<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../include/CLegacyWebTest.php'; use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy; /** * @backup icon_map */ class testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping extends CLegacyWebTest { public function getCreateValidationData() { return [ // Create icon mapping with empty name [ [ 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/name": cannot be empty.', 'check_db' => false ] ], // Create with spaces in name [ [ 'name' => ' ', 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/name": cannot be empty.' ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping one', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Create with existing name'] ], 'error' => 'Icon map "Icon mapping one" already exists.', 'check_db' => false ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping create with backslash', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '\\'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/1/expression": invalid regular expression.' ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Create with empty expression', 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/1/expression": cannot be empty.' ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping add two equals expressions', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'first expression'], ['expression' => 'first expression'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/2": value (inventory_link, expression)=(1, first expression) already exists.' ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping add empty second expressions', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'first expression'], ['expression' => ''] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/2/expression": cannot be empty.' ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping add not existen regular expression', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '@regexpnotexist'] ], 'error' => 'Global regular expression "regexpnotexist" does not exist.' ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping add not existen global regular expression', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '@'] ], 'error' => 'Global regular expression "" does not exist.' ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping without expressions', 'mappings' => [ ['action' => 'remove'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": the parameter "mappings" is missing.' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getCreateValidationData * * Test validate icon mapping creation. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_CreateValidation($data) { $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.edit'); if (array_key_exists('name', $data)) { $this->zbxTestInputTypeWait('iconmap_name', $data['name']); } // Input new row for Icon mapping if (array_key_exists('mappings', $data)) { $this->processExpressionRows($data['mappings']); } $this->zbxTestClick('add'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-bad', 'Cannot create icon map'); $this->zbxTestTextPresent($data['error']); // Check the results in DB if (!array_key_exists('check_db', $data) || $data['check_db'] === true) { $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT NULL FROM icon_map WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($data['name']))); } } public function getCreateData() { return [ [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping testForm create default inventory and icons', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '/!@#$%^&*()123abc'] ], 'check_db' => true, 'check_form' => true ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping testForm create', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'test expression'] ], 'inventory' => 'Alias', 'icon' => 'Crypto-router_(96)', 'default_icon' => 'Firewall_(96)', 'check_db' => true, 'check_form' => true ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'LongNameqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmqwerr', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Create with long name'] ] ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Икона карты утф-8', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Выражение утф-8'] ], 'inventory' => 'Name', 'icon' => 'House_(48)', 'default_icon' => 'Hub_(24)', 'check_db' => true, 'check_form' => true ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping add three expressions', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'first expression'], ['expression' => 'second expression'], ['expression' => 'third expression'] ], 'check_db' => true ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping remove and add one expressions', 'mappings' => [ ['action' => 'remove'], ['expression' => 'one expression'] ] ] ], [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping remove and add two expressions', 'mappings' => [ ['action' => 'remove'], ['expression' => 'first expression'], ['expression' => 'second expression'] ], 'screenshot' => true ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getCreateData * * Test creation of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_Create($data) { $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.edit'); $this->zbxTestInputTypeWait('iconmap_name', $data['name']); if (array_key_exists('inventory', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap_mappings_new0_inventory_link', $data['inventory']); } if (array_key_exists('icon', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap_mappings_new0_iconid', $data['icon']); } if (array_key_exists('default_icon', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap[default_iconid]', $data['default_icon']); } // Input new row for Icon mapping. if (array_key_exists('mappings', $data)) { $this->processExpressionRows($data['mappings']); } // Take a screenshot to test draggable object position of icon mappings. if (array_key_exists('screenshot', $data)) { $form = $this->query('id:iconmap')->waitUntilVisible()->one()->asForm(); $this->page->removeFocus(); $this->assertScreenshot($form->query('id:iconmap_list')->waitUntilPresent()->one(), 'Icon mapping'); } $this->zbxTestClick('add'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Icon map created'); $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Icon mapping'); // Check the results in DB. if (array_key_exists('check_db', $data) && $data['check_db'] === true) { $expressions = []; foreach ($data['mappings'] as $options) { $expressions[] = $options['expression']; } $sql = 'SELECT null FROM icon_map LEFT JOIN icon_mapping' .' ON icon_map.iconmapid = icon_mapping.iconmapid WHERE icon_map.name = '.zbx_dbstr($data['name']) .' AND '.dbConditionString('icon_mapping.expression', $expressions); $this->assertEquals(count($expressions), CDBHelper::getCount($sql)); } // Check the results in form if (array_key_exists('check_form', $data) && $data['check_form'] === true) { $defaults = [ 'inventory' => 'Type', 'icon' => 'Cloud_(24)', 'default_icon' => 'Cloud_(24)' ]; foreach ($defaults as $field => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($field, $data)) { $data[$field] = $value; } } $this->checkFormFields($data); } } /** * Test cancel creation of icon mapping */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_CancelCreation() { $sql_hash = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map ORDER BY iconmapid'; $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.edit'); $this->zbxTestInputTypeWait('iconmap_name', 'CancelCreation'); $this->zbxTestInputTypeWait('iconmap_mappings_new0_expression', 'CancelCreation'); $this->zbxTestClick('cancel'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestTextNotPresent('CancelCreation'); $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash)); } /** * Test update without any modification of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_SimpleUpdate() { $sql_icon_map = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map ORDER BY iconmapid'; $old_icon_map = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_icon_map); $sql_expression_hash = 'SELECT * FROM icon_mapping ORDER BY iconmappingid'; $old_expression = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_expression_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); foreach (CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT name FROM icon_map') as $iconmap) { $this->zbxTestClickLinkText($iconmap['name']); $this->zbxTestWaitForPageToLoad(); $this->zbxTestClickWait('update'); $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Icon map updated'); } $this->assertEquals($old_icon_map, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_icon_map)); $this->assertEquals($old_expression, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_expression_hash)); } public function getUpdateValidationData() { return [ // Update with empty name. [ [ 'name' => '', 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/name": cannot be empty.' ] ], // Update with existing name. [ [ 'name' => 'Icon mapping one', 'error' => 'Icon map "Icon mapping one" already exists.' ] ], // Expression with backslash [ [ 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '\\', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/1/expression": invalid regular expression.' ] ], // Empty expression [ [ 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/1/expression": cannot be empty.' ] ], // Not existen regular expression [ [ 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '@regexpnotexist', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'error' => 'Global regular expression "regexpnotexist" does not exist.' ] ], // Remove expression [ [ 'mappings' => [ ['action' => 'remove'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings": cannot be empty.' ] ], // Add the same second expression as the first [ [ 'inventory' => 'Alias', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '(1!@#$%^-=2*)'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/2": value (inventory_link, expression)=(4, (1!@#$%^-=2*)) already exists.' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getUpdateValidationData * * Test validate icon mapping updating */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_UpdateValidation($data) { $update_icon = 'Icon mapping for update'; $sql_hash = 'SELECT icon_map.name, icon_mapping.expression FROM icon_map LEFT JOIN icon_mapping' .' ON icon_map.iconmapid = icon_mapping.iconmapid WHERE icon_map.name = '.zbx_dbstr($update_icon); $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($update_icon); $this->zbxTestWaitForPageToLoad(); if (array_key_exists('name', $data)) { $this->zbxTestWaitUntilElementVisible(WebDriverBy::id('iconmap_name')); $this->zbxTestInputType('iconmap_name', $data['name']); } if (array_key_exists('mappings', $data)) { $this->processExpressionRows($data['mappings']); } if (array_key_exists('inventory', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap_mappings_new0_inventory_link', $data['inventory']); } $this->zbxTestClick('update'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-bad', 'Cannot update icon map'); $this->zbxTestTextPresent($data['error']); // Check the results in DB $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash)); } public function getUpdateData() { return [ [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping testForm update expression', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '/!@#$%^&*()123updated', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'check_db' => true ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping testForm update expression', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Test expression updated', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'inventory' => 'Serial number B', 'icon' => 'Firewall_(96)', 'default_icon' => 'Crypto-router_(96)', 'check_db' => true, 'check_form' => true ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping testForm update expression', 'name' => 'LongNameqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmqwertyuioplkjhgfdsaz0123456789', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Update with long name', 'action' => 'update'] ] ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping for update', 'name' => 'Икона карты обновленна утф-8', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Выражение обновленно утф-8', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'inventory' => 'Name', 'icon' => 'House_(48)', 'default_icon' => 'Hub_(24)', 'check_db' => true, 'check_form' => true ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping one', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Updated expression 1', 'action' => 'update'], ['expression' => 'Updated expression 2', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'inventory' => 