<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/CWebTest.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/behaviors/CMessageBehavior.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/behaviors/CTableBehavior.php'; /** * @backup sessions * * @backupConfig */ class testFormSetup extends CWebTest { /** * Attach MessageBehavior and TableBehavior to the test. * * @return array */ public function getBehaviors() { return [ CMessageBehavior::class, CTableBehavior::class ]; } /** * @backup config */ public function testFormSetup_welcomeSectionLayout() { $this->page->login()->open('setup.php')->waitUntilReady(); // Check Welcome section. $this->assertEquals("Welcome to\nZabbix 6.0", $this->query('xpath://div[@class="setup-title"]')->one()->getText()); $this->checkSections('Welcome'); $form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one(); $language_field = $form->getField('Default language'); $this->assertEquals('English (en_US)', $language_field->getValue()); $hint_text = 'You are not able to choose some of the languages, because locales for them are not installed '. 'on the web server.'; $this->assertEquals($hint_text, $this->query('class:hint-box')->one()->getText()); $this->checkButtons('first section'); $this->assertScreenshot($form, 'Welcome_En'); // Check that default language can be changed. $language_field->fill('Russian (ru_RU)'); $this->page->refresh()->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertEquals("Добро пожаловать в\nZabbix 6.0", $this->query('xpath://div[@class="setup-title"]')->one()->getText()); $this->checkButtons('russian'); $this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $this->query('id:default-lang')->one(), 'Welcome_Rus'); } // TODO: Commented until Jenkins issue investigated. // public function testFormSetup_prerequisitesSectionLayout() { // $this->page->login()->open('setup.php')->waitUntilReady(); // $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); // // // Check Pre-requisites section. // $this->checkPageTextElements('Check of pre-requisites'); // $headers = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one()->getHeadersText(); // $this->assertEquals(['', 'Current value', 'Required', ''], $headers); // // $prerequisites = [ // 'PHP version', // 'PHP option "memory_limit"', // 'PHP option "post_max_size"', // 'PHP option "upload_max_filesize"', // 'PHP option "max_execution_time"', // 'PHP option "max_input_time"', // 'PHP databases support', // 'PHP bcmath', // 'PHP mbstring', // 'PHP option "mbstring.func_overload"', // 'PHP sockets', // 'PHP gd', // 'PHP gd PNG support', // 'PHP gd JPEG support', // 'PHP gd GIF support', // 'PHP gd FreeType support', // 'PHP libxml', // 'PHP xmlwriter', // 'PHP xmlreader', // 'PHP LDAP', // 'PHP OpenSSL', // 'PHP ctype', // 'PHP session', // 'PHP option "session.auto_start"', // 'PHP gettext', // 'PHP option "arg_separator.output"', // 'System locale' // ]; // $this->assertTableDataColumn($prerequisites, ''); // $this->checkSections('Check of pre-requesties'); // $this->checkButtons(); // // global $DB; // $php_version = $this->query('xpath://td[text()="PHP version"]/following-sibling::td')->one(); // $this->assertScreenshotExcept($this->query('xpath://form')->one(), $php_version, 'Prerequisites_'.$DB['TYPE']); // } public function testFormSetup_dbConnectionSectionLayout() { $this->openSpecifiedSection('Configure DB connection'); $db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters(); // Check Configure DB connection section. $fields = [ 'Database port' => '0', 'Database name' => 'zabbix', 'User' => 'zabbix', 'Password' => '' ]; $fields['Database host'] = ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'PostgreSQL') ? 'localhost' : $db_parameters['Database host']; $text = 'Please create database manually, and set the configuration parameters for connection to this database. '. 'Press "Next step" button when done.'; $this->checkPageTextElements('Configure DB connection', $text); $form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one(); // Check input fields in Configure DB connection section for each DB type. $db_types = $form->getField('Database type')->getOptions()->asText(); foreach ($db_types as $db_type) { $form->getField('Database type')->select($db_type); $form->invalidate(); switch ($db_type) { case 'Oracle': $this->assertFalse($form->query('xpath://label[text()="Database schema"]')->one(false)->isDisplayed()); $this->assertFalse($form->query('xpath://label[text()="Database TLS encryption"]')->one(false)->isDisplayed()); break; case 'MySQL': // Check that Database schema field is not available. $this->assertFalse($form->query('xpath://label[text()="Database schema"]')->one(false)->isDisplayed()); // Check TLS fields if such should be displayed. if ($db_parameters['Database host'] === 'localhost') { $tls_text = 'Connection will not be encrypted because it uses a socket file (on Unix) or shared '. 