
Aleksejs Cikuns authored and Andrejs Griščenko committed 08ada1f9aa7M
..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed problems page and problems widget table layout issues when long names are used * commit '421ca7df958d5ba40a4e8227133228fdc5c0a3ab': ..F....... [ZBX-19731] removed .wordbreak class from severity column in Monitoring -> Problems ..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed Operational data column when long names are used; fixed incorrect changelog text ..F....... [ZBX-19731] removed .wordwrap class in the places where .wordbreak is used in Problems widget ..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed long name breaking the layout issue for Problems widget with option Show operational data: with problem name ..F....... [ZBX-19731] removed .wordbreak class for severity field in event details page; removed .wordwrap class from operational data field to leave only .wordbreak ..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed missing word breaks for "Trigger details" and "Event details" fields ..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed long item name breaking table layout in Items popup ..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed long severity name breaking table layout in monitoring problems ..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed problems by severety widget long problem name breaking table layout; fixed item popup long item names breaking table tayout ..F....... [ZBX-19731] fixed problems single line host name shrinks the Problem column size
Showing diff to1badf7d513e