['min'], self::$data['hostids']['max'] ]); // Delete Host group. CDataHelper::call('hostgroup.delete', [ self::$data['hostgroupid'] ]); // Delete Maps. CDataHelper::call('map.delete', [ self::$data['mapid'] ]); } }