'memory (Windows).'; $this->assertEquals($tls_text, $form->query('id:tls_encryption_hint')->one()->getText()); } else { $form->getField('Database host')->fill($db_parameters['Database host']); $this->page->removeFocus(); $this->checkTlsFieldsLayout(); } break; case 'PostgreSQL': // Check that Database Schema and Database TLS encryption fields are visible. $schema_field = $form->getField('Database schema'); $this->assertEquals(255, $schema_field->getAttribute('maxlength')); $this->checkTlsFieldsLayout(); break; } foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_value) { $maxlength = ($field_name === 'Database port') ? 5 : 255; $field = $form->getField($field_name); $this->assertEquals($field_value, $field->getValue()); $this->assertEquals($maxlength, $field->getAttribute('maxlength')); } // Array of fields to be skipped by the screenshot check. $skip_db_fields = []; foreach(['Database host', 'Database name', 'Store credentials in'] as $skip_field) { $skip_db_fields[] = $form->getField($skip_field); } // Check screenshot for "Store credentials in" = Plain text. $this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $skip_db_fields, 'ConfigureDB_plainText_'.$db_type); // Check 'Store credentials in' field, switch to Vault and check Vault rellated fields. $credentials_field = $form->getField('Store credentials in'); $this->assertEquals('Plain text', $credentials_field->getSelected()); $vault_fields = [ 'Vault API endpoint', 'Vault secret path', 'Vault authentication token' ]; foreach ($vault_fields as $field_name) { $this->assertFalse($form->getField($field_name)->isVisible()); } // Check layout when "Store credentials in" is set to "HashiCorp Vault". $credentials_field->select('HashiCorp Vault'); $form->invalidate(); foreach (['User', 'Password'] as $field_name) { $this->assertFalse($form->getField($field_name)->isVisible()); } foreach ($vault_fields as $field_name) { $vault_maxlength = ($field_name === 'Vault authentication token') ? 2048 : 255; $field = $form->getField($field_name); $this->assertEquals($vault_maxlength, $field->getAttribute('maxlength')); if ($field_name === 'Vault API endpoint') { $this->assertEquals('https://localhost:8200', $field->getValue()); } elseif ($field_name === 'Vault secret path') { $this->assertEquals('path/to/secret', $field->getAttribute('placeholder')); } } // Array of fields to be skipped by the screenshot check. $skip_fields_vault = []; foreach(['Database host', 'Database name', 'Store credentials in'] as $skip_field) { $skip_fields_vault[] = $form->getField($skip_field); } // Check screenshot for "Store credentials in" = Vault. $this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $skip_fields_vault, 'ConfigureDB_Vault_'.$db_type); $credentials_field->select('Plain text'); } } /** * @backup config */ public function testFormSetup_settingsSection() { // Open the Pre-installation summary section. $this->openSpecifiedSection('Settings'); // Check GUI settings section. $this->checkPageTextElements('Settings'); $this->checkButtons(); $form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one(); // Check layout via screenshot for default theme. $this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $this->query('id:label-default-timezone')->one(), 'GUISettings_Default'); // Check Zabbix server name field. $server_name = $form->getField('Zabbix server name'); $this->assertEquals(255, $server_name->getAttribute('maxlength')); $this->assertEquals('', $server_name->getValue()); // Check timezone field. $timezones_field = $form->getField('Default time zone'); $timezones = $timezones_field->getOptions()->asText(); // Note that count of available timezones may differ based on the local environment configuration and php version. $this->assertGreaterThan(415, count($timezones)); $this->assertContains(CDateTimeHelper::getTimeZoneFormat('Europe/Riga'), $timezones); foreach (['System', 'Europe/Riga'] as $timezone_value) { $timezone = CDateTimeHelper::getTimeZoneFormat($timezone_value); $this->assertContains($timezone, $timezones); } // Select a certain timezone. $form->getField('Default time zone')->select(CDateTimeHelper::getTimeZoneFormat('Europe/Riga')); // Check Default theme field. $themes = $form->getField('Default theme'); $this->assertEquals(['Blue', 'Dark', 'High-contrast light', 'High-contrast dark'], $themes->getOptions()->asText()); // Select Dark theme. $form->getField('Default theme')->select('Dark'); // Check that default theme has changed. $stylesheet = $this->query('xpath://link[@rel="stylesheet"]')->one(); $parts = explode('/', $stylesheet->getAttribute('href')); $this->assertContains('dark-theme.css', explode('?', end($parts))); // Check layout via screenshot for dark theme. $this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $this->query('id:label-default-timezone')->one(), 'GUISettings_Dark'); // Complete the setup and check in DB that the default timezone was applied. $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); $this->query('button:Finish')->one()->click(); $db_values = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT default_theme, default_timezone FROM config'); $this->assertEquals(['dark-theme', 'Europe/Riga'], array_values($db_values)); } public function testFormSetup_summarySection() { $this->openSpecifiedSection('Pre-installation summary'); // Check that Zabbix server name field is not displayed if it is not populated. $this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://span[text()="Zabbix server name"]')->one(false)->isValid()); $this->query('button:Back')->one()->click(); // Fill in the Zabbix server name field and proceed with checking Pre-installation summary. $this->query('id:setup-form')->asForm()->one()->getField('Zabbix server name')->fill('Zabbix server name'); $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); $db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters(); $text = 'Please check configuration parameters. If all is correct, press "Next step" button, or "Back" button '. 