'Name', 'icon' => 'House_(48)', 'default_icon' => 'Hub_(24)', 'check_db' => true, 'check_form' => true ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getUpdateData * * Test updating of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_Update($data) { $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($data['old_name']); $this->zbxTestWaitForPageToLoad(); if (array_key_exists('name', $data)) { $this->zbxTestInputTypeOverwrite('iconmap_name', $data['name']); } else { $data['name'] = $data['old_name']; } // Input new row for Icon mapping if (array_key_exists('mappings', $data)) { $this->processExpressionRows($data['mappings']); } if (array_key_exists('inventory', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap[mappings][0][inventory_link]', $data['inventory']); } if (array_key_exists('icon', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap[mappings][0][iconid]', $data['icon']); } if (array_key_exists('default_icon', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap[default_iconid]', $data['default_icon']); } $this->zbxTestClick('update'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Icon map updated'); $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Icon mapping'); if (array_key_exists('check_db', $data)) { $expressions = []; foreach ($data['mappings'] as $options) { $expressions[] = $options['expression']; } $result = DBselect("SELECT icon_map.name, icon_mapping.expression FROM icon_map LEFT JOIN icon_mapping " ."ON icon_map.iconmapid = icon_mapping.iconmapid WHERE icon_map.name = ".zbx_dbstr($data['name']) .' AND '.dbConditionString('icon_mapping.expression', $expressions) .' ORDER BY icon_mapping.sortorder'); $e = 0; while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $this->assertEquals($row['name'], $data['name']); $mapping_row = $data['mappings'][$e]; $this->assertEquals($row['expression'], $mapping_row['expression']); $e++; } } // Check the results in form if (array_key_exists('check_form', $data)) { $this->checkFormFields($data); } } /** * Test cancel update of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_CancelUpdating() { $sql_hash = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map ORDER BY iconmapid'; $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); foreach (CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT name FROM icon_map LIMIT 1') as $iconmap) { $this->zbxTestClickLinkText($iconmap['name']); $this->zbxTestInputTypeOverwrite('iconmap_name', $iconmap['name'].' (updated)'); $this->zbxTestClick('cancel'); $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestTextNotPresent($iconmap['name'].' (updated)'); } $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash)); } public function getCloneValidationData() { return [ [ [ 'new_name' => 'Icon mapping one', 'error' => 'Icon map "Icon mapping one" already exists.' ] ], [ [ 'new_name' => '', 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/name": cannot be empty.' ] ], // Icon mapping clone with backslash. [ [ 'new_name' => 'CLONE: Icon mapping update expression with two backslash', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '\\', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/1/expression": invalid regular expression.' ] ], // Clone with empty expression. [ [ 'new_name' => 'CLONE: with empty expression', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/1/expression": cannot be empty.' ] ], // Clone and remove expressions. [ [ 'new_name' => 'CLONE: with empty mappings', 'mappings' => [ ['action' => 'remove'], ['action' => 'remove'], ['action' => 'remove'], ['action' => 'remove'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": the parameter "mappings" is missing.' ] ], // Clone and change first expression name as the second expression name. [ [ 'new_name' => 'CLONE: change first expression name as the second expression name', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'expression 2 for clone', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/mappings/2": value (inventory_link, expression)=(1, expression 2 for clone) already exists.' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getCloneValidationData * * Test cloning of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_CloneValidation($data) { $name = 'Icon mapping to check clone functionality'; $sql_hash = 'SELECT icon_map.name, icon_mapping.expression FROM icon_map LEFT JOIN icon_mapping' .' ON icon_map.iconmapid = icon_mapping.iconmapid WHERE icon_map.name = '.zbx_dbstr($name); $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($name); $this->zbxTestClickWait('clone'); $this->zbxTestWaitForPageToLoad(); $this->zbxTestInputType('iconmap_name', $data['new_name']); if (array_key_exists('mappings', $data)) { $this->processExpressionRows($data['mappings']); } $this->zbxTestClick('add'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-bad', 'Cannot create icon map'); $this->zbxTestTextPresent($data['error']); $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash)); } public function getCloneData() { return [ [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping to check clone functionality', 'name' => 'CLONE: Икона карты обновленна утф-8', 'check_db' => '4' ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping to check clone functionality', 'name' => 'Clone Icon mapping with expression update', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => '/!@#$%^&*()123updated', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'check_db' => '4' ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping to check clone functionality', 'name' => 'CLONE: Icon mapping testForm create', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Test expression updated', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'inventory' => 'Serial number B', 'icon' => 'Firewall_(96)', 'default_icon' => 'Crypto-router_(96)', 'check_db' => '4', 'check_form' => true ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping to check clone functionality', 'name' => 'LongNameqwertyuioplkjhg0123456789mqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmqwer', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Update with long name', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'check_db' => '4' ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping to check clone functionality', 'name' => 'Икона карты кирилица