'to change configuration parameters.'; $this->checkPageTextElements('Pre-installation summary', $text); $summary_fields = [ 'Database server' => $db_parameters['Database host'], 'Database name' => $db_parameters['Database name'], 'Database user' => $db_parameters['User'], 'Database password' => '******', 'Zabbix server name' => 'Zabbix server name' ]; if ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'PostgreSQL') { $summary_fields['Database type'] = 'PostgreSQL'; $summary_fields['Database schema'] = ''; $summary_fields['Database TLS encryption'] = 'true'; } else { $summary_fields['Database type'] = 'MySQL'; $this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://span[text()="Database schema"]')->one(false)->isValid()); $summary_fields['Database TLS encryption'] = ($db_parameters['Database host'] === 'localhost') ? 'false' : 'true'; } $summary_fields['Database port'] = ($db_parameters['Database port'] === '0') ? 'default' : $db_parameters['Database port']; foreach ($summary_fields as $field_name => $value) { $xpath = 'xpath://span[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($field_name).']/../../div[@class="table-forms-td-right"]'; // Assert contains is used as Password length can differ. if ($field_name === 'Database password') { $this->assertStringContainsString($value, $this->query($xpath)->one()->getText()); } else { $this->assertEquals($value, $this->query($xpath)->one()->getText()); } } $this->checkButtons(); // Check screenshot of the Pre-installation summary section. $skip_fields = []; foreach(['Database server', 'Database port', 'Database name'] as $skip_field) { $xpath = 'xpath://span[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($skip_field).']/../../div[@class="table-forms-td-right"]'; $skip_fields[] = $this->query($xpath)->one(); } $this->assertScreenshotExcept($this->query('xpath://form')->one(), $skip_fields, 'PreInstall_'.$db_parameters['Database type']); } public function testFormSetup_installSection() { $this->openSpecifiedSection('Install'); $this->checkPageTextElements('Install', 'Configuration file "conf/zabbix.conf.php" created.'); $this->assertEquals('Congratulations! You have successfully installed Zabbix frontend.', $this->query('class:green')->one()->getText()); $this->checkButtons('last section'); $this->assertScreenshotExcept($this->query('xpath://form')->one(), $this->query('xpath://p')->one(), 'Install'); // Check that Dashboard view is opened after completing the form. $this->query('button:Finish')->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertStringContainsString('index.php', $this->page->getCurrentURL()); } public function getDbConnectionDetails() { $provider = [ // Incorrect DB host. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database host', 'value'=> 'incorrect_DB_host' ], 'mysql_error' => 'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known' ] ], // Partially non-numeric port number. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database port', 'value' => '123aaa' ], 'check_port' => 123, 'mysql_error' => 'Connection refused' ] ], // Large port number. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database port', 'value' => '99999' ], 'error_details' => 'Incorrect value "99999" for "Database port" field: must be between 0 and 65535.' ] ], // Incorrect DB name. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database name', 'value' => 'Wrong database name' ], 'mysql_error' => "Unknown database 'Wrong database name'" ] ], // Incorrect DB schema for PostgreSQL. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database schema', 'value' => 'incorrect schema' ], 'error_details' => 'Unable to determine current Zabbix database version: the table "dbversion" was not found.' ] ], // Incorrect user name. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'User', 'value' => 'incorrect user name' ], 'mysql_error' => 'Access denied for user' ] ], // Set incorrect password. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Password', 'value' => 'this_password_is_incorrect' ], 'mysql_error' => 'Access denied for user' ] ], // Empty "Database TLS CA file" field. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS CA file', 'value' => '' ], 'tls_encryption' => true, 'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS CA file": .' ] ], // Wrong "Database TLS CA file" field format. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS CA file', 'value' => '123456' ], 'tls_encryption' => true, 'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS CA file": 123456.' ] ], // Wrong "Database TLS CA file" path leads to wrong file. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS CA file', 'value' => '/etc/apache2/magic' ], 'tls_encryption' => true, 'mysql_error' => 'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.' ] ], // Wrong "Database TLS key file" field format. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS key file', 'value' => '123' ], 'tls_encryption' => true, 'fill_ca_file' => true, 'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS key file": 123.' ] ], // Wrong "Database TLS key file" path leads to wrong file. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS key file', 'value' => '/etc/apache2/magic' ], 'tls_encryption' => true, 'fill_ca_file' => true, 'mysql_error' => 'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.' ] ], // Wrong "Database TLS certificate file" field format. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS certificate file', 'value' => '123' ], 'tls_encryption' => true, 'fill_ca_file' => true, 'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS certificate file": 123.' ] ], // Wrong "Database TLS certificate file" path leads to wrong file. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_BAD, 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS certificate file', 'value' => '/etc/apache2/magic' ], 'tls_encryption' => true, 'fill_ca_file' => true, 'mysql_error' => 'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.' ] ], // With "Database TLS encryption" set. [ [ 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database TLS encryption', 'value' => true ] ] ], // Non-numeric port. [ [ 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database port', 'value' => 'aaa1' ], 'check_port' => 0 ] ], // Non-default port. [ [ 'field' => [ 'name' => 'Database port', 'value' => 'should_be_changed' ], 'change_port' => true ] ] ]; // MySQL database error depends on php version. $mapping = [ 'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.' => [ '8.1.0' => 'Cannot connect to MySQL using SSL' ], 'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known' => [ '8.1.0' => 'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for incorrect_DB_host failed: Name or service not known' ] ]; foreach ($provider as &$data) { if (array_key_exists('mysql_error', $data[0]) && array_key_exists($data[0]['mysql_error'], $mapping)) { foreach ($mapping[$data[0]['mysql_error']] as $version => $map) { if (version_compare(phpversion(), $version, '<')) { continue; } $data[0]['mysql_error'] = $map; } } } unset($data); return $provider; } /** * @dataProvider getDbConnectionDetails */ public function testFormSetup_dbConfigSectionParameters($data) { // Prepare array with DB parameter values. $db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters(); $db_parameters[$data['field']['name']] = $data['field']['value']; // Use default database port if specified in data provider. if (array_key_exists('change_port', $data)) { $db_parameters['Database port'] = ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'PostgreSQL') ? 5432 : 3306; } // Skip the case with invalid DB schema if DB type is MySQL. if ($data['field']['name'] === 'Database schema' && $db_parameters['Database type'] === 'MySQL') { return; } // Open "Configure DB connection" section. $this->openSpecifiedSection('Configure DB connection'); // Fill Database connection parameters. $form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one(); // Fill required TLS rellated field values. if (array_key_exists('tls_encryption', $data)) { // TLS fields are not present in case if DB type = MySQL and for DB host = localhost. if (($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'MySQL' && $db_parameters['Database host'] === 'localhost')) { $tls_text = 'Connection will not be encrypted because it uses a socket file (on Unix) or shared memory (Windows).'; $this->assertEquals($tls_text, $form->query('id:tls_encryption_hint')->one()->getText()); // Skip data provider as TLS encryption fields are not visible. return; } else { $form->getField('Database type')->fill($db_parameters['Database type']); $form->getField('Database host')->fill($db_parameters['Database host']); $this->page->removeFocus(); $form->getField('Database TLS encryption')->check(); $form->query('xpath:.//label[@for="verify_certificate"]/span')->asCheckbox()->one()->check(); if (array_key_exists('fill_ca_file', $data)) { $form->getField('Database TLS CA file')->fill('/etc/apache2/magic'); } } } $form->fill($db_parameters); // Check that port number was trimmed after removing focus, starting with 1st non-numeric symbol. if ($data['field']['name'] === 'Database port') { $this->page->removeFocus(); } if (array_key_exists('check_port', $data)) { $this->assertEquals($data['check_port'], $form->getField('Database port')->getValue()); } // Check the outcome for the specified database configuration. $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_GOOD) === TEST_BAD) { // Define the reference error message details and assert error message. if (array_key_exists('error_details', $data)) { $error_details = $data['error_details']; } else { $error_details = ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'MySQL') ? $data['mysql_error'] : 'Error connecting to database.'; } $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, 'Cannot connect to the database.', $error_details); } else { $this->assertEquals('Settings', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText()); } } public function getDbConnectionDetailsForTls() { return [ // TLS available when IP address is used as host name - MySQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'MySQL', 'Database host'=> '' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS available when string is used as host name - MySQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'MySQL', 'Database host'=> 'abc' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS available when empty space is used as host name - MySQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'MySQL', 'Database host'=> ' ' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS NOT available when host name is empty - MySQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'MySQL', 'Database host'=> '' ] ] ], // TLS NOT available when host name is equal to "localhost" - MySQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'MySQL', 'Database host'=> 'localhost' ] ] ], // TLS is available when host name starts with a slash - MySQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'MySQL', 'Database host'=> '/123' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS available when IP address is used as host name - PostgreSQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL', 'Database host'=> '' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS available when string is used as host name - PostgreSQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL', 'Database host'=> 'abc' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS available when empty space is used as host name - PostgreSQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL', 'Database host'=> ' ' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS NOT available when host name is empty - PostgreSQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL', 'Database host'=> '' ] ] ], // TLS is available when host name is equal to "localhost" - PostgreSQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL', 'Database host'=> 'localhost' ], 'tls_displayed' => true ] ], // TLS NOT available when host name starts with a slash - PostgreSQL. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL', 'Database host'=> '/123' ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getDbConnectionDetailsForTls */ public function testFormSetup_tlsParameterPresence($data) { // Open "Configure DB connection" section. $this->openSpecifiedSection('Configure DB connection'); $form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one(); $database_types = $form->getField('Database type')->getOptions()->asText(); // Skip data provider if the defined DB type is not available on the current machine. if (!in_array($data['fields']['Database type'], $database_types)) { return; } // Fill DB parameters and check if TLS parameters are displayed. $form->fill($data['fields']); $form->invalidate(); $this->page->removeFocus(); if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'tls_displayed', false)) { $form->getField('Database TLS encryption')->check(); $form->query('xpath:.//label[@for="verify_certificate"]/span')->asCheckbox()->one()->check(); $tls_fields = [ 'Database TLS CA file', 'Database TLS key file', 'Database TLS certificate file' ]; foreach ($tls_fields as $tls_field) { $this->assertTrue($form->getField($tls_field)->isDisplayed()); } $verify_host_field = $form->query('id:verify_host')->asCheckbox()->one(); if ($data['fields']['Database type'] === 'MySQL') { $this->assertTrue($form->getField('Database TLS cipher list')->isDisplayed()); $this->assertFalse($verify_host_field->isEnabled()); } else { $this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://span[text()="Database TLS cipher list"]')->one(false)->isValid()); $this->assertTrue($verify_host_field->isEnabled()); } } else { $tls_text = 'Connection will not be encrypted because it uses a socket file (on Unix) or shared memory (Windows).'; $this->assertEquals($tls_text, $form->query('id:tls_encryption_hint')->one()->getText()); } } public function testFormSetup_backButtons() { // Open the Pre-installation summary section. $this->openSpecifiedSection('Pre-installation summary'); // Proceed back to the 1st section of the setup form. $this->query('button:Back')->one()->click(); $this->assertEquals('Settings', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText()); $this->query('button:Back')->one()->click(); $this->assertEquals('Configure DB connection', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText()); $this->query('button:Back')->one()->click(); $this->assertEquals('Check of pre-requisites', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText()); $this->query('button:Back')->one()->click(); $this->assertEquals("Welcome to\nZabbix 6.0", $this->query('xpath://div[@class="setup-title"]')->one()->getText()); $this->checkSections('Welcome'); $this->checkButtons('first section'); // Cancel setup form update. $this->query('button:Cancel')->one()->click(); $this->assertStringContainsString('zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view', $this->page->getCurrentURL()); } /** * Function checks the title of the current section, section navigation column and presence of text if defined. * * @param string $title title of the current setup form section * @param string $text text that should be present in a paragraph of the current setup form section */ private function checkPageTextElements($title, $text = null) { $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://h1[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($title).']')