утф-8', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Выражение обновленно кирилица утф-8', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'inventory' => 'Name', 'icon' => 'House_(48)', 'default_icon' => 'Hub_(24)', 'check_db' => '4', 'check_form' => true ] ], [ [ 'old_name' => 'Icon mapping to check clone functionality', 'name' => 'Add one more expression', 'mappings' => [ ['expression' => 'Выражение обновленно кирилица утф-8', 'action' => 'update'], ['expression' => 'New second expression', 'action' => 'update'] ], 'inventory' => 'Name', 'icon' => 'House_(48)', 'default_icon' => 'Hub_(24)', 'check_db' => '4', 'check_form' => true ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getCloneData * * Test cloning of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_Clone($data) { $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($data['old_name']); $this->zbxTestClickWait('clone'); if (array_key_exists('name', $data)) { $this->zbxTestInputTypeOverwrite('iconmap_name', $data['name']); } if (array_key_exists('mappings', $data)) { $this->processExpressionRows($data['mappings']); } if (array_key_exists('inventory', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap[mappings][0][inventory_link]', $data['inventory']); } if (array_key_exists('icon', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap[mappings][0][iconid]', $data['icon']); } if (array_key_exists('default_icon', $data)) { $this->zbxTestDropdownSelect('iconmap[default_iconid]', $data['default_icon']); } $this->zbxTestClick('add'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Icon map created'); $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Icon mapping'); // Check the results in DB. if (array_key_exists('check_db', $data)) { $this->assertEquals($data['check_db'], CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT icon_map.name, icon_mapping.expression FROM icon_map' .' LEFT JOIN icon_mapping ON icon_map.iconmapid = icon_mapping.iconmapid' .' WHERE icon_map.name = '.zbx_dbstr($data['name']))); } // Check the results in form if (array_key_exists('check_form', $data)) { $this->checkFormFields($data); } } /** * Test cancel cloning of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_CancelCloning() { $sql_hash = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map ORDER BY iconmapid'; $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); foreach (CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT name FROM icon_map LIMIT 2') as $iconmap) { $this->zbxTestClickLinkText($iconmap['name']); $this->zbxTestInputTypeOverwrite('iconmap_name', $iconmap['name'].' (cloned)'); $this->zbxTestClickWait('clone'); $this->zbxTestClick('cancel'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestCheckHeader('Icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestTextNotPresent($iconmap['name'].' (cloned)'); } // Check the results in DB $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash)); } /** * Test deleting of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_Delete() { $name = 'Icon mapping to check delete functionality'; $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($name); $this->zbxTestClickAndAcceptAlert('delete'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Icon map deleted'); // Check the results in DB. $sql = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($name); $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount($sql)); } /** * Test cancel deleting of icon mapping. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_CancelDelete() { $name = 'Icon mapping one'; $sql_hash = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map ORDER BY iconmapid'; $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($name); $this->zbxTestClickWait('delete'); $this->zbxTestDismissAlert(); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); // Check the results in DB $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash)); } /** * Try delete icon mapping used in map. */ public function testFormAdministrationGeneralIconMapping_DeleteUsedInMap() { $name = 'used_by_map'; $sql_hash = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($name).' ORDER BY iconmapid'; $old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash); $this->zbxTestLogin('zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list'); $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($name); $this->zbxTestClickAndAcceptAlert('delete'); // Check the results in frontend. $this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of icon mapping'); $this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-bad', 'Icon map "'.$name.'" cannot be deleted. Used in map'); // Check the results in DB. $sql = 'SELECT * FROM icon_map WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr($name); $this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hash)); } private function checkFormFields($data) { $this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait($data['name']); $this->zbxTestAssertElementValue('iconmap_name', $data['name']); $this->zbxTestAssertElementValue('iconmap_mappings_0_expression', $data['mappings'][0]['expression']); $this->zbxTestDropdownAssertSelected('iconmap[mappings][0][inventory_link]', $data['inventory']); $this->zbxTestDropdownAssertSelected('iconmap[mappings][0][iconid]', $data['icon']); $this->zbxTestDropdownAssertSelected('iconmap[default_iconid]', $data['default_icon']); } private function processExpressionRows($rows) { foreach ($rows as $i => $mapping_row) { switch (CTestArrayHelper::get($mapping_row, 'action', 'add')) { case 'add': if (!$this->zbxTestElementPresentId('iconmap_mappings_new'.$i.'_expression')) { $this->zbxTestClick('addMapping'); } $this->zbxTestInputTypeWait('iconmap_mappings_new'.$i.'_expression', $mapping_row['expression']); break; case 'update': if (!$this->zbxTestElementPresentId('iconmap_mappings_'.$i.'_expression')) { $this->zbxTestClick('addMapping'); $this->zbxTestWaitUntilElementVisible(WebDriverBy::id('iconmap_mappings_'.$i.'_expression')); } $this->zbxTestInputType('iconmap_mappings_'.$i.'_expression', $mapping_row['expression']); break; case 'remove': if ($this->zbxTestIsElementPresent('//tr[@id="iconmapidRow_new'.$i.'"]//button[@name="remove"]')) { $this->zbxTestClickXpathWait('//tr[@id="iconmapidRow_new'.$i.'"]//button[@name="remove"]'); } else { $this->zbxTestClickXpathWait('//tr[@id="iconmapidRow_'.$i.'"]//button[@name="remove"]'); } break; } } } }