->one()->isValid()); $this->checkSections($title); if ($text) { $this->assertStringContainsString($text, $this->query('xpath:.//p')->one()->getText()); } } /** * Function checks if the buttons on the currently opened setup form section are clickable. * * @param string $section position of current section in the form (first, last, middle) */ private function checkButtons($section = 'middle section') { switch ($section) { case 'first section': $buttons = [ 'Cancel' => true, 'Back' => false, 'Next step' => true ]; break; case 'last section': $buttons = [ 'Cancel' => false, 'Back' => false, 'Finish' => true ]; break; case 'middle section': $buttons = [ 'Cancel' => true, 'Back' => true, 'Next step' => true ]; break; case 'russian': $buttons = [ 'Отмена' => true, 'Назад' => false, 'Далее' => true ]; break; } foreach ($buttons as $button => $clickable) { $this->assertEquals($clickable, $this->query('button', $button)->one()->isCLickable()); } } /** * Function checks that all sections are present in the section navigation column, and that the current (or all * section) are grayed out. * * @param string $current title of the current setup form section. */ private function checkSections($current) { $sections = [ 'Welcome', 'Check of pre-requisites', 'Configure DB connection', 'Settings', 'Pre-installation summary', 'Install' ]; foreach ($sections as $section_name) { $section = $this->query('xpath://li[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($section_name).']')->one(); $this->assertTrue($section->isValid()); // It is required to check that all sections are grayed out because Install is the last step. if ($section_name === $current || $current === 'Install') { $this->assertEquals('setup-left-current', $section->getAttribute('class')); } } } /** * Function opens the setup form and navigates to the specified section. * * @param string $section the name of the section to be opened */ private function openSpecifiedSection($section) { $this->page->login()->open('setup.php')->waitUntilReady(); $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); // No actions required in case of Configure DB connection section. if ($section === 'Configure DB connection') { return; } // Define the number of clicks on the Next step button depending on the name of the desired section. $skip_sections = [ 'Settings' => 1, 'Pre-installation summary' => 2, 'Install' => 3 ]; // Fill in DB parameters and navigate to the desired section. $db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters(); $form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one(); $form->fill($db_parameters); for ($i = 0; $i < $skip_sections[$section]; $i++) { $this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click(); } } /** * Function retrieves the values to be filled in the Configure DB connection section. * * @return array */ private function getDbParameters() { global $DB; $db_parameters = [ 'Database host' => $DB['SERVER'], 'Database name' => $DB['DATABASE'], 'Database port' => $DB['PORT'], 'User' => $DB['USER'], 'Password' => $DB['PASSWORD'] ]; $db_parameters['Database type'] = ($DB['TYPE'] === ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL) ? 'PostgreSQL' : 'MySQL'; return $db_parameters; } /** * Function checks the layout of the TLS encryption fields */ private function checkTlsFieldsLayout() { $form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one(); $tls_encryption = $form->getField('Database TLS encryption'); $this->assertTrue($tls_encryption->isChecked()); // Check that Verify database certificate field is visible and set it. $verify_certificate = $form->query('xpath:.//label[@for="verify_certificate"]/span')->asCheckbox()->one(); $this->assertTrue($verify_certificate->isDisplayed()); $verify_certificate->check(); $form->invalidate(); $tls_fields = [ 'Database TLS CA file', 'Database TLS key file', 'Database TLS certificate file' ]; foreach ($tls_fields as $tls_field_name) { $tls_field = $form->getField($tls_field_name); $this->assertTrue($tls_field->isDisplayed()); $this->assertEquals(255, $tls_field->getAttribute('maxlength')); } // Check that Database host verification field is displayed. $this->assertTrue($form->query('xpath:.//label[@for="verify_host"]/span')->one()->isDisplayed()); // Uncheck the Database TLS encryption and verify that Verify database certificate field is hidden. $tls_encryption->uncheck(); $this->assertFalse($verify_certificate->isDisplayed()); } }